Empowering womxn to embody strength in body & mind through online coaching and communities


✨ Same me, different seasons..

L: Cut for a national weightlifting meet; new studio just opened
R: Offseason, focusing on my work-life balance & mental health

The winter months for me have always been difficult, especially around the holidays.

The level of distress I’ve had my body and mind endure to see myself through something I’ve committed to at any high level is something I don’t always recognize until afterwards, when I look back to reflect: damn. 🤯 that was real life! 😮‍💨

I didn’t broadcast this out loud, but it was not easy to cut weight to compete in the short time I committed to doing so since I was right at that edge of making it happen..and we did.

My body doesn’t regularly sit at this weight (10-12 lbs less than where I am right now), especially with the amount of weight training I do.. I haven’t weighed that low (aside from my wedding the year prior) since grade school? Maybe freshman year of high school.

Then I got into more athletics. I always grew up both petite and kind of a tom-boy, or just someone who loved to be outside, active, spending time with my cousins and friends, at the park or pool, and as I grew up: in practice, games, meets and competitions. It became a huge part of my identity.

FF through college, and my CrossFit years, I find myself somewhere now in my 30’s recognizing life has heavier responsibilities for me than to ❌shrink my body🚫 or to not believe I can do essentially anything I really commit myself, body, mind and identity to: with God’s will and the never ending support of my loved ones.

Speaking of whom, I am extending to share more of my heart and quality time to at this time. They’ve been there for me at my worst, lowest, all the way to my highest highs and me at my best ✨ I thank you and love you all more than you realize 🩵 even when it seems like the last thing I want to do is socialize more and want to just be a hermit for days 😂

I’ve made many changes in all of my lifestyle choices at different times and seasons of my training and in 💥being💃🏽 and happy to share these teachings & guidance with a few more select individuals this fall.

Applications to work with me 1:1 are now open. Link in bio 🩵

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 07/08/2024

BTS of BFT: Still coaching 1:1 💪🏽

Client Testimonial from Aga K., 2024 National Vet Medalist in Womens Fencing

Aga and I met in the tail end of last year as a referral to me and the upcoming studio we were in the process of opening up by one of my first fitness coaches, who is also local to the area.

I was humbled that she was willing to give us a try, even though it would still be months until doors open…

Aga approached me with a willingness to learn, and questions around nutritional approaches, supplementation and training intentions.

She started to share more with me about what some of her goals are in the sport of Fencing, and I got to know her a bit more as we worked together for 12 weeks on her sport nutrition.

It was a pleasure being on the COACH side of things again for someone I was seeing regularly, giving weekly feedback to, and the best part: working with someone who is coachable, open to learning and adapts to changes and overcoming old mindsets or beliefs (for example: eating or lifting too much will make me bulky or slow in my sport..). Aga was even open to book suggestions to level up her mental nourishment as an athlete!

On the flipside, Aga gained muscle, speed, agility, stamina and a greater understanding and sense of the importance of nutrients, in addition to timing, training and recovery: to become a National medalist 😎

Proud of the progress we’ve made and I’m always inspired by my clients (students) and fellow athletes in mind and body. 🙌🏽


A resistance can teach you the extent to which you need to move with its load—like a thoughtful dance—not forcefully against it.

Also among the many reasons why I love weightlifting 🔥💃🏽

I’ve trained to compete locally & for fun over the years… but at the end of the day, my biggest gains have been the transferrable mindset & practices for all the swiftly changing seasons of life.

If I’m not “in season” for sport, it’s very likely I’m either: BTS putting in reps in another aspect of life, recovering from such, challenging the mind and ego of its desire to keep me complacent, or honestly, potentially experiencing a little bit of depressive episodes, in between tbh.

I can only dream of Olympian athlete strength and resilience. Though one thing I know is the very high highs and low lows of what even us amateur athletes go through are not exclusive to the *elite* level, but simply a part of the human experience in pursuit of their full potential and purpose.

Another day: to rise up again 🙏🏽✨

Let me know in the comments what resistance you’ve learned to move through lately!


Photos from CD FITNESS's post 02/05/2024

Since it’s both mental health awareness + teacher appreciation in the same month, I spend a lot of time reflecting back to when this all started: my passion turned into my purpose in fitness.

