Jadah Sellner

Jadah Sellner

Business Mentor. Lead with Love® Podcast. TEDx Speaker. Author. Chai Tea Lover. https://jadahsellner.com/links/ Ready to grow your tribe?

Free online workshop coming soon: buildyourchallenge.com

Build Your Community with Love. The work you do, the people you serve, and the dreams you make…matter. I help world-changing entrepreneurs take imperfect action on their big ideas. #DoTheDream

Intentionally building a tribe of world-changers. Join now to get free updates: jadahsellner.com

Also the co-author of Simple Green Smoothies, jadahsellner.com/sgs-book


SF Bay Area Friends!

I’m thrilled to invite you to a special Femmefluence TABLE connection dinner for women-led businesses on Thursday, August 29, from 6:30 - 9:30 pm at my space!

In collaboration with the amazing .kem and generously sponsored by Aprio, we’re all set for an evening of delicious food and next-level conversations. Aprio is dedicated to helping business owners stay future-focused with their financial and family goals—thanks for supporting our event!

We have just a few spots left for this exclusive dinner, where you'll get to connect with other incredible women leading values-driven businesses. If you or someone you know would benefit from our creationship™ model that pairs synergistic brands and businesses, don’t miss this chance! 💫

🔗 Details & RSVP: http://femmefluence.com/Aug-TABLE (Link in bio!)

💵 $97 for a 3-course dinner and priceless connections.

RSVP by Saturday, August 24, or until we reach capacity.

Let’s make magic happen together! ✨

Photos from Jadah Sellner's post 19/08/2024

Building with L.O.V.E. is about building a business sustainably, with love at the center of every decision. Swipe and read on for the 4 pillars! ⁠

Overall, building with L.O.V.E. is the antidote to building with hustle, something female entrepreneurs around the world have been craving (whether we consciously realize it or not). ⁠

1️⃣ LEAD. Building our businesses sustainably means learning to lead from the inside out. This begins by leading ourselves with clarity and purpose, followed by leading our families, our teams, our communities, and the customers we serve. To become better leaders while avoiding burnout, we need to establish a compelling vision for what we want from our lives and our businesses. Then we gather allies who will help us make this vision a reality.⁠

2️⃣ OPTIMIZE. We need to set up internal support systems to optimize the way we run our businesses and our personal lives, systems that will enable us to thrive and allow us to achieve sustainability and scale. This includes redesigning how we use our time, building our team, and streamlining our businesses.⁠

3️⃣ VISUALIZE. We must step away from daily distractions and visualize what we want, the big picture. This is about moving from being reactionary managers to being visionary CEOs. ⁠

4️⃣ EXPAND. This pillar is about learning to communicate our needs and establish boundaries so that we can prioritize taking care of ourselves and our businesses. This is a mindset that enables us to build sustainably, at a pace that works for our lives, while feeling confident in the choices we make.⁠

Building with L.O.V.E. helped me balance my personal growth⁠ with my business goals, while still having time to enjoy my life.⁠

P.S. Exciting news! 🎉 Registration is now open for our Visionary Anti-Hustle Workshop on September 13th in the San Francisco Bay Area.

This is your chance to craft a clear, intentional 6-month Visionary Action Plan while embracing a less hectic, more aligned approach.

Don’t miss out on the $500 discount available through August 23rd with code EXHALE. Ready to join us? Secure your spot now at https://jadahsellner.com/workshop

Photos from Jadah Sellner's post 16/08/2024

I’m obsessed with community building and business success features five key ingredients that I call the "Five S’s of Sustainable Business Growth".

These are Share, Sell, Serve, Systemize, and Sustain -- swipe to see the worksheet graphic available in my and read on for more! 🌟⁠

💡 SHARE: The first element of sustainable business growth, is about demonstrating your expertise, attracting the people that you want to serve, and building trust over time. Too often, business owners make the mistake of skipping the trust-building⁠
process. ⁠

💡 SELL: This is about inviting the community you’ve built to give you money in exchange for a product. I believe that selling is a service. Whether you are selling through an e-commerce or retail shop or you are a content creator who generates revenue through sponsorships, you are in the business of improving people’s lives.

