Yoga Center of Corinth

Yoga Center of Corinth

Yoga classes in Corinth. Gentle Hatha Yoga with a focus on yoga as therapy. Private classes and ther



Wonderful Body Rolling/Self Myofascial Release Class this morning! So wonderful to see women making their health a priority!

When you stop using your body regularly, you get stiffer, weaker, and more tired. Feeling stiff, weak, and tired makes you want to move even less, so you move less, thereby getting even stiffer, weaker, and more tired. This trend gets increasingly difficult to reverse with age.


Do your feet hurt?
Just another reason to come to Body Rolling / Self Myofascial Release Class.
Restrictions in the plantar fascia often carry neuromuscular consequences, leading to inhibition of the toe flexors. This leads to additional stiffening of the feet and other parts of the posterior chain. Rolling out the plantar fascia can help. This is what we do at Yoga Center of Corinth! We do more than just Yoga! Message us for class times and pricing.

Yoga Center of Corinth

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Elle , so glad the yoga class yesterday helped you!

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Yoga /Body Rolling and Gardening

I love digging in the dirt!
I'm in my zone when gardening! I can shut off the rest of the world.

I spend a lot of time doing gardening and yard work. Since I’ve been doing yoga I’ve become more aware of my body when gardening. I find myself incorporating yoga moves when I’m down low to the ground, such as drop-knee lunges to stretch my hips. I’m taking better care of my body while I’m gardening so I don’t end up with aches later on.

It’s important to prep your body for gardening with yoga and body rolling as well as doing yoga while weeding, digging and pruning. I can shut the rest of the world off when digging in the dirt!
It’s important to roll your feet and stretch your calves with a half dome. Stretch your ankles and quads, as you will need both flexibility and strength in those areas; you are trying to do things that engage the “core,” such as maintaining a neutral spine when working and avoiding rounding the back. Remember to hip hinge!

On days that I over do it in the garden I come inside and Body Roll to help release those tight and over worked muscles.

For me, every moment of gardening is instant gratification. With every dead branch I remove, I reveal a shrub’s natural beauty. With every new plant I tuck into the soil, I'm adding color and texture that’s pleasing to the eye. It’s endlessly satisfying.
The hardest work of all, to not constantly be doing something to the garden.


At Yoga Center of Corinth we incorporate lots of balance work to prevent falls and fractures! Need more info? Send us a message!


Be Wary of the Quick Fix

We are a culture addicted to the quick fix.
Anyone who has struggled with troubling, often chronic conditions like back pain, depression, irritable bowel syndrome, or other serious disorders often find out the hard way that modern medicine often falls short in offering lasting help. And worse, what relief modern medicine does offer comes at a high price: drug side effects that may be almost as debilitating and troubling as the condition itself.

If you continue to do the same thing over and over again and do not correct poor body mechanics and compensation patterns things will never change. Lifting more weights, running longer and pushing through pain are not the answer.

We live in a culture, where we are raised to take better care of our car than we do our bodies. Regular oil changes, winterization, detailing, regular maintenance checkups—these are things most of us do without even thinking about it. When it comes to our body, however, regular ‘maintenance care’ tends to fall on the list of things we should do, but never get around to. And even if we wanted to take better care of our body, we’ve never learned exactly how to do it.
Yoga and Body Rolling/ Self Myofascial Release are such powerful healing techniques, because your body needs movement. Movement stimulates the function of the organs, the lymph system, the digestive system, and of course, it’s necessary for muscles and bones to stay strong and healthy.
But yoga and Body Rolling are not a quick fix. If anyone tells you differently, run away. There is no one yoga asana, no one breathing technique, no one mudra, which will “fix” your problem. The postures, breathing techniques, and mudras all work together, over time, to restore wholeness and balance to the system. Yoga therapy is a journey of transformation. As you launch on this journey, view the process of dealing with your health issues as a way of restoring greater balance to your body and mind.
Our breath, our movements, the way we walk influence our whole body—the health of the organs, the functioning of the bodily systems. The long stretches and strengthening exercises of yoga frees the body of habitual tension and opens us to let in new life, new energy. In the process, old patterns of disease often loosen their hold and even fall away. This is a journey of transformation, not a quick fix. Yes, it takes time, but ultimately, it’s a journey that is much more rewarding.


