Evók Life, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by Evók Life in Washington D.C.. Evók is a well-being company training ambitious high achievers on a new way to achieve goals without sacrificing your well-being. www.evoklife.com

“You’re a human being, not a human doing.” Redefine well-being from constantly “doing” health and wellness activities to actually BEING in ways that align with your essence. Well-being isn’t something you do or have, it’s a way you exist and live. Get into it, make the shift!

#ConsciousLiving #Transformation

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“You’re a human being, not a human doing.” Redefine well-being from constantly “doing” health and wellness activities to actually BEING in ways that align with your essence. Well-being isn’t something you do or have, it’s a way you exist and live. Get into it, make the shift! #BeingIstheNewDoing #ConsciousLiving #Transformation #wellbeing

Recognizing you need to shift is the first step. Then you choose actions that serve you and honor them. The issue is typically loud mental chatter that keeps you from honoring what serves you. If you listen to your thoughts, you'll become them...but you're greater than that, so let those thoughts go and honor yourself. #regimen #mentalregimen #honoryourself #balance #wellbeing

The Evok Game Plan™ is not like any other course or program out on the market. Many programs offer a great engaged community, but when it comes to fulfilling an actual goal and promise, other programs fall short and keep you depending on them to grow and win. Instead, The Evók Game Plan™ is a system with soul, science, and practical engineering as its driving force. The game is designed to accelerate goals through a structured method of intentional implementation of a clear plan, including accountability, support, and results. We see the WHOLE you, and we got you. Click the link in our bio; our Spring Cycle is open for enrollment until April 6th.

Kyshia got it right. Learn how to get into alignment with what you want. The Evók Game Plan™ is not a secret, it's a system. "I had the framework to get it done in 12-weeks, yet I had the courage to get it done in less than a week. And I did! I walked into a strategy meeting for a career that I had not even applied for and secured it within days of the program. Talk about a POWER PARADIGM."

In just the first three months of 2022, we've facilitated over 75 game-changers. Below are just some of the shifts shared by players while participating in The Evók Game Plan™. - I closed on my new house and will be moving Friday. - After a major intention shift for an audition, I booked the job! - Cleaned and organized my home office. Relaxed a bit without guilt. - I am finally focusing on myself. For the first time in over 20+ years, I looked in the mirror and actually saw my authentic self and how pretty I am. I provided forgiveness and grace for my former lifestyle and thanked God for what I have earned and how accomplished I actually am. - Daily meditations, writing game elevated, and I hired a writing coach 😊 - I had my physical today, and my blood pressure was in the normal range, and I am in week 3 of not having to take meds for anxiety. - Booked my first AND second speaking engagements! Are you ready to shift? Enroll in The Evók Game Plan™ now until 11:59 pm ET on 4/6/22.

Don’t talk about it... BEY about it. Happy 40th Birthday to the Brilliant and Beautiful @beyonce 🔥🥂✨

When a person is deep in their own struggle, perspective, or paradigm, what actually moves the needle on what they’re dealing with and provides an opening for them to walk through, find transformation, and live an abundant life? This is a question we’re always looking at here. And if you’ve been looking for the answer, you need to hear this. Tune in this week to discover how we help you see the truth of your being and how it relates to your struggle. We’re sharing our philosophies, what we’re here to do, what we’re not here for, the questions we focus on, and how you can step into a life of abundance that answers what you’re being called to do. ENJOY THE CLIP? Don’t miss an episode, listen on Spotify and subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Stitcher or RSS. https://evoklife.com/real-work-transformation/

This summer, what do you want to go out for? Are you desperate to leave the inside, metaphorically or literally? We invite you to explore your intention and bring awareness to the risks in this week’s episode. Join us today as we discuss the experience of re-entering the world and why we choose to take some risks while avoiding others. Life is inherently risky, with or without a global pandemic. When we bring awareness to these risks and make a choice out of consciousness, our game becomes that much more intentional and purpose-driven. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN FROM THIS EPISODE: - Our experiences of coming out in the world. - Why we encourage you to be deliberate about your choice to come out. - How there are risks when you go outside and when you stay in. - How to see the choice of going out as an opportunity. - The power of being aware of the risks and having a high level of intention. Listen to the full episode on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or Spotify.

Is there actual magic in The Inner Game Plan box? Short answer, yes. The long answer is that the box is full of the tools needed to embark on a journey to self-discovery and mastery. If you are at the center of your Inner Game and you are magical then what else could the box contain but magic? When you buy The Inner Game Plan you are investing in yourself for a dedicated period of time (90 days to be exact) to call forth the version of you who is best suited to accomplish one lofty goal that plays a part in the overall enhancement of your life and expansion of your wellness. Besides the power of your own Intention and commitment, the box also includes The Inner Game Plan Workbook to walk you through six exercises to chart the most efficient path to your goal, The Inner Game Plan Design Board to create a visual representation of your goal, The Evók Intention Planner for daily accountability, and Evók Intention Tools to check in with your Intention and reality. This box has your Inner Game inside. Yes, that is magic.

The past year was a ride and if you’re like us it was a one-way ticket to truth-ville. We have learned so much about who we are and what we really want for our lives. So now that we know, what’s next? Someone heard your cries because the tools you need to gather your thoughts and make a plan, an Inner Game Plan to be precise, are here. What if we told you that the answer to two of life’s greatest questions comes in one box. What do you want to be when you “grow up” and who are you going to be about it. Chances are you had a lot of good ideas that got you where you are today. But, now you have some new ones and would like to integrate them into your life. You might like to keep the elements of your life that you love and create space for new goals and experiences that reflect the person you’re growing into. Enter, The Inner Game Plan for The @afrominimalist, a plan to go within while exploring minimalism. The two concepts work together to guide us through the process of editing our lives so we can get to the business of living our best one. This box is full of tools you can hold in hand as a symbol of your commitment to transformation and a process you can depend on to keep you grounded along the way. This is a 90-day plan to focus on your Intention and change the game in a way that only you can. You’ve got this! We got you! Repost from @afrominimalist