First pic: the infamous first session in 2013 when I knew I needed to leave my classroom at a more timely manner to find a hobby outside of work: queue group training classes

Present day: back in the same town, new space but same purpose: education x influence x community ✨

Often as a “leader” — speaking at the front of the room, the experienced person who may have a proposed solution, or an athlete on the platform: it’s inevitable to want to excel.

many of my old tweets were something like “go big or dont go at all” or something cringey like that lmao

But sometimes being the leader also means: being a lifelong learner, a listener, and sometimes: just got to take a step back in time to see the good you’ve already done. so keep going.

In my teaching career, similar to my cycles of being challenged with overachievement and cycles of aiming straight for it, followed by disappointment and burnout, I often felt defeated. Not satisfied.

Day in and day out: it seemed like the progress remained stagnant and I, with my students, could hardly keep up, let alone get ahead in the standards set out for us..

but by whose standards? because we still had memorable moments, remarkable growth and experiences that made the steps necessary in order to now think back and hear from former students, or their parents, or from old clients, and say damn: we. did. that. 🙏✨ we went there. we learned from it.

from our first teachers: parents & grandparents. to our school teachers. to our coaches & mentors. and life partners whom we all know can teach us a lot 😂

and that’s worthy. worthwhile. winning… even if each day, in the thick of it all, it doesn’t ever “feel” like it.

As I’m moving into a new season of life and nearly 10+ years later, my purpose in how it looks can and will likely shift, but the roots remain the same. I think my ancestral line would be proud.. and with that, I settle into more peace.


*~*BrB*~* I think the west coast is calling me back to go visit..


5’none with 10’ ambition 💕

It’s a great day to get after your dreams, desires or “goals” as this side of society likes to call it. Tag a friend you know is going for theirs today 💪🏽🍑🏋🏽‍♀️💸💡✍🏽🎓🥇🌴👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏽

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 08/02/2024

To a day dedicated to Women & Girls in Sport, I celebrate…

🎉The rejections from modeling castings in my early teens for being too short, or “not the ideal frame”

🎉The unintentional, that turned into very intentional, and CONSCIOUS, DILIGENT processing of my former past experiences and some trauma somehow channeled into fitness, movement and recovery..

🎉The overcomings of every single failure, loss, disappointment and set back in training, game day or in life..

🎉The women, girls, and even the men that have all been supportive of me as teammates, role models, coaches and lifelong friends & a “fit fam” as cheesy as that sounds..

because somehow these have made me who I am and I am pretty happy with that person I have become and am becoming along the way.

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 27/01/2024

Building and cultivating the community at has been something I’ve found so much joy in.

Honestly, seeing members smile, see progress, bring friends, share feedback, a win, a helping hand to each other: it all makes the sacrifices, pivots and long days so worth it 🩵

Proud of the character and culture the team’s fostered:
fitness x commitment x family x fun … because at the end of the day, it’s not all that serious (til it’s game time of course 😏)

I first began fitness coaching 10 years ago.. right in this very town, and happy to have this space to bring it full circle, with more experience, more dedication, and uplifting y’all with me along the way.

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 19/01/2024

Little late but 2023 was one big Jordan moment ❤️‍🔥

So many happenings I had just hardly finished processing and it’s now 19 days into january lol

Was a long, tough year, but just happy to be livin tbh ✌🏽


I never thought I’d be in the world of business, sales, and intra/entrepreneurship.

Just the sound of it made the old me 🥴

Until I learned that businesses are built upon solving problems, forming meaningful relationships and it just so happened I can do grow in them in an avenue I love • practice • embody and can’t wait to share with those who want to know. 🏋🏽‍♀️💪🏽🏆❤️‍🔥

And now here we are: 1st BFT studio in IL: a boutique Strength & Conditioning studio that brings the right:
👥 People: Coaches/Community
💪🏽 Programming: strength and aerobic/anaerobic training for any level
📲 Technology: Utilizing data and tools (hardware and software) to drive results and to help keep you coming back to train more consistently and sustainably

…right here in Park Ridge: where it all began.

🗓️ Join the squad this week for a FREE trial class. 11/30-12/3 • mornings, noon, evenings, weekends: I’ll be around! & more importantly, this amazing team will be here for you all, doing their damn thing!

📲 Link in my bio or DM me to reserve


Through the changes remember who you are.

Change in marital status, job titles, weight classes, income streams, and evolved goals have challenged me this past year.

I choose to stay calm, humble and grateful because of the magical 3% of the time we get to ride this type of confidence and win; the other 97% is trusting in the consistent process of doing the aligned, right things despite all the uncontrollable events, opinions and perceived chaos in our external world.


