USS Arizona Operation 85, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by USS Arizona Operation 85 in Washington D.C.. A mission to identify, through DNA, 85 or more USS Arizona Crew Members buried in commingled graves a

USS Arizona Operation 85

Help the family members of "Operation 85" potentially identify their loved ones that were removed from the USS Arizona, never identified, and buried as "unknown" 10 miles away from Pearl Harbor. Your support will help give these unknown American heroes their name back and allow participating family members to respectfully and honorably bring closure to this tragic event.

Support our efforts by purchasing an item from our Online Gift Shop!

✅ Note: Our mission respects the peace of the crew currently entombed within the ship, which the family of "Operation 85" have no interest in disturbing - only the unknown buried away from Pearl Harbor will potentially be identified and reinterred with full honors.

Other USS Arizona Operation 85 videos

USS Arizona Operation 85
Help the family members of "Operation 85" potentially identify their loved ones that were removed from the USS Arizona, never identified, and buried as "unknown" 10 miles away from Pearl Harbor. Your support will help give these unknown American heroes their name back and allow participating family members to respectfully and honorably bring closure to this tragic event. Support our efforts by purchasing an item from our Online Gift Shop! ✅ Note: Our mission respects the peace of the crew currently entombed within the ship, which the family of "Operation 85" have no interest in disturbing - only the unknown buried away from Pearl Harbor will potentially be identified and reinterred with full honors.