Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC

Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC

Healing the Individual and the Collective Through Holistic Treatment and Education


This is an up close visual of one of my labradorite pieces. Bursting with supernova-like color explosion and with the dark night sky contrast, I could look at it for hours!


At Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC, crystals play a large role in our client sessions. They are included in just about every session, creating an added layer of healing to an already uniquely-catered energetic healing experience. Crystals are believed to positively interact with the body’s energy field, which promotes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing.

☀️DM us for more information!☀️
☀️Call or text at (720) 739-2327☀️
☀️Email [email protected]☀️
☀️Or schedule your appointment at this link:  
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Amen to that!

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 08/04/2024

Apparently I like these fiery yellow and red/orange colors in flowers 🔥😮😆

What are your favorite flowers and plants? For their beauty, medicine, or otherwise?!

I’ll be posting more plant and herb information/guidance on my social media accounts for education and dialogue in the upcoming weeks and months! Not that I don’t enjoy spreading some beautiful pics around, but there’s more I want to provide!

To be continued…


Visit us at!


A lot of my pics recently have been of these stormy skies… it brings in a refreshing and exhilarating feeling and a sense of Awe and Wonder... I remember as a child I would look toward the skies all the time. It was either that or the ground haha (and therefore a lot of my pics are also capturing the creatures, plants, and fungi that are close to the ground lol). Children have wild imaginations. And thankfully I never lost that part of me, though in my adult life it was not nurtured as much as I nurtured it when I was a child. As a child, I was unconcerned about the issues of mortgage payments or what to make for dinner. What I was concerned about was the nagging question, “Why are we all here, and what’s out there…?!” (Staring up at the stars). It’s a question I still find myself wondering. It’s engaging, and can also be highly triggering since so many of us have various thoughts on the matter. And isn’t that something?!! It would be a pretty boring world if we all thought the exact same! The stormy skies have captured my attention lately because I can literally FEEL the intensity of the wind picking up, the animals and birds taking cover, the anticipation of thunder and lightning bolts that electrify the air, the smell of rain as it comes roaring through, the colors of the clouds shifting from light to dark, back to light again, the rainbows that arise with the storm front off in the distance and the sun peaking out from the clouds, and the birds coming back out as a sign of normalcy returning. I don’t think I’ll ever be a storm chaser, but I see why some people do… 🤪😁. I think at this point I’m rambling. What I wanted to portray in the storm pictures is a reignited sense of Awe to the viewer. Because we all are a bunch of children albeit in grown up bodies. Reignite your childish self and engage in this world through the lens of a child! What excites you?!?

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 07/15/2024

Photoshoot of a Woodhouse Toad in my backyard. This toad has been eating up all the pests, including grasshoppers, that are in our garden. This Toad has tripled in size since the spring time! It likes to station itself in the mulch around our kale plants. Somehow, this Toad was fine with the Photoshoot and even posed for the camera 😆!

The metaphysical significance of seeing frogs and toads is REBIRTH, RENEWAL, FRUITFULNESS, GROWTH, and PROSPERITY.

I have so much gratitude to our amphibian friends! They are an important part of the ecosystem.


Hi, I’m Lauren! I work at Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC as a Healing Touch Practitioner, Reiki Practitioner, and Certified Herbalist. My favorite thing about working in energetics and herbalism is seeing my clients step back into their power after years and sometimes decades of feeling pulled down by illness and stress. I work with all types of clients, from young children to adults well into their 9th decade 😁, and work with a range of conditions including but not limited to: Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Pain, Gastrointestinal disorders, Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Neurodegenerative disorders, Pre- and Post-Surgical conditions, Hormonal dysfunction, Menopausal symptoms, etc.

If you want to know more, check out the website at:

👋 and fill out the form!

👇Other ways to connect:

👋Call us at:


Or email us at:

👋[email protected]

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook at:




Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 06/25/2024

Sometimes life can get rocky—Roll with it 😄😆


****Pics taken by Lauren at Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC****


Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC is here for YOU— providing Healing Touch and Intuitive therapeutic guidance with support when you need it the most. If you are feeling sick and tired of being “sick and tired” and feel that life has much more to offer but you don’t know quite how to approach this, consider booking a FREE 15 minute consultation with Lauren at Brahmaloka Healing Arts at:


And visit the website for more info at:


DM for inquiries!

