Brian Wittman, Realtor

Brian Wittman, Realtor

This is a business page where you can get updated on real estate, property ideas, financial growth,

I'm an independently contracted Realtor® working for HomeSmart Realty Group. Contact me at any time for any real estate needs you may have. I work to provide the best customer service to both clients and customers by being technology-based, flexible, convenient, and having timely responses to all questions and needs. My page gives you all kinds of different info on both the market and things you can do with your house.

Statement from NAHB Chairman Carl Harris on President Biden’s State of the Union Address 08/03/2024

I saw this article from the NAHB today, which pointed me to the State of the Union address. No matter where you stand on the political side, you have to agree that housing prices need to flatten a little bit. And to do that, we need houses to sell. He mentioned some plans briefly, but they are key to providing the 2 million houses he hopes to add.

I definitely don’t think we need more buyers, and giving more credits to first-time and first-generation home buyers doesn’t help. The idea to attract trade up buyers and downsizing buyers as a way to create more inventory is a good idea. The only problem is that the downsizer may end up targeting the same homes that the first-time home buyer is looking at. (Although hopefully, they have some equity in their house and they can buy something new and smaller and allow that family to trade up and right-size their home.) The credit for that kind of buyer may allow them to move if they are scared of the higher interest rates. It says that it makes the effective interest rate lower... but I’d like to see more data on that.

The other things talked about are the change in regulations for building. One of the things they are targeting is more multifamily homes. This would be great for people looking to invest. Having more areas to rent will also help curb rental costs. The one thing I don’t quite agree with is the idea of more regulation to curb how landlords run their business. The thing is, the renter always has an option. They can go somewhere else. I know it’s easier said than done, but they also don’t have to rent that property with the “junk fees”.

What do you think about the President’s idea to attack affordable housing? Would a credit help you right size? Would you ever consider partnering with an experience real estate investor to help grow your wealth?

Check out the article from the NAHB and check the comments below to see the fact sheet directly from the White House.

Statement from NAHB Chairman Carl Harris on President Biden’s State of the Union Address NAHB Chairman Carl Harris attended tonight’s State of the Union address and issued the following statement regarding President Biden’s remarks.


So check this out... Black Kight is an analytics company that gathers data and provides all kinds of analysis and info for real estate. This is their most recent report on price growth. It is from March so I am looking forward to seeing the next one when we have more inventory and more data to pull from.

But you'll notice that on this report, Chicago isn't there. It was currently sitting at 0.5% growth as of the time of this report. Why is that important? Well, I'll tell you.

It's important to know that even though we are facing a recession and we have quite a few foreclosures, we still aren't seeing enough homes added to the market. Supply and demand drive pricing and it's still driving prices up right now... just at a much slower pace. We haven't seen the biggest increases, but we haven't seen the decreases really either.

What are your thoughts about what this means for the market? Comment below. And of course, give me a like if you like data about real estate and give me a follow for more simple data analysis and application like this.


I became interested in Simon Sinek a while ago. If you haven't watched his Ted talk... please do so now. Link below. I've read almost all of his books and his philosophical thoughts really strike a chord with me. So I stumbled across this book here. It's actually a workbook that explains how to really find your why. Most people think they know their why, but this really helps dive down. One of the things it requires is a good friend to help you do so. I decided to actually do it. So after a couple hours, I figured out my why.

"To provide a home you are proud of so that you feel safe, happy, and part of a community."

This explains why investing and being an agent is such a big thing for me. Let me know what you think of my why or even Simon Sinek. And check out the book if you want to figure out your why.


Last week I posted an article about the new fees for conforming loans from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and now that the bears are done drafting, here's my take. I point out a few things to remember about it. Leave your take in the comments below.

Also, here's the article I referenced in the video with some examples of the numbers.

15 Best Playgrounds in the Western Suburbs of Chicago 24/04/2023

With the weather getting warmer, I thought you might like to know the best playgrounds in the area. This Kidlist provided list is a top 15 list for the western suburbs, and should be updated for this year very soon. These are still good playgrounds around us in the western suburbs to visit with your kiddos. Is there one missing off this list you think should be there, or one on their list you think should be higher? Comment below...

15 Best Playgrounds in the Western Suburbs of Chicago The best playgrounds with photographs and descriptions so you can visit some new ones, schedule a playdate, or do a playground tour. Have fun!

The best burgers in Chicago 18/04/2023

A friend of mine and I started talking about our favorite local burger place (Burger Antics in Brookfield) and he told me that I for sure needed to check out Forbidden Root (also knowing that I really like their beer). I saw this article thanks to Google (I think they're always listening) and it's rated in the top 20 in Chicago. Makes me really want to go try it now... Which burgers have you had on the list? Which ones do you think should be on there?

P.S. If there's good beer or bourbon there, even better!

The best burgers in Chicago Get 'em with a host of mouthwatering toppings.


Warning, warning, this may trigger you... S #*! My Dad Says redone. Is something you heard a real estate agent say actually good advice? Here's my opinion on a popular one I've heard lately... I call this S #*! an Agent Says.

