Lana Ranahan - Norwex Independent Sales Consultant

Lana Ranahan - Norwex Independent Sales Consultant

I help women/moms increase their time with their family while reducing toxic chemicals in their home Make time for what matters most. Clean less. Relax more.

Norwex can help you clean faster so you have time for what really matters - your family! With the busy lives we all lead these days, time is precious! Learn how with Norwex! These products are amazing. The only thing that would make them better is if they came along with a maid to actually do the cleaning! Norwex products are made with a high-quality microfiber which has silver embedded in the clo


The power of your own thoughts. Ever feel stuck in your own head?

We’ve all got stuff holding us back. Here are a few thoughts I’ve seen mess with people the most:

🚫 “I just don’t have what it takes.”
🚫 “I don’t know enough.”
🚫 “I’m not good enough.”

Here’s the thing: Your thoughts can keep you in place, or they can propel you forward.

When I learned that all of my thoughts are completely optional, everything changed.

Here is my simple process that helps me decide if I should keep a thought. If I can follow up a thought with, “And that’s how I like it.” - I keep that thought. If I don’t like the answer to that follow up question, then I choose to change the thought.

Being aware of your thoughts is the key.

Feeling stuck? Only you can change that.

What tricks do you use when you feel yourself going in to stuck mode?

Photos from Lana Ranahan - Norwex Independent Sales Consultant's post 06/06/2024

Are you ready for it? The correct answer is 1991. Oh, the style back then.

I look back at this picture from our wedding day and am grateful for the grace of God, swear words, good friends, earplugs, laughter, sorrow, forgiveness, mentors, good times, and bad times.

Two imperfect people coming together to make a beautiful life is not easy, but it’s worth it…most of the time😘.


Three literal “secrets” to better skin.

Ok. You’ve seen how long I have been married. You know I am reaching “that age”. I don’t want to fight my body, but rather do all that I can to age gracefully. I only wish I would have started to do it sooner.

Here are three “secrets” that I have learned in the last year. They may seem obvious, and they are, but I pretty much ignored most of these until my 30s.

#1 - Stay hydrated. I have always loved water, but now more than ever. I aim to drink half my body weight in water daily.

#2 - This is a BIG one! Reduce your glucose spikes, which are caused by eating too much sugar! Sugar causes inflammation in your entire body and ages your skin. Check out the video in the comments for more about glycation, sugar, and wrinkles.

#3 - Use a good sunscreen! Mineral based is best so it doesn’t jack with your hormones. I never used sunscreen...yikes. I know! I come from the baby oil and burn era, baby!

I know this only covers a few “secrets” so all my skin gurus out there, what would you add to this?


My clients say it best. No really...

I want to highlight Heather.

Imagine this: Every time she would go to get a facial, her esthetician would have to do extractions of blackheads - especially around her nose. It’s a scenario we’ve all encountered at some point during a facial, right?

Well, Heather decided to try the new Norwex skincare, and here’s what happened:⁣

📢 Heather: ‘So I went to have a facial done today. First one in a while. I’ve always had to have extractions done. Especially around my nose. After using the Norwex cleaners I had ZERO extractions that needed done. Even around my nose!!! Just thought I would share. But what makes our skincare different from the rest? It’s simple:⁣

🌟 Our line exfoliates, hydrates, improves your skin’s microbiome, restores and rejuvenates making your fine lines less visible, targets dark circles under the eyes, and protects against blue light without harmful chemicals screwing up your hormones.

💡 It’s safe, effective, and just plain amazing. I have been using it for the last 9mmonths myself and am getting more compliments on my skin than ever before.

😄 It will give you vibrant, hydrated, happy skin so you can feel confident about the tone and texture of your skin, especially as you age like me. You can be comfortable with the skin you are in.

Here’s the real deal: I have samples! Want to take a leap and experience results like Heather did? Comment SKIN to learn how you can love the skin you are in.


My clients say it best. No really...

I want to highlight Heather.

Imagine this: Every time she would go to get a facial, her esthetician would have to do extractions of blackheads - especially around her nose. It's a scenario we've all encountered at some point during a facial, right?

Well, Heather decided to try the new Norwex skincare, and here's what happened:⁣

📢 Heather: 'So I went to have a facial done today. First one in a while. I've always had to have extractions done. Especially around my nose. After using the Norwex cleaners I had ZERO extractions that needed done. Even around my nose!!! Just thought I would share.'

But what makes our skincare different from the rest? It's simple:⁣

🌟 Our line exfoliates, hydrates, improves your skin's microbiome, restores and rejuvenates making your fine lines less visible, targets dark circles under the eyes, and protects against blue light without harmful chemicals screwing up your hormones.

💡 It's safe, effective, and just plain amazing. I have been using it for the last 9 months myself and am getting more compliments on my skin than ever before.

😄 It will give you vibrant, hydrated, happy skin so you can feel confident about the tone and texture of your skin, especially as you age like me. You can be comfortable with the skin you are in.

Here's the real deal: I have samples! Want to take a leap and experience results like Heather did? Comment SKIN to learn how you can love the skin you are in.