How do you want to age and feel?
The choices we make daily have a significant impact on how we age and feel! You can continue to sit in front of a TV or computer or you can get up and move! Better yet, you can join us for Yoga and Body Rolling/Self Myofascial Release Classes at Yoga Center of Corinth! Don't grow old before your time!


We have a few slots left for Tuesday and Thursday at 9:00! Message for more information.


Self massage your chronic pain away with Body Rolling/Self Myofascial Release Class!


Just another reason attend Body Rolling/Self Myofascial Release Classes @ Yoga Center of Corinth! Our next class is tomorrow (Thursday) @ 9:00!

Foam Rolling May Increase Ankle Range of Motion

A recent systematic literature review, published in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, suggests there is strong evidence for a short-term increase in ankle dorsiflexion range of motion after a single application of foam rolling (FR) in a healthy population. Furthermore, some of the evidence suggests that FR may be a more suitable alternative to static stretching prior to athletic activity because it may not reduce calf complex force output. In comparison, the review suggests conclusions on long-term effects cannot be drawn due to lack of evidence and differences in previous literature.
Source: Grieve R, Byrne B, Clements C, Davies L-J, Durrant E, Kitchen O. The effects of foam rolling on ankle dorsiflexion range of motion in healthy adults: A systematic literature review. J Bodywork


It is the time of the year again when I get to complain about flip flops, the world’s most dangerous shoe. Summer approaches, the temperatures rise and toes long hidden are exposed.
The problem with flip flops is they are bad for your feet and the rest of you as well—actively bad.
Flip-flops are famously rough on the body and it's NOT just because they lack support. They encourage flexion of the toes (to hold the shoe to your foot) at a time in gait when you should be EXTENDING the toes. The result is compensation throughout the body, especially the neck.
Flip flops are often credited for resurrecting the Japanese economy post WWII but their negative effects on feet far outweigh any positives that their manufacturing might have created.
The way of the foot is with every successful step the foot lengthens into its stride and the toes extend as we roll our weight through the mound of the big toe.
This action is not available with flip flops. Because there is nothing anchoring your heel, you have to grip the toes with every step in order to keep your shoes on— exactly the opposite of what the foot is supposed to do. The feet should lengthen and expand with every step you take.


Thank you Joseph for these kind words. Yoga and Body Rolling/ Self Myofascial Release Classes offered weekly. Message Yoga Center of Corinth for more information on class times.


This is what you missed this morning in Body Rolling/Self Myofascial Release Class! We practiced a routine for releasing restrictions in the front of the shoulders. This helps with round shouldered patterns and to prevent the forward tilt of the upper body that often occurs in the aging process. Message for details about our next class!


Fascial Stiffness and Depression

New research shows that myofascial stiffness correlates with depression. Depressive patients were shown to be stiffer in the neck, trapezius and the mid thoracic erector spinae. Studies show that rolling/self-myofascial release has a profound effect on depression.
The newest research shows how loss of flow, i.e. the loss of the suppleness and fluidity of the fascial tissue now seems to be a factor in numerous disease conditions including depression, chronic diseases, and loss of mobility!
Your body is like a sponge. If it is dry and stiff you need to hydrate it with Yoga and Body Rolling/Self Myofascial Release! When you squeeze the sponge(body) then new blood will flush in and hydrate the tissues! Myofascial stiffness blocks the flow! When a sponge dries out it becomes brittle and hard. It can easily be broken with only a little force because of how crispy it has become. However, when a sponge is wet and well hydrated it gets springy and resilient. You can crush it into a little ball and it bounces back. You can wring it and twist it, but it is difficult to break.

Message us for details on class times and pricing!


Do you need to relax? Give Yoga and Body Rolling/ Self Myofascial Release a try!


Have you found that you want to exercise but your body just won’t let you?

