

Many people never make a breakthrough in their lives because they refused to step out of their comfort zone and take a step into the unknown.


How to make yourself drink more water?

argan oil
Argan oil has become a social media star. Trichologists began to recommend it - it improves the condition of the hair, cosmetologists - it contains vitamins of youth, and beauty bloggers. I always apply argon oil to the ends of my hair when going to the beach, as well as for acne and breakouts. The oil contains organic acids (lilac and vanillic), which have an antiseptic effect.

Acid peeling pads
This beat tool appeared on my shelf recently! And it is ideal for owners of oily and problem skin. And it is also very comfortable. Discs impregnated with a composition of AHA and BHA - acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid. Regular use improves complexion, promotes skin renewal and reduces pores.


Aloe gel
Aloe gel is my favorite all-in-one product that I don't leave the house without. It has excellent regenerating and moisturizing properties - it can be applied to the face, body and even hair. By the way, about the last. Have you ever made masks with aloe gel? If not, try it - perfectly moisturize, smooth, make hair smooth and shiny. The gel contains enzymes, tannins, vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements. And aloe gel soothes the skin after sunburn. Summer is!

Lip balm
Lip balm has at least 10 uses. It softens the cuticle, does a great job with cracks on the hands and even replaces the highlighter. The reason for this versatility is simple: without exception, all lip balms contain moisturizing and wound-healing components.


Lying on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Slightly bending your left leg, lift it 10 cm off the floor. Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and turn your upper body slightly to the left. Now lift and lower your upper body slightly towards your left leg. Make sure you pull your abs towards your spine; don't let your stomach bulge. Do 10 reps on the left side and 10 reps on the right side. At the end of winter, for many of us, the conditional battery is almost empty. To regain strength and meet spring in a good mood, we offer five effective ways to recharge.

Give your body a break
Constant stress, chaotic nutrition and inadequate sleep affect health and appearance. Give your body a break. To do this, it is enough to adjust the mode and follow simple rules. Try intermittent fasting to relieve your bowels. If you can’t arrange fasting, then replace one meal with a healthy smoothie (preferably from green vegetables, but it is better to refuse fruits). Go to bed before 12 o'clock, so sleep will be better. And periodically arrange a digital detox, this will help reduce stress levels in everyday life.


Buy a nice water bottle
Sometimes all we really need is a little bit of visual motivation. A stylish water bottle (like a thermos, but not heated) that looks spectacular on your desktop will want to be refilled throughout the day. Maybe this is your key to meeting the recommended dose of H2O?

How to make yourself drink more water?
Challenge yourself with a 45 day challenge
Scientists have proven that any habit is developed after 45 days. For the “accustoming time”, arrange a real challenge for yourself (by the way, you can also connect your friends / colleagues to it). Let your thirst for competition spur you on to develop a healthy habit. In order not to “break loose”, it is enough to “personalize” a bottle of water. For example, put serifs on it with the exact time or prescribe small desires that will come true only if you drink the established norm per day. Another option is to promise yourself a nice reward after the deadline: expensive shoes or a dress with a floral print.


How to make yourself drink more water?
Track your water consumption on your phone
You do not need to have psychic abilities to immediately say that you are "glued" to the phone 24/7. So why not put it to better use and help yourself manage your water intake? For example, download one of a dozen apps like Waterlogged that logs every milliliter of fluid and challenges you to hydrate your body in a playful way. In addition, these apps usually contain charts that update in real time to show you how close you are to reaching your goal.

Another surefire way to drink more water using your phone is to set an alarm for every two hours. Do not forget to choose your favorite music for the call or put the mantra in the name of the reminder: "Drink, drink and drink again."


Get on your knees and place your hands on the mat. Lower your buttocks and lift your legs slightly off the floor. Without arching your back, raise and lower your body weight through your arms. Elbows go back a little as you lower into another push-up. Do two sets of 10 reps slowly.
In ordinary life, when the temperature outside the window does not exceed twenty degrees, one can argue with the well-known rule of “eight glasses of water a day”: both lifestyle and climate affect the final volume. But when the thermometer outside the window rapidly exceeds this mark, the amount of sunlight fuels interest in hydration.