You know I am all about NOT using artificial fragrance, but I have found ONE exception to my rule….

Just sayin’.


Failure. I used to hate it, but I’m learning to embrace it.

All my life I have been a performer. Singing in this contest or that contest. Winning some, but losing most. The outfit had to be right. The stage presence had to be right. The pitch needed to be spot on. The note needed to be held as long as possible. The judges needed to give you a good score.

It shaped me.

I tell people I am a recovering perfectionist. I still like things done a certain way. Don’t get me wrong, but I am learning that progress is better than perfection any day.

I love to read. One of my friends recommended the book, “Chasing Failure” by Ryan Leak. It is fantastic! I’m learning that falling short actually sets me up for success. Good thing because I fall short every single day.

Perfection is exhausting! Can you relate?


Happy birthday to Rob today!!!! I won’t tell you how old he is, but he was 23 when we got married and our 33rd anniversary is coming!!!! 😂😂🎂🎂🎂


3 things I wish I would have done (or not done) when I was younger:

1. I would have become one of those “crunchy” moms sooner. I would have eaten healthier, exercised more, read more labels, paid attention to ingredients, and overall educated myself more about healthy living.

2. I would have stopped using candles and plug-ins sooner. Fragrance is so toxic.

3. I would have stopped shopping at Bath & Body Works. I was slathering my skin in that poison - bubble bath to shower gel to lotion to body spray….

I cringe when I think of these things because I am now at the age where I am trying to undo the damage that I could have avoided in the first place if I had known. If I had educated myself. If I had listened to my weirdo “crunchy” friends, who now I don’t think are all that weird anymore.

When you know better, you do better. What do you wish you had known earlier in life?

Photos from Lana Ranahan - Norwex Independent Sales Consultant's post 29/01/2024

Do you have tears every time you go to brush your little girl’s hair?

Checkout these photos. Their hair gets so matted and snarled when they sleep.

Not only did hair brushing take forever, there were plenty of tears too…..for mom as well.

When they started using the Lysere Hair Protecting Spray and a wet brush, no more tears and no more snarled matted hair! Look at that!!

Is brushing hair a total disaster at your house too??


Am I missing something? The whole world freaking out about the Taylor Swift tour is real, but seriously, what is the obsession with her? Driving a bajiliion hours to see her live and spending millions on tickets,
I just don’t get it.

I know she is smiling all the way to the bank and back so kudos to her, but it makes no sense to me.

Are you a Swifty, or are you over her like me?


Today is my 13th birthday without my dad. He always called me on his way to the office and he’d say, “Happy birthday! Am I the first one?” It’s honestly one of the things I miss the most.

Do the little things. It’s the little things you’ll miss the most!


I just did a liver detox for 14 days. The night sweats were so bad that my IHP recommended it. Here are 5 things that I learned about myself:
1. I love coffee. I already knew that, but going without it for 2 weeks and NOT turning into Cruella Deville (most of the time anyway)….win!
2. I actually can have a just protein shake for breakfast and live until lunch.
3. My mind is a powerful thing.
4. I can survive and thrive without bread, dairy, or beef.
5. I can do hard things!

If you need a liver, metabolism, or hormone reset, I would love to recommend my new Integrative Health Practitioner to you! And guess what…..the night sweats are getting better too. When you take care of your body, your body takes care of you! Have you ever done a liver detox?


12 days of Christmas with Norwex starts Friday. If you didn’t get an invite from me and you want in, let me know 🎄


Are you in my VIP Group yet?? Message me if you wanna jump in!!!

Timeline photos 03/09/2021

One decision. One cloth. Life changed. This is available to you too!! What are you waiting for??

For just $19.99 you could start your own business and make a little extra income for the back-to-school season. Join today with the Virtual Kit or join with our Starter Kit and earn your kit for free! What’s the best that could happen?

Photos from Lana Ranahan - Norwex Independent Sales Consultant's post 05/08/2021

Videos (show all)

Focus. What you focus on really does grow!  The Gap and the Gain is a great book to remind perfectionists like me to tru...
Read this if you want more free time on the weekends!  Why do we often overcomplicate keeping up with the house? Let’s s...
🌟 Embracing my journey of aging like a fine wine🍷. One day, I’m the youngest in the room, and the next, I’m debating whi...
Are you a quitter?  We’ve all been there, right? The “I’ve got this” attitude, only to realize we don’t.I’ve seen my fai...
Best kept secret for house cleaning….go outside!  You’re welcome.
Dream and do because the time WILL pass. Ho after what you want. You’re the only on who can. #dream #dreambig #doitscare...
Ever wonder what your role is now that the kids are adults?  I have found a book that a mentor gave to me that has been ...
A black light does not lie!! Don’t ever do this unless you want the real truth about your toilet!  The backlight doesn’t...
Are you in my VIP Group yet??  Message me if you wanna jump in!!!
My favorite F word for today is FLUFFY!🥰 You know that warm fuzzy feeling of all those dust bunnies in your house!!🐰Thos...
