Consulate of France in Washington DC, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by Consulate of France in Washington DC in Washington D.C.. Vous êtes sur la page officielle du Consulat général de France à Washington, DC.

We can't believe it's (almost!) over 🔥

Bide your time until the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony on August 28, by joining a watch party for the Olympics's Closing Ceremony, which will start at 3 p.m. ET on Sunday, August 11. Rumor has it French bands AIR and Phoenix will perform at the Stade de France, along with Billie Eilish, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and of course Snoop Dogg during a portion of the ceremony dedicated to the passing of the flame to Los Angeles.

📺 From the U.S., you can watch the ceremony live on NBC Olympics & Paralympics or Peacock TV.

🍻 You can also join a watch party at a local bar such as the Wunder Garten, Nellie's Sports Bar, Toms Watch Bar - DC Navy Yard, Shaw's Tavern, Morris American Bar, Settle Down Easy Brewing or metrobar DC in the DMV area.
Verify ahead with each organizer to ensure you have the latest information.

✨ See you Sunday! ✨

Other Consulate of France in Washington DC videos

We can't believe it's (almost!) over 🔥 Bide your time until the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony on August 28, by joining a watch party for the Olympics's Closing Ceremony, which will start at 3 p.m. ET on Sunday, August 11. Rumor has it French bands AIR and Phoenix will perform at the Stade de France, along with Billie Eilish, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and of course Snoop Dogg during a portion of the ceremony dedicated to the passing of the flame to Los Angeles. 📺 From the U.S., you can watch the ceremony live on NBC Olympics & Paralympics or Peacock TV. 🍻 You can also join a watch party at a local bar such as the Wunder Garten, Nellie's Sports Bar, Toms Watch Bar - DC Navy Yard, Shaw's Tavern, Morris American Bar, Settle Down Easy Brewing or metrobar DC in the DMV area. Verify ahead with each organizer to ensure you have the latest information. ✨ See you Sunday! ✨

IT'S HAPPENING 🔥 This Friday, July 26, from 1:30 to 5pm EDT, join us at La Maison Française French Embassy in the U.S. for the (first) watch party of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games. And for the first time in the history of the Summer Games, the inaugural event will not take place in a stadium 🌊 We are looking forward to hosting Washingtonian, French and international friends to watch this once-in-a-lifetime event. Join us for a watch party featuring a livestream of the ceremony happening in Paris with music, refreshments, and standing/sitting and indoor/outdoor options. Get your (free) pass 👉 #Paris2024 #FrenchinDC NBC Washington NBC OlympicTalk

A few days after #EarthDay, volunteers from the French Embassy in the U.S., the German Embassy Washington and the Consulate worked along Rock Creek Conservancy to remove +30 lbs of invasive plants and litter from Rock Creek Park 🌿 And so can you! Check out the next cleaning events near you 👉 🇩🇪 Danke, merci à tous 🇫🇷

#Europeennes2024 #AllonsVoter ⚠️Inscrivez-vous d'ici demain ⚠️ sur les listes électorales pour pouvoir voter au plus proche de chez vous le 8 juin. Toute la démarche en quelques clics via le lien en bio 👆

It takes rigorous standards and a blind tasting to be awarded the World Bread Award USA. Boulangerie Christophe did it twice. Discover what 🇫🇷 ingredients and know-how taste like at their locations in 📌 Georgetown, DC and Potomac, MD. French-American Chamber of Commerce - Washington, DC #WorldBreadAwards

📣 Cet automne, le Sommet et le Festival de la Francophonie se tiendront en 🇫🇷. Une invitation à explorer la création francophone sous ses facettes artistiques, culturelles, sociétales, entrepreneuriales et scientifiques. 👉 Sommet de la Francophonie - Villers-Cotterêts 2024 Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)

Long live Lafayette, and long live Lafayette Day, which 📌 Richmond, VA, celebrated for the 10th year on March 14th. On that day in 1781, 23-year-old Major General Marquis de Lafayette landed at Yorktown, VA, to begin a campaign against the British General Cornwallis that would culminate in the British defeat six months later. After laying a wreath in memory of Lafayette under the dome of the Virginia State House of Representatives, 🇫🇷 Consul Caroline Monvoisin visited the Virginia State Capitol as well as Monumental Church, where Lafayette stopped off during his triumphal Adieu Tour in 1824. Many thanks to all attendees for a day rich in History! Virginia American Revolution 250 Commemoration - VA250 The American Friends of Lafayette The Lafayette Trail City of Richmond, VA Government