Body weight: what a concept!

I haven’t been so reliant and dependent on a scale for my fitness actions since my old past of disordered eating and relationship with exercise forever ago: before CDF, before weightlifting, before CrossFit or even running races and zumba classes lol

Stories to come soon.. still processing this past week and quite honestly I’m a little shook myself, lol.

Hello, 49kg 👀


Today I was reminded of the meaning of *mercy*

While social media encourages us to share our wins, highlights, adventures and milestones..

I will be one to admit, I am the furthest thing from a “pretty picture” of life.

Through early heartbreak and grief in my teen years, I found myself in a lot of darkness.

For some time, I lived in a way that I am not proud to always admit to (and am open to sharing more intimately with those who are close to me)

and even today, although I live through a much different set of lifestyle choices and a renewed mindset and sense of connectedness to my *spirit* much more than when i was suppressing it or turning away from the light of what’s right..

I’m still the furthest thing from “picture perfect” when it comes to being human.

Like many, I have also thought, done, said things I wish I didn’t.. but if it weren’t for those I’ve had in my life who have shown me mercy, I may have still continued down that path of dread and darkness and never righted some of my wrongs.

Mended the wounds of hurt I may have caused, or not had lessons learned.

I thank these people, and what *spirit* lives in them too—because they showed me light when I was in a deep, dark hole.. more than once in my life.

My decision to become a coach has been life changing to say the least.

It used to be about “a career” or “how to make a living” and to “follow my passion” (it is some of this!)

but now I’m realizing it’s so much more about learning about how to be a better human, with other humans: through science and spirit.

Mercy doesn’t just mean you’re a pushover or ignore boundaries.

It means you are willing to get into a bit of a mess, in order to believe in and to see the best in yourself or in others, especially.

It doesn’t mean you’re a pushover, it means sometimes you might have to eat the cost, for the long term benefit/ relationship/ change or transformation: for something that holds so much power for good.

And for that: mercy is powerful.

As I was also asked, I also ask you:

Who might need your mercy this week?


So the month back from traveling/indulging and attempting to defy aging, stress and inflammation has been cool.

Top 3 main changes:
🍴 Eating more at home
🫗 Omitting alcohol
🧘🏽‍♀️ Meditating at least once daily

Still working out 3-5x/week and resting as much as I can.. Season changes get me 🤧 and 🥱

What’s been your wellness protocol lately?

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 10/10/2023

Acknowledging World Mental Health Day today by reminiscing on the reward and peace of taking a single step at a time..

This trip to Hawaii this summer changed my outlook on a lot if my life and its pace, my relationship to my self (worth), my 12 year relationship with my partner, and the natural world beneath me and other unseen elements of my spirituality..

Grateful everyday to find myself at higher points of my mindset, soul being and well-being than some of my darkest lows. It feels hopeful to see success in incremental steps, that comes with sacrifices, even when it seems like it’s slow or difficult. I couldn’t do this life thing the way I do without God and some people who have really held me through and through. Thank you and ily.


Admittedly, I’ve been feeling imbalanced.

From different time zones, whacky workout schedules, inconsistent nutrition, to obligations to many things at once, I often think:

What if I could silence myself…

Disconnect. Unplug. Be at peace.

Even if for just a few moments each day.

I may not be able to spend days on days at coves, mountains, beaches or an entire lifetime in paradise, but I know I can commit at least a few moments to silence first thing in the morning and before bed at night.

Some might call this meditation, prayer or quiet time.

Lately for me, it’s been a *key to my sanity* if I’m being dramatic..

Or a *tool to navigate my mental health and spiritual practice*… which has been: a shorter length of time in comparison to my physical health and fitness journey.

I know I’m not perfect, and I have a far way’s to go from all that I know I’m meant for, but for now, I’ll look to these moments of silence to remind myself: you’re right here—right where you need to be, so lean in and keep leading onward with love and light. ✨

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 08/09/2023


Shoutout to the man that doesn’t always get me, but always has me 🤍

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 05/09/2023

Happiest birthdays to the QUEEN herself 👸🏽 who taught me about commitment, sacrifice, hospitality, and softness.. while also showing me how a graceful woman can carry toughness and develop mental resilience. Thank you for this life and your love.

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 02/09/2023

It’s never just about the weight loss, tbh.

