Planetary Health Alliance

Planetary Health Alliance

A consortium of 450+ partner organizations around the world committed to understanding and addressing global environmental change and its health impacts.

The PHA supports the dissemination of new research, the development and curation of foundational education materials, and the bringing together of communities of practice around the world. It also helps to integrate Planetary Health into the global health and human development communities and mainstream the field’s new insights and frameworks into the domains of policymaking, the private sector, a

Global Planetary Health Roadmap and Action Plan - Planetary Health Alliance 16/08/2024

🌍 The first-ever Planetary Health Roadmap and Action Plan is our compass to drive positive change, guiding us to nurture a thriving planet where all life can flourish.

Developed by over 100 members of the global community, this roadmap is the heart of the 2024 Planetary Health Summit & 6th Annual Meeting, themed: From Evidence to Action: Confronting Reality. It spans critical domains like , , , and , offering a path forward.

💡 Together, we have the power to drive the change our world urgently needs!

✨ Explore the plan now: #:~:text=The%20Planetary%20Health%20Roadmap%20and,Evidence%20to%20Action%3A%20Confronting%20Reality
✨ Stay informed—Sign up for our monthly newsletter:

Sunway Centre for Planetary Health

Global Planetary Health Roadmap and Action Plan - Planetary Health Alliance A global roadmap which translates the wealth of evidence-based knowledge so that it can be used by Planetary Health leaders and stakeholders to influence policies and behavioural norms more directly and effectively.

Oral Research Presentation: Sarah Jarvis 15/08/2024

🌎 Climate change and malnutrition are interconnected crises that threaten . As accelerates, hunger and could rise by 20%.

At , Sarah Jarvis from the University of Toronto shared insights from her study on the environmental impacts of food in Canada. The findings reveal that foods with higher nutritional quality are generally more environmentally sustainable.

Transforming our food systems isn't just about what's on our plates—it's about harnessing and empowering researchers, policymakers, and consumers to create impactful change. 🌾

✨ Dive deeper into the research here:

Oral Research Presentation: Sarah Jarvis Sarah Jarvis from the University of Toronto discusses the triple burden of malnutrition and its connection to climate change, waste management, biodiversity ...


🐝 You might know that help to sustain and . But do you know how much? 💭

For this week's , we want to know – what percentage of flowering wild plants rely on pollinators?

Comment your answer below!👇

Air Pollution and Brain & Mental Health - Form 14/08/2024

💡Air pollution is a global health crisis. With nearly 90% of the total air pollution disease burden attributed to non-communicable diseases, the link between and demands urgent attention.

Join the Global Mental Health Action Network and the Health Effects Institute for a special webinar exploring the impact of air pollution on brain and mental health. 🧠

This event brings together experts from the University of Bristol, UC Berkeley, and Columbia University to discuss the latest findings linking air pollution to neurological and mental conditions such as dementia, anxiety and depression.

📅 Date: Tuesday, August 20, 2024
🎤 Chaired by: Pallavi Pant, Head of Global Health, Health Effects Institute

✨ Register here:

Air Pollution and Brain & Mental Health - Form Webinar: Air Pollution and Brain & Mental Health - Tuesday 20th August, 1pm-2:15pm BST Joint webinar: Global Mental Health Action Network & State of Global Air Air pollution represents one of the biggest health challenges we are facing globally. There is robust evidence highlighting the im...


🌍 It is time to recognize that our health is deeply connected to ecological conditions, which are now changing faster than ever due to our own activities.

This critical insight reveals the magnitude of the Earth crisis we face. Our ecological footprint has exceeded the planet’s capacity to absorb our waste and provide resources sustainably. This reality highlights the urgent need to adopt a holistic approach, integrating metrics to measure progress across interconnected goals. 🌱💚

✨ Stay informed and engaged with the latest in Planetary Health by subscribing to our monthly newsletter:

Oral Research Presentation: Nilanjan Bhor 13/08/2024

🌏 At , Nilanjan Bhor from the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) shared how he adopted a approach to assess the equitable distribution of in Bengaluru, India.