If you like this kind of video, give me a like or comment below if you think this is good advice or bad advice. And if you know someone who may benefit from this, share it or tag them. 😉


If you don't know... I love to read. I take my recommendations from lots of places... stuff I'm currently reading, Amazon, and other people's recommendations. The book I just finished was a recommendation from Jeff and Nate (a couple of my growing network of Whos)... kind of indirectly. Nonetheless, I finished Who Not How, and man was it good!

It involves a simple premise that instead of looking how to do something, find a who to help you do it. There are tons of examples in the book and a few other provoking thoughts about the application of the philosophy. I highly recommend picking it up if you're looking for a thought-provoking, insightful, shorter read that has you looking for a different (and I'm going to bet better) way of getting things done. Give this post a like if you think this might be a better way to do things.

So now with that said, who has skills that they don't know how to use or wants to partner up and join my to get some stuff done?! And tag someone or shoot me a DM if you want to start to figure out how we can become each others whos.

(Picture of book for reference and link to Amazon to buy it if you want. I don't make anything off of this, so give it a read and tell me what you think.)

Brookfield Zoo ranks among top zoos nationwide 12/04/2023

Your cool thing to know for today...

The Brookfield Zoo is ranked fifth nationwide according to 10 Best Readers' Choice wards. They cite animal interactivity and the facilities. I'll chime in and say the seasonal exhibits are always awesome too. So as the weather breaks, go check out one of the top ranked zoos in the nation.

To read more about it, check out the article here

And for more great local things to know or real estate advice, like and follow my page now.

Brookfield Zoo ranks among top zoos nationwide It seems Brookfield Zoo's popularity has extended nationwide.


Got a tip from one of my preferred lenders and seeing this article from Google made me think how applicable it is.

If you have a HELOC, it's a good time to refinance it into your primary mortgage. Rates are expected to continue to climb throughout the year thanks to inflation. Writing off that interest may be a big help to your taxes next year. Talk to your CPA/tax professional to make sure it's a good plan for you. And if you want to see what's going on with rates that sparked my agreement, check out this article.

‘It hasn’t been normal’: As mortgage rates rise for a fifth week, it’s time for homebuyers to abandon their old assumptions 24/09/2022

Since this time last year, you've lost about 25% buying power. As a buyer that means you'll need to adjust what you're looking for. As a seller, that means your demand is starting to change. Reading the market is important when you're looking to buy or sell.

‘It hasn’t been normal’: As mortgage rates rise for a fifth week, it’s time for homebuyers to abandon their old assumptions Today’s tougher environment isn’t unusual and could be just the ‘remedy’ the doctor ordered.


Getting to check out the new in my neck of the woods.

Beers have been good and they have a partnership with for food. That means a great, relaxing night.

The odds of home prices correcting spiked over the past month 27/05/2022

Here's an article from Fortune I saw recently showing CoreLogic's interactive map to show the odds of a price drop in local areas. Check it out!

My quick take... we won't see much of a drop in the Chicagoland area. Why? Prices have been driven by supply and demand locally. And now with rates rising (pretty quickly I might add), you'll start to see the borderline buyers leaving the market. It stinks for them, but just connect with a good Realtor and they'll help you get ready or help you adjust what you're looking for. But seriously, check out the article and at least go to the map to see what our chances are.

Here's an article from Fortune using CoreLogic's interactive map to show the odds of a price drop in local areas. Check it out!

The odds of home prices correcting spiked over the past month This interactive map, based on analysis run by CoreLogic, shows if your local market is at risk.

Photos from Brian Wittman, Realtor's post 08/05/2022

If you're in Cook County... Listen up! The tax sale is coming up soon and if you don't act soon, you could end up losing your property. There might even be overpayments on previous years to make up for it, and there's a lot to this! So if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out and I'll be glad to help you and answer any questions you may have!

, what should you do before the bubble pops?! 16/04/2022

, what should you do before the bubble pops?! You'll want to know this! Helping you find your home solutions! Check Out the Market HomeSmart Realty Group | The Blue Jean Realtor Hey Brian, Have you seen the craziness going on with real estate and

Redfin: More sellers are cutting home prices as housing market demand begins to soften 15/04/2022

Is this the good news buyers have been hoping for?! Right now, I'd say let's wait and see... But things could be going in the right direction for buyers.

Redfin: More sellers are cutting home prices as housing market demand begins to soften The housing market just may be starting to soften, says Redfin. It has to do with the Fed, the end of team transitory, and the resulting surge in mortgage rates.


That last 2 years has changed so many things in our industry. Here's a look at 4 trends we're already seeing early in the year and what to expect in 2022! What trend do you think will happen this year? Comment down below!


People often think that buyers are putting 20% down, but a recent survey from NAR shows that isn't always the case at all. Putting less than 20% down is more common than you might think! Here's what a purchase scenario for the average price in La Grange Park and what it looks like with 5% down vs 20% down.