🪑 Lower seats on sofas and armchairs 🌱 A commitment to sustainable materials and upcycling 🎨 Absolutely no sad beige ✨ Love and appreciation for timeless design Can you think of other specific traits of French design that have made it successful on the American market? Come and explore another aspect of French "art de vivre" at Ligne Roset's showroom, which celebrates its 12th year of growth in 📌 Glover Park, DC French-American Chamber of Commerce - Washington, DC #MakeItIconic

Bravo à Fresh Baguette, dont Mme la Consule visitait la semaine dernière l'unité de production certifiée SQF à Germantown, MD, et qui vient d'ouvrir sa 6e boutique dans le quartier de Cleveland Park dans Washington, DC 🥐 Une belle réussite aux côtés, entre autres, de la French-American Chamber of Commerce - Washington, DC et du Réseau Entreprendre International. Plus d'infos sur les ressources à la disposition des #PME et des entrepreneurs français aux Etats-Unis 👉

📢 Vous avez jusqu'au ⚠ 16 février 2024 ⚠ pour déposer une demande de bourse scolaire pour l'année 2024-2025. 📚 Rappel des critères d'attribution : Les enfants doivent être de nationalité française. Le demandeur et les enfants doivent être inscrits au registre mondial des Français établis hors de France. Les enfants candidats doivent avoir au moins 3 ans en 2024. Bourses disponibles pour la maternelle jusqu'à la terminale. Le dépôt de dossier se fait sur rendez-vous, auprès du service d’affaires sociales. Seules les familles déjà installées dans la circonscription (DC, MD, PA, VA, DE, WV) peuvent présenter une demande. ❓ Questions fréquentes : - Possibilité de communiquer vos W2 et Income tax return en complément du dossier après l’avoir déposé. - Seuils d'exclusion pour patrimoine mobilier (100 000 €) et immobilier (250 000 €). - Possibilité de demander d'autres aides à l'établissement scolaire. - Renouvellement de demande nécessaire chaque année. Pour en savoir plus 👉

2 agents en mission 3 jours à 📌 Pittsburgh, PA, pour recueillir en RDV les demandes de passeport de près de 50 compatriotes établis aux 🇺🇸. Merci à notre équipe pour cette plongée dans les coulisses d'une #tournéeconsulaire ! Nous vous retrouvons cette semaine à 📌 Philadelphie, PA. France Consulaire

#MakeItIconic and #ChooseFrance . Introducing a new campaign that embodies France’s sense of individuality and history of excellence and encourages others to partner with, invest in and embrace the French way. As President Macron said, “The French spirit continues to astonish, fascinate and change the world. Let’s bring out this spirit, this ambition, this desire to combine excellence and freedom. Let’s #MakeItIconic.” Whether you’re looking to work with a French company, plan a vacation along the French Riviera, cook with French products, conduct research at a French institution or implement French green policy, you know your experience will be (you guessed it!) ICONIC. Learn more at the link in our bio!

"Over the centuries, every time something vital was at stake, we were there for one another. Without any doubt. Without any hesitation." - President of 🇫🇷 Emmanuel Macron during his 2022 state visit to the 🇺🇸 Happy #YorktownDay to all! And thank you to Colonial National Historical Park Visit Yorktown and all participants to the Yorktown Day Parade for this wonderful ceremony - a highlight of the French-American friendship 🤝 #FirstAllies The American Friends of Lafayette Embassy of Spain in the United States French Embassy in the U.S. Le Souvenir Français - Officiel

🦼 L'allocation aux adultes handicapés (AAH) évolue ! Désormais, pour les usagers en couple, seules les ressources personnelles du bénéficiaire seront prises en compte dans le calcul de la prestation. Plus d'infos sur la déconjugalisation de l'AAH 👉

