Open Hands, West Milton, PA Videos

Videos by Open Hands in West Milton. Impact against poverty in developing countries

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´´We´ Kanili´´ (Very Content) savings group in Chihuahua, Mexico initiates their first meeting asking the Lord´s blessing on their new beginning.

A savings group meeting in Nepal. The secretary of the group keeps a record of the amount each member saves.

Traveling to a savings group in Nepal.

Join us as we spend a day visiting savings groups in Western Kenya!

Some of the savings groups are using their group as a way to reach out to the non-Christian people. By working together in a small group, non-Christians can see and hear the testimonies of the believers and understand the Gospel.

Laying a strong foundation is important to the long term health of each group. At Open Hands many of our groups have adapted the "Five W's" as a way to maintain their strength along with our Bible based curriculum. This specific group "Strong Women" is a shining example of strength to their neighborhood. Many of these women have endured various types of bondage since childhood but refuse to stay captive. Their endurance and perseverance to choose a better lifestyle is truly inspiring to witness!

Help us start and reach new groups! Inflation is putting a lot of stress on people in East Africa, and managing funds wisely is more important than ever! Between July 2022 and June 2023, we are planning to start or partner with 294 new groups in East Africa. These groups are a powerful and sustainable way for people experiencing the effects of poverty to find support. Because of your help, now they will have a safe place to save funds, take small loans, and learn from Christ-centered lessons on stewardship and small business! Donate today!

Give today to make a difference for those struggling in poverty! Your donation of $30 will provide teaching and mentoring for one month for one savings group in East Africa. Choose how many groups you wish to support. We will send you an appreciation poster personalized for the monthly support your business is providing. Get your business involved today! Sign up here

Open Hands is using the savings group program in developing countries to restore dignity to people that are living in poverty. Learn more at