Ascending Phoenix

Ascending Phoenix

This is where we come to lose our fear of death, the paranormal, and what happens after we die. We all fear what we don't understand.

Bring your questions regarding spirituality, death, reincarnation, life-between-lives, and the paranormal. I guide women on how to jumpstart and activate their spiritual awakening. These are souls who may have no idea where to start and are looking for support to help them on this journey. Something isn’t working in their lives and they're ready to get started and do the work to figure out what it is that is blocking them, and how to get where they want to go.


If you haven't yet, add yourself to my new group!


Hello everyone! I just wanted to let ya'll know that I probably won't be posting much in this group anymore. I have another group I set up on my business account that I will be active on, Its' too much for me to be maintaining so many pages/groups. I would love for ya'll to join my group on my other profile. I have new content coming out soon.


I'm looking for a group of people who are READY to accelerate your spiritual awakening and completely transform your life in 8 weeks. I'm launching my group coaching program on 2/22/22!!! In honor of Valentine's Day, I'm having a huge discount on my program! Gain clarity on the next steps to take, connect with a community of like-minded souls who are on the same journey as you, become a certified Kundalini Reiki Master teacher... Gain the skills and knowledge that can help you take your spiritual awakening to a whole new level.


I was DONE! I was done with the self-sabotage! I’d lost my way, and I was exhausted! Completely over being paralyzed by my past and current mistakes that seem to repeat like a broken record. I was so over poisoning and unraveling myself energetically, emotionally, financially, spiritually, and physically. I was DONE being that pathetic person who curled into the fetal position, crying and clawing at my chest, desperately trying to rip out the heart that was so shattered. I was so engrossed in feelings of victimhood, despair, self-criticism, fear, self-doubt, and self-pity. I had experienced different forms of abuse and multiple deaths of loved ones in my life. I’ve hidden my true self as well as my interests and passions that brought me joy but weren’t deemed “normal” out of fear of being judged. I was desperate for answers to questions like “Why am I here?” and “What is my purpose? What is the point of living?” We walk down one path and immediately become dissatisfied, disillusioned, and repelled by what we discover. Then we walk down another path and history repeats itself again and again until we realize with horror, “Every path is meaningless to me,” and we collapse in grief and despair, winding up at square one again. Such a cycle repeats itself over and over again during the Dark Night of the Soul, so much so that it can become like torment. I know because I have experienced it.

