Videos by US Army Valdosta Recruiting Company, Valdosta GA in Valdosta. This is the official Army page of the Valdosta Army Recruiting Company. #USArmyJaxBn
How will you be celebrating Family Month?
#Family #goarmy #armylife #militarylife #future
#USA #careers #jobs
#ArmyTeamJax #USArmy
NFW Final2 SQ.mp4
How will you be celebrating Family Month?
#Family #goarmy #armylife #militarylife #future
#USA #careers #jobs
#ArmyTeamJax #USArmy
WHY I SERVE: The EOD community as an 89E- Explosive Ordnance Disposal Officer. #goarmy #eod #Ordnance #ArmyEOD #EODteam #WhyIServe #eodhiringdays2021 #71stEOD #fortcarson