Ask yourself: What is the one core offer or product my business provides that gets the best results for our customers? How can I think beyond the transactional when I’m promoting this core product?⁠

💡 SERVE: This is about taking care of your customers beyond the transaction. Once people have purchased your product or service, how do you continue to surprise and delight them throughout their entire experience with you?⁠

💡 SYSTEMIZE: This is identifying what you already do in your business. Once you organize the way you run your business, you can start to find ways to eliminate friction, save time, and create more ease in your daily operations. All worthy benefits if you want to streamline your business and keep the humans in it happy.⁠

💡 SUSTAIN: This is at the core. It is about working in a way that works for our lives, honoring our humanity and our vitality. Think of building your business as if you’re running a marathon—not⁠ a sprint—with refueling stations along the way where you can stop, drink some water, and catch your breath.⁠

*** Excerpt from Chapter 7 "Streamline Your Business" in She Builds 📚👀💡⁠


QUESTION: Which of the 5 S’s do you feel you need to focus on the most right now? Let me know in the comments. 💕


A powerful way I’ve learned to avoid overcommitting myself is... ⁠
⁠..to ASK FOR MORE TIME, whether before replying to an invitation or extending a timeline for something I promised to deliver. ⁠

This respects other people’s time boundaries as well as your own. ⁠

Get into the practice of not replying to a request right away to do a project that will take up a big chunk of your time in the future. ⁠

If you’re used to answering people quickly, you can say, “I need more time before I make a decision. I will get back to you on such-and-such a date.” ⁠

Then check your calendar, check in with important people who may be impacted by your decision, and sleep on it for at least one night. ⁠

Likewise, if you promised you’d deliver something by a certain date and you know you’re not going to make the deadline, communicate with the person involved as soon as you know it’s going to take a little longer and let them know the updated timeline.⁠

Sometimes you will create self-imposed deadlines, and you won’t make them. You then become your harshest critic and head down a shame spiral. ⁠

This is when you must ask for more time from yourself. Don’t give up. Take a beat, then assess why you didn’t make the deadline, adjust your approach as needed, and reset your pace. ⁠

Don’t put a timeline on your dreams. ⁠

We are human, so we won’t always get the timing right for how long things will take us. ⁠

Find graceful ways to extend the timeline and create more space in your decisions and deliverables.⁠

*** Excerpt from Chapter 11 "Refill Your Well" in She Builds. ⁠

📚 Grab a copy of at your local bookstore or check my link in bio!


Confession: I've never been a gym rat and have struggled to be consistent with exercise (raise your hand if you too!).

But the 12-3-30 treadmill trend created by has surprisingly transformed my relationship with exercise over the past 5 weeks.⁠

I love it because it’s…

🏃‍♀️ Simple & Effective: 12 incline, 3 speed, 30 minutes. That's it! It's a straightforward routine that's easy to remember and fits into my schedule.⁠

🦵 Low Impact: As someone who's had an ankle sprain, the low-impact nature of this workout is so helpful. It's challenging yet gentle on my joints.⁠

💪 Shifting My Identity: I've even started working out while traveling, something I never used to do. It's empowering to break old patterns and embrace new possibilities.⁠

🎧 Audiobook Bliss: Listening to audiobooks while working out makes the time fly by and helps me squeeze in more reading for my . It's a win-win!⁠

💦 I'm sweating more than ever, and it feels SO good!⁠

🚧 I'm still holding onto the handles for balance, but that's okay. Progress over perfection!⁠

🛀 The post-workout soak in the rooftop hot tub is the ultimate reward.⁠

If you're looking for a simple, effective way to get moving and challenge your own beliefs about exercise (and have the same allergy to working out), give 12-3-30 a try. It might just surprise you! ⁠

If you've tried it, let me know in the comments.



In this time of division and war, my heart breaks in a million pieces on how many lives are lost over land, money, and power.

And watching (okay, obsessing over) the Olympics has me inspired by the creativity, commitment to craft, and collective competition.

It’s a reminder of what’s happening on a global level. Celebration of greatness and also separation of loved ones due to devastating conflicts.

There is such nuance in holding joy and sadness at the same time.

As someone who identifies as a highly sensitive person, I’m also someone who puts walls up around my thoughts, feelings, and heart’s deepest desires because I don’t want to rock the boat / upset / disappoint others.

The fear that if I speak my mind…

* I will not have the right words

* I’ll be misunderstood

* I’ll lose connection to people I love

One of my favorite lines from Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s poem, The Invitation, helps ground me in these moments when I might not get it right:

“I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself. If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.”