But even in the heat, we are used to constantly replacing water with alternative drinks: from kombucha to matches (this is at best! After all, we are usually talking about tea / coffee). Isn't it time to give our body the amount of pure H2O it deserves? These easy and fun life hacks will help you transform from the "queen of the desert" into a reasonable "water drinker".


Pink water
This cosmetic has been known since the time of Hippocrates. It is obtained by steam distillation of hybrid varieties of roses. I add water to creams, rub it on my face instead of tonic, apply it to my hair and scalp, and take baths with it. It has an antiseptic, astringent, healing, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Sit on the edge of a tub, bed, or chair. Place your arms along the body, raise and lower the body, bending your elbows and not allowing your shoulders to rise up. Do two or three sets of 10 reps.

Five exercises of Princess Diana for a toned body
While standing, spread your arms out to the sides and simply squeeze your shoulder blades together as hard as you can. Imagine that you are holding a ball between your shoulder blades. Repeat several times a day.


argan oil
Argan oil has become a social media star. Trichologists began to recommend it - it improves the condition of the hair, cosmetologists - it contains vitamins of youth, and beauty bloggers. I always apply argon oil to the ends of my hair when going to the beach, as well as for acne and breakouts. The oil contains organic acids (lilac and vanillic), which have an antiseptic effect.

Acid peeling pads
This beat tool appeared on my shelf recently! And it is ideal for owners of oily and problem skin. And it is also very comfortable. Discs impregnated with a composition of AHA and BHA - acids, vitamins, hyaluronic acid. Regular use improves complexion, promotes skin renewal and reduces pores.


Aloe gel is my favorite all-in-one product that I don't leave the house without. It has excellent regenerating and moisturizing properties - it can be applied to the face, body and even hair. By the way, about the last. Have you ever made masks with aloe gel? If not, try it - perfectly moisturize, smooth, make hair smooth and shiny. The gel contains enzymes, tannins, vitamins, minerals, micro and macro elements. And aloe gel soothes the skin after sunburn. Summer is!

Lip balm
Lip balm has at least 10 uses. It softens the cuticle, does a great job with cracks on the hands and even replaces the highlighter. The reason for this versatility is simple: without exception, all lip balms contain moisturizing and wound-healing components.



Lipolitics are different in their purpose. When the volume of adipose tissue is small (that is, you can pinch the skin along with the fat layer, and the layer is not more than 1 cm in height), then MesoSculpt is used. This drug is very delicate: it does not destroy fat cells, but rebuilds intracellular metabolism, tightening the skin at injection sites. This allows you to achieve the perfect muscle relief on a toned body.

If the fat layer is more than 1 cm, then use the drug Fusion F-PPC. It destroys the membranes of fat cells, prevents the transformation of glucose into fats and promotes lipolysis. For an ideal press, a course of 2-3 procedures is needed.

You can combine direct lipolytics (fat burners) with drainage. For example, 10-14 days after Fusion F-PPC, perform an injection with MPX drainage Lipolytic complex, which normalizes lymph flow and relieves tissue swelling. Aloe gel


Sharp Light

The technology is based on the principle of exposure to the skin with radio frequencies: deep heating of the tissues triggers the processes of lipolysis (fat breakdown). In parallel, RF energy reduces excess skin, tightening it. After the “deep heat” procedure, it remains for several more hours, prolonging the effect of the device - instant lifting, stimulation of the production of new collagen, activation of blood microcirculation and metabolic processes, lymphatic drainage, and a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat cells.

Experts advise to go
rs of 4-6 treatments (one treatment per week).

Injection techniques
It happens that when playing sports and doing regular exercises on the press, the cubes on the stomach are still invisible. The reason is in the local accumulation of adipose tissue. If the correction of the diet and physical activity do not help, then lipolitics will help out.



2947 Benedum Drive
West Nyack, NY