Caregiver Action Network, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by Caregiver Action Network in Washington D.C.. Caregiver Action Network is the nation’s leading family caregiver organization working to improve the quality of life for more than 90 million Americans.

July is Disability Pride Month and this year marks the 34th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The theme "We Want a Life Like Yours" celebrates the achievements of the disability community as well as highlights their struggles and dreams.

Join the Caregiver Action Network Community—a closed Facebook group just for caregivers—and share how you think the ADA has changed life for your loved one. Go to: to join.
#DisabilityPride #DisabilityPrideMonth #TheBarriersWeFace

Other Caregiver Action Network videos

July is Disability Pride Month and this year marks the 34th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The theme "We Want a Life Like Yours" celebrates the achievements of the disability community as well as highlights their struggles and dreams. Join the Caregiver Action Network Community—a closed Facebook group just for caregivers—and share how you think the ADA has changed life for your loved one. Go to: to join. #DisabilityPride #DisabilityPrideMonth #TheBarriersWeFace

Join us tomorrow at 1:00 pm (Eastern) for Real Talk: Self-Identification & Why It Matters, featuring Nichole Goble, Director of Community Initiatives at CAN. Real Talk Tuesdays are Facebook Live sessions on various caregiving topics that are open to members of the Caregiver Action Network Community Facebook group. To join the group, go to: Hope to see you there!

Lisa is the Program Team Lead for Aging Strong Programs by Jannus in Boise, ID, a Community Care Corps grantee. Aging Strong supports their aging population and their family caregivers. The Community Care Corps grant has enabled them to create a "volunteer village" that are cross-trained to help in any of the three programs. "We're so grateful for this grant that's allowed us to develop a thriving and growing volunteer village."

Help for Cancer Caregivers
Are you caring for a loved one with cancer? If so, we have a website where you can create your own self-care guide and find information on a lot of the issues you may be dealing with. Go to: for more information. #cancer

Joyce's Story
Joyce volunteers with the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine. She says that in her visits to members of the community, she's able to talk to them and let them know they are not alone and have not been forgotten. "Just to let them know that others do care about them." She says that the program helps the recipients to form connections with others which keeps them from feeling isolated and lonely.

Katherine's Story
Katherine receives services from One Community in Brooklyn, NY and says that through the program, she has made many friends, learned a lot about different people, and got help from the volunteers. If you know someone who is dealing with depression, loneliness, or isolation, visit:

When your child has been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, it can be overwhelming. If you need information on managing medication, a checklist for doctor’s visits, or how to find a support group, go to American Association of People with Disabilities The Caregiver Space Caregiver Stress

If you missed yesterday's webinar on "Understanding the Early Stages of Alzheimer's", it's not too late to see the world through the eyes of someone in the early stages of the disease. You can access a recording of the webinar here: -- and please feel free to share the link with other caregivers.

As a family caregiver, your role in supporting your loved one with mental illness is vital. Our Blueprint can connect you with the support and resources you need on topics like supporting your loved one with managing their medications, HIPAA, discussing mental health with doctors, and even a depression screener for you. Go to for more information. #mentalhealth

On National Wear Gray Day, we know that looking after a loved one with brain cancer can be hard emotionally, financially, and socially. If you're sad, worried, or upset, visit this website for free help in dealing with these tough feelings: CancerCare, Elevance Health Foundation, Genentech, Voices Against Brain Cancer

El documental del cineaste Ernesto Quintero Un Viaje Sagrado trata sobre la lucha de su hermano contra la ELA, su negative a aceptar su diagnóstico come su destino y cómo su familia lo apolyó en su búsqueda de formas de en contrar esperanza. #ELA #WhateverItTakes The ALS Association

Filmmaker Ernesto Quintero’s documentary A Sacred Journey is about his brother’s fight with ALS, his refusal to accept his diagnosis as his destiny, and how their family supported him looking for ways to find hope. #ALS #ALSAwareness, #WhateverItTakes, The ALS Association.

When your loved one has a serious disease like ALS, it’s important to have people around who support you. For this filmmaker, his brother, and the rest of their family, their entire community gathered together to give them the support they needed. For more on staying strong while caregiving, visit #ALS #ALSAwareness #WhateverItTakes The ALS Association

No es un secreto que cuidar a un ser querido puede ser estresante, pero ¿qué pasa si todavía estás en la escuela? No lo esperabas, pero entonces tu madre fue diagnosticada con cáncer. El estrés de ser cuidador puede provocar agotamiento si no se aborda. Visita para obtener información gratuita que te ayude. CancerCare, Elevance Health Foundation, Genentech

Taking care of a loved one can be stressful, especially if you're still in school. It's even harder when your mom has cancer and you have to juggle school, friends, and caregiving. The stress can lead to burnout if you don't address it. This website provides free information to help you cope with this situation: CancerCare Elevance Health Genentech

Mental health challenges affect the whole family and can be hard on everyone, during Mental Health Month and every day. CAN offers a Blueprint for Families of Loved Ones with Mental Health Issues that can answer some of your questions, provide you with information, and connect you with other caregivers facing some of the same challenges. Visit for more. #MentalHealthMonth #MHM2024 #wheretostart Mental Health America

Cuando su ser querido tiene una enfermedad grave como la ELA, es importante contar con personas que lo apoyen. Para este cineasta, su hermano y el resto de su familia, toda su comunidad se unió para brindarles el apoyo que necesitaban. #ELA #ALS #ALSAwareness, #WhateverItTakes, The ALS Association

Sharon's Story
Sharon gets the Comfort Calls once a week. She needed someone to talk to and it helps her to know that someone's checking in on her. During Covid, she was in isolation for 5 months which was hard on her psychologically., but the weekly phone calls helped her immensely. "They've improved my life so much. I can't thank them enough." Sharon found something to help her when she was having trouble. If you've feeling down, visit: for some information that might help you.

As a family caregiver, you already pay close attention to your loved one’s symptoms - maybe it’s time to think about their mental health—and your own. CAN has information to help you, including a depression screener. Go to to learn more. #MentalHealthMonth #MHM2024 #wheretostart Mental Health America

Hear Ruth's story about caring for her mom with TD
Ruth, whose mom has been diagnosed with TD, advises caregivers to find moments that make things special and bring joy. She also says that finding a support group & connecting with people in the same boat helped her with her struggles & made her feel she wasn’t alone. To hear more of Ruth’s story, go to #TDAwarenessWeek #Screen4TD