Fon Churat

Fon Churat

I help busy professional women improve their mental wellbeing & effectively manage daily stress. Anything is possible. Contact me to uplift your journey today.

Radically overcome struggles through clearing, shifting energies to live more aligned and balanced life. Guided by woman who have lived and learned the lessons first hand. Sessions may include mindfulness practice, guided meditation, hypnotherapy (and past-life regression), energy-work, and breath-work. All sessions are virtual, private and customized for the individual and small group. Transformational sessions may promote peace, relaxation, speed healing, restore, harmonize the body & mind.

‎One Mindful Min: The Impact of Meditation on One’s Mental and Emotional Well-being on Apple Podcasts 07/04/2024

Hello friends,

I’m so happy & grateful to share with you my new exciting endeavor with podcast.

Some of you have heard about (and seen) it especially if you’re connected with me on LinkedIn and Instagram.

The One Mindful Min podcast has officially launched its first episode on Feb 24th this year and within a little under 30 days of the 1st episode. We had over 2000 views on YouTube🎉🥳🎉

My mission with One Mindful Min podcast to share insights and practical mindfulness tips listeners can incorporate into their daily life and hopefully inspire them to keep practicing mindfulness to see more and more results both instantly and in the long run.

Your support can really create a ripple effect into so many lives than you might be aware of. So please consider like & share with people you know who can benefit from the show.

I also offer virtual and in person wellness retreat, mindfulness programs, and workshops for private groups which includes organizations and other private groups. If you haven’t got a chance to check it out. Here you go:

1st episode on Apple Podcast:


‎One Mindful Min: The Impact of Meditation on One’s Mental and Emotional Well-being on Apple Podcasts ‎Show One Mindful Min, Ep The Impact of Meditation on One’s Mental and Emotional Well-being - Feb 24, 2024


Behind the scene of the recent episodes you’ve seen on my YouTube channel📺

Why am I sharing something that is far from what many pros on Instagram are sharing?😓

Here are my reasons:

I have a mission I’d like to accomplished which is helping empowered those who are ready to transform their life and their organizations through one of the most powerful ways that need to be tap into by the union of mind & body at a relaxed state🧘🏻

Life is too short for perfection. I want to set an example of letting go of the excuses we may have that slow us down on achieving our missions and we must stop comparing ourselves to the others who we don’t even know what they’ve been through to get to their glorious shares on this platform🌟

We are all have a path to walk. Some haven’t choose the path they would truly enjoy yet and I am here to let you know, it’s never too late to change as long as you still have the desire!🤔

Get out of your own way so you can enjoy this life more fully😉

Let go of doubts & negative thoughts if you ready to transform🍃 They are just an effect of your past experiences. Children maybe curious but they don’t doubt. Yes, that child is still inside of you!

Let’s do this together🤝 I’m here for you.

With all my love💖



Cheers to the Michigan Wolverines and their incredible win🎉

Do you know meditation plays a roll in many professionals success?

Meditation is more than just finding inner peace; it’s a game changer for athletes too! 🚀
Whether on the field or in the boardroom, a clear and centered mind can lead to extraordinary achievements💪🏼

🙋🏻‍♀️Ready to incorporate mindfulness & meditation into your routine?

DM me and let’s chat about your journey to a winning mindset on and off the field📝


“If you feel anxiety or depression, you are not in the present. You are either anxiously projecting the future or depressed and stuck in the past. The only thing you have any control over is the present moment; simple breathing exercises can make us calm and present instantly.” ― Tobe Hanson

🌉 💯

I help organizations reduce stress levels, the cost of health care, absenteeism, improve productivity, workplace experience, & employees engagement. Happy & healthier employees mean more growth for both companies and the individuals.


Do you seek help when you feel stuck/stagnant in life/at work?🤔

A lot of time we tend to think the circumstances, situations, and people that cause us to feel the way we do. That’s because it’s easier for some of us to not have to be responsible for such an impact.

We tend to forget we have a choice. We tend to play victim.

Next time you’re experiencing any of those feelings. Pause, take a few deep breaths down into your solar plexus, follow your breath to approximately two fingers above your navel and ask what tiny step can I take to make me flow again?🧘🏻‍♀️

Then, imagine yourself taking the step and seeing the results you desire, notice how it makes you feel in your body.

Taking the actual step will be easier after this practice. Let me know when you give it a try. I’d love to hear about you experience.


I help team leaders stop putting out fires & getting teams operating at 90%+ in 90days through my customized wellness programs💓DM for more details & demos.


