World Mission Centre

World Mission Centre

We mobilize & empower churches to bring the gospel to the least-reached people groups of the world.

The objective of WMC is to partner with local churches around the world and empower pastors to train their own church members in evangelistic and theological teaching through the Live School curriculum, so they can be released as national church planters and missionaries among their own communities and unreached people groups around the world. Usually, our most effective work takes place in rural,


Read some Live School news from Southern Africa below.
Become involved with this wonderful ministry, by clicking here:


Under the leadership of Paul, our East Africa regional leader, a highly productive regional leaders meeting was organized where country and regional coordinators were appointed to effectively manage the growing operations in the region.

Please pray for wisdom, connections, and safety over these dedicated individuals, especially those working in difficult environments.

One of the beautiful things about how Live School works is its ability to mobilize the churches near the unreached through our regional leadership as in the picture below. You can learn more at our website at


In the province of Niassa, an astounding number of 5,000 children have been blessed with the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ during the outreach phase of the Live School program. These young children have the potential to become faithful followers of Christ.

As we reflect on this achievement, let us fervently pray for the effective follow-up and nurturing of these precious children and their families.

As those in Live School get ready to graduate, one of the requirements is to participate in an outreach in their community. This puts what you learn in Live School into practice. We often get stories of incredible life change like this. To learn more about Live School, check out our website!


Spartanburg - Stories from the Field & Fundraising Event - 16 May

Join us as we reflect on the remarkable journey the Lord has guided World Mission Centre through over the past 34 years and eagerly anticipate all that lies ahead.

This evening's program includes captivating stories from across the globe, offering insights into our International Team's strategies focused on reaching the last of the remaining Least-Reached People Groups through Live School.

16 May 2024
Indigo Hall & Events, 190 Ezell Street, Spartanburg, South Carolina, 29306
Registration and buffet at 6:00 pm

Our goal is to revitalize churches and communities in Central America through the spread of the gospel. Together, we aspire to bring positive change to the region by focusing on training leaders. The plan includes establishing Live Schools in partnership with local churches, hosting pastors’ conferences, and creating annual events to motivate outreach efforts.

If you are in Spartanburg and surrounding areas, invite your friends and come enjoy a joyful gathering! We believe that through mobilizing the Lord’s people of Spartanburg, we can complete this mission He has called us to.

Click the link to RSVP today:

Join us in this unique opportunity to invest in transformed lives as we mobilize churches and equip believers in the least-reached areas of Central America.


Wishing you great joy and blessings this Easter season! In this time, we reflect on the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. He sacrificed himself not only for our salvation but also for millions of people worldwide, as stated in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Over the past 35 years, we have had the privilege of partnering with remarkable unsung heroes tirelessly working to bring thousands to Him. These courageous individuals are making a difference in places like Mongolia, where first-generation Christians are sharing their faith for the first time. Mongolia is not the only country facing this situation; millions around the world coming to the Lord lack Christian roots or background and need assistance navigating their newfound faith in Jesus.

This Easter, let's unite to support unsung heroes spreading the message of hope worldwide! Join us in raising $30,000 to bring together 130 delegates at The Journey Conference this October. This gathering will allow them to share their stories, learn from one another, and be encouraged to continue and expand their efforts. Your donation will help us provide logistics and materials for this transformative gathering. Together, let's inspire and equip these leaders to expand their efforts and bring more souls to Christ. Your support means the world to us!

Donate now and be part of this incredible journey of faith!


Recognizing the challenges of training and sending mission workers to remote areas, this portable program seeks to release students to preach the Gospel, empower pastors, and partner with local churches - overcoming logistical and financial barriers.

Our premier project, Live School is available in multiple languages, enabling missionaries in remote areas to receive the knowledge and skills needed to reach communities where traditional mission training may be lacking. The program, consisting of 27 courses with 242 one-hour video sessions, is accessible through the Live School Unit - a small hard drive connecting to a television - an SD Card, a thumb drive, or online through the Monarch Project.