In 2020, I launched my first remote coaching program, Black Dress Project 90:

The messaging was focused around losing X lbs. in 90 days because…
some bro-marketing company that helped personal trainers go remote: told me it was effective.

And it was.

And I got more of my first clients, and together we developed community, and many of my ladies I worked with did see weight loss!

And it did because it was science, and I knew how to do it and get them those results, and partially because: they committed to that outcome:

Weight loss.

And some did not, and still showed up. Gave it a shot. Kept on going.

But looking back always, which I knew deeply inside all along, that it was never about the weight loss.

Nearly every. single. woman… like myself, at the end of the day,

Wanted to be:
+ someone who values their health
+ a better person
+ seen, heard, validated and supported
+ strong, sexy, confident and someone who prioritizes fitness

So I did my marketing for a while around weight loss when I realized — it never was about that. For me, nor for them.

It felt icky that I kept pushing that in my messaging, and yet, it was about so much more.

I stretched myself out of that icky spot. We all have em, just gotta get up out.

I’m grateful that the women I get to work with see that value in our working relationship together,

In our workout programs,
In our lessons around food,
In our discussions on identity,
In our TLC (tough-love coaching) moments,

And that the Black Dress Project at its roots were about empowering women to BE:

Exactly who they were meant to be.
Who they want to be.
Who they love to be.

And that’s the work we do.

Ask me the % of women who say their NUMBER ONE intention (goal) is weight loss — it’s close to none.

So tell me—what’s your intention? Why do you *fitness*?


Reasons to consistently challenge yourself:

1. You’re worth the reward

2. Our ancestors sacrificed too much for us to stay comfortable

3. Life wouldn’t be as fun if you didn’t

4. Gain some confidence


Back to reality shortly. Looking forward to setting sight on the next steps with gained perspective, rest, and inspiration from my husband and friends.

Posting more in the 3B Community Group about lessons and reflections to share in further detail 🤙🏽


I’m getting higher… closer to my dream

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 27/07/2023

Won’t catch me at the grocery store on the weekends.. I prefer a weekday trip 💯

And lately with longer work days and busy weekends, easy and simple meals have to be the solution..

What should I make of these?? ⬇️

• Ground turkey
• Beef burger patties
• Canned tuna
• Sliced deli meat
• Spicy tuna poke

• Riced cauliflower
• Teriyaki veggie mix
• Asian Ceasar salad kit
• Grape tomatoes
• Bean sprouts

• Frozen blueberries
• Frozen strawberry + banana
• Fuji apples
• Bananas

Carbs, Fats, Misc. items
• Bratwurst rolls
• Sweet potatoes
• Poppi
• Avocados
• Quest bar


Most people looking for a big change quit before they even see significant success…

Or at least, they keep having to start over.

With the Fit Girl Formula, you will create FIT as your new norm:

1. Fitness
2. Intuition
3. Transformation

And we do this by taking action and seeking accountability in our: bodies, brains and ability to appreciate beauty in our selves and our environments.

💡 Learn how I have taken myself and over 100 individual women through discovering their very own formula..

And be able to create an iteration of it for any season of your life, instead of having to start over.. every. single. time.

‼️ Enrollment for the Fit Girl Formula online course is now OPEN.

Here’s your chance to gain access to the formulaic (yet creative) process and the coaching for up to 6 months… for a fraction of the 1:1 investment.

In fact, if you are open to joining the 3B Community: Beauty, Brains & B***y Gains for Women 25+ I’ll gift you 3 months of workouts for you, too! 🎁

More details, a course preview, and live video walk through of the new Fit Girl Formula course in the 3B Community! ✅

Comment or DM "FGF" for the link to enroll!

Doors close this Friday, April 7th.

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 06/03/2023

So proud of the progress has been making in her Body Peace journey while rebuilding her strength and fueling and resting more! 🍽🥗😴

Over the years, going from no plan, to overtraining and DRASTICALLY under-eating just a few years ago, she was hesitant to “go slow” with workouts and to increase her caloric intake this time, as she prepares for her wedding this year.

However, being as coachable as she is, she’s stayed the course and has developed an appreciation for her bounce back from injury to build more stable and balanced movement in her exercises, and loving her physique as a result, too 💪🏽✨

Keep up the great work, Kim! We are FANGIRLING over here 🤩🫶🏽

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 05/03/2023

Send Lisa a HUGE congratulations on completing her 6th major marathon in Tokyo this weekend!

