Tulare County Department of Child Support Services, Visalia, CA Videos

Videos by Tulare County Department of Child Support Services in Visalia. We offer the following services: Establishing paternity, Locating parent, Requesting child support orders, Requesting medical support orders, Enforcing child and spousal support orders, Modifying child support orders, collecting and sending child support.

Did you know?
Our call center receives many calls regarding the Notice of Non-Cooperation. Please visit out website to learn more!

Other Tulare County Department of Child Support Services videos

Did you know? Our call center receives many calls regarding the Notice of Non-Cooperation. Please visit out website to learn more!

Our Visalia payment Kiosk is currently down, here is one option for making your child support payment. Use PayNearMe at 7-Eleven, Family Dollar, CVS Pharmacies (except inside Target), Casey's General Store and ACE Cash Express stores. There is a $1.99 convenience fee, but for many the accessibility saves money on time and travel. #tularecountychildsupport #hereforyou #letushelpyou

Anuncio Nuestro Quiosco de pago en Visalia esta fuera de servicio temporalmente. Aquí hay algunas otras opciones de pago. 💵

Our Visalia payment Kiosk is currently down. Here are some other payment options. #tularecountychildsupport #letushelpyou #hereforyou

What's Next
Did you know? A child support services case can be opened by either parent, or a legal guardian, whether or not a child support court order exists. Keep in mind that persons currently receiving CalWORKS (government cash assistance/welfare) are automatically referred to their local child support agency for service. #tularecountychildsupport #letushelpyou

Did you know? We now have DocuSign an eSignature platform. Learn in the short clip below. Call us at (866)901-3212 or visit: https://tularecounty.ca.gov/dcss/ #letusehelpyou #DocuSign #Stipulations

¿Sabías? Ahora tenemos DocuSign, una plataforma de firma electrónica. Aprenda en el breve clip a continuación. #letusehelpyou #DocuSign # Estipulaciones

Did you know? A child support services case can be opened by either parent, or a legal guardian, whether or not a child support court order exists. Visit out Website for more information or follow this link to get started: https://childsupport.ca.gov/apply-for-child-support/ #tularecountychildsupport #letushelpyou

¡Quieren saber! 👉La información de su caso de child support 👉Ver tu historial de pagos 👉Actualizar tu información de contacto 👉Recibe notificaciones y alertas sobre tu caso Bueno, considere Customer Connect para acceder a su información rápidamente. *Iniciar sesión requiere su número de identificación de participante. Si no conoce su ID de participante, llame al ☎1-866-223-5955 o búsquelo en la mayoría de las cartas que le enviamos, generalmente en la parte superior de la página. https://tularecounty.ca.gov/dcss/ #tularecountychildsupport

Want to know! 👉Your child support case information 👉See your payment history 👉Update your contact information 👉Receive notifications and alerts about your case Then, consider Customer Connect to access your information quickly. *Login requires your Participant ID Number. If you don't know your Participant ID, call ☎1-866-223-5955 or find it on most letters sent from us, usually at the top of the page. https://tularecounty.ca.gov/dcss/ #tularecountychildsupport

Did you know? Our Tulare County Phone Center receives a high volume of calls and one of our top calls is about the Participant ID Number. 1. If you don't know your Participant ID (PAR ID), you can call: 👉1-866-223-5955. 2. Your PAR ID can be found on most letters sent from us, usually at the top of the page. Any questions? ☎: 1-866-901-3212 💻: https://tularecounty.ca.gov/dcss/

¿Sabías? Que nuestro centro telefónico del Condado de Tulare recibe un alto volumen de llamadas y una de nuestras llamadas principales son del Número de ID de Participante. 1. Si no conoce su ID de Participante (PAR ID), llame al 👉1-866-223-5955 (línea especial). 2. Puede encontrar su PAR ID en la mayoría de las cartas que le enviamos, generalmente en la parte superior de la página. ¿Alguna pregunta? ☎ : 1-866-901-3212 💻 : https://tularecounty.ca.gov/dcss/

Did you know? After a child support order is set, payments are scheduled to begin. • We offer many options for payment. • If the parent ordered to pay is employed, their employer is required to withhold the payment from their paycheck. • Withholding child support is mandated under Federal law. Please watch this short presentation on how you can pay your child support! Visit our website at https://tularecounty.ca.gov/dcss/

¿Sabías? Después de que se establece una orden de child support, se programa el inicio de los pagos. • Ofrecemos muchas opciones para pagar. • Si el padre al que se le ordenó pagar está empleado, el empleador debe retener el pago del cheque de pago. • La retención de child support es un mandato de la ley federal. ¡Mire esta breve presentación para ver como pagar su child support! https://tularecounty.ca.gov/dcss/