A little over seven years ago, I had just barely started to learn about spirituality. Back then, I mistakenly thought I was emotionally and spiritually mature already enough and wrongfully thought my path to spiritual awakening was going to be an easy ride. WRONG! Just as I was beginning my spiritual awakening journey, a soul connection walked into my life and turned it upside down. My intuition quietly whispered that this was going to be painful. I ignored it because I thought I was “emotionally and spiritually” mature enough to handle it. I then endured 5 ½ years of excruciating suffering known as the dark night of the soul. I had no idea I was even going through it. I was out of control, oppressed,I had completely given up my control to another, flying into rages, depressed, stuck on welfare, and unable to speak my truth. Nothing was going the way I wanted. My relationship was something from a horror movie or Jerry Springer show. My guy had a problem accusing me of things I wasn’t guilty of. It seemed to be a pattern I was always stuck in since my daughter’s biological dad did the same thing. I was doing things like walking with my head lowered and eyes to the floor so my guy wouldn’t think I was doing anything that he deemed “wrong”. I changed my ENTIRE life around just to show someone that I was “worthy”. I began to feel stressed and uncomfortable anytime a man was around out of fear that he will start accusing me of some other bu****it next. I had completely given my control and power to someone who had mistaken beliefs about me, things that were never true. It became a constant repetitive pattern. Fight, break up, get back together, repeat. Over and over and over again like a broken record, unable to break the cycle. I was physically and mentally sick and my relationship with my daughter suffered. How was it that I was learning about spirituality yet I was STILL suffering and making the SAME mistakes over and over? I tried countless self-help courses, read tons of spiritual books, took countless masterclasses, tried affirmations and manifesting but nothing was working for me. I was all over the place with no roadmap and no support. Spirituality teaches you that you have to surrender all control, purge all the negative and that our thoughts and vibration create our reality. As a hardheaded woman who had already given up my control, I found it extremely difficult to follow this advice to surrender. I also couldn’t accept that it was me, myself, and I that created my current reality. My ego was telling me there’s no way in hell I’m surrendering my control again, and there’s no way in hell I created this situation. Years went by before I got to the shattering point. It all became so much that I just broke. I couldn’t take the pain anymore and decided to cut ties with everything that was causing me so much pain. I told my guy that I will no longer tolerate the oppression and I left. I took my daughter and left and dedicated my time to working on and healing myself. For the few months, we were separated, I dedicated that time to my own personal growth. After all the heartache, all these struggles, and perceived failures, I came to realize that yes, it was ME after all that created these situations and experiences. I was the one who was REACTING. I was DONE creating chaos, lack, and unhappiness. I FINALLY gave in and surrendered. By finally doing what my higher self was guiding me to do, I’d come to realize that these experiences are the main lessons that we came here to learn from. I learned to understand that every situation and person is a mirror of what we have to heal and transform. Every situation, good or bad has a lesson to learn from it. What did I learn from my dark night of the soul? To put fear and skepticism aside and surrender. The longer you fight it, the more prolonged the suffering will be. When you get to the point where you’re over yourself and having another meltdown with your soul screaming “I CANNOT do this anymore!”, that’s energy telling you it’s time for a shift, that change is imperative. That is the soul saying “it’s time to rise up out of this BS that we’ve created, and start transforming ourselves and our reality.” I went from a scared, depressed, angry soul with no prospects or future to a master of my own destiny. I’m here to guide you to do the same. If you find yourself in a similar situation, if your soul is dying to spiritually awaken, but you have no idea where to start- I can help you.
Whatever you do - never give up! The relationship you want, the family you desire, the career of your dreams, the health, the wealth, the JOY that you are seeking is oftentimes JUST beyond the FEAR.

I just opened enrollment up in my Divine Ascending Phoenix coaching program that will be launching on 2.22.22! I help people navigate the next steps of their spiritual awakening with clarity, guidance, and a supportive community. It’s a free chat to explore and see what working together might look like. Common ME if you want the deets!


STOP THINKING YOU’RE NOT ENOUGH: How to Create Your Own Happy Ever After
I'm not sure if you know this about me but I'll admit it- I never felt good enough!
Always striving to be thinner, prettier, smarter, more successful, making sure I wasn’t offending anyone with my weird beliefs, even to the point of sacrificing what I knew was right JUST to keep the peace.
I did things I hated to win the approval of people.
I was always focused on making others happy, always denying myself my own needs, pushing my own needs aside little by little, day by day. I started losing my own sense of identity more and more each day.
I did it for years. Living a life that was excruciating to live. I was smoking w**d and living a lifestyle that was taking me nowhere. I was in a relationship with a controlling and jealous boyfriend.
Every day I found myself caring so much what he thought and ignoring myself and the voice in my head that was screaming warnings at me. “Stop it!!” “Wake up!!”. I was always watching what I said, what I wore, how I looked so as not to trigger any more stupid fights.
And it wasn’t just with him, it was with everyone in my life. I thought the more I gave, maybe someday they will realize it and give back. This is a lie we always tell ourselves. I was an empty shell of who I was, devoid of an ounce of the strength, confidence, and inner happiness I used to have when I was single. I tried so hard to find peace and happiness, I tried so many different spirituality and self-help courses, read books, tried to meditate, tried manifesting my desires but failed miserably. I was deep in the throws of my Dark Night of the Soul. How could I possibly manifest ANYTHING when I’m ALWAYS angry or depressed?
After 5 years of this sh*tshow, I FINALLY hit my breaking point. I took my daughter, packed up what little I had left, and left. I HAD to find myself again. I HAD to be a role model to my daughter, whose father had been a narcissistic as***le and abandoned her a few years back. I had to detox my body and my life from all the toxic people that were destroying who I really was. I had to make a new ME.
Over the next three months, I tried everything to help rebuild myself and become the best, strongest, greatest version of who I really was at my deepest level. I especially had to learn how to Love and forgive myself. And promise to never ever abandon me for the love of someone else. I discovered how to fall in love with myself. I learned how to get guidance from my higher consciousness and my spirit guides. I learned how to cultivate the confidence I needed to create a life I was proud of and happy to live. When he DID walk back into my life, I was a whole new person. I was now someone who wouldn’t tolerate ANY bu****it. I know WHO I am and the TYPE of person I am. I don’t need ANYONE to validate me anymore I AM GOOD ENOUGH FOR MYSELF NOW. Once I learned how to let go and surrender, my spiritual awakening skyrocketed.
I feel so BLESSED to be able now to support other women in healing and letting go of guilt and shame, dropping the attachment or need of others’ approval - really tap into their own inner power, intuition, grace, and guidance. Create a life that’s REAL - that’s authentic, fulfilling - a life that they want to live. To live completely free of fear. I recreated myself. I recreated my life. I created The Divine Ascending Phoenix Program, my hybrid group coaching program to help you navigate and accelerate your spiritual awakening.

