Barbara R. Blackburn

Barbara R. Blackburn

Recognized global leader in education.

International keynote speaker, renown consultant for schools, teachers and leaders on their professional development journey and best-selling author of over 35 books.


"As I send my very best wishes to all of you, your loved ones, students, and colleagues for a wonderful and safe 2024 - I wanted to also pass on my thoughts and hopes for what I wish 2024 could be for all of us. Happy New Year to each and every one of you." Dr Barbara Blackburn
Routledge Eye On Education


Solitary leadership doesn’t work very well. It can achieve short-term compliance but doesn’t build long-term commitment. Expanding leadership capacity doesn’t occur simply by tapping a teacher to head a new committee. Rather it comes from identifying talented people, their interests and strengths and providing opportunities for them to use those talents. Routledge Eye On Education #


"Effective interaction with upset or angry parents is a critical skill for leaders and educators. While everyone has their own style, it's essential to incorporate strategies that clam the waters, provide clarity, and find solutions. AND always remember throughout the dialogue to ALWAYS FOCUS ON THE STUDENT".


For feedback to be effective, it must be shared in a non-judgmental, respectful manner. Too often, despite intention, comments can come across in ways that are counter-productive. For example, we heard a principal tell a teacher, “I’m sure you agree with me you could have improved on yesterday’s lesson.”

Although she didn’t intend to do so, the principal’s message was interpreted by the teacher as “My principal just told me my lesson wasn’t good.” A better way to open the discussion would be, “Talk with me about yesterday’s lesson. What were its strengths? What were the challenges?” Using statements and questions that open dialogue, encourage reflection and avoid judgment are key.
Routledge Eye On Education


"Teachers [and people in general] are more motivated when they value what they are doing and when they believe they have a chance for success. Adults see value in a variety of ways, but the main three are relevance, autonomy, and relationships. As leaders it is our job to ensure we establish and demonstrate our commitment to supporting these pillars for our faculty and staff" Routledge Eye On Education


Merry Christmas! To each of you we wish you a wonderful holiday from Hayley - and all of us! We thank you for all your support through this past year and look forward to working with you again or meeting you for the first time in 2024! Merry Christmas and sending each of you all our love and happiness! Routledge Eye On Education MiddleWeb Resources


"Every school leader deals with varying degrees of conflict on a regular basis. It is our job to lead the response to resolution of such conflict - taking time to listen, respond appropriately, remove judgement and work towards solutions". Routledge Eye On Education


"This may sound basic, but it is always true - " a good teacher-leader relationship is the foundation for working together". It will always be paramount in the delivery of positive outcomes for each party - leader, teacher and student". "Routledge Eye On Education MiddleWeb Resources


"A collective commitment to an improved school is an anchored in a SHARED vision and confidence that the plan is collaboratively developed - and hence having the best chance to be both successful and embraced".
Routledge Eye On Education


"Each of us deserves to feel respected and treated equally. It is no different when it comes our students. As we embark on another school year, if you want your classroom to be a community of learners where everyone works together then respect is critical".
Routledge Eye On Education


"Another way to provide scaffolding is to help students learn from their mistakes. We often think of scaffolding as preventing mistakes, but we need to help students appropriately respond when they do make mistakes and then grow from them".


"From my family to yours, we wish each and every one of you a wonderful Christmas filled with nothing but happiness. Thank you for all your support throughout the year and may your holiday be safe, happy and surrounded by those special to you! Merry Christmas!"


"Grading is one of the issues parents ask me most about. In this arena, remember rewards and punishment are not the solution, but working through the issue, supporting your child and planning steps forward together are the answer. I hope you can visit my website page dedicated to parent support and resources via the below link. Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!"


"It's always a please to connect and work with educators via the brilliant resource that is Share My Lesson. I greatly appreciate our long-time collaboration and hence am thrilled that hence my blog and FREE webinar have made their list of the TOP RESOURCES of 2023. I hope you can visit and discover this great array of support tools.


"Almost all teachers can provide best insights into how their teaching can be strengthened. However, that discussion requires a trusting climate between teacher and leader where they don't fear their own analysis will be used against them". Read our full article MiddleWeb Resources via the below link:


"A statement that remains true and always worth remembering in the classroom - "Students don't care how much you know until they know how much you care".


