She Empowers Transformations

She Empowers Transformations

✨Health & Life Coach
✨Empowering Women to Stop the Self Sabotage She specializes in assisting women in attaining and maintaining sustainable weight loss.

Coach Yulonda is an accomplished business leader, mentor, mother, and wife with extensive expertise. Recognizing that weight loss encompasses more than just physical changes, she emphasizes the importance of mental tools such as guidance, accountability, and personalized support. Coach Yulonda's primary focus is helping her clients overcome self-sabotaging behaviors and flourish through self-disci


You are Worthy of Amazing Things in your life! The key is to keep focused and not allow the distractions or negativity of others to fog up your vision!

Stay the course because there is light all up & through your tunnel!

Coach Yulonda!


Be Relentless In Your Fight For Your Health! Your Life depends on It!
Coach Yulonda!


Stop Focusing on the Negative!! Your Goals are not There!!

Dig Deep within yourself and you will Prosper in all you Do!

Coach Yulonda!


Every time you move your body, transformation is definitely happening! It’s happening mentally because you’re in it, fighting for you.

It’s happening physically because now your body is in conjunction with your thoughts which is now producing action!

Excuses are just that excuses! Dig deep and move with intentions!

Coach Yulonda❤️


Focus on What You Can Control, which is You!!


The problem isn’t the food, it’s the over consumption of food! Eating more than your body can handle!

The best thing you can do for your body is to eat more Whole Foods! Eat the veggies, the fruits, make smoothies, juice, eat from the earth at every meal!

Your body is a well designed and powerful. It can heal itself from within, but you must give it something to thrive on.

Below are snacks that I give my family. These are simple snacks.

You must be mindful of your food and how much of something you are consuming on a regular basis!

Eat to Live!

Coach Yulonda


The best time of day to get your digestive system moving and to help burn calories is the morning.

Eating whole fresh fruits early morning is a great way to feel fuller longer, rave up your energy and increase blood circulation.

Eating watermelon 🍉 early morning will help you get water 💦 and nutrients all in one that your body needs.

Eat for Optimum Health even on the days you just don’t feel like it!

Coach Yulonda


Dear Lord, Thank You for waking me up today, Thank You for the happiness I experience everyday & most importantly Thank You for the Endless Blessings!


You are the Epitome of Everything You desire for Your Life! So why aren’t you getting your butt into gear to make it a Beautiful Masterpiece!

I’ll wait for your answer 😜

Do Something today that will help you Strive to becoming your best self!

Coach Yulonda


It’s all Connected! Your Gift! Your Path! Your Journey! Your Purpose! Your Imperfections! Your Destiny!

It’s Molding you Baby Girl!!

Embrace It and Live Your Life!

Coach Yulonda❤️


Every day your left with the question of did I do my best? Did I truly show up for me as I said I would?

Showing up isn’t just about the saying it, it’s about doing the mental work in You!

I realized that you can’t possibly do the hard without being motivated to push beyond. You need a pep talk! You need the I believe in you motivation!

Action is always enhanced when you are motivated!

Ask yourself this question. What will motivate you to take massive steps towards achieving the goal you set for yourself?

What’s Your Motivation? Share below 👇🏽

Coach Yulonda!


Take Ownership of Your Life!

Coach Yulonda!


When I started my journey. I had to understand what the BMI was. This was key to me understanding my body! Getting back to the basics refreshes your mind and it helps you with a starting point!

Coach Yulonda


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I hear a lot of my clients tell me that they don’t eat breakfast or that they just aren’t breakfast eaters.

Your body needs nutritious foods more than you know! In order for your body to not think it’s starving, not to be in hibernation mode and for your metabolism to rave up.. you got to feed it..

Feeding your body the most healthiest foods possible guarantees you that your body will start to produce results that you are looking forward to seeing on a grander scale!!

I absolutely love a colorful plate of deliciousness!

Coach Yulonda!


Snack time! Roasted Brussels sprouts! They key is to season them, let it marinate than air fry!

Deliciousness at its best!

Girl Get out of Your Head: Empowering You 18/05/2024

When you think about the word Nuture, what comes to mind?

The definition of nuture is to care for and encourage the growth or development of. Simple as this word is, there are women who have not taken this yet so simply word and applied its meaning to one’s life!

There is something within You that keeps us stuck. That hinders You from becoming the best possible version of ourselves. There is this little voice that doesn’t allow growth.