Follow me on Facebook and Instagram

***picture taken in Taos, NM by Lauren M at Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC***


Observe the outer world and inner world— they are mirroring each other— and you can learn so much about yourself in the process.


This is truly the first thing that one can do for themselves if they want to know Truth. Look within, sit in silence, observe, and all will come.

Healing Touch, energy work of all types, nature, art, yoga asana, math, science, technology, etc— are all but tools to bring oneself to one’s TRUE Self.

It is very courageous to ask the big questions. Do not be deterred by the enormity of your deepest questions and seemingly impossible task of knowing the Truth.

Remember Alice in Wonderland?

“Alice laughed: “There’s no use trying,” she said; “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Believe in yourself. Try, try again. Sit in silence. Tame the monkey mind by quieting it. And you will succeed.


🌟 Unlock Your Crown Chakra 🌟

This energy center, located at the top of the head, connects us to higher consciousness, divine wisdom, and universal love.

—Crown Chakra Affirmations—
Repeat these affirmations to align your energy:
“I am divinely guided, inspired, and protected.”
“All I need and want comes to me in perfect timing.”
“I am open to new ideas.”
“I am one with all that is.”
“I consciously create my life with love and gratitude.”
“I am pure love and light.”

Plant Connection: Damiana, Peppermint, and Gotu Kola 🌱
These powerful allies can help awaken and cleanse your Crown Chakra:
🌿 Damiana: Known for its uplifting properties, Damiana supports clarity of thought and enhances spiritual awareness.
🌿 Peppermint: Refreshing and invigorating, Peppermint clears the mind and promotes mental clarity, allowing divine guidance to flow effortlessly.
🌿 Gotu Kola: Revered for its ability to enhance meditation and focus, Gotu Kola fosters a deep connection to higher realms while grounding you in the present moment.

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 05/20/2024

“Faces upon faces of so many plants! The rings of the trees tell us stories. Periwinkle and honeysuckle and dandelion seed— make a wish! Blow through the wind and land where it is quiet and safe. Beauty again I write only of what sees me through the eyes and the ears of the flowers and trees.” -Lauren M

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 05/18/2024

The bees were loving these ornamental onions today. Could watch them all day! Who else loves bees?

Bees symbolize:

I had an “AHA!” moment when I recognized (while watching these bees) that I am here to show and spread and experience the BEAUTY of life, the SWEETNESS of life. Many others are also here to do the same thing! It is enough to live this—in beauty. And what I mean by beauty is that focused captivation that leaves one speechless and awe-struck, and leaves one to feel resonant with life itself, both inside and out. It is a childlike wonder, a curiosity and reverence for such a thing to exist, and maybe even brings forth tears to the eyes of the beholder. It is like staring into the eyes of the Creator itself… and.. well… it would be wise to recognize that we ARE doing such a thing. Beauty is also within the Beast as much as the Beast is in Beauty. Maybe that’s where we all get hung up, because we have certain perceptions of what beauty should be… can it not be BOTH, AND?!

Living in beauty does not negate or dismiss the chaotic and fear-filled things that are happening right now in this world. Living in Beauty is just a tiny yet powerful shift in perspective and provides one with sustenance to persevere through the toughest of times. It is an integration of both the light aspects and dark aspects of life. I did not come to this realization quickly, it took me decades to recognize and somehow the bees today were the catalyst I needed to see this even within myself!

Thank you, Bees!


What makes your heart sing? Go— do that!

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 04/25/2024

Lilac Flowers are starting to blossom!

Lilac symbolizes:

New beginnings
Spiritual awakening


You’ve probably heard people say “go with the flow.” But what does that really entail? How do we do that, especially those of us who like to be in control of situations and outcomes or who have had that ‘control’ response to cope with certain past traumas and chaos in their lives?

