American Association of Blacks in Energy, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by American Association of Blacks in Energy in Washington D.C.. AABE is the Nation's premier association of energy professionals drawing members across the sector.

Director of Member Services, Events, and Scholarships - Krislyn Smithson

Krislyn Smisthson fosters a sense of community throughout the entire AABE membership body and manages the AABE National and Regional Scholarship programs. In her role as the Director of Member Services, Events, and Scholarships, Krislyn facilitates the administrative efforts for member communications, engagement, recruitment, and retention. Krislyn also oversees scholarship standard operating procedures, eligibility and selection criteria, and award processes. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting
#AABE #Leadership

Other American Association of Blacks in Energy videos

Director of Member Services, Events, and Scholarships - Krislyn Smithson
Krislyn Smisthson fosters a sense of community throughout the entire AABE membership body and manages the AABE National and Regional Scholarship programs. In her role as the Director of Member Services, Events, and Scholarships, Krislyn facilitates the administrative efforts for member communications, engagement, recruitment, and retention. Krislyn also oversees scholarship standard operating procedures, eligibility and selection criteria, and award processes. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Leadership

AABE welcomes Wendell Dallas to the 2024–2026 National Board of Directors. Wendell is president and CEO of Nicor Gas and will serve as a member of the Finance and Audit Committee, offering over 30 years of experience in the natural gas industry. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Leadership

The AABE Annual Membership Campaign Drive (AMCD) is in full swing from now until December 20th. By joining our highly respected and well - established organization, members enjoy rich opportunities to advance their career, gain access to exclusive resources, and connect and build relationships. Visit and make membership matter! #AABE #Membership

2024-2026 National Board of Directors - Gilbert Campbell
AABE welcomes Gilbert Campbell III to the 2024–2026 National Board of Directors. Gilbert is the Founder and CEO of Volt Energy Utility and will serve as chair of the Entrepreneurship Committee and a member of the Legislative Issues Public Policy (LIPP) Committee, offering over 15 years of experience in the clean energy tech industry. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Leadership

2024 -2026 National Board of Directors - Conitsha Barnes
AABE welcomes Conitsha Barnes to the 2024 – 2026 National Board of Directors. Conitsha is an energy policy management director for Duke Energy and will serve as a member of the Finance and Audit Committee, Membership/Regional Council and Chapter Development Committee, and the Bylaws Sub-Committee, offering over 20 years of experience in the energy industry. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Leadership

The American Association of Blacks in Energy encourages both the public and private sectors to be responsive to the problems, goals and aspirations of African Americans in energy-related fields. Experience the energy knowledge that we cultivate for our community, our people, and our tomorrow! Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Purpose

AABE welcomes Vicky Bailey to the 2024 –2026 National Board of Directors. Vicky is Founder and Principal at Anderson Stratton Enterprises and will serve as a member of the Governance and Nominating Committee, offering more than three decades of comprehensive experience in domestic and global Energy and regulated industries. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Leadership

Over 500 United States manufacturing facilities produce wind turbine components, including blades, towers, and generators, with up to 70% of the components used in towers installed domestically. The average utility - scale wind turbine contains roughly 8,000 parts, including blades up to 300 feet in length and towers 308 feet high, roughly the height of the Statue of Liberty. Visit to learn how African Americans and other minorities are working together to promote a brighter future for all. #AABE #Energy

The American Association of Blacks in Energy ensures involvement of African Americans in governmental energy policymaking by recommending capable sensitive and informed personnel to appropriate officials. Experience the energy knowledge that we cultivate for our community, our people, and our tomorrow! Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Purpose

If you are looking for a new position, the AABE Talent Acquisition and Career Center is your gateway to exploring and applying for opportunities in every sector of the energy industry. There is no fee to respond to a job posting or to set up an account. Our job board is filled with employers who value your diversity and expertise. Visit and start your journey towards a new job today. #AABE #Talent #Career

AABE welcomes the 2024– 2026 National Board of Directors. Their vision, insight, and oversight will carry our organization into the future. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Leadership

If you are looking for a new position, the AABE Talent Acquisition and Career Center is your gateway to exploring and applying for opportunities in every sector of the energy industry. There is no fee to respond to a job posting or to set up an account. Our job board is filled with employers who value your diversity and expertise. Visit and start your journey towards a new job today. #AABE #Talent #Career

The American Association of Blacks in Energy serves as a resource for policy discussions on the economic, social, and political impact of environmental and energy policies affecting African Americans and other minorities. Experience the energy knowledge that we cultivate for our community, our people, and our tomorrow! Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Purpose

Physicist Shirley Ann Jackson was the first African American woman to have earned a doctorate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1973. Dr. Jackson’s research on electronic and optical properties of two - dimensional systems contributed significantly to the semiconductor industry. Visit to learn how we ensure the input of African Americans and other minorities into the discussions and developments of energy policies, regulations, R&D technologies, and environmental issues. #AABE #BlackHistory #Energy

Over 30 members participated in the July 16th AABE webinar with Associate Director for the Office of Community Engagement for the U.S. Department of Energy, Kerene Tayloe. From creative community project advantages to “prize” programs and funding alternatives, Kerene revealed a variety of DOE community benefits for AABE members and their communities. Join us as we curate and cultivate knowledge for our community, our people, and our tomorrow. Visit and secure your membership today. #AABE #Membership

Goodbye, Arkadelphia!: Turning Obstacles into Opportunities emphasizes the importance of perseverance, unselfish leadership, and commitment to helping others. Former AABE National Board Member, Robert Harris, illustrates in his memoir how he used those ideas on his journey from a segregated community in Arkansas to a Fortune 500 attorney in the energy industry. Stay connected to see which book AABE recommends next month. With knowledge, we can help to shape energy policies, regulations, R&D technologies, and environmental issues. #AABE #GoodReads

Natasha Freeman plays a pivotal role in the strategic planning and execution of AABE operations and events. In her position as senior vice president of operations, Natasha is responsible for driving organizational growth, ensuring operational excellence, and overseeing the successful planning and execution of national events, including the annual AABE National Conference. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Leadership

The American Association of Blacks in Energy was founded by Clarke A. Watson (1942-2003) in Denver, Colorado. On July 25th and 26th, 1977, Watson called the first AABE meeting of Black leaders concerned about energy matters to address the absence of minority representation on President Jimmy Carter’s energy task force. Experience the energy knowledge that we cultivate for our community, our people, and our tomorrow! Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #Mission

The AABE National Conference hosts a variety of professional development opportunities, including focused concurrent sessions, general sessions, keynote speakers, and networking engagements. Save big with our July registration specials for members and nonmembers. It’s time to unleash your potential! Visit Then click on the conference picture and register for the conference today! #AABE #NationalConference

AABE National Staff - Camille Moore
Camille Moore is building connections among members, strategic allies, and other stakeholders to advance the organization's mission and enhance the visibility of Blacks and other minorities in the energy sector. In her role, she leads strategic marketing and communications, drives partner relations, oversees legislative affairs and public policy, and manages professional development webinars. Get to know the American Association of Blacks in Energy by visiting #AABE #Leadership