Harbor Audiology & Hearing Services, Inc., Vancouver, WA Videos

Videos by Harbor Audiology & Hearing Services, Inc. in Vancouver. Harbor Audiology & Hearing Services Inc. has six convenient locations in Washington, including Gig Harbor, and we have been providing excellent customer service and quality hearings aids since 1998.

Grandparents day

Happy Grandparents Day!! πŸ’– Let's dive into something incredibly important today – bridging the gap when our beloved grandparents face hearing challenges. πŸ€πŸ‘‚

We all know that our grandparents are the guardians of wisdom and love. They've seen it all and have the best stories to share. But what happens when hearing becomes a little tricky? Don't worry, we've got you covered with some heartwarming tips to strengthen your bond! 🧑

Speak Clearly and Slowly: When chatting with them, speak clearly and at a comfortable pace. Avoid shouting, but do enunciate your words. This helps in lip-reading and understanding.

Face-to-Face Chats: Maintain eye contact and ensure you're facing them during conversations. This not only aids in hearing but also makes them feel more engaged.

Minimize Background Noise: Turn down the TV or music when talking. Background noise can make it extremely challenging for them to focus on your voice.

Use Visual Cues: Gesture, point, or use simple hand signals to complement your words. Visual cues can be a lifesaver in conveying your message.

Write It Down: For important information or detailed discussions, consider writing things down. This helps avoid miscommunication and ensures clarity.

Technology Assistance: Explore hearing aids and assistive listening devices. These can work wonders in improving their hearing and overall quality of life.

Patience and Empathy: Most importantly, be patient and empathetic. Hearing loss can be frustrating (and exhausting) for them, so offer your love and support. And whatever you do don't stop talking to them, even when it is difficult. They are worth all the effort!

Remember, it's the love and connection that truly matter. By implementing these tips, we can ensure that our grandparents continue to enrich our lives with their invaluable experiences and stories. Let's cherish every moment with them! πŸ’ž

Got more tips to share? Drop them in the comments below, and let's create a community of love

Other Harbor Audiology & Hearing Services, Inc. videos

Grandparents day
Happy Grandparents Day!! πŸ’– Let's dive into something incredibly important today – bridging the gap when our beloved grandparents face hearing challenges. πŸ€πŸ‘‚ We all know that our grandparents are the guardians of wisdom and love. They've seen it all and have the best stories to share. But what happens when hearing becomes a little tricky? Don't worry, we've got you covered with some heartwarming tips to strengthen your bond! 🧑 Speak Clearly and Slowly: When chatting with them, speak clearly and at a comfortable pace. Avoid shouting, but do enunciate your words. This helps in lip-reading and understanding. Face-to-Face Chats: Maintain eye contact and ensure you're facing them during conversations. This not only aids in hearing but also makes them feel more engaged. Minimize Background Noise: Turn down the TV or music when talking. Background noise can make it extremely challenging for them to focus on your voice. Use Visual Cues: Gesture, point, or use simple hand signals to complement your words. Visual cues can be a lifesaver in conveying your message. Write It Down: For important information or detailed discussions, consider writing things down. This helps avoid miscommunication and ensures clarity. Technology Assistance: Explore hearing aids and assistive listening devices. These can work wonders in improving their hearing and overall quality of life. Patience and Empathy: Most importantly, be patient and empathetic. Hearing loss can be frustrating (and exhausting) for them, so offer your love and support. And whatever you do don't stop talking to them, even when it is difficult. They are worth all the effort! Remember, it's the love and connection that truly matter. By implementing these tips, we can ensure that our grandparents continue to enrich our lives with their invaluable experiences and stories. Let's cherish every moment with them! πŸ’ž Got more tips to share? Drop them in the comments below, and let's create a community of love

Fun Fact Friday Football
It's that time again! Fun Fact Friday!!! And in honor of the official start to the football season we have found a fun football fact for you. 🏈 Do you know the fascinating story behind the origin of the football huddle? πŸ€” Let's take a trip down memory lane to discover how this iconic ritual came to be! πŸ•°οΈ In the 1890's the players from Gallaudet University faced a unique challenge – their opponents eavesdropped on their plays! 🀨 Typically, this wasn't an issue as most of the teams they played didn't know sign language. But when Gallaudet, a school for the deaf, faced another deaf team they had to come up with a solution and fast! The quarterback quickly gathered his teammates in a tight circle in order to hide the play that was being communicated. This circle of unity became known as the "huddle." 🀝 The huddle quickly spread across the football world, becoming an integral part of the game we love today. It's not just a way to discuss tactics; it symbolizes teamwork, trust, and the power of collaboration. πŸ™Œ Next time you see your favorite football team huddling up, remember the story behind this unique tradition – a testament to innovation, communication, and the love of the game! 🏈 And if you are going to the games this season, especially at Lumen Field, make sure you bring your ear plugs or you may need to come see us! 😜 #FunFactFriday #football #goseahawks

Captain Earwax
It's time for another FuN FaCt FRIDAY! πŸŽ‰ Let's dive into the fascinating world of ear wax – nature's way of giving our ears a helping hand! Ever wondered why we have this waxy stuff in our ears? πŸ€” It's not for making candles, that's for sure. Let's unravel the mystery! πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Say hello to ear wax, the silent superhero of our ear canals! πŸ¦Έβ€β™€οΈ It's keeps out dust, dirt, and unwanted guests by trapping them in its gooey greatness and sweeping them back out the ear canal. 🧹 But that's not all – this multitasking marvel also doubles as a natural moisturizer, ensuring our ears stay comfy and hydrated. Talk about a true friend! So next time you spot some ear wax, give it a little nod of appreciation and embrace the awesomeness of the ear! After all what else in life comes with a built in superhero? πŸ˜‰

