
Spitfire is a national communication firm that works with nonprofits and foundations to help create their vision of a better world.

Actions speak louder than words: one great example of role modeling civil discourse 07/15/2024

Violence has no place in our political process. Period. To keep our political process safe, candidates and leaders of all stripes and backgrounds need to speak out against violence publicly and in no uncertain terms. In this blog post, Spitfire founder and strategist Kristen Grimm spotlights a smart candidate pledge to do just that. Read and share to help secure a peaceful political process for all.

Actions speak louder than words: one great example of role modeling civil discourse Over the weekend, a lone gunman attempted to assassinate former President Donald Trump. Violence has no place in our political process. Period.

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take 07/03/2024

Violence doesn't disappear by ignoring it. It's time for leaders and communities to recognize its social cost. The Horizons Project suggests the Backfire model, focusing on strategic maneuvers to deter violent behaviors and make violence backfire on those who use it. Learn about the backfire model and 6 other actions leaders can take to build civil discourse instead of civil discord in our latest blog below. For those preparing for potential volatility, plan for the best-case scenario.

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take No leader wants to call the police on community members. When conversations break down, resulting in violence or the threat of it, leaders rightly ask: What could we have done differently to prevent this situation?


Recommendation #7 to increase trust! Extend the “in-group” — those who identify with an issue. Avoid othering, reduce intergroup hostility, and engage in bridging and building third spaces. Learn more about how to increase social in our guide: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/trust

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take 07/01/2024

Outside actors often manipulate community discourse for their own agendas. As leaders we need to stay vigilant, call out opportunistic behavior and counter with strategies like starving, inoculating, and revealing the truth. Check out our latest blog to learn more about building civil discourse.

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take No leader wants to call the police on community members. When conversations break down, resulting in violence or the threat of it, leaders rightly ask: What could we have done differently to prevent this situation?

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take 06/28/2024

Let's disrupt the outrage cycle together! Beware of media incentives to sensationalize and use extreme language. Instead, empower positive stories to improve civil discourse. Read our latest blog on building civil discourse, not discord at the link below:

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take No leader wants to call the police on community members. When conversations break down, resulting in violence or the threat of it, leaders rightly ask: What could we have done differently to prevent this situation?

‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ alumni launch nation’s first PAC led by drag performers 06/27/2024

Spitfire is proud to support the launch of Drag PAC, the first ever political action committee led by drag queens.

Founding queens, including Alaska, BenDeLaCreme, Jinkx Monsoon, Monét X Change, Peppermint and Willam, launched Drag PAC to engage, educate and mobilize Gen Z voters to demonstrate their power at the ballot box in November.

The Hill has more on why the six iconic queens are passionate about turning out the Gen Z and fighting for LGBTQ+ equality.

‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ alumni launch nation’s first PAC led by drag performers Six veteran drag performers and former “RuPaul’s Drag Race” contestants on Thursday announced the launch of Drag PAC, the nation’s first political action committee led by drag artists.  F…


Recommendation #6 to increase trust! Create opportunities for people to participate and make sure they feel heard and included. If people feel heard, they’ll feel safer when opening up, creating an avenue for trust building. Learn more about how to earn in our guide: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/trust

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take 06/25/2024

Listening and empathy are key to cooling community tensions. As Amanda Ripley says "Most of us do not feel heard most of the time. That’s because most people don't know how to listen. We jump to conclusions" Check out our latest blog from Spitfire founder Kristen Grimm teaching leaders to build civil discourse, not discord.

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take No leader wants to call the police on community members. When conversations break down, resulting in violence or the threat of it, leaders rightly ask: What could we have done differently to prevent this situation?

Tracking a Single Day at the National Domestic Violence Hotline (Gift Article) 06/21/2024

Domestic violence is a national crisis that we all must work to address. We’re proud to have worked with our client, the National Domestic Violence Hotline, and The New York Times to elevate the voices of survivors and advocates. The Hotline receives as many as 3,000 calls and messages from survivors a day. This is what they look like.

