Federation of American Scientists, Washington D.C., DC Videos

Videos by Federation of American Scientists in Washington D.C.. Providing science-based analysis and solutions to reduce dangers from weapons of mass destruction.

In just two years, the Inflation Reduction Act has driven down costs of energy and transportation for everyday Americans while reining in catastrophic climate change. This legislation proves that when we invest in a better future, everyone wins. #fedsci #cleanenergy

Other Federation of American Scientists videos

In just two years, the Inflation Reduction Act has driven down costs of energy and transportation for everyday Americans while reining in catastrophic climate change. This legislation proves that when we invest in a better future, everyone wins. #fedsci #cleanenergy

PRO TIP: don't post workout pics or one of our researchers will make it about your nuclear capabilities #fedsci #india #nuclearweapons

Part 4 | Nuclear Information Project Associate Director Matt Korda explains how countries like North Korea iterate on missile designs to create new models. #fedsci #northkorea #nuclearweapons

Part 3 | Nuclear Information Project Associate Director Matt Korda explains how countries like North Korea iterate on missile designs to create new models. #fedsci #northkorea #nuclearweapons

Part 2 | Nuclear Information Project Associate Director Matt Korda explains how countries like North Korea iterate on missile designs to create new models. #fedsci #northkorea #nuclearweapons

Part 1 | Nuclear Information Project Associate Director Matt Korda explains how countries like North Korea iterate on missile designs to create new models. #fedsci #northkorea #nuclearweapons

i thought she was going to do smth cool but all she wanted to do was talk about geothermal wtf #fedsci #coworker #cleanenergy

she's locked in #fedsci #meme

🧟🔥 Zombie fires are real and burning right now. Wildfire Policy Specialist James tells you about your new least favorite horror story monster. BTW: Ask us anything about U.S. wildfire policy, and we'll have James answer. #science #fedsci #wildfire #zombiefire #fire #sciencepolicy

Wildfire Policy Specialist James tells you about his "favorite" public health hazard: wildfire smoke. Smoke is 100x more deadly than the actual flames of a wildfire, but our national wildfire policy and response don't treat it that way. #fedsci #wildfire #science #climatechange

Nuclear Information Project Senior Research Fellow Matt shows you his favorite ICBM silos. #fedsci #nuclearweapons #nukes #oppenheimer

"organ recovery agencies are failing"
"74% of the nation's organ recovery agencies are failing performance standards. Yet none of them has ever lost a contract," Senior Fellow Jennifer Erickson tells NPR.

Taking a look at India's new MIRV... from space🛰 Last week, Prime Minister of India Narenda Modi tweeted about a successful test flight of a MIRV'd Agni-5 missile. While the Indian government may rejoice in its technical achievement, the proliferation of MIRV capability is a sign of a larger worrisome trend in worldwide nuclear arsenals that is already showing signs of an emerging nuclear arms race with more de-stabilizing MIRVed missiles. Learn more at FAS.org . . . . #fedsci #nuclearweapons #india #mirv

Investing in science should be a no-brainer. . . . . . #fedsci #science #technology #news #politics #STEM

when your job is looking at things from space, sometimes you find things that are super duper cool #fedsci

Want to know more? Read Ellie’s latest blog post on FAS dot org 🛰️ #fedsci

Planetary defense against what?
FAS Director of Global Risk Jon is preparing for the future... against what?

Is the Secretary of Defense in the chain of command for nuclear strikes? Short answer: no. Long answer: also no. #fedsci

Nuclear Notebooks coauthors Mackenzie and Ellie give you the run down on 🇨🇳 nuclear updates. Comment for the link to the full report✍️