Zendy Wendy

Zendy Wendy

Zendy Wendy is all about finding zen and being healthy inside and out. To create a life that aligns


Having two Zendy Wendy pages (personal & business) is not necessary. This is a lingering situation from my original set up. Time to tighten it up!
Prepping for major growth calls for some “Marie Kondo Tidy Up” energy.
Please like & follow Zendy Wendy on Facebook and Zendy.Wendy on Instagram. Let’s stay connected and seek and celebrate the zen in life. 💜💜💜🌀🌀🌀


While reading the book “Unlocking the Vault” by Becky Shanahan Edwards
I have questions pop into my head… and then as I connect with the Universe itself, I get ANSWERS!
This book is a wealth of knowledge wrapped in this fun and friendly delivery by the author.
It is hard to describe how cool this book is. Buy the book. Read it. Feel free to message me with some of the question & answer conversation YOU have with the Universe!


Lunch break. If you expect the outcome to be different, what you bring in, or how you process it, might need to be different. This is what my 30 min break away from work looks like today. In order to reach those audacious awesome goals, we have to include some too!


Beautiful and majestic signs from the Universe.


EHS Band Boosters L♥️VE doing this dress sale to help our community & raise funds for EHS Band! ♥️♥️♥️👗👗👗

Please share this post far and wide (post, story, text) so that we can reach every single family that could benefit from a gorgeous $30 dress for Homecoming.
Thank you! Hope to see you there! Saturday 1-4pm at Bethany Lutheran Church 4200 N 204th Street (Elkhorn, NE)


Yes indeed. Each day brings new opportunities.


Love the view of coming home.


Walking the property at dusk is one of my favorite things to do. It makes me Zendy. Especially tonight, as I extend a heart-felt “welcome” to 12 new trees.
Oh! The Possibili-TREES!


DAY 10
After 10 days of Earthing and prioritizing self-care, how are you feeling? I’m loving the idea that I set a goal and followed through.


I had a zendy day at Soulfest in Kearney, NE! My booth was between and which made the day sooo fun and productive! Loved meeting some amazing people!!


Earthing today brings clarity as we are almost to the end of our 10-day challenge.
There are so many layers of nature around me. Openings between trees lead to in-depth visions of more trees, which lead to another mystical layer of trees, and beyond.
Our thoughts, positive or negative, can also follow a similar domino pattern of how we see things, and continue to see more of that same thing.
Start right now to look for something positive (no matter how big or small). Feel the positivity in your heart. Then, allow yourself to see the next positive thing, and then another positive thing…
If you choose to see negative, you will. If you choose to see positive, you will. Today, be mindfully and gracefully aware that it is a choice. Choose wisely.


Seeing a squirrel in a tree on our land is a very common event. What is not so common, is a squirrel resting and chatting while I’m standing still as well. It was interesting to notice the quick movements of stress and busy-ness settle into a rather peaceful break in the day… for both of us!
There are a few points to the spiritual meaning of a squirrel. One is remembering to play. What we do in between our “to do list items” is very important! Another point is to prepare for the future. I’m not sure about you, but when I’m prepared, I feel like I have time to play… so I can see where those go hand in hand. Lastly, the squirrel reminds us to lighten our load. Consider the basics and the practical things, and choose wisely the things you add beyond that. The word “simplify” comes to mind.


Earthing downhill today… Taking a nice barefoot walk down the hill this morning, and noticing the beaten paths of the animals who enjoy the clearing between the sections of woods. The animals instinctively understand the value of Earthing. Deep down, so do we. Let the Earth heal you.

Fun fact: this is our amazing sledding hill in the winter.


There is a beautiful story behind this little red feather.

The one who was seeking to find it, chose it as a sign that would signify the close of an old chapter and the beginning of a new one. For weeks she walked in nature, hoping to find a red feather, remaining open to the lessons the Universe wanted to teach.
On the very last day, on her very last walk…there it was.

Signs from Universe and the Divine can take on many forms. Is there a SIGN that has been given to you lately? Please share.


Earthing in some wide open spaces today. And I’m not just talking about this gorgeous green field. I’m talking about when we relax and allow our thoughts to appear, and disappear, without judgment. Softly we settle into a calm that brings peace. That is absolutely the space that calls to me right now. And Earthing helps me answer that call.
What does Earthing look like for you today? Post a pic. 💚


Hello Fall. Hello colorful leaves and comfy hats. Hello apple cider and pumpkin spice everything. I welcome the coolness. I welcome some change.


What does it mean when you find this book underneath a stack of books, which were underneath a stack of papers? Hmmm.


Stand on the Earth, next to beautiful trees and flowers… and just BE. Absorb the loving energy coming into your body. It will refuel you. It will rejuvenate you. It will restore you.


Take note of the things that make you happy.


Earthing feels good. The joyful curiosity of tapping into the Earth’s energy has me barking up the right tree.


I took this picture today. The Monarch butterfly symbolizes something and someone special to me. They can mean your angels or departed loved ones are with you. They can also serve as confirmation that you are on the right path. What does the Monarch mean to you?


Earthing in the Hot Tub while it’s raining is simply magical. The symbolic and physical cleansing meet at the intersection of peace and harmony. Ommm.

Share what Earthing looks like for you today. The more we share, the more people will curiously try Earthing. Joyful curiosity will take you on an amazing journey. Let’s go!


This morning, the diffuser is gifting me with cleansing and clarity via Lemon essential oil. Makes me Zendy. 🍋


Earthing feels so good. Especially when you might be feeling disconnected, this is a wonderfully gentle practice to bring you back to the now… Be present. Breathe. Be one with the Earth.
Please post a photo of whatever Earthing looks like for you today. This will attract more hearts to connect to nature and to the endless source of healing energy.


Sometimes a good hug is all we need. 🌳


Anyone want to do 10 days of Earthing? 🦶🌎
Slip your shoes off and step onto the Earth: the grass, the beach, the trail. Take a few minutes (15+ if you can) and imagine yourself “plugging into the Earth” and connecting to a special energy source created just for you! Invite the Earth’s electrons to come into your body and filling your energy field. Release anything that no longer serves you. The Earth is the master at recycling all of that. ♻️

📸 Let’s have some fun with this self-care practice. Post a pic when you feel like it. The more people that post, the more people will try Earthing. Step into this collective effort to heal and maintain our own body, mind and spirit. Now that is what makes me Zendy! 🌀


Self-Care isn’t always, but should be, a priority. Tonight it sure was. Self-Care via kayaking. Thanks for the chat on the water this evening.


Some days the road seems much longer than other days…

Videos (show all)

I received this as a gift several years ago, and I still absolutely adore it! Simply stand on the markings for your feet...
Listen to this conversation I had during my walk, with a Bobwhite Quail.  This vocal bird is symbolic of knowing when to...
Summer evening sounds… #zendywendy #zendy #summersounds #birdschirping
And here we are, yet another little purple surprise in the garden. Be still my Zendy heart. #zendywendy #zendy #plants #...
Look who is hangin’ around the garden. #zendywendy #zendy #flowers #garden #climatis
Purple Birthday Bath Bomb. Enough said. #zendywendy