This study reveals significant gaps in accessibility based on socioeconomic factors, emphasizing the need to reshape for greater physical, mental, and social well-being through an equitable approach.

✨ Discover how Bhor and his team navigated data challenges in India to bring this research to life:

Oral Research Presentation: Nilanjan Bhor Nilanjan Bhor, from the Indian Institute for Human Settlements, used GIS mapping to investigate the accessibility of public parks for vulnerable communities ...

Nature-based solutions are essential for climate and health action 13/08/2024

🌍 At , climate change was declared a human health emergency—a pivotal moment for . The health sector now faces a critical opportunity to lead by example and champion nature-based solutions.

Protecting tropical forests, restoring wetlands, and similar actions are essential not only for mitigating and adapting to but also for safeguarding , preserving , and enhancing , especially for the most marginalized populations.

The health sector can drive the adoption of nature-based solutions by:

🌱 Recognizing our deep interdependence with nature.
📢 Advocating for policies that promote nature-based solutions.
🔍 Expanding the evidence base on the health benefits of these solutions.

✨ Dive into this piece to learn more:

The Lancet

Nature-based solutions are essential for climate and health action The 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) was a turning point for recognising climate change as a human health emergency. There was a dedicated health day for the first time ever and an announcement of a Declaration on Climate and Health signed by over 150 countries.1,2 Then, earlier this year d...

Digital planetary health needs ethical guidance 12/08/2024

💻 As we transfer more aspects of our lives to digital platforms, we see a profound impact on .

tracking emissions and for disaster response are just a few ways technology is revolutionizing our approach to global environmental challenges. Yet, the ethical implications and the digital divide must be addressed to ensure that these innovations benefit all.

Let's work towards a future where technology and ethics go hand in hand to secure a livable planet for humanity and the rest of life on Earth!

✨ Learn more:

The Lancet

Digital planetary health needs ethical guidance Digitalisation, the transfer of tasks and dimensions of human life to digital platforms, is causing changes in planetary health. Digital planetary health, as one could call it, has the potential to facilitate the development of healthy, robust, and sustainable societies and regenerative ecosystems.1...


📊 It's !

🌏 🧠 The Global Research and Action Agenda for Climate Change and Mental Health, developed by 900 people from 90 countries, outlines critical research priorities to understand the mental health effects of climate change.

The agenda emphasizes the urgent need for inclusive, transdisciplinary research that bridges the climate and mental health sectors, proposing five key components to achieve this vision.

✨ Read more:


On August 12, join us in celebrating International Youth Day! 🚀

A special shoutout to our incredible Planetary Health Campus Ambassadors! 🌱 Your leadership within the Next Generation Youth Council has been pivotal in advancing Planetary Health education and action.

By empowering the next generation, we are fueling ongoing innovation and collaboration for a sustainable and habitable future.

✨ Explore how the Next Gen Network is shaping Planetary Health:

Photo credit: UOE Planetary Health


Episode 53 of The HQ podcast is now live! Continuing our series on Planetary Health, we explore how healthcare organizations can lead the charge in environmental stewardship and sustainability.

Join us as we sit down with Michael Lithgow, Dr. Susan Deering, and Genny Ng, Co-Chairs of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre’s Green Task Force. They share their extensive experiences and insights, demonstrating how Sunnybrook is driving sustainability initiatives and setting an example for others in the healthcare industry.

Tune in to discover actionable insights and learn how you can contribute to meaningful eco-actions, making a positive impact on both human health and the environment.

Available now:

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: CO2 Emissions: Ethical Limits & Life Lost. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. 09/08/2024

🌎 How are CO₂ emissions affecting life expectancy?

Estimates indicate that for every excess ton of annual CO₂ emissions, two months of life are lost. Currently, this represents one year lost for EU citizens and three years for US residents.

Find out more by joining Sustainable Health Equity Movement's (SHEM) first webinar in the series "The Burden of Global Health Inequity in 2024: Metrics and Ethical Challenges," on Wednesday, August 14.