📅 October 21 at 10 a.m. 🎉 Don’t miss one of the largest, most unique children’s festivals in the United States. Where else would you find Danish LEGOs, Irish dance, German theater, Italian children’s tales, Estonian sports, Cypriot puzzles, French VR games, Polish music, Bulgarian dance and Lithuanian ornament-making all in one place? The 🇪🇺 Kids Euro Fest brings some of Europe’s most talented children’s entertainers to the DMV area with support from the 27 EU embassies and the European Union in the United States - for the enjoyment of more than 6,000 children and their families each year. Learn more 👉 and sign up 👉

📅 Le 19 octobre , rejoignez-nous pour célébrer 242 ans d’une alliance victorieuse. La victoire de Yorktown a jeté les bases de liens indéfectibles entre la France et les États-Unis. Ne manquez pas les célébrations à 📌 Yorktown, VA où nous honorons cette amitié éternelle ! 🗽 #FirstAllies #YorktownDay 🇺🇸 On October 19, join us in commemorating 242 years of a triumphant alliance. The Battle of Yorktown forged unbreakable ties between France and the United States. Don’t miss our celebration in Don’t miss our celebration in 📌 Yorktown, VA as we honor this enduring friendship! 📺 Follow along on our reel: At the very heart of the Capitol, an emblematic painting embodies the scope of the historic alliance between France and the United States. It depicts the Surrender of Lord Cornwallis after ther Battle of Yorktown where French and American troops prevailed over those of the British Empire after a naval battle and a siege. On October 19, 1781, General Benjamin Lincoln, second-in-command of the American Continental Army, accepted the surrender from Brigadier General Charles O’Hara, second-in-command of the British Army. He replaces British Commander-in-Chief Lord Cornwallis in the field. Behind him are the American Commander-in-Chief George Washington and the Marquis de Lafayette, under the Star Spangled Banner. Facing the American continental army, the French officers commanded by General de Rochambeau were placed under the white banner of the Bourbon royal family. This victory paved the way for the Treaty of Paris, signed on September 3, 1783, and the end of the American Revolutionary War. Since that first alliance, our two countries have maintained a unique relationship, based on shared values. Yorktown Day, commemorated each year by the town of Yorktown, VA, celebrates the origins of these bonds and their impact on the international scene right up to our days.

🇫🇷🇺🇸 Strengthening Franco-American Ties: The Lafayette Trail Project 🛤️ This week, Deputy Consul Mathieu Esnault attended to the inauguration of two commemorative panels at Temple Hall in 📌 Leesburg, VA. Organized by @julien_icher from @thelafayettetrail and graced by the presence of Cate Magennis Wyatt, President of the Board of Directors @novaparks and Kristen C. Umstattd, Supervisor in Loudoun County, this ceremony was a celebration of history and friendship. As we approach the bicentennial of #Lafayette's farewell tour of the United States, @thelafayettetrail takes the public in the footsteps of an iconic figure of the American Revolution and of the enduring, personal friendship between France and the U.S. as #FirstAllies. The Leesburg panels showcase the remarkable reception Lafayette received at Temple Hall, where approximately 10,000 American citizens welcomed him with open arms. Prepare next year's bicentenary of Lafayette's Farewell Tour by checking the “Follow the Frenchmen” video series 👉 @thelafayettetrail Thanks to the Sons and Daughters of the American revolution #LafayetteTrail #FrancoAmericanRelations #HistoryMatters #InstitutionalCommunication #franceintheus #frenchintheus

Ne manquez pas la dernière séance de cinéma en plein air #FilmsontheGreenDC : "Ballerina" de Eric Summer et Éric Warin, en français sous-titré en anglais. 📅 RDV ce soir au coucher du soleil 📌 Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial in Washington, DC 👉 @Villa Albertine TV5MONDE French Embassy in the U.S.

C'est (aussi) la rentrée des associations 🇫🇷 locales : merci à @Washington Accueil, au Comité Tricolore Washington DC, à l'@Alliance française de Washington, DC, et à tous nos participants ! Vous voulez rejoindre une association ? 👉 Vous voulez financer un nouveau projet au sein de votre association ? Postulez au #STAFE 👉