Just when you think, you got it figured out, something happens that pushes you back in the corner. Sometimes you are your own worse critic. You do the things in life that never satiates your soul. The thing you know without a doubt would change the trajectory of your entire existence….. But You Just Can’t Seem to Do it!!!

You keep walking around the corner to change but there is something that keeps pulling you back right to that comfortable place!

I was once her. I was the epitome of failure. I use to look at my life as a whole and think, well I might be winning in this area but I’m failing in this area. That’s life but it’s also the way you see yourself. The words you speak and that little hidden voice in your head that makes you think about all your problems, your fears and those unknown things.

I’m here to let you know, that’s not true! You are not your failures, you are not your downfalls. Those things have happened and they are your past. You are not defined by what others think of you and you are definitely not defined by that irrational voice that wants to keep you stuck!

Coaching is my baby & Podcasting is my true love!

You have to Nuture those areas you want to see change and work on you with purpose, passion, zeal and determination!

There are literally 3 elements that keep you Stuck. That keep you from achieving and taking radical action! Listen in as I drop the gems 💎 you need to stand in your truth and take action for you today!

Click below 👇🏽 This episode is a banger!


Coach Yulonda!

Girl Get out of Your Head: Empowering You Listen to Girl Get out of Your Head: Empowering You on Spotify. Welcome to the Girl Get out of Your Head Podcast, where we unlock the incredible potential within every woman. Join us on a transformative journey as we guide you to discover your authentic self, empowering you to break free from fear a...


Put Yourself at the top of your to do list every single day and the rest will fall in place!

Coach Yulonda!


Backsliding- When you don’t stay the course that you have committed too💯

It happens, I definitely get it, but it’s not
the end all be all of things.

You can fall off track many times but the goal you set is unique to you and you alone. Falling off track is sometimes apart of the process. The initial key is to shake off the self doubt and the self sabotaging ways.

You can’t stop! Pick yourself up and start over again. You will be amazed as your results start to flourish!

Stay the course! Keep your focus, there will be days that will be harder than most and then there will be days when you have conquered that day to the fullest. But do know this, You are amazing and you have so much to give to you!

Join me in the Empower Her Transformation: Conquer your fears & Change Your Life! Click the link below and complete the registration form now!

Click here👉🏽

Photos from She Empowers Transformations's post 16/05/2024

My ability to take care of my temple didn’t happen overnight. When I gained up to 270lbs it shouldn’t have been a shocker to me. I wasn’t doing right by my body so why would I expect it to do right by me.

I had to take certain actions to get to that fat status. I over ate, lots of unhealthy snacking, stress eating, party eating, sneaking in the kitchen when hubby & kids were sleeping, having absolutely no self control. My list could go on and on as to how I had gained so much weight!

Food is our celebration 🎉 every time something goes right or something goes wrong, I was getting it in!! Food does not have to be the way you celebrate You, it doesn’t have to control your life! Just because it’s in front of you doesn’t mean you have to eat it!

Take control over You, over what you need, over what you want to achieve for Your life! Your Health! Your Body!

Taking the initiative to control my actions and my habits is what helped me to loose the mental weight as well as the physical weight!

I took the necessary actions to reverse what damage I had done to my body. I know what to eat. I eat with purpose & intentionally to keep my body in a healing state at all times. I have these great pep talks with myself. I believe in me. I’m my own cheerleader 📣 & I won’t except anything less for myself!

I have cleaned my fridge and my cabinets out of unhealthy foods. All Your gonna get is healthy at all stages in my home! Life is about growing & expanding your mind to see the greater possibilities for your life.

If it has nothing to do with my goals it has absolutely nothing to do with me. I began to educate myself on what works for my body. Knowing your body is the absolute most powerful thing for you mentally. You have to know what works & what doesn’t.

My progress didn’t happen in a day, but with time, patience and prayer it became my lifestyle. My actions have become a daily life changer. They are apart of my daily routine to keep me healthy and accountable to myself!

Consistency! Discipline! Focus!

I encourage you to Stop doubting yourself! Stop the fear of thinking you’re going to fail, or that it might not work for You!

You are capable of many things that can lead you to your greatness!!

Find out what it is and work your Butt off to get there!!