Tracking a Single Day at the National Domestic Violence Hotline (Gift Article) Some major Supreme Court decisions this term, including a ruling that allowed the government to prohibit people subject to restraining orders from having guns, have underscored the pervasiveness of domestic violence.

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take 06/21/2024

As a leader, we must send the right signals and lead the way forward. When we begin conversations by listening and validating the feelings and experience of ourselves and others, we can then work together to reject violence and highlight community-centered approaches to resolution. Learn more about building civil discourse in our recent blog below:

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take No leader wants to call the police on community members. When conversations break down, resulting in violence or the threat of it, leaders rightly ask: What could we have done differently to prevent this situation?


Recommendation #5 to increase trust! Trust begets trust — so lean in to trusting those you serve and signaling that you trust them. Learn more about how to earn long-term in our guide: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/trust

Working with journalists to promote civic discourse not civil discord 06/20/2024

Media plays a pivotal role in shaping our societal norms, and for Best-Case Scenario, a Spitfire project, we're passionate about fostering safe and constructive civic spaces. We recently sat down with journalists and activists to explore effective strategies to promote civil discourse over discord.

Here are some key insights we discovered:

Understand Journalists: Reporters are not just storytellers; they're humans with a job to inform and engage. By recognizing their constraints and interests, we can assist them in portraying stories accurately.

Find the Angle: Civil discord often grabs headlines, but stories of civil discourse are equally important. Work with media to find an angle that brings these narratives to light and widening the scope of media coverage.

Build Strong Relationships: Collaboration is key! By forging strong bonds with journalists and providing them with valuable resources and sources, we can shape the narrative towards constructive dialogue.

Understand the context of violence: Advocate for responsible reporting and provide guidelines to mitigate the normalization of violence. Also understand that journalists face threats themselves.

Amplifying The Positive: When the media gets it right, it's crucial to acknowledge and amplify their efforts. Positive reinforcement encourages more responsible journalism.

Let's work together to reshape the media landscape and promote a culture of understanding and empathy. To learn more about how you can best work with the media, check out our latest blog below: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/working-journalists-promote-civic-discourse-not-civil-discord

Working with journalists to promote civic discourse not civil discord Media is an important lever in creating the social norm of safe and sound civic spaces.

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take 06/18/2024

What actions can we take in the space between violence and agreement? How can we establish ground rules for respect and understanding? In our latest blog, Spitfire founder Kristen Grimm explores the various actions leaders can take to build civil discourse, not discord. Check it out and see how you can contribute to building a better future:

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take No leader wants to call the police on community members. When conversations break down, resulting in violence or the threat of it, leaders rightly ask: What could we have done differently to prevent this situation?

Working with journalists to promote civic discourse not civil discord 06/06/2024

Media plays a pivotal role in shaping our societal norms, and for Best-Case Scenario, a Spitfire project, we're passionate about fostering safe and constructive civic spaces. We recently sat down with journalists and activists to explore effective strategies to promote civil discourse over discord.

Here are some key insights we discovered:
- Understand Journalists: Reporters are not just storytellers; they're humans with a job to inform and engage. By recognizing their constraints and interests, we can assist them in portraying stories accurately.
- Find the Angle: Civil discord often grabs headlines, but stories of civil discourse are equally important. Work with media to find an angle that brings these narratives to light and widening the scope of media coverage.
- Build Strong Relationships: Collaboration is key! By forging strong bonds with journalists and providing them with valuable resources and sources, we can shape the narrative towards constructive dialogue.
- Understand the context of violence: Advocate for responsible reporting and provide guidelines to mitigate the normalization of violence. Also understand that journalists face threats themselves.
- Amplifying The Positive: When the media gets it right, it's crucial to acknowledge and amplify their efforts. Positive reinforcement encourages more responsible journalism.

