Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans in Washington D.C..

The Senate Judiciary Committee just rejected one of the most extreme nominees to be a federal judge that I have ever seen.

Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn bought the idea that a 6’2” biological male, who is a convicted serial child sex offender, has a constitutional right to be in a female prison. And now there are reports that he has exposed himself to female inmates.

It is out of control and unbelievable that Democrats wanted to give Judge Netburn a promotion.

Other Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans videos

The Senate Judiciary Committee just rejected one of the most extreme nominees to be a federal judge that I have ever seen. Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn bought the idea that a 6’2” biological male, who is a convicted serial child sex offender, has a constitutional right to be in a female prison. And now there are reports that he has exposed himself to female inmates. It is out of control and unbelievable that Democrats wanted to give Judge Netburn a promotion.

The Senate needs to be briefed on the extent of the dangers posed by the Biden Administration’s weak border security policies before it’s too late.

An inspector general report found DHS isn’t properly screening individuals coming into the U.S. The recent arrest of the 8 individuals with suspected ties to ISIS is just the tip of the iceberg. Catch-and-release and poorly vet is not the way to go.

The Biden Administration is breaking the law at the expense of innocent Americans.

Senator Lindsey Graham at the hearing this morning: “There is no effective detention when it comes to illegal immigrants coming to our southern border… The problem America faces when it comes to detention is the lack of it.”

ICYMI: Senator John Kennedy voiced his concerns on the Senate Floor about Biden’s radical Third Circuit nominee, Adeel Mangi. Mr. Mangi is not qualified to serve on the federal bench.

Democrats invoking Jim Crow “for common sense election integrity laws is offensive to those who actually experienced Jim Crow, like my parents and their parents before them.” @repwph to @senjudiciarygop today.

@wesleyfortexas: “The John Lewis Voting Advancement Act is not about protecting voting rights. It’s about solidifying Democrat power nationally. It’s about federal control over state and local elections… It’s about diminishing the security of our elections.”

While social media adds value to our lives, it also causes great harm. Under current law, Americans can’t sue Big Tech for the harm done to them or their loved ones. That needs to change. Section 230 needs to go.
While social media adds value to our lives, it also causes great harm. Under current law, Americans can’t sue Big Tech for the harm done to them or their loved ones. That needs to change. Section 230 needs to go.

Big Tech is failing to protect children online. We have to hold them accountable.

Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans are asking for an answer from @sec_mayorkas. Why was the suspect in the murder of Laken Riley released into the U.S. on parole? The Riley family deserves an answer. Everyone in the country deserves an answer.

At this rate, we are on pace to see 300,000 southern border encounters in December 2023. #BidenBorderCrisis

The treatment of the #SCOTUS Justices
Senator Grassley: “The treatment of the #SCOTUS Justices, pregnancy centers and conservative women has been outrageous since the Dobbs decision was leaked. “8 out of 10 Americans do not support abortion on demand until birth.”

Democrats weren’t concerned with a rigorous examination of her record
Ranking Member Senator Chuck Grassley: “Since the White House announced Judge Jackson’s nomination, I’ve emphasized the need for a thorough and fair process. “Unfortunately, Democrats weren’t concerned with a rigorous examination of her record.”

Why he’s ultimately a NO vote
LISTEN to Ranking Member Senator Chuck Grassley discuss on Fox Business his concerns about Judge Jackson and why he’s ultimately a NO vote.

Ransomware doesn't just affect the deeper pockets of companies

We're still facing a crisis at the southern border

The countdown is on

Biden administration has actively sought to undermine border security