You for You💯

Coach Yulonda❤️


I know! You have heard this as a child more times than you can count. My mom would say your not getting anything else until you eat your veggies. Needless to say I didn’t like eating my veggies. It wasn’t until I became an adult to understand the full meaning behind eat your veggies, which is now my favorite way to say eat the rainbow 🌈 ....


Prioritize Your Health, Your Mind, Your overall Wellbeing! Your body deserves your undivided attention!

Coach Yulonda!


The love 💕 is in your plate! Those results you crave, those results you want, those results you know your capable of achieving, it’s all within You!

Think about this.. how often do you go grocery shopping and some how end up eating out anyway? Well it could be more likely than you want to admit it.

The foods you eat truly matters. Eating cheap, processed, sugary, fatty foods has a lasting impact on your health.

Your body is your own personal Blueprint, You can try to convince yourself all day that you only snack here and there or that you only eat out on occasions, or that your meals are on point! If that’s so, Your blueprint {Your Body} would be on its best behavior!

Your relationship with foods go way deeper than your plate. Your mentality towards food is the biggest factor when showing up for you with purpose and intention. The disconnect of how you view food and how you treat food is a serious correlation.

The journey to take care of you is so important Your mental & emotional state has ever do with your ability to fight through the hard.

My weaknesses use to be Sugar, OMG!! Chocolate! Fried foods, Them dang on Popeyes Biscuits, French Fries 🍟 Chinese Foods, Soul Food, Chocolate Chip muffins, OMG 😳 my list of unhealthy was ridiculous!

I created a better way. It’s never about restricting yourself but understanding what your body needs to thrive.

The weight gain was embarrassing but that didn’t stop me, nope I kept right on eating unlovenly and my body produced every roll, every fat, every cellulite imaginable! I couldn’t fit my clothes and I had to buy bigger clothes.

When I hit the fed up 😡 mark, I refused to give my temple those kinds of foods any longer, I refuse to defile my body, I refuse to continue to push me towards a slow death! I made massive changes, I stopped with the excuses and I took action! I’m eating for love, love of my mind, love of my health, love of my body! Love of my temple! When you get to the place of love, the quitting stops, the self doubt stops, the self sabotaging stops, the negative talk stops!

The boundaries are clear and etched in stone! When you set the boundaries, the shackles are broken and the bondages of the fixed programed mindset now allows you to flow openly with your mind made up for Your Greatness!

Your temple is worth You loving on You more❤️

Below my Temple offering to myself consist of

Strawberries 🍓 and Blueberries

Kale 🥬 Red peppers 🌶 mushrooms 🍄

1 can of Albacore Tuna with 1 Tbsp of Vegan Mayo

Love on Your Temple more!

Quick Tip: Eat Veggies at every meal!!

Coach Yulonda!


Nutrition is the name of the game!

When I create my meals I don’t do them just for my family and myself, they are for my Tribe, those that have invested in themselves and are serious about their Health. Learning & understanding what to eat and how much to eat helps to take the guess work out.

Learning what to eat and how much to eat does not have to be a complicated process, it does not have to be a pain in the butt, it does not have to feel like a chore. I want you to enjoy the foods you eat and develop a healthier relationship with the foods you love.

Your Health has everything to do with the kitchen business and less to do with the working out business

When you bring these two elements together you create an unstoppable force that will help you to achieve your greatness for your health and your body overall.

Ask yourself:

If you started today, put in the work, achieved your goal, and saw the change you wanted and needed to see, how would you feel?

How would your body look?

What could that do for your Health?

What things could you start to accomplish that was hindering you before, that dealt with your health?

It’s possible… think about this, if you took the first step to start your journey, if you took action, if you stopped putting you on the back burner, if you actually started to put you first.

How much so would your life change for the better?

The key component is to lay a strong foundation for your health. My job is to help you build on that foundation, which will become firm, steady and unshakeable!

Learn how to eat to nourish your body from the inside out and see results that you are truly proud of!

Ain’t no quitting over here on my watch! Spring is here and Summer is right around the corner..Are You Ready to get Your nutrition on point which will become your lifestyle.

Invest in your health Now!!

Register today: click the link 🔗 below 👇🏽

Empower Her Transformation:

Together we are an Unstoppable Force!!

Coach Yulonda!


Choose to be Positive! See all the Greatness that there is in your life! You are the Writer & Director of Your own Story! Make it a Best Seller with all the juicy details in between!

Coach Yulonda!


