Family Planning Council of Iowa, West des Moines, IA Videos

Videos by Family Planning Council of Iowa in West des Moines. The Family Planning Council of Iowa connects you to affordable sexual and reproductive healthcare

Getting tested for HIV is fast & easy! Make a plan today on National HIV Test Day. You’ve got options:
👄Oral swab.
☝️Finger stick.
🏠Home tests!

Find FREE fast and confidential HIV & STD testing near you.

Other Family Planning Council of Iowa videos

Getting tested for HIV is fast & easy! Make a plan today on National HIV Test Day. You’ve got options: 👄Oral swab. ☝️Finger stick. 🏠Home tests! Find FREE fast and confidential HIV & STD testing near you.

Transgender Awareness Week
It's Transgender Awareness Week, and we want to acknowledge the struggles of trans individuals in Iowa and around the world. According to a 2020 survey by the Center for American Progress, nearly half of transgender respondants reported experiencing discrimination or mistreatment from a healthcare provider. FPCI's Title X clinics are committed to providing quality healthcare to EVERYONE no matter how someone identifies. We recognize the challenges trans individuals face in healthcare settings and commit to making our clinics safe places for all.

Today, we recognize our nonprofit partners, volunteers, and donors. Thank you for your support, increasing funding for and access to #reproductivehealthcare & education for all Iowans! Make a gift today to help sustain our work, including our free reproductive health kits by visiting our website: #nonprofit

Too many young people fail to receive the sexual health information, education, and access to the care they need to live healthy lives—oftentimes based on who they are and where they live. Join us this month by advocating within your communities for inclusive, medically accurate, comprehensive sex ed. #SexEdForAll

How To Find A Clinic
Happy Monday! We want to make finding a clinic near you easy. Here is a step by step video showing how to use our website on your mobile device. Visit our website: #FPCI #SexEd #Services #Website #Clinic