Tulare County League of Mexican American Women, Visalia, CA Videos

Videos by Tulare County League of Mexican American Women in Visalia. The Tulare County League of Mexican American Women was founded in 1979. Ashley Martinez President 2024

Other Tulare County League of Mexican American Women videos

✨✨Business Member Spotlight…Book Props 360 Video Booth Rentals this holiday season for all your seasonal memory making. Message him for availability.

Don’t miss out on this great OPPORTUNITY to win a Holiday Wreath, each valued at a $50 minimum! You can show your support to TCLMAW by not only Buying Drawing Tickets but by sharing our drawing with friends and family on Facebook, Instagram via email or just chatting with your neighbors. A special thank you to those who created and donated a Holiday wreath. Free Delivery within 25 miles of the Visalia, CA area. Shipping available at additional cost. Last day to buy tickets is December 1, 2023, at midnight. Drawing will take place December 2, 2023.

Tulare County League of Mexican, American Women 12th Annual Día De Los Muertos

The Celebration starts today. Join us tomorrow, Saturday, Sep. 16 for el Grito at recreation park in Visalia, starting 10am. Viva Mexico.

TCLMAWs 2022 Día de los Muertos Event at Visalia Cemetery 

Dia de los muertos
Come down to see our community alter and place a note for a loved on the ancestral tree.