If you would like my support in navigating and accelerating your spiritual awakening, I can help you. I help any soul that feels lost on their spiritual journey, navigate their next steps with clarity and a supportive community so that they can persevere on their journey without giving up or being alone.

I have now opened up enrollment for my Divine Ascending Phoenix group coaching program! This is a hybrid group coaching program that's loaded with guidance and a supportive community. Program expected start date is 2/22/22! 🙌😸
It’s a free chat to explore and see what working together might look like.
Whatever you do - stop thinking you’re not enough! Decide your dreams however big or small they are worth it! Decide YOU are worth it! It is the BEST gift you could ever give yourself.

Comment ME if you want the deets!


If I could give you clarity on how to accelerate your spiritual awakening so that you know the next steps to take to begin transforming your life for the better, without feeling alone and like you’re going insane, would you want my help?

Divine Ascending Phoenix Academy Landing page 26/11/2021

I'm SUPER excited to announce that my Divine Ascending Phoenix Academy has now been PRE-LAUNCHED! I designed tree different tiers for you to choose from:


THE DIVINE ASCENDING PHOENIX ACADEMY: An intro to jumps start & accelerating your spiritual awakening.
THE LIGHTWORKERS ACADEMY: For the lightworkers/Starseeds in need of guidance & support. Learn the reason you incarnated not on this planet and learn skills for self-healing and healing others.
THE ASCENDING MASTER ACADEMY: Going even deeper, this is full on ascension coaching. Learn how to access the 5th dimension, how to control and manipulate your own timeline, dive into topics of past life regression, Akashic records, and how to connect with the Ascended Masters.
Have any questions? Book a free DISCOVERY CALL with me

Divine Ascending Phoenix Academy Landing page Check out this Website designed by Melanie Cui.

The Spiritual Planner - Digital 26/11/2021

Happy Black Friday! I make a beautiful Digital Spiritual Planner with 57 pages of awesome tools and prompts to help keep you stay on track with your spiritual awakening. For those who enjoy a vintage feel to their journals, you'll love this digital planner. This planner is normally $27 but get $10 off for Black Friday with code: 10OFF
Get yours now before the sale ends!

The Spiritual Planner - Digital Available to buy on SendOwl

Discovery Call - The Divine Ascending Phoenix Coaching 23/11/2021

If you would like my support in transforming your self-sabotaging and limiting beliefs, if you would like to let go of the old habits of thought that keep you stuck and suffering in guilt and anger and resentment - I can help you.
Send me a private message or book a free discovery call and let’s connect - I have some space opening up in my Divine Ascending Phoenix coaching program. I also have a course that can help you jump start and accelerate your spiritual awakening.
It’s a free chat to explore and see what working together might look like.
Whatever you do - decide your dreams however big or small they are worth it! Decide YOU are worth it! It is the BEST gift you could ever give your children too.
Melanie Cui - Namaste!

Discovery Call - The Divine Ascending Phoenix Coaching Discovery Call How much would you give to sit across from an expert who was trained to help people just like you discover how to jumpstart and accelerate your spiritual awakening? Well, for anyone feeling lost or hopeless, the price would be quite high and worth every penny. But for a short time, fo...