Professor Juan Garay will use recent UN Population Division estimates and trends, along with other international data on , , and , to update the global burden of , their distribution, root causes, and the transformations required. In this event, Dr. Marie Studer, Executive Director of the Planetary Health Alliance will participate as a discussant.

✨ Register here: #/registration
✨ JUST RELEASED: Read SHEM's latest correspondence, "Inequity in Sustainable Health Today" here:

Welcome! You are invited to join a meeting: CO2 Emissions: Ethical Limits & Life Lost. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email about joining the meeting. Do you know how CO₂ emissions are affecting life expectancy? Estimates indicate that for every excess ton of annual CO₂ emissions, two months of life are lost. Currently, this represents one year lost for EU citizens and three years for US residents. Find out more by joining our first webinar in...

Oral Research Presentation: James Chrispin 08/08/2024

🌍 Severe acute malnutrition is a leading cause of over 4.4 million deaths among children under five in Africa.

Dr. James Chrispin, a member of PHA’s Next Generation Youth Council, is bringing attention to the critical link between and .

His recent study, conducted at a tertiary hospital in Mwanza, Tanzania, reveals a pattern: malnutrition rates are higher during the rainy season than the dry season, a finding that contrasts with research from Chad, Ethiopia, Sudan, and Malawi. 📊

Dr. Chrispin attributes this trend to the depletion of food reserves during the rainy season, compounded by issues exacerbated by climate change. Women, who are often the primary caregivers, face increased burdens during the rainy season, leading to less time for child care.

✨ Explore his full research presentation to gain more insights:

Oral Research Presentation: James Chrispin Dr. James Chrispin discusses how to address the effects of climate change, specifically malnutrition, in Tanzanian children. Research Paper Title: Nutritiona...


🌍🌏🌎Prodromi di un nuovo insegnamento....

"La Planetary Health Alliance promuove varie iniziative, tra cui il programma di Campus Ambassador (PHCA), di cui noi facciamo parte, che coinvolge studenti e professionisti da tutto il mondo e ha come obiettivo quello di sensibilizzare la propria comunità accademica sul tema della Planetary Health.
Abbiamo deciso di metterci in gioco, spinte dall’urgenza di trattare temi così rilevanti per il futuro del nostro pianeta e dei suoi abitanti. La nostra esperienza come Campus Ambassador è iniziata con l’organizzazione di un ciclo di incontri sul tema dell’impatto sulla salute mentale del cambiamento climatico. [...] In
collaborazione con Luca Martinalli, nostro collega universitario e PHCA, nonché Alunno del Ghislieri, stiamo progettando una ADE (Attività Didattica Elettiva) con la
docenza della prof. Anna Odone, aperta a tutti gli studenti di Medicina interessati ad approfondire i temi della Planetary Health, con l’auspicio di dimostrare l’importanza di integrare ai curricula formativi dei giovani medici un’educazione formale sul tema".

Ora è una realtà:

Nella foto, le nostre alunne Giulia Tresoldi, Marianna Zarro e il loro amico e collega Luca Martinalli in occasione del VI PH Summit dove è stato citato anche l'avvio del nuovo insegnamento "Planetary Health: le sfide attuali e future della medicina pubblica" promosso congiuntamente da Collegio Nuovo e Collegio Ghislieri per l'a.a. 2024-25.

Planetary Health Alliance

Università degli studi di Pavia Scuola Universitaria Superiore IUSS Pavia Collegio Ghislieri EucA - European University College Association CCUM Conferenza dei Collegi Universitari di Merito


🌎 On August 9, join us in celebrating the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples!

We honor the profound wisdom and cultural heritage of Indigenous communities worldwide. Their traditional knowledge and regenerative practices are essential in addressing global environmental challenges and promoting Planetary Health.

✨ Learn more:


🌎 Inspire the community!

💌 Share your latest conferences, peer-reviewed research, policy articles, events, job opportunities, and gatherings by August 15 for a chance to be featured in the PHA monthly newsletter!

