The World Famous Comedy Store: Archives, West Hollywood, CA Videos

Videos by The World Famous Comedy Store: Archives in West Hollywood. A photo vault of The World Famous Comedy Store's famous alumn, behinds the scenes pix and memorabelia

TCS Photos: 2004-2009

Other The World Famous Comedy Store: Archives videos

TCS Photos: 2004-2009

Happy 40th Anniversary Comedy Store!
Happy 40th Anniversary Comedy Store!

RIP Kip Addotta 1944 - 2019
RIP Kip Addotta 1944 - 2019

Theo Von introduces Dave Attell.
Theo Von introduces a surprise guest, Dave Attell.

"Live From The Comedy Store"
"Live From The Comedy Store", opening, 1981 special.

Mitzi Shore Memorial
A beautiful tribute that Pauly Shore made to his Mom, Mitzi Shore, our godmother of comedy.

Happy 46th Anniversary!
Happy 46th Anniversary to The World Famous Comedy Store!

Lucy Lips: Live From The Comedy Store, 1981 Special.
LUCY LIPS: A segment from "Live From The Comedy Store", 1981 special. Featuring: Lucy Webb and our dear friend Taylor Negron. Enjoy this old clip as we celebrate Taylor's Birthday week.

The Comedy Store - One Liners: Episode #4, 1981.
The Comedy Store - One Liners: Episode #4, 1981. Featuring, Lucy Webb, Taylor Negron, Mike Binder, Yakov Smirnoff, Dave Tyree, Jack Graiman, Ollie Joe Prater and Diane Nichols. Copyright 1981, The World Famous Comedy Store, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Live From The Comedy Store, 1981: Ciros tribute segment
Ross Bennett: "The young lady is Cecil Glass and she was in the group Spaghetti & Meatballs. The other members of the group were Joey Gaynor, Mark Fenske and myself. Our part in the show was to take people back to the Golden Age of Hollywood when the building was Ciro's Nightclub. Joey and Mark did a really funny Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis bit and Cecil and I played Bette Davis and Jimmy Stewart coming in wearing formal wear to watch the show".

The Comedy Store: One Liners, Episode #2, 1981.
The Comedy Store: One Liners, Episode #2, 1981. Featuring, Yakov Smirnoff, Argus Hamilton, Ollie Joe Prater, Mike Binder, Taylor Negron, Jack Graiman and Diane Nichols. Copyright 1981, The World Famous Comedy Store, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

The Comedy Store: One Liners, Episode #1, 1981.
The Comedy Store: One Liners, Episode #1, 1981. Featuring, Yakov Smirnoff, Argus Hamilton, Mike Binder, Ollie Joe Prater, Dave Tyree, Jack Graiman and Lucy Webb. Copyright 1981, The World Famous Comedy Store, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

LIVE From The Comedy Store (1981)
LIVE From The Comedy Store (1981), opening sequence. Hosted by Argus Hamilton, with Buddy Rich and his orchestra. Comics included: Argus Hamilton, Lois Bromfield , Mike Binder, Dave Tyree, Lucy Webb, Taylor Negron, Larry Miller, Mark King, Dr. Punchup, Spagetti & Meatballs and Jeff Altman.

Happy 45h Anniversary Comedy Store!
Happy 45h Anniversary Comedy Store!

Happy 45h Anniversary Comedy Store!
Happy 45h Anniversary Comedy Store!

A Slug's Life.
From Sacred Ground, so that should say it all...

Skate Boarding Clowns?

Tony Clifton, surprise appearance.
Tony Clifton stopped into our original room this night, to joke a little, and plug his upcoming main room engagement. Then we see a rare peek at him rehearsing.