The curriculum covers six crucial themes for missionaries: Character Development, Basic Theology, Missiology, Ministry Skills, Research Principles, and Acts of Kindness. The outcome-based curriculum was crafted by seminary professors, pastors, evangelists, businessmen, and missionaries, bringing a wealth of active and practical experience to the teachings.

Transform local believers into indigenous missionaries with us! Be a catalyst for sustainable churches and spreading the Gospel. Join in prayer, partner financially, or get involved. Let's make a lasting impact together!


As we embark on our global movement to reach the unreached with the transformative message of Jesus, we invite you to prayerfully consider joining us on this journey.

Whether you choose to contribute to our organization as a whole, support a specific region, or sponsor the efforts of a dedicated staff member, your generosity plays a crucial role in making a lasting difference in the lives of those who have yet to hear the Good News.

Your prayers and financial support enable us to fulfill our mission, and we are deeply grateful for your consideration. May your partnership be blessed as we strive to bring the hope and salvation of Jesus to the unreached.

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit


Our prayer as we celebrate Valentine’s Day: “Holy Spirit, teach us to embrace your love and share it with others the same way Jesus has loved us.”

1 John 4:7-12 NIV “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.  Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.”

Join us on the journey of equipping believers to share the transformative love of Jesus and change lives around the world.

for more information, please visit our website


Join us in lifting up the next generation in prayer, nurturing the growth of their faith as they are coming to know and love Jesus.

Each prayer is a powerful whisper of hope for these young believers, shaping a foundation for a life guided by love, compassion, and a steadfast connection to the teachings of Christ.

As we intercede on their behalf, let's envision a future where their hearts are deeply rooted in the transformative love of Christ.

“And he said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind’“ Matthew 22:37.


Live School passionately believes that the local church, in whatever forms it is found is God’s vehicle through which the Kingdom of God is established.

The Body of Christ is strategic in influencing the society and people among whom it lives and works to fulfill the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”

Often, local churches are not involved in missions because they know little about it, or in the developing world, do not realize that they can be the missionary force instead of only receiving foreign missionaries. Church leadership may not be adequately equipped to understand their strategic role and their responsibility.

The Lord is seeking “Mission Churches,” churches with the Great Commission in their DNA to expand the Kingdom. The Live School sets out to mobilize churches in an affluent part of a country or region to partner with a church in a developing region or nation. The goal is to start a Live School in that lesser-developed area where people are trained and are then sent to work alongside other churches in neighboring towns and villages.

The mobilization of the local church, in effect, ripples out into the region as more and more churches become involved in evangelism, church planting, and discipleship.

Contact us today to start or sponsor a Live School and let's make a global impact in fulfilling the call to reach the unreached from the heart of your community.


Calling all hearts to unite in prayer for the peace of Jesus to embrace the Middle East. May His love transcend borders, bringing healing, understanding, and unity to every corner of this world.

Let's join hands in faith, trusting that through prayer, the transformative power of Christ's peace will prevail.


World Mission Centre is called to provoke, enthuse, and inspire the body of Christ to be released to the task of world evangelization. We believe the key to completing the Great Commission is to mobilize and empower local churches to share the gospel.

We aim to have pastors enthused with a passion or missions and equipped to train every church member as a missionary to their own and neighboring people groups.

Contact us today and let's mobilize your church members to reach the unreached in your neighborhood and to the ends of the earth.

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit

Photos from World Mission Centre's post 04/01/2024

We came to Spartanburg with a deep conviction that the Lord wants to use the city as a significant mission force by making a difference among those who desperately need to hear the Gospel in Central America. We are grateful to have met so many incredible people!

At our first ever Fundraising Event with this beautiful community we discussed the worldwide challenge of reaching the least reached with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and shared some of the marvellous things the Lord is doing in the world. We spoke about the Live School, a remarkable tool that trains believers in urban and rural settings to share the Gospel, plant churches, and become missionaries in their own and neighboring people groups. Live School is being used to change lives in over 100 countries.

Our plan for the next two years is to meet with pastors across the Central American region to find 144 churches with a vision for missions. We will partner with these churches to train believers through Live School and set up a communication structure that will establish quality relationships between those with a mission heart both within and outside the region.