"When I started as a teacher I was overwhelmed and it took a few years to learn that I need to look after ME as well. Work-Life balance is vital and while there is no perfect answer here are some suggestions to assist". Routledge Eye On Education


"After 35 years in education, the ongoing opportunity to work with educators and leaders each and every day to impact student growth remains a daily honor. I have just opened up new 2024 available dates for workshops, webinars, assessments and leadership training for individuals, schools and districts. I hope there is the chance to work with you through 2024 and I look forward to discussing and collaborating with you further as we focus on school improvement together. Please visit my website via the below link for more information or to contact me today. Thank you as always". Barbara Blackburn.


"Being both a former principal and teacher I have used that experience and knowledge when designing the resources portfolio I have made available within my website. There are 100's of FREE resources and information designed to be a regular avenue of support for both teachers and leaders and help you in your outcome to improve student growth. I hope you have the chance to visit soon". Routledge Eye On Education


"A favorite saying of mine - which remains true to hold on to each and every day [even on those tough classroom days!] Love what you teach, but love who you teach more."
Routledge Eye On Education


Wishing each of you, your loved ones, students and colleagues a wonderful Christmas season. My publisher, Routledge Eye On Education has commenced their year-end sale, which means all of my books are now 20% off. I hope you have the chance to discover them this holiday season. A Merry Christmas to all of you". Barbara Blackburn.


Most teachers are motivated by a deep desire to become better teachers, and to work with their colleagues to improve their schools. It’s important to tap into that motivation to support your efforts at improving your school. I hope you have the chance to read our NEW 4-part blog series "What Impacts Motivation for Teachers" which is part of my ongoing "Open Book" Blog Series available on my website.
This series features four chapters centered on the vital topics of supporting our teachers and their motivation.
1] Do You Have Staff Who are Not Motivated?
2] Listening: A Key Skill for Leaders.
3] Being an Authentic Leader.
4] How Do I Leadership Capacity in my School?
Read today via the below link:
Routledge Eye On Education


In the face of today’s leadership and teaching pressures, staff shortages, budget concerns and most importantly our student needs – implementing effective and practical professional development is as vital as ever. With over 30 years of experience, Dr. Blackburn has developed a custom suite of developmental tools and workshops that have delivered results across the globe for leaders, teachers and schools. Ranked #7 worldwide guru in education and best-selling author of over 30 books, sessions are designed ALWAYS with school improvement and student growth as the outcome.
Whether you are interested in enhancing your primary, elementary, middle, or high school Barbara has taught in each and can provide simple, practical tools that can be implemented the very next day. Please visit the below link to learn more:
Routledge Eye On Education


"After more than 35 years in my career in education, this journey of working with educators across the world remains a daily highlight. It's a journey I am still discovering and to which I have a lot more work and collaboration to achieve. With this I hope I can ask you to vote for me in this year's global guru nominations - as the recognition from my peers is something that will allow me to reach audiences and continue the work that remains my life inspiration and drive. I thank you as always. Barbara Blackburn.
Please vote at:

Routledge Eye On Education Share My Lesson


"Just completed a new episode as a guest on "Teaching, Learning, Leading K12" Podcast, with host and friend Steven Miletto. As always was a fantastic experience to be a part of this informative resource and have the chance to open the conversation in regard to classroom and school leadership and instruction. I hope you all have the chance to listen soon". Routledge Eye On Education


"It’s critical for a school leader to possess a growth mindset for students, for teachers and for themselves. When they do so, they model behaviors that reinforce the positive traits associated with learning and growth. They talk about their own learning, cultivate a collaborative environment, and use any opportunity to reinforce the importance of growing as professionals every day". Read the FULL article entitled "The Six Characteristics of a Learning-Focused School" via the below link:
MiddleWeb Resources Routledge Eye On Education


"Our students, like all of us are both subjected and impacted by world events and cultural debate that surrounds them via media and discussion in their household. It can leave them scared, confused, or more often searching for answers. The result being that these topics and associated questions from students can and are likely to be raised within your classroom. A particular challenge for teachers is then how to address these issues in a developmentally appropriate manner, while still encouraging independent thinking. I hope you have the chance to read my new article for The Educator that discusses this classroom situation with particular relation to the recent YES referendum in Australia". Routledge Eye On Education The Educator


"Just added to my FREE articles page, a download that encompasses two special leadership articles discussing "Cultivating a Positive School Culture" & "Creating a Vision for your School". I hope there is the chance to share them with you". Routledge Eye On Education MiddleWeb Resources


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"Had the absolute pleasure of sitting down with my dear friend and recognized global expert Frank Buck to record a speci...