It’s interesting, because I’ve had a lot of times where I thought I was just going with the flow only to find out I was swinging to one side…’complacency’…and letting others dictate who and what they thought I should be, and at other times have swung to the other side…’attachment’...where I would obsess and attach to a certain outcome and couldn’t see other opportunities or options that were trying to enter into my life.

I’ve learned that to really “go with the flow” is to not give up on your hopes and dreams, but instead it is surrendering to the journey of life, knowing that there will be the good along with the bad and viewing it in an expanded, compassionate way. This is how it looks: I make plans for the future, work diligently every day toward my goals, and yet allow life to unfold in all of its mysterious ways.

And the real question might be: “Can I accept what is happening right now?” Can I remain objective, neutral, and truly observe what is going on so as to act accordingly if something does need a shift? Can I forgive and have compassion for myself and others for the things that did not go my way… can I live in FLOW with the currents of life?

And when a big wave comes my way, do I choose to let it consume me or do I choose to try to fight against its mighty blow?

It is, after all, a choice.

….OR do I dare to choose to ride that wave and allow myself to have FUN?

Do I DARE to GO WITH THE FLOW? It may just be the biggest and most amazing and scary and yet awesome experience of my life. And yours too!

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 04/06/2024

“In dreams, I find truth, in visions, I see,
The path to my soul, the way to be free,
For in the sanctuary of my heart’s sweet grace,
I find integration, in love’s Sacred embrace.”

-excerpt from my blog post (Lauren M)
-these pics are from my strolls outside this spring time 2024

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 04/03/2024

Light activations from Calendula and Sun 😁 and then yellow nails for me to celebrate spring 🥰


Ground yourself in strength. Today, immerse yourself in affirmations for the Root Chakra. Speak words of stability, security, and resilience. Feel the earth beneath you, supporting and nurturing your every step. As you affirm your foundation, know that you are rooted in your innate power and worthiness. Stand tall, for you are deeply connected to the strength of the universe. 🌿

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 03/04/2024

My inspiration is in Nature. It is what ignites me, excites me, teaches me and FREES me! We can learn so much from Nature, and we can learn about ourselves more when we listen to our inner nature while being surrounded by nature! If you can’t get out in nature, sit quietly in an undisturbed location in your home and use your imagination: VISUALIZE Nature surrounding you. See it, smell it, visualize it, feel it… enjoy it!

Just my two inspired tidbits of the day 😊

With Gratitude-

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 02/20/2024

Are you wanting to Unite with your Truest Self? Are you wanting that Spark, that LOVE, that Light, that PASSION that you have been yearning to feel again? That POWERFUL belly laughing that you felt when you were with your best friend at 5 years old? That curiosity and ZEST for life? Love yourself enough to gift yourself and others a Healing Touch session! I LOVE seeing people’s passions and desires and World light back up after a session.

This is MY passion and MY desire: to see you become who you are meant to be in this world 🥰❤️🌈🤗🥳

☀️DM me ☀️
☀️Call or text at (720) 739-2327☀️
☀️Email [email protected]☀️
☀️Follow on IG ☀️
☀️Follow on FB at Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC☀️

“Oh Light, all pervading,
One with All and All with ONE,
Flow thou to me through the channel.”
-excerpt from the Emerald Tablets

Photos from Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC's post 02/13/2024

We are excited to announce that Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC moved to a NEW LOCATION!!!

NEW Address:
👉Sheridan Professional Arts Building👈
5005 W 81st Pl, Ste 402, Westminster CO 80031

As business has continued to expand and grow, more room was needed and a more reliable office space (instead of doing the shared space) was required! We are now offering Healing Touch and Energy Work sessions along with tailored personal intuitive sessions and herbal medicine at this new location!😁

Come stop by: walk-in’s accepted if time allows!
OPEN Monday 10am-7pm
Tuesday 1pm-7pm
OPEN WEEKENDS ***times may vary***

Or schedule your appointment at this link:


FREE15 minute phone consultations are available as well, if you wish to see what Brahmaloka Healing Arts can do for your specific issue!

