Bishop Ricky D. Helton, Washington D.c., DC Videos

Videos by Bishop Ricky D. Helton in Washington D.c.. Husband. Father. Pastor. Servant. Pastor of Israel Metropolitan CME Church in Washington, D.C. Aspirant for CME Bishop 2022 Instagram: @rdhelton2022

Wednesday's Word July 6, 2022
As I offer this final Wednesday's Word I sincerely pray that God would keep each of you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of God's glory with exceeding joy.
Thank you for taking this journey with me and the Helton Family these last 79 weeks. I thank you for your prayers and your support. May God continue to cover us as we serve the CME Church and the 10th Episcopal District (West Africa).
Bishop Ricky D. Helton

Other Bishop Ricky D. Helton videos

Wednesday's Word July 6, 2022 THE FINAL WORD As I offer this final Wednesday's Word I sincerely pray that God would keep each of you from falling and present you faultless before the presence of God's glory with exceeding joy. Thank you for taking this journey with me and the Helton Family these last 79 weeks. I thank you for your prayers and your support. May God continue to cover us as we serve the CME Church and the 10th Episcopal District (West Africa). Blessings, Bishop Ricky D. Helton

Wednesday's Word 06/29/2022 SERIOUS BUSINESS Luke 10:1-11 Kingdom Business is Serious Business. It is held to a higher standard. Today the CME Church prepares to usher in a new class of leaders. We hope and pray that they realize the seriousness of their responsibilities as they are asked to carry on the work of the church. If you are asked to work in church, please consider it 'serious business'.

Welcome to Cincinnati

Wednesday's Word 06/22/2022 THE GOODNESS OF GOD Psalm 73:28 GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME, AND ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD. A very familiar phrase. Do we really understand the phrase? The goodness of God is a moral quality which constitutes excellence. In short, goodness boils down to kindness, generosity and most of all LOVE. Do you possess the goodness of God in your life?

Wednesday's Word 06/15/2022 Good Trouble 1 Kings 19:1-15 How many times have we found ourselves in trouble? Trouble that turned out to be good trouble. Today's Word encourages us to stand for justice and speak truth to power. Be willing to get into trouble, good trouble, necessary trouble.

Wednesday's Word June 8, 2022 The Sin of Indifference If you are not regarded as a human being, how does that make you feel? The sin of indifference has no emotional regard. It feels nothing. It has little regard for human life and worth. As our society plunges deeper into the abyss of mass shootings and hatred, we have to get the memo to learn how to love, to pray, and to care for each other if we are to heal our land.

Final 15-Minute Monthly Prayer Call With The Heltons

Wednesday's Word 06-01-2022 UNITY IN DIVERSITY As we approach Pentecost 2022 let us confirm our diversity. It needs to be celebrated as we all have endured so much in these last 27 months since the Covid19 Pandemic hit our world. We need to realize that diversity does not require us to change our culture, it only enhances it. Diversity allows us an opportunity to come together and celebrate each other.

Wednesday's Word 05-25-2022 God vs. Culture - Which One Will Win Acts 16:16-34 Do you understand the power of culture? Culture defines us and is passed down from generation to generation. It includes codes of dress, language, religion, rituals, art, food, etc. It is powerful and extremely difficult to change. When culture comes against God, who wins? Do you understand the power of God? Yes culture is powerful and will sometimes win, but God will have the final word. When you step back and allow God to move, God will win!

Wednesday's Word 05/18/2022
Wednesday's Word 05/18/2022 The Opening Of The Heart Acts 16:9-15 What in life is more important than our hearts? God opens the heart and not ourselves. We must recognize that if we are to succeed or survive in the future. God desires for us to listen to the Holy Spirit. God desires to have our hearts open so that we might hear, that we might be inspired. That we might be open to venture out so that others might come in and join.

15 Minute Monthly Prayer Partner Call for Helton2022
Meet 15 minutes for prayer time

Wednesday's Word 05/04/2022 A Time Of Dedication John 10:22-30 Today's text is about a time for dedication. The focus should be on Jesus, the Messiah, the True Shepherd. Jesus is the light that still shines in the winter moments of our lives, in the darkest of times. As we all prepare to move forward in this pandemic and come out of this darkness and resume living, are we prepared to rededicate our lives, our temples, our bodies, ourselves to Christ? Are we ready to follow the Good Shepherd?

Wednesday's Word 04/27/2022 Walking In The Dark Acts 9:1-20 Have you ever experienced a period of darkness in your life (or you may be experiencing it now)? You feel as though you cannot see your way. You are blind and you cannot see any light. You need to know that all darkness is not bad. God is always present and presents to you an invitation to see the light within your soul if you are willing.

Wednesday's Word 04-20-2022 THE RESURRECTION: A FRESH AND REVISED THEOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE John 20:19-31 Do the scars of your past continue to harm you today? Do they continue to pain you? Are you willing to show them that you might be healed from the hurt? Show them so that they do not have the last word. Remember, through the Resurrection, God has the last word. Through the Resurrection we are healed.

Wednesday's Word: April 13, 2022 You Know My Name John 20:1-18 Who doesn't like to be recognized and to be called by their name? We all do. Jesus acknowledged Mary and called her by name. The joy she felt. Their relationship was re-established. Jesus knows us - He knows us by our name. Let us seek Jesus and establish a relationship.

15 Minute Monthly Prayer Call

Wednesday's Word FULFILLING OUR DESTINY 04-06-2022 Luke 19:28-40 What is your destiny in life? Are you fulfilling your destiny? Are you involved in the fulfillment? God has a plan for each of us. Your life and mine is already outlined and its course are predefined. When we relinquish our will for God's Will we are able to accept the highs and lows. We are able to bear our cross. We are able to fulfill our destiny.

Wednesday's Word - March 30, 2022 Rivers In The Desert Isaiah 43:16-21 Today's Word tells us or encourages us to focus on the present and the future (not dwell on the past). God wants to do a new thing. God wants us to bear witness to and further the mission of God in the present and future. God is making a way for us in the desert (our Pandemic). God is providing RIVERS in the desert.

Wednesday's Word: A Radical Welcome Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 03/23/2022 Do you possess a welcoming attitude to others? If our churches are to survive, we must display a radical welcome. Our attitude must be open. We have to reach those outside of our church by showing compassion and love.

Wednesday's Word: The Transfiguration 03/09/2022 Where is your faith? Is it strong enough to stand during these trying times? Can it handle the challenges that you are facing today? Let us draw strength from God with prayer and worship.