Toolbox Genomics

Toolbox Genomics

Get more out of your genetic data. We provide personalized actionable dietary and lifestyle recommendations so that you can build your healthiest life.

At Toolbox Genomics, we take your unique DNA testing results and analyze them to give you a personalized, scientific, easy-to-understand Health Action Plan™, a powerful lifestyle plan that will help you make all the right choices!

SNP Highlight - COMT & Stress 12/01/2024

SNP Highlight - COMT & Stress One of the most fascinating SNPs we have come across in creating our Health Action Plans (HAPs) is catecholamine O-methyl transferase, or COMT. This enzyme is found all over the body, but the role the enzyme plays in the brain is the most interesting.  

How to Reduce Stress in Just 3 Minutes with Meditation! 12/01/2024

How to Reduce Stress in Just 3 Minutes with Meditation! We don’t know about you, but despite all the modern conveniences available, there still doesn’t seem to be enough time to get everything done.


Allow us to help with this process!


Did you Know....


Genetics is the study of the code that we all carry that predisposes us to health and disease, but arguably more important than genetics, is the field of genomics, which is the field of study that deals with the complex interplay between our genetic code, gene expression, and our environmental exposures which work together to drive health and disease. It opens the opportunity for us to truly take advantage of our own health.


Calling all Healthcare Practitioners! Are your clients struggling to lose weight, have unexplained digestive problems or need a bit of extra motivation to make important lasting change?

Eliminate the guesswork and find solutions for your toughest cases.

SNP Highlight - MTHFR 12/01/2024

SNP Highlight - MTHFR The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme, known as MTHFR, plays an essential role in the one-carbon metabolic pathway and the methylation cycle by converting folate and folic acid (synthetic folate) into the active form of folate, L-methylfolate. The methylation cycle consists of multiple bioc...


Your genetics are your blueprint, not your destiny. Learn to work with your genetics for optimal health.


Order the panels that are right for your clients! Check them out here:

SNP Highlight - APOE and Alzheimer’s Disease 12/01/2024

SNP Highlight - APOE and Alzheimer’s Disease Many individuals who have a family history of Alzheimer’s disease have heard the term APOE4 or genetic screening for Alzheimer’s disease with APOE4. For a majority of individuals, finding out they are positive for ApoE is overwhelming, but what exactly is ApoE4 and how do you know if you are at ...

SNP Highlight - Caffeine & CYP1A2 12/01/2024

SNP Highlight - Caffeine & CYP1A2 85% of Americans consume a caffeinated beverage daily, averaging about 165 mg per day. An 8oz cup of brewed coffee can contain anywhere from 95-165 mg of caffeine. And while coffee is the most common and well-known caffeine contributor, there are many other drinks that contain hidden caffeine. For e...

How Gut Bacteria Influences Genetic Expression 12/01/2024

How Gut Bacteria Influences Genetic Expression Over the last few decades scientists have discovered that humans exist in a symbiotic relationship with microbes that outnumber us by a factor of about 10:1. These microbes, which are collectively referred to as our microbiome, are responsible for several key functions including providing protection...


There are three genetic variations in the gene that codes for the COMT enzyme. Some people have the fast variant (val/val) leading to lower dopamine levels; others have the slow variant (met/met) creating higher dopamine levels and many people have the “goldilocks” variant (val/met) yielding a middle range of dopamine levels.

People who have the fast variant will break down their catecholamines 3-5x faster than people with the slow variant. Conversely, people with the slow variant break down their dopamine 40% slower than the fast variant. Of importance, estrogen can assert an even greater slowing effect (~30% reduction) on the COMT enzyme.

Warrior/Worrier: Beyond the Cliche 12/01/2024

Warrior/Worrier: Beyond the Cliche Many practitioners look at their client’s COMT status to help them understand how they respond to stress or addiction. While the terms “Warrior” or “Worrier” are often attributed to different COMT results, there are some interesting nuances to COMT results that provide a better understandi...


Epigenetics involves genetic control by a number of environmental factors, including nutrition, physical inactivity, drugs, or exposure to toxins. These epigenetic changes can switch genes on or off and determine which proteins are transcribed.

Importantly, epigenetic changes in your DNA can be passed to future generations. For example, mothers who smoked while pregnant induced methylation changes in certain parts of the babies’ DNA. These methylation changes were still present even when the children were ~7 years of age.

In Sweden, researchers discovered that young men who were exposed to famine while their s***m was developing about 8-9 years of age had grandsons who lived longer than men who were exposed to “feasting” during the same age. In fact, the grandsons of the feasting grandfathers had their life span shortened by 6 years and often developed diabetes.


Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant and is necessary for vision, cell growth, cell differentiation, immune function, reproduction, healthy skin, and proper functioning of many organs.

For individuals with low vitamin A levels as a result of genetically reduced BCMO1 activity there are several proactive measures that can be taken to support vitamin A levels and potentially improve health outcomes.

Find out more in our latest blog post:

Methylation and Epigenetics 12/01/2024

Methylation and Epigenetics To help answer this question, let’s use bees as an example to help demonstrate how epigenetics works. The worker bees select for and create a queen bee by feeding her a specialized diet of royal jelly. Royal jelly “turns on” or activates genes in the selected bee and begins the process of chan...


Inflammation is a natural process that helps to protect the body as well as direct the body’s healing after an injury or infection. Normally, inflammation is short-lived and only lasts hours to a few days. When inflammation extends beyond this normal period the risk of chronic inflammation greatly increases.

Find out more about inflammation and how genetic variations can play a role in Toolbox Genomics latest SNP Deep Dive blog post:


Not sure where to start with our tests? Why not start with Nutrition Optimization? It covers fundamental nutrition SNPs and can offer insight into basic nutrient needs.

Visit to learn more!

Cold and Flu Season - The Role of Vitamin C and Sugar 12/01/2024

Cold and Flu Season - The Role of Vitamin C and Sugar As the winter days drag on, in the United States we find ourselves right in the middle of the cold and flu season. Inevitably, many of us will feel the dreaded scratchy throat, runny nose, or fever. Most people attribute their cold to late nights and being exposed to more germs. However, sugar plays...

SNP Highlight - UGTs and Detox 12/01/2024

SNP Highlight - UGTs and Detox The detoxification system of the body is a series of biological pathways designed to metabolize, reduce, and eliminate potentially hazardous compounds including environmental toxins, drugs, xenobiotics, and steroid hormones from the body.

SNP Highlight - MTHFR C667T and Hypertension 12/01/2024

SNP Highlight - MTHFR C667T and Hypertension The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme, known as MTHFR, plays an essential role in the one-carbon metabolic pathway and methylation cycle by converting folate and folic acid (synthetic folate) to the active form of folate, L-methylfolate. The methylation cycle consists of multiple biochemica...

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