A student from Central America recently said “I do not just want to sit in a chair. I want to serve God”. We find that thousands of believers around the world are praying this same prayer and we cannot wait to see the glorious ways the Lord is moving in this region.

Join us and make your donation via our website today:

Photos from World Mission Centre's post 31/12/2023

The World Mission Centre team wishes you a happy new year filled with the presence of the Lord.

Today is the 31st December & just a few hours remain to make a final year end giving for 2023.

Would you please consider making a donation to the World Mission Centre?
visit our website: and go to the donate button. Select “ Where is most needed”


In the spirit of unity and compassion, let us join our hearts in a powerful act of prayer for those who have not yet had the opportunity to hear the life-transforming message of the gospel.

In our interconnected world, countless souls remain untouched by the profound love and grace found in Christ. Let's lift them up in prayer, asking for divine intervention to open doors, soften hearts, and guide messengers to the unreached corners of the earth.

May the light of God's truth break through barriers, bringing salvation, hope, and joy to those who are still in darkness. As we gather in prayer, let our collective plea be a catalyst for the spread of the gospel to every nation, tribe, and tongue.

Together, let's be instruments of God's love, interceding for the unreached with faith and expectancy.


Wishing you a Christmas filled with the warmth of love, the joy of family, and the blessings of Jesus.

May your hearts be aglow with His Spirit this season.

Merry Christmas!


Partner with us to mobilize churches and train believers in the least reached areas of the world to make disciples of Jesus in their own and neighboring people groups.

Due to being in dangerous, hard-to-reach locations, 42% of the global people groups still do not have access to the gospel and discipleship resources. Our heart is to come alongside pastors and their members near or among these people groups and provide them with discipleship, missions, and church-planting resources through our portable training tool, Live School.

We are also working to inspire churches outside these leastreached groups to pray for, give to, and partner with indigenous missionaries and churches within these challenging areas.

Contact us today and let's mobilize your congregation to reach the unreached in your neighborhood and beyond!

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit

Photos from World Mission Centre's post 19/12/2023

Celebrating a fruitful trip to Patna, India where facilitators were equipped with new skills and our dedicated team members received well-deserved recognition.

Join us in prayer for the South Asia Region:
1. For team members and provision for a trip to Odissa, India and Dubai UAE early in 2024.

2. For the over 200 least reached people groups living in 7 states of north and east India and Nepal where there are Live Schools currently running.

3. For more churches to be mobilized towards prayer and funding outreach efforts across South Asia.

4. For more key leaders to request Live School training in strategic areas focused on reaching the least reached people group.

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit


The Live School curriculum is now available online through the Monarch Project.

Live School is a comprehensive and portable discipleship, missions, and church-planting training program that trains local believers to be indigenous missionaries who plant sustainable churches and bring the gospel to their own and neighboring people groups.

We named this project after the Monarch Butterfly, capable of migrating thousands of kilometers across continents. Our prayer is that Live School students and Alumni would be released to spread the gospel wherever God would lead them in their own community, or even to other continents like the monarch butterflies.


Join us this in making a global impact!

Your donation can bring hope and transformation to the least reached people groups across the world. Let's unite in a movement of compassion and change lives together.

Every contribution, no matter the size, plays a crucial role in reaching those who have yet to hear the message of Love and Grace.

Donate here:

World Mission Centre is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and all donations are tax-deductible.


“It’s that time of the year when we reflect on all there is to be thankful for - and our hearts swell with gratitude.

Looking back at this past year, the Lord has been gracious to all at the World Mission Centre as we have seen consistent growth in many parts of the world. We rejoice with pastors across the globe as their members are trained to reach their neighboring least-reached people and regions through Live School.

We are so thankful for our team of volunteers, partners, and all our faithful supporters around the world.

Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving!”

Willie & Lydia Crew, and the World Mission Centre team.