We hear with our brain
Who else is excited that it is Friday!!! I know we are. In this edition of Fun Fact Friday we are going to tell you one of the funnest of all the fun facts we know. Yep, read to the end. Did your mother ever tell you that you were on her last nerve? Oh man ours too. ALL. THE. TIME. Those who are moms can attest to the fact that we were... on their audiotory nerve at least. Lets face it, we weren’t exactly quiet as kids and this nerve does a very important job. The audiotory nerve is what carries the electrical signal from the ears to the brain to be processed into the sounds that we β€œhear”. So many people think that we hear with our ears when in fact they are just an intricate transit system getting the information to our brains. We actually hear with our brains! Read that again - we hear with our brains. The fun-nest of all the fun facts that we know. 😁 So if you have ever wondered why you are so tired at the end of a long day it is because your brain has been in overdrive, recieving and translating all of the incoming signals ALL DAY LONG. That can be a lot of signals depending on where you are and what you are doing. It causes brain fatigue to be sure. For instance, have you ever turned the radio down to read the street signs better? πŸ˜†That is why! Your brain can only recieve so much input at a time. If you are always around noise do yourself a favor and take quiet breaks - your brain will thank you!🧠πŸ€ͺ

Fun Fact Friday Soundwaves
It's time for another Fun Fact Friday! The sun is out, the weekend is looming and it is time for some beach vibes. Surf’s Up! Soundwaves have now reached the snail-shaped structure known as the Cochlea and they are ready to catch a wave on the fluid contained inside. This traveling wave forms along the basilar membrane which has tiny sensory cells, known as hair cells, and they ride that wave like the tiny surfers they long to be. Surf's up, dude! πŸŒŠπŸ„ These tiny surfing hair cells play a vital role in our hearing. They have the ability to increase or decrease sound as it comes into, and travels, the inner loop of the Cochlea. As these hair cells move up and down the stereocilia (microscopic projections found on top of the hair cells) bump against the surfaces inside and bend. That bending releases chemicals and creates an electrical signal that is now sent to the brain for processing. Now normally water and electricity don't mix but in this case they work to create the most marvelous music for our brains! Amazing, right?!

Fun Fact Friday - Chocolate edition
You know all is right with the world when World Chocolate Day and Fun Fact Friday coincide! This Fun Fact Friday is sweet news for chocolate lovers! A Korean study has found that dark chocolate can help protect against hearing loss. The study showed that the antioxidants in chocolate help prevent damage to the auditory nerve. But don't overdo it, moderation is always key. So treat yourself to a small piece of dark chocolate, and enjoy the benefits it can bring to your hearing health! πŸ«πŸ‘‚ Included this Friday is a Bonus Fun Fact - watch to the end because there is a reason mosquitos exist. If you are a chocolate lover it is a very important reason indeed. πŸ˜‰ Now go get yourself some chocolate and have a great weekend! #chocolatelovers #hearinghealth #antioxidants #Koreanstudy

Fun Fact Friday - Cochlea edition
So, if you have been following along with us on our journey of the ear you know that this tiny organ holds a lot for something so small! It has a drum (the tympanic membrane), a hammer (the malleus bone), an anvil (the incus bone) and a stirrup (the stapes bone) – Yep, it’s a real wild west show in there! But wait there’s more! It is not done because past all of that is a …. gastropod! That is right, your ear has a snail in it. Well, a snail-shaped structure filled with fluid called the cochlea, to be exact. The cochlea takes all the vibrations that enter the ear and splits them into higher and lower frequency sounds. It does this through an elastic partition called the basilar membrane that runs from the front all the way to the end, splitting it into an upper and lower part. Near the wide end the higher-pitched sounds such as an infant crying will be detected, while closer to the center is where the lower-pitched sounds will be detected.

A new Fun Fact Friday post is up. Check it out!

Happy Friday everyone! That means it is time for Fun Fact Friday! Did you know that every ear is completely unique and individual just like your fingerprints? The bends and size of each canal that carry sound waves to your inner ear are completely unique. Some people have one ear canal that is narrower than the other while some canals bend in a completely different direction than anticipated. Each one is a new adventure for our hearing care professionals. How amazing that even with those variances the sound gets through and is amplified to the brain for processing!

It is no surprise that we find ears absolutely fascinating! We would be in the wrong field if we didn’t. 😜 While we may be a little biased, we think they are incredibly amazing and intricate in all that they do. So starting next week, we are going to share some fun facts about the incredible facets of these not so simple eyeglass holders in a new series called FUN FACT FRIDAY! We think you will be as fascinated with ears as we are so join us as we dive deep into what they do and how we can protect them!

It is no surprise that we find ears absolutely fascinating! We would be in the wrong field if we didn’t. 😜 While we may be a little biased, we think they are incredibly amazing and intricate in all that they do. So starting next week, we are going to share some fun facts about the incredible facets of these not so simple eyeglass holders in a new series called FUN FACT FRIDAY! We think you will be as fascinated with ears as we are so join us as we dive deep into what they do and how we can protect them!

Due to hazardous conditions we have to, unfortunately, close our clinics in Silverdale, Bainbridge Island, Gig Harbor, and Tacoma today. ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ Thank you for your understanding, have a safe and happy holiday! ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️ We will open again on Tuesday Dec 27th

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