"All living beings seek happiness." 👵🏼🙋🏻‍♀️🧓🏼

Throughout our lives we seek happiness according to one's own taste. Or we see what other people do so we follow that because we understand that this is happiness. Some people just want to eat well and be able to sleep which for them is considered happiness. For some others, the acquisition of fame is regarded as happiness. Many people consider that consuming enough to be satisfied is happiness. This could include the consumption of sight, taste, smell, sound and touch. If we think that happiness lies in people, then we go to people. If we think happiness is in material things, we will go find material things. We run around according to our under standing, according to our taste.

💡However, we never find true happiness. That is because everything in this world, no matter who we cling to or all material things we cherish, are all subject to change. Nothing lasts for-ever. Changing leads to decay and destruction. "Dukkha," meaning unsatisfaction, is an innate characteristic of existence in the realm of Samsara (cycle of life). The more we cling to, the more we suffer.

🪷The Buddha, the most successful person in life, taught: "Nat-thi Santiparam Sukham," mean-ing, "There is no happiness greater than peace of mind?

🧘🏻‍♀️“True and lasting happiness is not distant. It is within us, we must iust allow oneself to sit still, to let go of all thoughts and be quiet in the present moment”

Sooner or later our mind will gradually calm down, like muddy water which has turned clear when placed still. This kind of happiness relies on nothing but oneself.

Phrakrubhavanavides (Manikanto Bhikkhu) is the senior Abbot of the Dhammakaya Meditation Center Silicon Valley. An ordained Buddhist Monk for 35 years.

Article by Morgan Hill Times

🙏🏼I had the honor and privilege to learn meditation & Buddhism (yes you read that right) with the abbot and I am so grateful. If you are in the area. I’d like to invite you join his meditation practice on Friday 3-4 pm. FREE


Your mind is your most powerful tool.

Shift it to the thoughts that help you get to happiness and growth.


😍I have something exciting for you in April🔥

If you have been slowing down on working toward your desires or New Year resolutions. Now is your chance to join me and pick that back up with 21 Days Manifesting Meditation💓

Why not start the 2nd quarter of the year with activating your very own higher power and use it to fuel your mission💪🏼

💡get your peers to do it with you because any we do in group collective is so much more powerful!

Maybe you can bring it to your team leader(s) and have the company sponsors the whole team👬👭to work on your goals. Because company is made up of the individuals. When the individual is doing well, company is doing well in result🧘🏻‍♀️


Manifest Your Dreams✨

Traveling to see the world have been “the thing” for me since I was a teen but born & raised in a family that works 7days/week made it feels so challenging (limiting beliefs we created for ourselves!).

Now looking back, it wasn’t that hard to get out of that mentality and reality. I have written down my intention to visit Greece over a decade ago but didn’t prioritize it. Long story short…Finally, I made it to Greece! Things fall into places for me in an expected way and I have to say I am loving it❤️😍

There’s no secret. “Meditation” is the tool I used to get what i want!

Give it a try. I’m sure you’ll notice the shift and change just like what happened with my journey✨

More to share to enjoy Athens while I’m here❤️🤗


Meditation & Mindfulness can help you shift⬆️✨💃🏻✨🕺🏼✨

A research reported as many as 40% Americans seems to be aware of how powerful meditation & mindfulness can be for their empowerment ( and they’ve meditated at least once/week).

When you apply the practice to your daily life. You will be able to notice the change both in yourself & others that may have play a role in the circumstances.

It can be challenging when getting started but when you stay consistent with it, you will get better & better each time💪🏼

When you feel like 💩in one area of your life…it can effect the other areas sooner or later.

I don’t know anyone who’d want that. Do you?

Doing it alone can feel overwhelmed. I’ve been there. I invite you to give group practice a try. I love group energy. If I could participant in a group setting but in my own space where I don’t have to worry about anyone opening their eyes to see me wiping my tears (because sometime things come up!).

Virtual sessions can be just as powerful as in person. I valued my time on earth very much and I’m sure you do too. I’d love to use every moment wisely. That’s one of the reasons I’ve transitioned to virtual.

I hope this’s helpful to get you going. I’m just a click away👩🏻‍💻🤗 If you would like more guidance for your personal practice or for your team at work.xo


🥳A Birthday Reminder🎉🎉🎉

This’s a birthday card I got from one of my wellness participants that we could all use as an everyday reminder of our superpower✨💪🏼✨

I hope this help boosts your day & week into the super week (& weekend!) of greatness✨💃🏻🕺🏼✨❤️


All the great teachers (famous & those whom you can’t find them on the internet) have talked about where your attention goes, your energy flows again & again🔁

Have you notice?