Let's work together to reshape the media landscape and promote a culture of understanding and empathy. To learn more about how you can best work with the media, check out our latest blog below: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/working-journalists-promote-civic-discourse-not-civil-discord

Working with journalists to promote civic discourse not civil discord Media is an important lever in creating the social norm of safe and sound civic spaces.


Exciting news! Our partners at Families & Workers Fund just announced a new $45 million commitment under their Benefits Access & Equity Initiative — which will support public benefits access and delivery and improve economic security for 1.5 million people across the country. Learn more here: https://familiesandworkers.org/benefits-access/


Recommendation #4 to increase trust! Prioritize equality, demonstrate competency and instill a sense of hope when embarking on your journey to increase trust and reverse the trust deficit. Research shows these three actions do more to build trust than other behaviors. Learn more about how to earn long-term in our guide: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/trust


Recommendation #3 to increase trust! One step beyond understanding moral norms is practicing moral elevation. Moral elevation is communicating about moral norms, practicing it, and amplifying real life examples, in visible and tangible ways. Learn more about trust in our guide: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/trust

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take 05/28/2024

"When conversations break down, resulting in violence or the threat of it, leaders rightly ask: What could we have done differently to prevent this situation? I define “violence” as any form of physical aggression as well as threats, intimidation and online aggression. Media reports are focused on campuses as cautionary tales, either academic like Columbia University or corporate like Google, but tumultuous situations are playing out at libraries, city council chambers and school board meetings.

Often as individuals, we give so much power to what we think will happen next, and if we believe a situation is destined to become violent, it’s often a hopeless self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of planning for the worst-case scenario, we need to have faith that the best-case scenario is still possible, even in times of great perceived division. I say “perceived” because while our country is undoubtedly divided on salient issues, Democrats and Republicans imagine almost twice as many of their political opponents hold views they consider “extreme.” This creates a more hateful, fearful and polarized landscape."
- Spitfire Founder Kristen Grimm.

So, what can you do about it? Read Seven Actions Leaders Can Take to Build Civil Discourse Not Discord

Building civil discourse, not civil discord: Seven actions leaders can take No leader wants to call the police on community members. When conversations break down, resulting in violence or the threat of it, leaders rightly ask: What could we have done differently to prevent this situation?


Recommendation #2 to increase trust! To earn trust, organizations must listen to the communities they are engaged with to understand and uphold their moral norms — which are rules or expectations driven by values. With high trust, there is high confidence that people will adhere to moral norms and hope that others are worth trusting on this. Learn more about how to earn in our guide: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/trust


New “Trust” series incoming! Organizations should never lose sight of this. Do what you say you will do. Organizations can build trust by showing they are governed by public good, not merely self interest. Learn more about the 10 concrete ways to earn in our guide:


Panelists at challenged us to see the power in bridging toward a future of belonging. As a concept and an implemented strategy, bridging can be uncomfortable. How can we be expected to engage with people we don’t agree with when so many don’t see our humanity or support our liberation from systems of oppression? Spitfire Gaby Connor shared her experience overcoming discomfort and seeing the value in bridging after listening to leaders at Workers Center for Racial Justice, Multi-Faith Neighbors Network, Ramadan Tent Project, and Valiente es Dialogar (Brave to Dialogue) share practical applications for building belonging. Read her blog here: https://www.spitfirestrategies.com/bridging-uncomfortable-deep-curiosity-can-help-us-build-future-belonging


In this blog, the President and CEO of Southern Poverty Law Center, Margaret Huang shared her thoughts and excitement about their new bilingual voter engagement campaign “The South’s Got Now | Decidimos.” This campaign, powered by original research, shows Black, Latino, Indigenous, Asian American and Pacific Islander young people in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi that voting is an important way they can make change in their communities.

