GOldman Classic Lincolns, West Palm Beach, FL Videos

Videos by GOldman Classic Lincolns in West Palm Beach. We specialize in Lincoln & Continental automobiles from the 1950's to the 1980's

When installing any new cooling system component. It's ALWAYS a good idea to flush the engine and radiator out!!! Before installing the new parts.... otherwise you may get cooling this aluminum radiator that had about 1 inch of sediments/sludge in it.

Other GOldman Classic Lincolns videos

When installing any new cooling system component. It's ALWAYS a good idea to flush the engine and radiator out!!! Before installing the new parts.... otherwise you may get cooling this aluminum radiator that had about 1 inch of sediments/sludge in it.

electric wiper update on '68

doing an electric wiper update on a '68

Lower dash removal 1964 1965

Finally got our boogie van up and driving after 20 years put away!!!

New bearing and sleeve in the '65. BIG difference!!!

1965 steering column bearing and sleeve is NO GOOD

Went to our buddy Rick's shop Central Auto Trim to help get roof working after the new canvas top was installed

Kitt and Captain America. Iconic!!

Done with '61 Convertible top. Here's the cycles down and back up

The convertible top on this '61 was really tough! We got everything working except the trunk would not unlock/open. No matter what..... after 2 days of chasing wires and testing power, checking diagrams and using the power probe we found it! Bad wire in harness going to the relays a wire had shorted to another. made the repair and now it works again!!! Also took time to repair/replace 2 relay connectors that someone had done a poor job repairing before.

Car is moving on it's own now! But accelerator springs were not installed and caused it to die, then battery was dead and radiator was leaking............. to be continued........

Sniper is installed and running. Radiator leaking and springs for kickdown are not in place

The 1968 we have been working on. Finally we have it running like we wanted!

backing it into place. 1968 Continental. Almost ready to leave back home to Texas!