It’s been a distance to travel and maybe one of the toughest rules to abide by for this last one but she finished with integrity, a huge smile and the Abbott World Marathon 6-star Finisher Medal 🏅
“Left it *all* on the road today. Despite nutrition and hydration being off (and legs seizing at 35km) I dug down deep and busted out a 4:48:30. Today was hard. Completely overcome with emotion when they put this on me.

I want to thank my amazing husband Kent Cowgill for looking after the kids and the “herd” while I headed across the globe; my family, friends and coworkers who cheered in person, from afar and sent notes of encouragement; Anna Maria my running partner who runs with me at the crack o’ dawn; my weightlifting coach Cheryl De Guzman Capadocia; Fitness International Travel and Kelly McLay for keeping us Tokyo marathon runners *sane* through the plethora of rules this race had🤪

I am an Abbott World Marathon 6-Star Finisher🏅

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 02/03/2023

Anjoleen hit a 10 lb. milestone after our first few weeks together followed by our 21-day NO B.S. challenge.

She’s been tracking her food, incorporating new types of workouts & has upped her water intake drastically 🥳

Working 1:1 together has given her the additional structure and support to determine necessary commitments to daily habits that allow her to change her body composition but also her mindset and habits to be more of who she’s envisioned herself to be:

Healthy, happy and empowered 🙏🏽

Way to go 💪🏽 Let’s keep going and growing 🎉✨

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 21/02/2023

🌟 A big congratulations to our 21 Day NO B.S. Challenge winner of $500: Amanda J. 🌟

Amanda joined this challenge with the hurdle of not belonging to a gym, nor having weights to workout at home, not to mention, managing her health and home life as a working mother.

Amanda says the biggest takeaway was to plan ahead; she made meal planning and preparation days a priority over these 3 weeks, and managed to still get movement in among other fun mini challenges and tasks.

“Being a mother of a young toddler, I found it hard to really make time for myself, and in this challenge I was able to do that again.”

Amanda learned some information on skin care tips, shared delicious meal recipes and stayed present within the community space to absorb and contribute.

All in all, Amanda also was able to:
• Drop 10.2 lbs.
• Drop 8” overall
• Increase self-reported metrics in the areas of her energy, fitness and nutrition routines and her self-concept by a total of 8 points ✨

At last night’s challenge wrap up community call and live announcement, the other challenge participants were so supportive as Amanda responded in a big surprise to her winning!

It’s been such a fun adventure taking on the 21 Day Challenge with Amanda and the CDF community 💗

Congratulations on all your progress and success ladies, and a BIG congratulations to Amanda again! 😎👏🏽💪🏽


In order for you to do what you’ve never done, you’re going to have to step into who you’ve never been before.

Not my original thought, but a truth that serves as a reminder for all the growth we’ve been moving through these past 4 years in .coach (myself, collaborators, community and clients)

Any way you want to see a result, just ask yourself: Am I thinking, acting and being the person an earlier version of myself could only imagine once upon a time?

Or am I stuck thinking, doing, being the same ol s**t Ive been doing?

Which is fine!…

Just don’t expect anything to be different as a result of that.

Join our free 3B Community online using link in bio or DM “ME” if you’re ready for your next level up alongside other real, strong, badass women 💛✨



Anjoleen has been putting in work inside and outside of the gym, and especially in her personal mindset and her nutritional choices. 👏🏽

Some of her biggest wins has been acknowledging the changes in her body’s strength, decreased inflammation and building a routine around meal preparation at home to have better options before and after long work shifts.

Anjoleen has become much more aware of how her body responds to foods like when she’s out to eat, and she’s found ways to make drinking a mocktail at date night feel cute and classy 💗

It’s been just a month of dedicated work, and Anjoleen is down about 7 lbs and 2.2% body fat as a result of her consistent movement, food tracking and she still enjoys the occasional dessert 🫱🏽‍🫲🏾

As one of our partial scholarship winners, gifting this opportunity to connect with and coach Anjoleen has been so aligned and joyful ✨

Photos from CD FITNESS's post 14/02/2023



CD FITNESS: conscious diligent fitness – was established as a movement to empower women to build their strength, confidence, and success through a mindful introspection of themselves, personalized nutrition coaching, and physical fitness beyond the four walls of a gym. It begins with a beginning level of consciousness and continues to become embodied through ongoing diligence.

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