Discovery Call - The Divine Ascending Phoenix Coaching 17/11/2021

A little over seven years ago, I had just barely started to learn about spirituality. Back then, I mistakenly thought I was emotionally and spiritually mature already enough and wrongfully thought my path to spiritual awakening was going to be an easy ride. WRONG! Just as I was beginning my spiritual awakening journey, a soul connection walked into my life and turned it upside down. My intuition quietly whispered that this was going to be painful. I ignored it because I thought I was “emotionally and spiritually” mature enough to handle it. I then endured 5 ½ years of excruciating suffering known as the dark night of the soul. I had no idea I was even going through it. I was out of control, oppressed, I had completely given up my control to another, flying into rages, depressed, stuck on welfare, and unable to speak my truth. Nothing was going the way I wanted. My relationship was something from a horror movie or Jerry Springer show. My guy had a problem accusing me of things I wasn’t guilty of. It seemed to be a pattern I attracted since my daughter’s biological dad did the same thing. I was doing things like walking with my head lowered and eyes to the floor so my guy wouldn’t think I was doing anything that he deemed “wrong”. I changed my ENTIRE life around just to show someone that I was “worthy”. I began to feel stressed and uncomfortable anytime a man was around out of fear that he will start accusing of some other bu****it next. I had completely given my control and power to someone who had mistaken beliefs about me, things that were never true. It became a constant repetitive pattern. Fight, break up, get back together, repeat. Over and over and over again like a broken record, unable to break the cycle. I was physically and mentally sick and my relationship with my daughter suffered. How was it that I was learning about spirituality yet I was STILL suffering and making the SAME mistakes over and over? I tried countless self-help courses, read tons of spiritual books, took countless masterclasses, tried affirmations and manifesting but nothing was working for me. I was all over the place with no roadmap and no support. Spirituality teaches you that you have to surrender all control, purge all the negative and that our thoughts and vibration create our reality. As a hardheaded woman who had already given up my control, I found it extremely difficult to follow this advice to surrender. I also couldn’t accept that it was me, myself, and I that created my current reality. My ego was telling me there’s no way in hell I’m surrendering my control again, and there’s no way in hell I created this situation. Years went by before I got to the shattering point. It all became so much that I just broke. I couldn’t take the pain anymore and decided to cut ties with everything that was causing me so much pain. I told my guy that I will no longer tolerate the oppression and I left. I took my daughter and left and dedicated my time to working on and healing myself. For the few months, we were separated, I dedicated that time to my own personal growth. After all the heartache, all these struggles, and perceived failures, I came to realize that yes, it was ME after all that created these situations and experiences. I was the one who was REACTING. I was DONE creating chaos, lack, and unhappiness. I FINALLY gave in and surrendered. By finally doing what my higher self was guiding me to do, i’d come to realize that these experiences are the main lessons that we came here to learn from. I learned to understand that every situation and person is a mirror of what we have to heal and transform. Every situation, good or bad has a lesson to learn from it. What did I learn from my dark night of the soul? To put fear and skepticism aside and surrender. The longer you fight it, the more prolonged the suffering will be. When you get to the point where you’re over yourself and having another meltdown with your soul screaming “I CANNOT do this anymore!”, that’s energy telling you it’s time for a shift, that change is imperative. That is the soul saying “it’s time to rise up out of this BS that we’ve created, and start transforming ourselves and our reality.” I went from a scared, depressed, angry soul with no prospects or future to a master of my own destiny. I’m here to guide you to do the same. If you find yourself in a similar situation, if your soul is dying to spiritually awaken, but you have no idea where to start- I can help you.

The Divine Ascending Phoenix Group Coaching Program is now on PRESALE! Book your space before spots sell out! Group coaching session will begin early December.

It’s a free chat to explore and see what working together might look like.


Whatever you do - never give up! The relationship you want, the family you desire, the career of your dreams, the health, the wealth, the JOY that you are seeking is oftentimes JUST beyond the FEAR.
Don’t give up! Love Melanie! Namaste

Discovery Call - The Divine Ascending Phoenix Coaching Discovery Call How much would you give to sit across from an expert who was trained to help people just like you discover how to jumpstart and accelerate your spiritual awakening? Well, for anyone feeling lost or hopeless, the price would be quite high and worth every penny. But for a short time, fo...