✨ Submit your updates here:
✨ Stay in the loop—subscribe to our monthly newsletter here:


🌍📚 Join Our Team as the Planetary Health Library Science Technician!

The Planetary Health Alliance (PHA) is seeking a resourceful and collaborative individual to join our team for a one-year fellowship, funded by the Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund. If you have a degree in library or information science and a passion for the health field, we want to hear from you!

What You’ll Do:
🔹 Curate a comprehensive library of articles and resources, develop a taxonomy, and summarize key findings.
🔹 Compile examples, case studies, and lessons learned from the 2024 Planetary Health Roadmap and Action Plan.
🔹 Integrate Planetary Health concepts into education, with a focus on library science/informatics.

✨ Ready to make a global impact? Learn more and apply here:


🌍✨ Safeguarding our planet is fundamentally about safeguarding human health.

This powerful insight reminds us that Planetary Health and human well-being are inextricably linked. It’s time to prioritize setting safe and just Earth system boundaries to secure a regenerative and sustainable future for all life on our planet.

P*K Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Oral Research Presentation: Hashim Hounkpatin 06/08/2024

🌍 Climate change is hitting sub-Saharan Africa hard, but resilience is on the rise!

Dr. Hashim Hounkpatin from the Centre of Research in Human Reproduction and Demography explores how health systems are adapting to these climate threats. His research reveals the critical role of global governance and seven key domains of action, including health system strengthening, disaster preparedness, and policy planning.

“Health systems need to stretch their sphere of influence to health-determining sectors, including the political and economic determinants of health.”

✨ Discover more by watching Dr. Hounkpatin’s presentation:

Oral Research Presentation: Hashim Hounkpatin Hashim Hounkpatin discusses how sub-Saharan African health systems are adapting to climate change threats.Research Paper Title: How are health systems in sub...

New research networks will tackle antimicrobial resistance 06/08/2024

We’re thrilled to announce that the United Kingdom Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council's (UK BBSRC) Transdisciplinary Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Networks proposal has been successful! 🎉

A research group, led by William Gaze at the University of Exeter, will explore the links between AMR, climate change, and pollution through a Planetary Health perspective, aiming for transdisciplinary solutions that promote innovative treatments.

With AMR projected to claim 10 million lives annually by 2050, this initiative is crucial. It unites nature, health, equity, and social justice to drive systemic change across human, animal, and environmental sectors. 🌱🤝

✨ Learn more:

New research networks will tackle antimicrobial resistance Eight new networks, combining different research specialisms, will work together to tackle one of humanity’s biggest threats, antimicrobial resistance (AMR).


📢 You're invited to submit proposals for Web Portal Hosting and Maintenance Support for the BES-Net website! 🖥️

BES-Net is on the lookout for a dedicated web hosting and maintenance partner to ensure our portal runs smoothly and remains a hub of information on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

If you have the expertise to enhance user experience and support our mission, submit your proposals today!

🗓️ Deadline: 14 August 2024 | 3 a.m. GMT-4


📊 It's !

♀️Researchers found that women's leadership in higher education for Planetary Health (EPH) is essential for advancing the field. They recommend overcoming gendered challenges by celebrating women role models and improving access to partnerships, funding, and research opportunities.

"Exploring women’s stories as leaders in EPH can develop insights of the role that gender plays in the challenges for developing EPH."

✨ Read more:


A threat to progress 02/08/2024

🌍👶 “Children are disproportionately affected by climate change because they are uniquely vulnerable to environmental hazards compared to adults.”

A recent UNICEF report highlights the triple planetary crisis—climate emergency, biodiversity collapse, and pervasive pollution—as an urgent and systemic threat to children's rights globally.