Have you been re-directing your focus?

⏰Take a moment for yourself (again & again, if you feel more resistance) and let the universe work the magic for you.

🗝Let go of the need to control the the process and be sure to know the outcome that you truly want.


Recognize when you want “it” now.


Take a deep a deep breath & let it go!

Take time to be in the flow because that’s when magic happens✨

I struggled with this process for years till I committed to daily meditation & mindfulness…

And bam!


Universe: Duhhh…🙄

Small steps = Results
Big step = lesson(s)

My 2 cents for today🤓😘


Mindfulness Monday🧘🏻‍♀️

I’d like to share what I’ve learned from 21 days meditation challenge with a renown teacher Deepak. What can be more suitable than a mantra on Monday (beside 🕉and because it rhymes🤣).

“As I live in presence moment awareness, I live the magic of synchronicity”

Now, observe what happen!✨

Photo credit to my personal paparazzi who see me when I don’t see myself🙏🏼❤️


Are you being Mindful or Mind-full?

Pay attention to your thoughts.
It can create miracles in your life.

Meditation & mindfulness are the tool to help you do that. Many people have experienced positive changes after integrating meditation & mindfulness into their lives.

🧘🏻‍♀️Have you try meditation or practice being mindful❓

If you have, I’d love to know how it goes for you.
Kindly share in comment below👇🏽

If not, share your why & would you be open to try❓



Happy International Women’s Day💃🏻


Art by


Honoring one of the greatest mindfulness, meditation, spiritual teachers “ Thich Nhat Hanh”🙏🏼

🕉Peace 📿💟📿


Clear the inside & the outside will fall into places.

I’ve been away from home nearly a month now.

Of course, not everyday is sunny & nice. That is normal in life.

Even during this get away time. I took one full day to just have a “ let loose” & absolutely didn’t try to “fight my feelings” kinda day. No planing, no searching for the best place to eat, just flow all day. It may feel a bit out of control at first but you feel more free later. That night I slept like a baby. Woke up no soreness or stiffness which happen sometime especially after walking & being super active all day.

🗝key to something better✨💡✨

Clean out the inside feelings, emotions, negative/limiting thoughts. All these create physical blocks in our bodies & circumstances.

Sending you flow vibes from the rooftop✨✨✨💓

PS. 🤫Can you keep a secret? I’m think of putting together a “glowy retreat” here! Where you just lounge on the beach or by the pool & get daily massages, meditate, and even facial rejuvenation.
Would you or anyone you know be interested? Drop me a line in comment below or DM for privacy.

Photos from Fon Churat's post 05/01/2022

Contemplation Challenge💪🏼

Today, let’s spend time on “the driftwood/evident on your path”.

If you’re in the process of manifesting. Notice what’s already happening for you. Small things lead to bigger things in life.

Write down what you noticed.
For me was getting IV vitamins. Which I have been wanting to try for awhile. I finally got it & gifted it at the same time! Thank you for your lovely services🙏🏼 we’re so grateful😍

Keep writing….

As a meditation teacher I highly recommend… looking at your list again before bed and to add more juice to the manifesting energy, we must give gratitude.
Spend 5-10mins on gratitude meditation for your driftwood.

I learned this from the master you might already know Gabby Bernstein & sharing with love.

Let me know how it goes✨💖✨


Happy New Year🎉✨🎉✨

Wishing you a magical 2022 in all areas of your life😍

“You get what you focus on, so focus on what you want”.

I can’t wait to see/hear what will be unfolding for all of us!

So much love for you✨💖✨


The new year is an(other) opportunity to change things in our lives.

If you have been reflecting on what/where your life have been in 2021 & know in your heart that it can be better but you’re not sure what to do just quite yet.

My first advice to you is tune in to your intuition!

The next advice is stop giving yourself an(other) excuse to get out of pursuing the life you really want!

That is plenty for you to think about for the next few days as you are transitioning into 2022✨🌱✨

Wishing you a happy New Year & new beginnings of many exciting things, magic times, you name it!✨💖✨


Happy Winter Solstice❄️

Today is a potent time to celebrate & embrace the darkness especial ours.

Light won’t be that impressive if we don’t know the dark first.

☀️To be a better version of who we are, we must acknowledge the darkness, even play with it, or love it!

👵🏼The people before us understand that winter solstice is not just time to be still, recuperate, go within. It’s also the signal that growth is coming🌱

My question for you is…..

What is your heart yearning for in 2022?

I’m inviting you to use this potent solstice time for yourself and see:

🧿What darkness do you have to play it?