Feeling creative and felt like sprucing up my logo.


Hello everyone! I have a request, I'm looking for few additional testimonials to add to my page and website. If I have helped you in any way with any spiritual guidance, drop me a little testimonial with a photo of you down below and I'll send you a free distance Kundalini Reiki Session!


I want to cover a very sensitive topic today that many are struggling with during this Ascension process. I have many clients coming to me with this issue so I want to post this for other's going through the same thing: Losing their religion.

A lot of people are turning away from their religions during this time, why? Because of the straight up control, lies, and fear mongering they try to impose on people and society. Religion is supposed to raise the vibration of the planet and one's consciousness, it's supposed to fill you with nothing but love. If a religion is teaching you to hate ANYTHING, run for your life. If a religion seems to value pe******ia, have priests ra**ng nuns and forcing them to have abortions, and murdering countless innocent lives over teaching acceptance, compassion and love, G**O! You have been taught falsities all your lives to keep you in check. They taught you that God was a source outside of you, planning out YOUR life and making your choices for you. They taught you that if you sinned you would burn in hell for eternity, they taught you to hate others who dont have the same beliefs or lifestyle, they taught you that all spirits were evil and not to talk to them, they taught you that we ALL came from TWO people (adam & eve), they taught you that you we’re not in control of your life and destiny, only God has control of that, you're taught that THIS is the only life you get. They taught you not to bother angels or ascended masters because they said we were inferior and you shouldn't bother them. So what do you get? Now you're living a life angry at an entity you THINK is controlling your life and making decisions for you. You THINK your life is going so wrong because that's what God wants. You THINK God wants you to suffer. You're stuck thinking “Why would God ALLOW horrible things to happen,or allow this to happen to me?”
Ladies & gentlemen… this is flat out BU****IT! It's ALL lies to CONTROL YOU. You THINK divine beings wrote the bible, but in fact, it was man. Men who ALTERED the original stories, ministries, sermons, etc to the point where there are barely any original teachings in it. You’re NOT going to find Jesus’ original sermons because they taught that YOU are the creator. They didnt want that getting out because then they would lose their power over people. They made up stories about his wife being a pr******te and didn't even mention that his mother was a High Priestess of Hathor. They made up a story about his life and birth that was completely untrue. Countless stories in holy books have been altered to HIDE the truth so that you can continue to be controlled and stuck in fear. People are fed the same beliefs and threats all their lives and are told to believe it, yet deep down, ya'll have that GUT FEELING, your INTUITION is TELLING you that it is not right or truth. If something doesn't FEEL right, it's NOT truth. PERIOD. This is how you start to develop your intuition, FEEL the words of people. We are all born with intuition, you may have closed it for the time being, but you still have it, use it! ALWAYS question what you are told. Does it feel heavy and uncomfortable? Make you feel anxious or like theres a weight in your gut, then it may not be truth, if it feels light then trust your gut. So please, DO NOT feel inferior in ANY way! YOU are an aspect of God manifested in human form, We are ALL from the same source. Think of it like an ocean, you can take a cup of water out of the ocean and toss the cup of water into the air. What do you get? tiny fragments of water scattered all over, YET it still came from ONE ocean. Thats what WE are, fragments of God, IN human form, here doing exactly what we're supposed to be doing: creating. WE are all divine creators. We are fragments that expressing our own individuality. Yes, there IS a father/mother God outside of us, but we are an EXTENSION of them, EVERYTHING is an extension of the. Your thoughts create your vibration and your vibration determines what we attract into our reality. We are ALWAYS in a state of creation, whether we're creating good or bad situations, WE are creating it. NO ONE ELSE is creating the circumstances in our lives BUT US! Get that through your head once and for all, you are a divine being, NOT inferior to anything and creating EVERYTHING in your reality. It drives me insane when people ask “why would God allow that?” Its allowed because we have FREE WILL. Its like if your son or daughter went and robbed a bank and killed a bunch of people and now people are asking YOU, why YOU allowed your child to do such a thing? HELLO! They had free will to make their choice, I had NOTHING to do with it, I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS!
Father/Mother God, angels, archangels, guides, celestials, ETs CANNOT help you unless you ASK for help. “Ask and you shall receive '' literally. You don’t get help until you ask. Then YOU need to LEARN how to recognize the help when it comes. People claim they dont get answers, but in reality, they just don’t know WHAT to look out for. We’re here to create through our free will and choice. The multiverse doesn't care if its positive or negative choice, its respected either way. All the chaos, pain, scarcity, WE are the ones creating it, therefore WE are allowing it! STOP abdicating responsibility for negative actions on another being, its US doing the creation. SO, if you're one of those people who can FEEL that what they have been taught by their society, family, religion is wrong, then you need to follow your gut. Understand that you are NOT alone. Not only are there other humans going through this, but you have access to a LEGION of divine help that you can call on. Don't look at the ascended masters like Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Quan Yin, St. Germain etc as beings that are so far above you, you cant reach them. Look at them as Alumni students. They are simply beings who have completed the necessary courses, graduated and are now here to help all souls in need of help. Theyre WAITING for you to call on them. DONT EVER think you are bothering them. Struggling with anger? Ask for help. Lost your keys? Ask for help. Need help making a decision? Call on youre higher self. There is NOTHING too trivial to ask for. Doesn't matter what religion you come from, or even if you are an atheist, you can call on ANY of them for help for ANY reason and they respond. Sin DOES NOT EXIST! You're not going to be sent straight to hell for making mistakes, we're here to learn from our mistakes, we're NOT going to be punished eternally. Do a past life regression and you'll find out just how's many times you have incarnated and you'll see you were never locked in a hell realm being punished. You were always given the choice to go where you wanted or reincarnate when you wanted. Heaven and hell is a FREQUENCY! NOT a physical place. The astral realm contains MANY MANY layers, levels, and hierarchies, theyre not just one level each. There are many different spheres you can go to. You get there by matching that frequency, you're free to enter and exit either realm at ANYTIME just by altering your vibration. And not all spirits are evil. How would you like it if you died and tried to visit your loved ones but they refuse to interact wth you because they think you're evil? Don’t take my word for it, dont believe everything I say if you don’t want to. All I ask is for you to begin to use your heart to FEEL for the truth EVERY TIME someone speaks. The more you do this, the stronger your intuition gets, you start to wake up more and more and the higher your vibration rises. As a side effect of waking up, you begin to shed limiting belief systems, people, habits, environments, etc that no longer serve your highest good. The more you awaken, more truth is revealed. This is a very lonely process that can damage a lot of relationships. Just remember, you’re not alone in questioning your beliefs, seek out others going through the same thing, it’ll keep you sane.

