School of Architecture and Planning, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by School of Architecture and Planning in Washington D.C.. Accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) Official website:

The Pisa Bridge Exhibition currently sits in Miller Atrium, showcasing 19 student projects done under the direction of James McCrery last semester. The goal was to design a new bridge that would span the Arno River in Pisa, Italy. Make sure to check out the exhibit while it is up!

Other School of Architecture and Planning videos

The Pisa Bridge Exhibition currently sits in Miller Atrium, showcasing 19 student projects done under the direction of James McCrery last semester. The goal was to design a new bridge that would span the Arno River in Pisa, Italy. Make sure to check out the exhibit while it is up!

As we head into the holiday weekend, here are some of our students' favorite Christmas songs!

Come check out "Architecture as Freedom" by Adnan Z. Morshed -- currently on exhibit at the District Architecture Center in Washington, D.C.

Timelapse of Weatherbreak
Watch this amazing time lapse build of the Weatherbreak Dome from the National Museum of American History! "Over the course of three days, the team assembled the 25ft structure right in Flag Hall, which greets visitors as they enter. The dome will be on display until July 27th."

Spring Panel Series: Pedagogy

Spatiality Speaker Panel Series
Feb. 22.21

Let Freedom Ring