The report suggests disaster risk reduction strategies can help local governments and communities prepare for, cope with, and respond to climate hazards. Key actions include:

📜 Designing policies to operate under a range of risk scenarios
📊 Scaling up comprehensive disaster and climate risk management
🌱 Investing in sustainable and resilient infrastructure systems and utilizing traditional and Indigenous knowledge

✨ Dive into the full report here:

A threat to progress Confronting the effects of climate change on child health and well-being


Rangers hold diverse roles including biodiversity protection, education, law enforcement, and emergency response. Across the globe, these planetary health workers form the backbone of conservation efforts worldwide:

Oral Research Presentation: Doris Zjalić 01/08/2024

🌍 Can we educate youth on without heightening negative emotions? This study suggests YES!

Doris Zjalic, a Public Health Resident at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, introduces the PERSIST project's study on education and among Italian high school students.

By employing a student-centered approach with group work, active discussions, system-based games, and guided questioning, they saw improvements in climate crisis literacy and , particularly regarding the health impacts of climate change. 🧠🌿

✨ Discover more by watching the research presentation:

Oral Research Presentation: Doris Zjalić Doris Zjalić, a public health resident at Università Cattolica del Sacro, presents the findings of a study focused on the climate crisis and its impacts on t...


🌍📚 Join Our Team as the Planetary Health Library Science Technician!

The Planetary Health Alliance (PHA) is seeking a resourceful and collaborative individual to join our team for a one-year fellowship, funded by the Grace and Harold Sewell Memorial Fund. If you have a degree in library or information science and a passion for the health field, we want to hear from you!

What You’ll Do:
🔹 Curate a comprehensive library of articles and resources, develop a taxonomy, and summarize key findings.
🔹 Compile examples, case studies, and lessons learned from the 2024 Planetary Health Roadmap and Action Plan.
🔹 Integrate Planetary Health concepts into education, with a focus on library science/informatics.

✨ Ready to make a global impact? Learn more and apply here:



Dalwood Child and Family Community Centre has become the latest district facility to embrace planetary health and reduce its carbon footprint.

A new 250kW solar PV system will greatly reduce the centre’s reliance on grid power and decrease its carbon footprint. 430 solar panels have been installed on three buildings across the campus.

The sustainability journey for Dalwood began in early 2023 when NSLHD, in collaboration with NSW Health, explored the feasibility of integrating solar panels at the centre.

Funding was secured from the Health Fund for Energy Efficiency Projects, leading to the successful installation of the solar power system.

The solar system is designed to power the entire facility during the day and export surplus energy to offset nighttime consumption.

With an average daily power usage of 790kWh, the new system is expected to generate over 900kWh per day, covering 114 per cent of the Centre’s electricity needs.

This achievement will make Dalwood effectively the first NSW Health facility that is net zero for electricity, marking a significant milestone for the district and NSW Health.

This project aligns with NSLHD’s Planetary Health Framework 2024-2027, which aims to increase onsite renewable energy production and electrify facilities. It follows previous successful solar installations at Mona Vale, Brookvale, Hornsby, and Royal North Shore.

Our Story

The Planetary Health Alliance is a consortium of universities, NGOs, government entities, and other partners committed to advancing planetary health.

To support the rapid growth of a robust, interdisciplinary field of planetary health, the PHA is focused on:

  • 1) Building a global planetary health community that crosses sectors, disciplines, generations, and geographies;

  • 2) Facilitating the training of the next generation of planetary health scholars through the development of mentorship opportunities and foundational open-access educational resources from primary to university levels; and
  • Videos (show all)

    🌍📢 WEBINAR REMINDER 📢🌍Are you a journalist interested in the human health impacts of global environmental changes? 🤔 Don...
    Introduction to Planetary Health
    ‘Cities are heating up twice as fast as the rest of our globe.’ 🌆 Amid rising temperatures, some communities are using n...
    Cooling Our Urban Deserts | Our Planet Earth ‘Cities are heating up twice as fast as the rest of our globe’. 🌆 Amid risi...
    Using trees to combat extreme heat 🌱 [this is no joke!] Working in extreme heat has health implications, particularly fo...
    The Last Hope of the Muskoxen | Our Planet Earth ‘There are really no other species in the world that are like them.’ Mu...
    ‘The culture, the land and traditions are all tied together’. 🧵 Finding beauty in natural landscapes can help both your ...
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