Read more here:

Empowering Voters in the South 05/01/2024

Our friends at Southern Poverty Law Center launched a new bilingual voter engagement campaign to show Black, Latino, Indigenous, Asian American and Pacific Islander young people in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi the power of their votes. The campaign, powered by original research, shows that voting is an important way young people can make change in their communities. Learn about The South’s Got Now https://www.splcenter.org/the-souths-got-now
Nuestros amigos del Souther Poverty Law Center lanzaron una nueva campaña bilingüe para informar y motivar a latinos, afroamericanos y otros jóvenes de AL, FL, GA, LA y MS que con su voto tienen el poder de hacer cambios en sus comunidades. Conoce más aquí: splcenter.org/decidimos

Empowering Voters in the South Voters in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Mississippi: Join us in creating a positive impact and showing the nation all we can achieve together.


Spitfire will be at this week! We can't wait to learn from this year's speakers and are excited to be in a community with social change partners working to build a more inclusive future. Will you be in Oakland for the conference? We'd love to connect!


Happy Earth Day! While climate change can be scary, it doesn’t have to be a hopeless problem. It’s a tough challenge but with collective action and trust in organizations, we can and will heal the planet we call home. Read more on hope and optimism in how are addressing the climate crisis in our latest blog.


Image Credit: Damian Barczak/ Unsplash

A great experience for whom and at what cost? 04/10/2024

In February, Meta announced that they will no longer recommend users anything they identify as “political content.” Ahead of a consequential election, this could have serious implications for GOTV efforts and organizing at state and local levels. Learn what communicators can do to address this flawed political content policy in our latest blog.

A great experience for whom and at what cost? Four steps to address Meta's flawed political content policy

Philanthropy's New Voice: Building Trust With Deeper Stories and Clear Language 04/05/2024

Want to show your foundation’s impact? Tell better stories! A new report from the Council on Foundations and the Center for Public Interest Communications shows how.

Philanthropy's New Voice: Building Trust With Deeper Stories and Clear Language United States foundations are an essential element of America’s social sector, supporting causes from public libraries to groundbreaking research, to new approaches to building a more equitable world. But despite their reach, foundations have an identity problem. From small towns to Washington, D....

Kristen Grimm of Spitfire Strategies Takes on the Trust Challenge 04/02/2024

Societies can’t thrive without trust. Spitfire Founder Kristen Grimm spoke with Eric Brown of the Let’s Hear It podcast about why trust matters for organizations, and more importantly, concrete ways that civil society leaders can earn trust based on our recent guide.

🎧 Listen to the podcast:

Kristen Grimm of Spitfire Strategies Takes on the Trust Challenge Societies can’t thrive without sufficient levels of trust – trust in our elected officials, in our major institutions, the value of the dollar bill in our wallet, and even in our belief that our fellow motorists will abide by the traffic laws when we enter an intersection. You know where this is...


Spitfire hosted 20 students from University of Florida this week to talk about narrative change and careers in public interest communications. Thanks Angela Bradbery, Frank Karel Endowment Chair in Public Communications for brining your students! We had a blast.

RWJF Culture of Health Prize 03/19/2024

Can the story of your community’s work inspire others to take action and create a healthier future for everyone’s children and grandchildren? The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize celebrates communities where people and organizations are collaborating to build solutions to barriers that have created unequal opportunities for health and wellbeing.

The work of past Prize winners shows us that addressing structural racism and other forms of inequities is key to creating a healthier future for all. Across the country, people who experience inequities are at the forefront of changing the conditions driving that reality.

Tag organizations or groups you think are part of collective partnerships that should join the next round of Prize winners. Applications are open until June 3: https://rwjf.ws/3wHkd6W

RWJF Culture of Health Prize The RWJF Culture of Health Prize honors communities at the forefront of addressing structural racism and other structural injustices to advance health, opportunity, and equity for all.

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Powered by hope and our partnership with you in 2024, Spitfires thank you and are by your side to build the world we wan...
Today is #TransDayOfVisbility, which concludes the Trans Week of Visibility and Action, a mass mobilization in defense o...
This year, Spitfire launched its creative and cultural strategies practice to bring another dimension of strategic commu...
May 17th is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia, and Biphobia. We at Spitfire stand with our fellow Spitfi...
Spitfire 2017




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