What I know to be true in this moment, is that I’m excited about the possibility of a woman of color leading our nation.

The conversations that are happening behind the scenes with my friends is a feeling of hope and also fear.

The nuance we hold as humans is so deep and complex.

I believe the future belongs to women who are committed to building in⁠ a new way.

I’m looking forward to supporting a leader who puts people first and leads with love.

I am with who defends, protects, and fights for us.


Excited for the inspiring companies joining The Collective! Say hello to…

- Founder and Executive Chef

- Writer, Artist, Advisor, Founder & Former CEO of

- Founder of Ace Accountable Bookkeeping

- Managing Partner at Leadership & Culture Training

These inspiring women are taking their businesses to the next level with the support of The Collective. ⁠

The Collective is more than a mastermind – it's a transformative journey for seasoned business owners ready to create an Anti-Hustle Business & Life.⁠

In this intimate group of innovative leaders, we address the unique challenges of next-level success:⁠

Rebuilding and empowering your team 💪🏽

Ensuring financial health and sustainability 💰⁠

Prioritizing your emotional well-being and mental clarity 🧘🏽‍♀️

Optimizing how you manage your time, energy, and focus ⏳⁠

Our work together is deeply rooted in the 4 Pillars of the Build with L.O.V.E. method from my book, "She Builds" – Lead, Optimize, Visualize, and Expand. 💡 ⁠

These pillars empower you to grow your business in a way that feels aligned and sustainable.⁠

By joining The Collective, you'll gain the clarity and support you need to create a business that truly nourishes your whole life. More joy, more freedom, more impact.

Want to learn more about the Collective? DM me or Comment “Collective” and I’ll personally send you info! This isn’t ManyChat or automation — it’s truly from me to you 💕⁠

P.S. We already have 10 companies in the Collective and 8 waiting to confirm after vacations. Only 18 spots. Message me sooner than later. We start in September.

Photos from Jadah Sellner's post 31/07/2024

Book Club Confessions 📚☕️⁠

Ever felt the pressure of a fast-paced book club, struggling to finish the book before the deadline? I've been there!

That's why I'm all about the cozy book club experience.⁠ 🙋🏽‍♀️

My local book club squad with and meets every 1-3 months, giving us plenty of time to savor each book at our own pace.

We use Voxer to share thoughts and insights as we read, fostering connection and deeper understanding before our in-person, cozy gatherings.⁠

Here's what makes our Cozy Book Club so special:⁠

✨ Permission to be a Slow Cooker: We embrace a leisurely pace, allowing for thoughtful reading and reflection. Life is busy, so we prioritize enjoyment over rushing.⁠

🎧 Read OR Listen: Audiobooks are totally valid! Choose the format that works best for your lifestyle and preferences.⁠

🍽️ Shared Meals & Connection: We gather for delicious meals at fun locations, creating a space for meaningful conversation and connection beyond the book itself.⁠

Here are some of our previous reads and meeting spots! ⁠

📕 “Set Boundaries, Find Peace” - July 29th at my creative studio⁠

📕 “Come As You Are” - November 27th at Life Time .life rooftop hot tub⁠

📕 “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me” - February 9th at my creative studio⁠

📕 “Financial Feminist” - April 15th at ⁠

📕 “Infinite Receiving” - July 12th ⁠

Right now, we're diving into the world of "Mind Magic" 🪄⁠

I'd love to hear from you: Are you part of a book club? What format works best for you - online, in-person, or a mix of both? Share your book club experiences + tips below!👇🏽


Queue monthly meme roundup! As you know, sending and receiving memes are my love language 😆 🤳⁠

We all need levity + laughter as we navigate this season.

Swipe through my latest finds. Which ones can you relate to?⁠

The first one made me laugh out loud. 🤣


Thanks for discovering that gem 💎

And if you find ones that make you 😂, DM me. I love adding to my collection.

Creators: ⁠


How I rebuilt my business after an economic recession 🙋🏽‍♀️

Well at first, I didn’t 😆

When I started my brick-and-mortar business on Kauai, I liquidated our assets, shut down Little Sprouts Playhouse, and moved in with my in-laws

A big mistake I made, I never hired a coach or had conversations with other small business owners. You don’t know what you don’t know 🤷🏽‍♀️

I read a lot of self help books because that’s what you do when you have a 4-year old daughter and move in with your husband’s parents.

