Comprehensive Eyecare of Central Ohio, Westerville, OH Videos

Videos by Comprehensive Eyecare of Central Ohio in Westerville. Comprehensive Eyecare is an established ophthalmology practice in Westerville, OH. We provide medica

Our Optical Department here at Comprehensive EyeCare has a wide selection of frames to fit every style and budget! There are designer frames such as Gucci, Marc Jacobs, and Salvatore Ferragamo as well as high quality, non designer brands such as Cinzia, Fysh, and Tura. Please come by and shop around at your next appointment!
Call optical directly at 614-890-5692 opt 3

Other Comprehensive Eyecare of Central Ohio videos

Our Optical Department here at Comprehensive EyeCare has a wide selection of frames to fit every style and budget! There are designer frames such as Gucci, Marc Jacobs, and Salvatore Ferragamo as well as high quality, non designer brands such as Cinzia, Fysh, and Tura. Please come by and shop around at your next appointment! Call optical directly at 614-890-5692 opt 3

Corneal Crosslinking
Please view this video to learn more about corneal crosslinking, offered in our office

Trunk show and Frame your Face with Farrah!