✂️What are you ready to let go in order to make room for your growth?

🌟What do you wish to use the power of light to support you in?

I’d love to support your through your journey. Reach out when you’re ready to move forward with some helps & a little push😘

PS. Photo is taken while I was hiking in Panther meadow in CA. I was going through photos in my gallery and love how appropriate it is for today💓


Last Full Moon’s magic in 2021✨

OMG! We’re literally a few days away from Christmas😲

I took these photos last night as we were going out to dinner thinking about sharing the wonderful experience with you here.

If you stumbled upon this. You’re meant to receive the message so stop scrolling & please take a moment for yourself to:

-reflect on some experiences that brought you joy in the past year.

-feel your emotions as they arise in your body.

-if any other emotion other than joy surface, identify the emotion & the story that come with it. Write down what you’re feeling & the intention of letting the story & the emotions go.

-bring in the feeling of gratitude. Close your eyes & silently say “I am grateful”. You can expand this on to your journal.

Full moon energy usually energized me & keep me awake at night. If it’s not too cold I enjoy being out side with the moon to do all this practice or I sit by the window to do it. You can do wherever your heart wishes.

Let me know if you giving this ritual a try today or have done it before. I’d love to hear your experience.

Last thing I wanna share if you have a chance to gather with family is
remember to bring in some mindfulness to your eating (pay attention to your senses when eating, eat slowly, chew your food, put your folk down between bites, feel gratitude with every bite).
It really helps me reduce the stress from holidays gathering.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate that)🎄✨💖✨🥳


Simple way to shift for the better💓


Empower Women to Transform✨💪🏼🤩

I’m not here to brag. I truly want to share how you can change your life for the better too!

I remember writing down my desires in January 2019 which I haven’t done in a long time. One of them is to be able to work from anywhere in the world. No longer rely on an physical location to see clients like I was doing at the time but there was at least one block I could identify.

My block was “I don’t have the education that support me to work remotely like most engineer in the Silicon valley nor even a tech savvy. I am just an in person service provider”. 😰

I simply couldn’t see the way. Feeling pity for myself, small, discourage, frustrated, of course blocked! and putting myself in the victim mode.

💡Then a random info came to me. I don’t remember which way at this point but it showed me that I don’t have to have that degrees I was worry about & the ways will be shown to me when the time come.

Long story short...
By October 2019 I was working out of my house🥳

Then 2020 show up with a surprise!

🤓As you’ve experienced... everything shifted. Online is the only way to connect. Even some of the clients whom I never thought will be willing to do online sessions are open to this new way!

🤩This transformation sure wasn’t exactly how I expected but the higher power always find the way to deliver. I wouldn’t have what I have now if I hadn’t make that decision to get what I want even when I had doubts. Talked myself in, talked myself out and finally shifted my energy. My beloved, “You can too!”.

Let the world know (in comment or dm me) when you are ready & watch how things can unfold for you. If you need someone to hold your hands during this process. I am here for you.


Who in your life teach you to let go?

🔺List them

🔺Thank them

🔺Wish them well

🔺Make room & welcome the new.


If you have been hard on yourself.

Pause & read.


Life is an adventure💪🏼

I found myself reminding my other-self to surrender & let go of the need to control everyday (most of the day!😆)

Human are creature of habits. The good news is that can be change. Habits are created by the day to day lifestyle.

I’m not saying this is easy. It’s doable with the high desire you have for the change.

I am here to tell you that you don’t need any dramatic life experience to motivate you to be better. If you just want to have a better life, better outcome(s). Start your adventure with changing the bad habits now💪🏼


🧚🏼‍♀️shout out to all my ladies👸🏻

Whether you are aware or not. Our energy is the greatest resource. It’s a part of everything we do. That’s why energy healing(aka coaching/guiding) can give you the balance, creativity, flow, and even purposefulness (just to name a few) that we all seek.

I am fully experienced (both as a client & guide) I am well trained in several modalities, linages of natural and energy healings. That’s one of the reasons I put myself out there in the world so those women who are looking for help have more choices to consider and more importantly to connect to. There are many coaches out there for you to choose and I’m sure it can be overwhelming. I work with intuition & teach you to tap into your inner mind to get into the flow so you can accomplish your heart’s desire.

Just FYI. I’m a very genuine woman and will tell you straight up if I can’t help you and will refer you to someone that will match your current needs. In case you’re thinking but afraid of scheduling a call with me will make you feel like you have to work with me.

Only the best & highest good for you my ladies👸🏻🧚🏼‍♀️

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