Come through Garlic Teriyaki Tempeh!! Come through!! Hits the spot on a nice Spring Sunshiny Day! Get the full recipe on our blog!

Photos from She Empowers Transformations's post 30/04/2024

Why are Veggies so important for your body?

Vegetables clean your system! They are one of the most potent and powerful foods on the planet! They give you nutrients that help declog your arteries, help with the flow of blood throughout your body, helps with brain fog and so much more!

They help regulate your bowels and you know I have talked about the regulation of moving those bowels on a daily basis. Remember if you eat 6 meals a day you should be eliminating 6 times a day. That’s a regulation of your intestines & digestive system knowing exactly what there functions are and to do it regularly.

Vegetables are life and the more you add them into your plate, the more your body will start to run like a well oiled machine as intended.

The components you need to have a healthy Life is in the foods you eat on a regular basis..

The rule of thumb is to eat less processed foods and Increase your intake of Vegetables and Whole Foods!

Shift your overall health by truly being intentional with your plate and your body!

Coach Yulonda!


Sabotaging one self! Why does this happen?

This morning as I was getting dressed, I thought about why is it so hard or nearly impossible for woman to set the goal and execute? What stops you from achieving the things you said to yourself that you were going to achieve?

I really sat with those questions. Why??? I had to think back to when I first started the journey. It was a simple, I just need to lose my stomach. If I lose my stomach than I’m good. My body would be perfect. As you know those are just lies that we say to ourselves.

In reality losing just your stomach does not fix the problem. Do you know how many times one can lose the belly fat and still be obese. BMI still very high or better yet your ability to eat the best foods possible for your journey some how always gets sabotaged.

It’s one simple fact. It’s because your mindset of how you see yourself and your plate plays a huge factor in you becoming your best self. I realized I had to become the person I needed in order for me to continue this journey. The distractions that are all around you play a major role in your process. The people you choose to engage with on holidays, weekends or just any day of the week play a huge role in your ability to stay focused and disciplined in your journey.

The question again is Why do You continue to Self Sabotage You? That’s it! Think about that!

What stops you from showing up and keeping the promises you made to yourself?

Why can’t you fight the temptations and focus on your goals?

Life shows up every single day, this isn’t about when it will show up. Understand that you live your life how you live it every single day. Structure is what is needed to discipline your actions from the distractions of the world around you.

Ask yourself! When is enough, enough? When I literally saw my body going into the wrong direction with gaining more weight, clothes getting too tight, aches in my legs, my back, heart palpitations, constant headaches. This is not normal. It’s just not and the more you tell yourself it is the more your mind will believe it.

Your health is and should be your #1 priority and when it’s not. That’s a fact for disaster. Self Sabotage is your inability to control YOU, Your Actions, Your habits and Your Mind!

Take time and really look at You! When will you turn the page for yourself! Self care is deeper than the outer appearance, it goes deep into your entire soul, your existence! Take care of You on Purpose and with Full Intentions!

This week’s focus is Mindset! How to get it right in order to execute! You Ready??

Coach Yulonda!


Spa days are a Non-Negotiable! There were times when I use to believe that you had to have a ton of money to go to the spa 😂 boy was a tripping.

Now I’ve come to understand that a spa day is exactly what you make it. It has to resignate with you because it enhances your entire being. It gives you time to get to know what your body responds to and what products it likes or dislikes.

I created Coach Spa day because it gives me time to sit with myself, massage and clean my body on a deeper surface level than ever before. It allows my body to heal with certain oils and to get into a certain rhythm of consistency, knowing this is a weekly routine.

Spa days are necessary and I encourage you to start your very own routine of spa days for yourself. It will revive and heal your body outer layers, along with making you feel like an indulgent snack.

You deserve your spa days!

To see what products I use for my skin care and hair, check out my blog at

Coach Yulonda!


If You Stay Consistent, Disciplined & Focus, with full fledge intentions. You will reap rewards!

This journey wasn’t overnight and it’s still going!

Coach Yulonda!

Our Story

At Rock N Drop Fitness our mission is to empower, uplight and encourage you to strive for your fullest potential. We educate our clients on learning new and improved techniques that will motivate you to take your health to a new level. When our clients learn how to shift their mindset, it sets the stage for their overall health! The Goal is to live a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle one day at a time.

The journey to fitness and health requires: consistency, hard work, support, accountability dedication, and commitment. We are here for you.. Contact us today!!!

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