Photos from Brian Wittman, Realtor's post 19/03/2022

Spring officially starts tomorrow! So what better to do, when the weather is rainy, 🌧 but start on your spring cleaning?! 🧹

So here's a checklist to help you. ✅ It's one I'm using now and already have a few things done. Go to my link and download the PDF if you'd like your own copy!

22 Side Gigs That Can Make You Richer Than a Full-Time Job 16/03/2022

One of the ways we can help you is promoting side hustles to improve your income 💲 to help you buy... so here's an awesome list to check out! I really only qualify for 1️⃣ or 2️⃣ of these. But I wanna know how to be a frequent flyer ✈️ specialist. What about you, which one do you want to know about? Or which ones do you qualify for? Check out the list and tell me below! ⬇️

22 Side Gigs That Can Make You Richer Than a Full-Time Job If you need a side job to create extra income, read this list of viable side jobs to create your own schedule and breaking out of the 9-to-5 grind. According to Business Insider, real estate and tourism businesses often hire local writers to craft city and neighborhood guides.


Motivational quote incoming!!
This quote is often attributed to Wayne Gretzky (or Michael Scott if you're a 'The Office' fan). And it's more accurate now than ever before. So if you think you want to buy or sell... take your shot. Talk to a real estate agent and see how they can help!

And if you have time, tell me what your favorite sports related quote is in the comments below.


Do you know where Realtors can find houses 🏘 for you to buy?! 💵

There are lots of places Realtors can help you find a house to buy. I go over common ones here... Including some places to find FSBO listings.
Let me tell you some of the areas, including 2️⃣ forgotten ones on the MLS. And we'll also go over 3️⃣ areas to find FSBO listings. Tag someone who you might think needs this advice or if you think of one I forgot, mention it in the comments!


Is it always difficult to see opportunity?!

The current market presents major opportunity for sellers right now. If you're thinking of selling your home 🏡 within the next couple years, more may be the right time❗That's the opportunity.

So what do you do to buy when you're selling... Well there's options for that. There are ways to buy before you sell or even rent back your home until you find one, or using flexible closings. Ask me for more details and find out how you can make the best of the market 📈 now!


Gas prices keep climbing and I'm buying them wheel shoes! 😂 😂 Should have used them today!


It's the end of restaurant week and I figured why not give you my top 5️⃣ restaurants in the La Grange area. I kept changing my 5️⃣ and finally decided after setting out my criteria! Watch and see what they are and then tell me one you think I missed or one of your favorite things from my favorite 5️⃣.

And remember, enjoy restaurant week!


"I can't buy now. Prices are getting too high!"

Yeah, I know... It's a common thing I'm hearing. Here's the deal though, even with rates rising, rates are still historically low. But there is an expectation that they will go higher... Maybe even into the upper 4s. (To be completely transparent, I think the upper 4s is possible.)
So how do you combat rising prices... Lock in the rates while it's lower. Rates just dropped again... Not much but as you can see from this short video what 0.2% can mean. If you're thinking about buying, now is the time to get hooked up when a good mortgage rep and be ready to pounce when you find something you like. I have a few that can help with just that.

If you found this interesting, give it a share and let others know how to combat rising prices.

Rates play a very big part in buying power! Here’s an example of how much less home you can get with the same monthly payment as rates rise throughout the year!

Photos from Brian Wittman, Realtor's post 02/03/2022

So the end-of-month stats came out from my MLS, and no surprise... fewer sold listings but they're selling for more than before! In all honesty, everything listing side is down compared to last year, except price. See, new listings are down and so are the number of homes under contract.
So what's my take?!
Well, we need more homes on the market! Builders are building, but can't come close to doing it fast enough... so if you were planning on selling within the next 3 years, now may be the time to do it! You can capitalize on a hot seller's market and still find a home before affordability starts to go down. (That's a topic for another conversation.)
And if you're worried about being homeless after selling... well, we have solutions for that.


There are many options for VA loan benefits, but one of my preferred lenders is Kyle Piekarski NMLSR ID 1981292 - Wells Fargo! He's a brief review of how Wells Fargo and Kyle can help you!

Videos (show all)

Last week I posted an article about the new fees for conforming loans from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and now that the ...
Warning, warning, this may trigger you... S#*! My Dad Says redone. Is something you heard a real estate agent say actual...
Do you know where Realtors can find houses 🏘 for you to buy?! 💵. . . . There are lots of places Realtors can help you fi...
It's the end of restaurant week and I figured why not give you my top 5️⃣ restaurants in the La Grange area. I kept chan...
"I can't buy now. Prices are getting too high!"Yeah, I know... It's a common thing I'm hearing. Here's the deal though, ...
One of the most important things about listing your house is optimizing its online presence. Here's a video that hits 6️...
Day 1 of Krista Mashore's Client Conversion Accelerator. I really love how powerful the brain is! Also... Totally commit...
This a really cool program that I'm approved for that let's you buy before you sell your home... So for those looking to...
Happy new year to every last one of you! May the start of the year be memorable and fun! To help with that, tell me your...
Here's a tip on buying or selling a home... In about 2 minutes.#realestate #2minutetip #pandemic #realestatetips #reales...