I discovered masterminds after reading Think and Grow Rich. Napoleon Hill described a mastermind groups as:

"The coordination of knowledge and effort between two or more people who work towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony…

No two minds ever come together without creating a third, invisible, intangible force, which may be likened to a third mind (the master mind)."

Knowing I still wanted to be an entrepreneur, I had to things differently if I was going to thrive (not just survive the global recession).

The biggest shift I made in my approach to building my next business was joining MASTERMINDS.

Even though I had a business partner, we joined masterminds together and separately. We paid up to $30,000 and also joined free ones.

I became addicted because it was the most strategic way to grow.

I no longer felt alone. Business felt more fun. And one conversation, one introduction, one tool, could turn into a million dollar idea (and it did!)💡

Watch the video for a glimpse of the Collective doing Mastermind “Heart Seats” where everyone brings a challenge they’re facing in their business and gets support from myself, our resident mindset coach and different business owners in the group. It's all part of the magic we cocreate together 💫

Want to learn more about the Collective? DM me or Comment "Collective" and I’ll personally send you info! This isn’t ManyChat or automation -- it's truly from me to you 💕⁠

P.S. We already have 10 companies in the Collective and 7 waiting to confirm after vacations. Only 18 spots. Message me sooner than later. We start in September.

Photos from Jadah Sellner's post 22/07/2024

OMG! Got my first 1-star review for the 😭 Swipe to see.

Of course it stings.

You’d rather people follow the “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all.” 🤪 But people are entitled to their opinions.

I’m celebrating that I choose to play in the arena where I know putting my creative work into the world will be criticized.

But I also know that my book is helping people, too.

I had to read some glowing reviews to balance things out which I share in this roundup. 🌟

The same reviewer gave a 1-star review to "Playing Big," one of my favorite books that my clients love too.

In Playing Big, Tara Mohr talks about receiving criticism and feedback from others.

She says the feedback doesn’t tell you any facts about you; it tells you something about the perspective of the person giving the feedback.

Tara invites us to reframe the feedback as information about them. What does this tell you about their priorities or preferences?

If you've read and loved it, please share the love and leave me a review! I’d be so thankful 🙏🏽 🥹


Comparison and jealousy are thieves that rob us of joy and peace.

In a world where it's so easy to see the curated highlights of others' lives (hi, Instagram!), it's important to remember that your journey is unique and beautifully your own.

When I started my first online business, Simple Green Smoothies, I was constantly comparing myself to the competition, measuring my progress based on what other businesses were up to on social media and how many followers they had versus our following. I became obsessed with the metrics, and I continually moved the finish line. Whenever I met a goal, I just moved the goalpost.

Think about the times when you have felt that your self-worth was tied to your net worth or metrics. When have you relied too heavily on recognition and validation by the outside world?

If you are going to adopt an anti-hustle mindset, you must relight the spark from the inside. It doesn’t matter how much money you are making or how many followers you have; if the work you are doing doesn’t nourish you, sooner or later you will burn out.

After all, when we compare ourselves to others, we diminish our own accomplishments and lose sight of our own progress. Jealousy can cloud our vision, making it difficult to appreciate the blessings we have.

Instead of letting comparison and jealousy take root, let's focus on celebrating our wins and acknowledging our growth. Embrace your journey, honor your efforts, and find contentment in your path.

Remember, the only person you should compare yourself to is who you were yesterday. Every step forward, no matter how small, is a victory. 💕✨


Photos from Jadah Sellner's post 17/07/2024

Quarterly planning is at the heart of the work that I do with my clients ✨

This process is about stepping away from your day-to-day responsibilities and prioritizing the future of your business with a solid plan.

👉 Swipe for the 5 steps of my Quarterly Planning Method!

Please remember, after completing your quarterly planning process, give yourself some time to let your new plan settle. Don’t rush your projects forward right away. Embrace the anti-hustle mindset and allow your nervous system to slow down. Unplug from work, go for a walk, take a bubble bath, watch a show, or spend time with loved ones. Remember, you’re a slow cooker.