Or that your pain is so tough that exercise isn’t even a possibility and just doing the daily errands feels hard?

You CAN exercise and move through the world with a strong body. I will show you how!
Join us for Yoga and Body Rolling/ Self Myofascial Release!


Join us for classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! Our Yoga is safe and slower with emphasis on proper alignment and relaxation! We don't do crazy pretzel yoga poses! Anyone can practice yoga regardless of size or conditions!


Thank you Elle Marie for this wonderful review! So happy you got to join us today!

Photos from Yoga Center of Corinth's post 11/03/2024

Join us at Yoga Center of Corinth for Self Myofascial Release Class and get UNSTUCK!

Your HAMSTRINGS are directly connected to the soles of your FEET and also your EYEBROWS ! It’s true, your back body fascial line is so long it connects you head to toe ! This is why rolling your feet can relieve tension in your NECK and even HEADACHES . This is also why if you tend to sit or stand with rounded spine/poor posture, you will have chronically tight hamstrings.


Anyone can practice yoga @ Yoga Center of Corinth!

"Moving slowly through a yoga practice allows you to regulate the nervous system, sense and feel into what is truly happening on the day, and build strength without strain and without injury."

I love Donna Farhi's words!
Sometimes it feels as if time is accelerating. This seems to be truer for those of us in the autumn years of our lives who know that we have fewer years ahead than those already lived. At the same time, we have entered a time on the planet when change is happening at an accelerated pace. It can be difficult to absorb this change without feeling anxious or tipped off balance.
Strangely, this sped-up pace is being mirrored within the world of yoga. Classes are shorter and often instructed at such a frenzied pace that one might wonder whether it is serving the pathology of the culture and thereby becoming part of the problem. While that might seem harsh, many of the people who have been attending my classes tell me they have stopped going to yoga classes. And they’ve stopped attending live classes because they find themselves unable to sense, feel and respond to their bodies in an intelligent way because the pace of the class is just too darned fast! I know many of you are yoga practitioners and teachers with decades of practice behind you and that your level of mobility, fitness and awareness is exceptional. What I can surmise is that it’s not that the generic public yoga class is too physically challenging, it’s just counterproductive for someone with a mature understanding of their body/soma and psyche. Because why do yoga if the net result is that you feel discombobulated and left with a case of jangling nerves! Does this ring true for some of you?
, I applaud those of you who continue to show up on your mat and to draw upon your own inner guidance to find a sense of calm amidst the storm. Moving slowly through a yoga practice allows you to regulate the nervous system, sense and feel into what is truly happening on the day, and build strength without strain and without injury. This is the kind of yoga practice that can give us ballast in a topsy-turvy world.
Donna Farhi


Happy Monday!


Your body is miraculous and works tirelessly on your behalf. Be grateful -- unconditionally.


From Pain to Possibility
Do you struggle with pain and weakness? Yoga and Body Rolling/Self Myofascial Release may help! Message for more details on classes.
When I work with clients or teach a class with students that have pain, I work with them to grow their awareness, reduce compensatory patterns and improve function.
Their biomechanics improve, their breathing improves, and parts of their body that don't need to grip or brace start to soften.
Their pain goes down and their strength goes up. They see possibility!
They begin to feel a desire for REAL STRENGTH.
This may take the form wanting to return to the yoga classes, or get back to golf, walking or another sport.
That may not seem like a big deal... but it really is.
They have moved from a place of fear and concern to trust and belief (in themselves).
And as a teacher . . . to witness this . . . welllll . . . it is so darn cool.
It is one of the best parts of my job.


Thank you Elle for these kind words! It was so wonderful to have you back with us tonight!

Photos from Yoga Center of Corinth's post 19/02/2024

Tomorrow is Warrior Day in Yoga! Where do your feet and hips go in these poses?


YOGA WARRIOR DAY! Be a fierce warrior!
Next Tuesday @ 9:00 we will concentrate on correct and safe foot and hip positioning for Warrior poses! Warrior poses increase strength, stamina and mobility!
