Yoga Bound is "Yoga for Life, Yoga for Every Body". Created by Deb Porte Bobier - YA E- RYT500 Yoga & Meditation Teacher.

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Old keys can't unlock new doors.


Sunset on my favorite island


"It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in those days… Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me…

So throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair.

That’s why you must walk so lightly. Lightly my darling…"

Beautiful words from Aldous Huxley
Photo credit unknown - let me know


Enjoy some positive thoughts for your Thursday!


these moments
the sun peeking out
over the horizon
shimmering from one end
of the horizon to the other
brushing a blaze of color
across the sky
a slight breeze washing
over us
Oh, how I love
the simple things
just moments
that's all we can ever
really be sure of
fleeting moments
that we savor, tuck away
we shared together
morning coffee
listening to the birds sing
as the night fades giving way
to the coming day
a drive in the country
a picnic under a tree
laughter as we walk
along the streets
exploring quaint shops
our laughter trailing
behind us
rising falling
like a kite on the wind
these moments
captured in between
and deadlines
and obligations
in between all the stuff
that pulls us here and there
a patchwork quilt
of our life together
snapshots of
what we've done together
shared together
we truly lived
truly loved ...
a lifetime.. one moment at a time ... 🌺🌸💓
~ poem "One Moment at a Time" by Michael Traveler, author/poet
Special Thanks to Sketches in Stillness


“To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power.
Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget… another world is not only possible, she is on her way.
On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing."
Arundhati Roy




Timeline photos 02/09/2021

"Non hai bisogno di caffè; hai bisogno di dormire.
Non hai bisogno di nicotina; hai bisogno di camminare.
Non hai bisogno di ubriacarti; hai bisogno di ridere a crepapelle.
Non hai bisogno di sesso sfrenato; hai bisogno di connessione.
Non hai bisogno di urlare; hai bisogno di esprimerti.
Non hai bisogno di trangugiare; hai bisogno di ascoltare.
Non hai bisogno di droghe sintetiche; hai bisogno di arte.
Non hai bisogno di stimolanti; hai bisogno di un abbraccio.
Non hai bisogno di TV; hai bisogno di poesia.
Non hai bisogno di comprare; hai bisogno di Natura.
Non hai bisogno di giudicare, hai bisogno di entrare in empatia.
Non hai bisogno delle religioni; hai bisogno di fare domande.
Non hai bisogno di un partner; hai bisogno di amor proprio.

Hai bisogno di te.
Ho bisogno di me.

Al di sopra di tutto hai bisogno di pace interiore, il che richiede armonia tra l'interno e l'esterno.
Fai quello in cui credi e credi in quello che fai.”

Dipinto di Vasil Woodland




As someone who writes often, I naturally appreciate epic writing when I see it. This morning, I came across this written piece of art and it moved me deeply, so I had to share it with all of you! Not only are these words true theatre, they also act as sound advice ❤️

my brain and
heart divorced

a decade ago

over who was
to blame about
how big of a mess
I have become

they couldn't be
in the same room
with each other

now my head and heart
share custody of me

I stay with my brain
during the week

and my heart
gets me on weekends

they never speak to one another

- instead, they give me
the same note to pass
to each other every week

and their notes they
send to one another always
says the same thing:

"This is all your fault"

on Sundays
my heart complains
about how my
head has let me down
in the past

and on Wednesday
my head lists all
of the times my
heart has screwed
things up for me
in the future

they blame each
other for the
state of my life

there's been a lot
of yelling - and crying


lately, I've been
spending a lot of
time with my gut

who serves as my
unofficial therapist

most nights, I sneak out of the
window in my ribcage

and slide down my spine
and collapse on my
gut's plush leather chair
that's always open for me

~ and I just sit sit sit sit
until the sun comes up

last evening,
my gut asked me
if I was having a hard
time being caught
between my heart
and my head

I nodded

I said I didn't know
if I could live with
either of them anymore

"my heart is always sad about
something that happened yesterday
while my head is always worried
about something that may happen tomorrow,"
I lamented

my gut squeezed my hand

"I just can't live with
my mistakes of the past
or my anxiety about the future,"
I sighed

my gut smiled and said:

"in that case,
you should
go stay with your
lungs for a while,"

I was confused
- the look on my face gave it away

"if you are exhausted about
your heart's obsession with
the fixed past and your mind's focus
on the uncertain future

your lungs are the perfect place for you

there is no yesterday in your lungs
there is no tomorrow there either

there is only now
there is only inhale
there is only exhale
there is only this moment

there is only breath

and in that breath
you can rest while your
heart and head work
their relationship out."

this morning,
while my brain
was busy reading
tea leaves

and while my
heart was staring
at old photographs

I packed a little
bag and walked
to the door of
my lungs

before I could even knock
she opened the door
with a smile and as
a gust of air embraced me
she said

"what took you so long?"

~ John Roedel (


Do you know what is as important as working hard?


We all need to stop during the week to give our body, mind, and soul a little break.

After spending some time off, you become more creative, patient, and energize.

What are your plans for the weekend?


You are