You have permission to build slowly and with intention. 🌸

P.S. I share more about this method in my book . Check it out at your local bookstore or via the link in my bio! 📚

Photos from Jadah Sellner's post 16/07/2024

“Jadah moved the crowd to tears with her inspiring talk and poetry jam.” ~ Jackie K

It was exactly 10 years ago that I did my very first keynote. It happened to be in front of 3,000 people. No big deal.

I walked on the stage sharing one of the most vulnerable, truth-bearing spoken word poems that I've ever written (it's the first 3 minutes of the video, so you won't miss it if you google Jadah Sellner World Domination Summit).

I was in my zone. I felt butterflies in my belly. I felt free. Because I got to tell my story. 🦋

In this keynote, I shared the heart breaks, the broken dreams and the tough parts in my businesses as I took imperfect action to success.

I believe that we encounter every lesson in life on purpose and that we can use our failures as building blocks to something greater and better.

I believe there are no unique messages, only unique messengers. And when we tell our story, someone else will see themselves and know that you represent a proof of possibility for them.

That keynote at WDS was hosted by and as soon as I walked off stage with a standing ovation, Chris Guillebeau introduced me to his literary agent David Fugate.

Six years later, David would end up being the agent who got me my multiple six-figure book deal for She Builds with Harper Business in 2020. 📚

That same event, would also lead to many more speaking opportunities. Speaking at ProBlogger with in Australia twice. And also speaking with at Tropical Think Tank in the Philippines and Youpreneur Summit in the U.K.

From intimate retreats for founders and their leadership teams to keynote presentations for audiences thousands of people, I love working with event organizers to create custom talks that pull at heart strings, followed by practical strategies that the audience is excited to implement.⁠

Learn more about my speaking engagements on my website (link in bio!) or at https://jadahsellner.com/speaking/⁠

And tell me, do you enjoy public speaking? Why or why not? Let me know in the comments!


Have you kissed many frogs to find the right people to support you? 🐸⁠

One of the most draining responsibilities as an entrepreneur can be hiring, onboarding, training, managing, and letting people go. It's exhausting and can bring up big feelings. ⁠

Because I love making people feel seen and heard, talking about team challenges is one of my favorite conversations with my clients. ⁠

If your business is not growing as quickly as you'd like, building your Dream Team is the key to unlocking it. You need to find the people who are the right match for your leadership style and company culture. ⁠

As demands on your time increase, your team is the glue to sustainability. ✨⁠

I have one core team member (my amazing right-hand Michele) who has been with me for 9 years. Her support truly makes my business a million times easier. ⁠

Often, we hesitate to expand our teams, unsure if it's the right time financially. Below, I have broken down some essential tips on how to build your Dream Team. ⁠

🌟 Create a Delegate List: Identify tasks draining your energy and delegate them to free up time and mental space.⁠

🌟 Define Needs and Roles: Group tasks into roles like admin assistant, bookkeeper, or social media manager—crafting a Dream Team wish list beyond current support.⁠

🌟 Review Your Support at Home: Assess home support impacting business growth, from partners to family.⁠

🌟 Define Your Dream Roles: Write job descriptions for each role to prepare for hiring, onboarding, and training your team (include one for yourself!).⁠

Building your Dream Team isn’t overnight—it's an investment in your business's future and peace of mind. Trust your vision, delegate, and lead with confidence. Your Dream Team is waiting for you. ⁠

I share templates, action steps, and questions you need to ask to build your Dream Team in Chapter 6 of my book with , available at your local bookstore or via the link in bio! 📚️⁠

I'm curious... are you someone who loves building a team, or do you dread it?


Do you have to hustle to experience success? 🧐⁠

Have you ever felt like a walking paradox, taking care of everyone else’s needs (your family, your clients, your team), but sacrificing yourself in the process? I’ve been there. ⁠🙋🏽‍♀️

But I'm curious, what do you think? Do you have to experience burnout and hustle to experience success?⁠

As a woman, a partner, a mother, and a business owner, I struggled to hold it all together with the invisible workload and emotional weight I carried.

Building business after business, I had a mountain of debt and no medical insurance. I felt lethargic in my body, my mental energy was zapped, and I turned to comfort food to self-soothe, triggering shame because of societal expectations about size and health.⁠

I felt as though I had no control over the direction of my life, and I was the only one who could change that.

Though I wanted to build a business and be there for my daughter, I wasn’t willing to sacrifice my health or relationships anymore. I thought, “There has got to be another way. Burnout is not an option.”