Psalm 107:8-9: "Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for mankind, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit


“Live School became, for me, the beginning of true and sincere worship of my creator. Due to this godly tool, my relationship with God changed. I think it’s a miracle and supernatural work of God’s action that I can see God’s glory, His bottomless depth, and reality.” - Live School Missionary Working in Russia

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit


The International Leadership Team consists of 13 individuals who serve the organization in various capacities. Many of whom have served in the organization for more than 15 years. We also have an incredible team of Administrative Missionaries who work in World Mission Centre offices around the world and over 4,000 volunteers.

We are blessed to see God using this global team to provoke, enthuse, and inspire local churches to be released to the task of reaching the lost.

Would you consider supporting the organization, a specific region, or a staff member? No donation is too small!

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit


Our missions and leadership courses - consisting of 27 courses of 242 one-hour video sessions - are available online on the Monarch Project.

The six main themes of these courses - that we believe are crucial for any missionary - are character development, basic theology, missiology, ministry skills (preaching, planting churches, etc.), research principles, and acts of kindness (Farming God’s Way, community health, starting a business, etc.).

This comprehensive and portable discipleship, missions, and church-planting training program trains believers to be indigenous missionaries who plant sustainable churches and bring the gospel to their own and neighboring people groups.

Enroll today at


We invite you to join us via Facebook Live for our Annual Fundraiser in Columbia, South Carolina.

Thursday 5, October at 18h30 (Eastern Time in the USA).

Willie Crew will be sharing stories about the explosive growth in various parts of the world in recent years, and give a glimpse into the future as our team prepares to launch new strategies to reach the last of the least reached around the globe. The Lord is beckoning His church to prepare to “Cross Over” into the “Promised Land” to witness and be a part of the gathering of the great end-time harvest!

Our goal for this event is to raise the funding needed to expand the reach of World Mission Centre by mobilizing thousands of pastors and training Live School facilitators on how to use the curriculum to train much-needed workers in gathering the End-time harvest.

If you would like to contribute to help us reach our financial goal for 2024, please contact Willie at [email protected] or make your donation online:

We will be streaming on the World Mission Centre page. If you are in another time zone, you can still watch the event in the next few days!


In 1998, Project Focus was launched - a three-and-a-half-year strategy to see the beginnings of a church plant in each of the 100 least-reached people groups of Southern Africa by December 31st, 2000. A strategy to follow up the initial outreaches was put into place from 2000-2005.

A missions training program that would equip men and women to go to each of these people groups formed part of the Project Focus strategy. This training program led to the creation of Live School.

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit


Our annual event is just 2 weeks away! Make sure your RSVP soon to reserve your seat.

If you are in South Carolina and the surrounding areas, please RSVP at:

Make your donation online:


Live School seeks to solve the logistical and financial difficulties of training and sending out mission workers to remote areas of the world.

Consisting of 27 courses of 242 one-hour video sessions, the missions and leadership courses are accessible through the Live School Unit - a small hard drive that connects to a television.

The six main themes of these courses - that we believe are crucial for any missionary - are character development, basic theology, missiology, ministry skills (preaching, planting churches, etc.), research principles, and acts of kindness (Farming God’s Way, community health, starting a business, etc.). The outcome-based curriculum of Live School was taught by 20 instructors from 13 countries across five continents.

Live School is rapidly expanding around the world everyday, and supplying the curriculum requires time and money. Would you consider supporting the organization, a specific region, or a staff member? No donation is too small!

For more information about us and how you can get involved, please visit

Videos (show all)

Spartanburg Stories from the Field & Fundraising Dinner
Join us this #GivingTuesday in making a global impact! Your donation can bring hope and transformation to the least reac...
“It’s that time of the year when we reflect on all there is to be thankful for - and our hearts swell with gratitude.Loo...
Live School Testimony from Uganda.Our discipleship training tool, Live School, is rapidly expanding around the world eve...
You can change lives around the world. Partner with us to mobilize churches and train believers in the least reached are...
Giving Tuesday - World Mission Centre's impact
Live School - Twenty Years Later
1 day awareness event
awareness lunch teaser
pastor Ken invites you to the WMC Awareness Luncheon
Greetings from a Live School in Haiti!!!Pray for Live Schools in the Caribbean region, such as this Haiti school, to flo...