Lafayette Acupuncture & Functional Medicine, Walnut Creek, CA Videos

Videos by Lafayette Acupuncture & Functional Medicine in Walnut Creek. Lafayette Acupuncture & Functional Medicine helps people heal from pain and restores balance,

Acupuncture modulates your perception of pain by changing the pattern of nerve conduction, and can also modify your brain's actual interpretation of pain signals.

Chinese herbal medicine, another modality of Eastern Medicine, is a highly refined system of natural medicine. It uses plant, animal, and mineral products to bring your physiology back into balance and complements the acupuncture you receive. I use only high-quality, rigorously tested Chinese herbal formulas that match your specific constitution and health condition.

If you have questions give us a call (925) 297-4785
or if you would like to schedule an appointment visit our website!

Other Lafayette Acupuncture & Functional Medicine videos

Acupuncture modulates your perception of pain by changing the pattern of nerve conduction, and can also modify your brain's actual interpretation of pain signals. Chinese herbal medicine, another modality of Eastern Medicine, is a highly refined system of natural medicine. It uses plant, animal, and mineral products to bring your physiology back into balance and complements the acupuncture you receive. I use only high-quality, rigorously tested Chinese herbal formulas that match your specific constitution and health condition. If you have questions give us a call (925) 297-4785 or if you would like to schedule an appointment visit our website!

Over the millenia, many people have used acupuncture for pain. Now modern science is starting to figure out how this happens. It turns out that the insertion of an acupuncture needle triggers a variety of responses from your body that help to heal aches and pains. These include local stimulation to repair the tissue damage from the needle that also benefits other injuries in the area, release of naturally occurring pain-reducing chemicals called endorphins, and changes in the perception of pain as modulated by nerves in the spinal cord and different parts of the brain.