Let me know what you think though. Do you think burnout and hustling is a part of the entrepreneurial journey to success?

Photos from Jadah Sellner's post 07/07/2024

🌿 Do you know your Self-Care Style? 🌿⁠

Self-care has become a trendy term equated with bubble baths, facials, and massages, which often leads us to minimize its importance.

But true self-care is about much more than spa treatments; it’s about being brave enough to advocate for our own physical, mental, and emotional needs, and it is an essential part of filling our well.

The way in which we practice self-care is unique to each of us; depending on what we know, it can energize or drain us.

For some of us, self-care can mean spending a few hours alone, lost in a book; for others, it might mean meeting a friend for coffee to rejuvenate.⁠

Swipe for examples of what I call, Self-Care Styles 💫⁠

Are you a… Solo Lounger 📖 • Inspired Artist 🎨 • Social Butterfly 🦋 • Tidying Fairy 🧚‍♂️ • Nature Seeker 🏔️

Which one resonates most with you? I wanna know! 🤗⁠

⬇️ Drop in the comments ⬇️⁠

P.S. I share more about Self-Care Styles in Chapter 11 of my book 📚 Check it out at your local bookstore or via the link in my bio.


Can you relate to the highs and lows of being an entrepreneur? 🎢

I've been an entrepreneur for 15 years, and the journey has NOT been linear. It's been a windy, loopy path.

✨ From owning a brick-and-mortar business in Kauai with my husband

✨ To living with my in-laws and building an online business from scratch

✨ To launching Simple Green Smoothies and publishing a bestselling book

✨ To selling my company at 33 years old and questioning, "What do I want to be when I grow up?"

✨ To going all in on my personal brand and consulting company and writing 📚 💕

Sometimes we're a Startup, and sometimes we're a RE-Startup.

As seasoned business owners, we often face a whirlwind of highs and lows—thinking "I want to sell," "I need to pivot," or "cash flow is tight."

Even with success, we can experience an identity crisis, feeling disconnected from our "why" and community and grappling with a lack of motivation to keep going.

The ups and downs don't disappear with success; they evolve. We cycle through periods of burnout, grief, and life events that take us off the growth track.

We need to acknowledge these challenges and support one another through them.

This is why I created She Builds Collective.

It's a safe space to share what's happening in our industries and personal lives and admit when things are tough.

The collective is also a generative space where you can tap back into your creativity, restructure your business model, and reach your ambitious goals the anti-hustle way.

I'm curious... How long have you been an entrepreneur? Are you a Startup of RE-Startup?

P.S. Want to learn more about the Collective? Comment "Collective" and I’ll personally send you info! This isn’t ManyChats or automation -- it's truly from me to you 💕

Videos (show all)

Confession: I've never been a gym rat and have struggled to be consistent with exercise (raise your hand if you too!). B...
George turns 49 years young this summer.To celebrate we danced our a$$es off at @retrojunkiebar in Walnut Creek. 💃🏽🕺🏻 It...
Solo creativity retreat bliss! 🛁✨⁠⁠Stepping away from your usual routine can feel challenging, but the rewards are huge....
How I rebuilt my business after an economic recession 🙋🏽‍♀️ Well at first, I didn’t 😆When I started my brick-and-mortar ...
📚 📚 Creative Process Book Roundup! When I was writing She Builds, there were books I read and re-read to fuel my creativ...
George and I celebrate 19 years of marriage this week on July 3rd!!! 💕⁠⁠I'm celebrating our commitment to discover new v...
Educating on how to celebrate wins 💖⁠⁠I spoke at West Valley College for their leadership retreat last week and had them...
Are you a CEO with limited time? ⁠⁠If so, you'll love the CEO on the Go podcast with Gayle Lantz. ⁠⁠I was a guest on her...
This millennial has officially retired from going to dusty + hot #Coachella 😆 ⁠⁠My husband and I joined our friends My a...
One ritual that has really helped us stay connected in our marriage of 19 years is...⁠⁠An intentional weekly date. 💖⁠⁠Fi...
Did you know June is National Audiobook Appreciation Month?📚🎧 Did you also know I personally recorded my own audiobook, ...
📚 Book Recs! Here are the top books I always recommend to my clients for personal and professional growth ✨"Set Boundari...