The Death & Resurrection Show: An introduction to Death & Reincarnation 27/10/2021

TODAY IS THE DAY! Join my workshop on the reincarnation process, death & dying, and types of spirits & hauntings.
This workshop is an introduction where we will discuss the reincarnation process, how to escape the cycle, pre-life planning, the connection between karma and our current lives, and past lives. Lose your fears of dying by gaining an understanding of what dying is like and what happens after. Bring your questions and get the answers you've been dying to have answered. Tickets are still on sale for $11.11
Starts at 11am PDT!

The Death & Resurrection Show: An introduction to Death & Reincarnation This workshop is an introduction where we will discuss the reincarnation process.

The Death & Resurrection Show: An introduction to Death & Reincarnation 20/10/2021

In honor of this Halloween month, I'm so excited to announce my upcoming workshops on the reincarnation process, death & dying, and types of spirits & hauntings.
This first workshop is an introduction where we will discuss the reincarnation process, how to escape the cycle, pre-life planning, the connection between karma and our current lives, and past lives. Lose your fears of dying by gaining an understanding of what dying is like and what happens after. Bring your questions and get the answers you've been dying to have answered.
Part two workshop will discuss the different types of spirits/entities, and types of hauntings.

The Death & Resurrection Show: An introduction to Death & Reincarnation This workshop is an introduction where we will discuss the reincarnation process.