Schedule your FREE consultation:



Follow us on Social Media:


The Sacral Chakra is associated with creativity, pleasure, and emotions. As you affirm your WORTHINESS, FEEL the energy of ABUNDANCE and PLEASURE flowing through you. You are a vibrant expression of life’s BEAUTY. YOU ARE CREATIVE 🧡

Both ginger and oranges/orange peel have connections to this energy center:

Ginger is often associated with the Sacral Chakra due to its warming and invigorating properties, which align with the chakra’s vitality and sensuality. Ginger stimulates the senses and increases circulation, which can help invigorate the body and awaken creative energy. In the context of the Sacral Chakra, this can enhance feelings of passion, inspiration, and pleasure.

Oranges/Orange Peel:
Oranges and orange peel are commonly linked to the Sacral Chakra because of their vibrant color and uplifting scent, which resonate with the chakra’s energy of creativity and emotional balance. Oranges are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which can boost overall well-being and vitality. The scent of oranges is often used in aromatherapy to uplift mood and stimulate the senses, promoting feelings of joy and creativity associated with the Sacral Chakra.

Incorporating ginger and oranges/orange peel into your rituals, teas, or aromatherapy can enhance the energetic balance of the Sacral Chakra.

Drinking ginger tea or adding orange peel or mandarin essential oil (my personal favorite) to your diffuser can create a sensory experience that supports the activation and alignment of this energy center.

Element connection: Water
Direction: West


Bach Flower Remedies were one of the first things that I picked up from Sprouts when I started learning about energy work and energetics of plants. They deal mainly with healing the emotional body. I also started learning about Homeopathy- how “like cures like.” These remedies (flower essences and homeopathy) are VERY potent yet gentle enough for even children and animals to take! Since the start of my healing journey 10 years ago almost exactly to this date, I have been fascinated and in AWE of our own natural ability to heal the body, mind, emotions, and spirit— we all have it within us! However, these medicines are here outside of us to help us when we need it and can be of great benefit to anyone wanting to truly unite with their own personal power to heal! When that happens, one recognizes that THEY ARE THE MEDICINE THEY NEED! 🤩🥳



“We can only appreciate the miracle of a sunrise if we have waited in the darkness.” — Sapna Reddy

Photo: This Morning’s walk in Colorado’s Front Range


Major life transitions can be overwhelming. 🌟Lauren and her Healing Touch energy work at Brahmaloka Healing Arts LLC provides a calming space amidst the chaos.💖 Healing Touch helps release tension, fostering peace during change. 🌈✨

Call or Text TODAY for your FREE consultation!
👉(720) 739-2327👈

Or visit the website at:


and schedule yourself a FREE consultation OR jump right in and schedule a visit with Lauren!


You are POWERFUL. Today, focus on the Solar Plexus Chakra affirmations. Speak words of confidence and strength. Believe in your abilities and trust the journey. As you affirm positivity, watch your Inner Fire ignite. You are capable, resilient, and in control. Shine bright! The power of self-belief is a force that transforms. 🔥

The Solar Plexus Chakra, also known as the Manipura Chakra, is associated with personal power, confidence, and the digestive system. Calendula and St. John’s Wort are two herbs often linked to this chakra due to their influences on aspects related to the Solar Plexus.

Calendula is believed to resonate with the energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is associated with warmth, vitality, and renewal. Calendula is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. In the context of the Solar Plexus Chakra, it can help to support emotional healing and balance, promoting a sense of inner harmony.

St. John’s Wort:
St. John’s Wort is often linked to the Solar Plexus Chakra, fostering feelings of courage, confidence, and self-empowerment. St. John’s Wort is traditionally used for its purported mood-balancing properties. It can help alleviate symptoms of low mood, stress, and anxiety, promoting emotional well-being associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra.

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Just a few buds starting up! (I took a pic of these only about 5 days ago and now I look outside and the trees are getti...
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This has nothing to do with anything but OH MY have you ever just sat and watched a grasshopper eat one of its own kind?...
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Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 1pm - 7pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 5pm