Brian Kurtz

I am a direct response marketing educator with two mastermind groups. I have written two books,The A


Your career doesn’t define you.

Nor does your vocation (though it might get closer to what truly drives you.)💼

There's a deeper layer to your life that's more powerful than titles or job descriptions.

It’s your passions.🔥

**Career:** an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person’s life and with opportunities for progress—think money, title, status.

**Vocation:** a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation—a more subjective measure.

Think back to when you were a kid, dreaming big—whether you wanted to be an astronaut, an artist, or something entirely different, those early passions often linger, even if they've morphed over time.

As we grow, those dreams often get sidelined, replaced by “practical” careers that pay the bills.

But those early passions don’t disappear.

They remain a part of who you are, quietly shaping your decisions and enriching your life.

On a recent podcast, I was asked, *"If you could start again, what would you be?"*.

Instead, I focused on how to integrate those passions into my current life.

It's not about what I would be but who I am within the choices I’ve made.

Here's how you can reflect on this (I borrowed the first two from WORKALPHA):

1️⃣ Identify your lifelong passions and talents. What excited you as a child or young adult?

2️⃣ Reflect on why you enjoyed these activities. What did they mean to you?

3️⃣ Look at your career, your vocation and your life today in terms of those passions. Have you really abandoned those passions and talents or are they part of who you are every day no matter what you “do for a living?” How do they show up in your life every day?

When I was a senior in college, I had three dream careers: A professional baseball umpire, an English professor, and a movie critic.

While I didn't pursue any of these as a career, I’ve found ways to integrate them into my life today:

✔️ I umpire high-level baseball in my spare time.

✔️ My life revolves around teaching and writing, not as an English professor, but in my own way, through this post, my weekly marketing blog, hosting live and virtual events, also hosting a podcast and being a guest on hundreds more…and writing two books…and publishing many others.

✔️ I’m an avid moviegoer, finding lessons from films that apply to my work in direct marketing, copywriting, and entrepreneurship.

Mission accomplished (I think).

Umpiring is an outlet to focus elsewhere and it gives me a healthy dose of humility.

Teaching as a student…and writing…is the ultimate freedom to dream.

And the movie posters of *Pulp Fiction*, *It’s a Wonderful Life*, and *Midnight Cowboy* that you’ll see behind me during video blogs or Zoom calls aren’t just for decoration.

They’re a nod to one of my passions. Movies shape me as a thinker and writer since I study screenplays as part of my current “job.”

Your career and vocation are important, but they aren’t the whole story.

Your passions—the things that light you up—are just as crucial.

They might not be your day job, but they’re always a part of your life.

Remember, it’s not just about what you do for a living.

It’s about who you are and how you weave your passions into every aspect of your life.

Everyone will accept your passions…they have to…because they are yours forever.


From classroom to couch: Below are 3 unexpected links between education and retirement that you need to know.😊

When most people think about retirement, they imagine stopping work completely.

It’s totally okay to dream of a traditional retirement—no work, all leisure—but I believe there’s a different path worth exploring for many in my online family.

Instead of seeing retirement as an escape from work, what if we viewed it through the lens of the three “R’s” that shaped our education?

**📚Readin’: Retire from things you don’t like to do**

Many of us look forward to catching up on reading once we retire.

But why wait?

Dive into books now—fiction, non-fiction, whatever piques your interest—and discover what excites you and, just as importantly, what doesn’t.

Reading, both in your field and outside, keeps your mind sharp and sparks new ideas, whether you're in your prime working years or enjoying more leisure.

**✍️Ritin’: Retire from the things you don’t do well.**

It’s time to be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses.

And writing forces you to confront these and understand yourself better.

Make two lists: One for what you excel at, and another for everything else.

Focus on your strengths (what Dan Sullivan calls your “Unique Ability” which is the cornerstone of his *Strategic Coach* program, the ultimate workshop for entrepreneurs )… and then delegate the rest (i.e. your weaknesses).

Sounds easier than it is…however, you can’t begin to learn about what you do better than anyone else in the world until you write lovingly, with confidence…with a healthy dose of ruthlessness.

Simply put: Let go of tasks that drain you. Especially if you are not good at doing them.

It’s about playing to your strengths and living a life that energizes you.

Another note about Ritin’: Many people will tell you that writing a book is a “should”…and while I don’t believe in should(s), I can tell you that writing a book is close to a should.

However, Ritin’ (i.e. writing to others or yourself) is one of the biggest shoulds I can recommend. 🙂

**➗‘Rithmetic: Retire from people you don’t want to hang out with anymore.**

This might be the toughest part: Assessing your relationships.

Sometimes, growth means adding new friends and/or gently moving on from old ones.

Surround yourself with those who lift you up and share your values.

Embrace relationships that support your journey and aren’t afraid to add or subtract as needed.

It’s always about quality over quantity.

It’s a different kind of ‘Rithmetic (i.e. math) and it demands your attention at every stage of your career.

Retirement, in this sense, is about curating a life that’s richer, more fulfilling, and aligned with your passions.

It’s not about stepping away from work entirely, but integrating work and leisure in a way that keeps your mind sharp and your heart engaged.

The bottom line: Keep learning, doing what you love, and spending time with the right people.

Remember, the master in the art of living makes little distinction between work and play—they’re always doing both.💪

Overdeliver Bootcamp | Titans Marketing 07/10/2024

🌟The Overdeliver Bootcamp is Now Open!🌟

When I wrote my book Overdeliver, I had one main goal in mind.

I wanted to document the business and marketing fundamentals that had contributed the most to the success I experienced during my 40 year career in direct marketing.

From starting out as the “list management guy” at Boardroom in 1981 to eventually running the business, growing it to 9 figures…

I knew I had a lot to share that could help the next generation of direct marketers who were interested in building a real business.

It’s not bragging if you did it right? :-)

That’s why the subtitle for Overdeliver is: Build a Business for a Lifetime Playing the Long Game in Direct Response Marketing.

🥷I’m not interested in teaching the latest “ninja tactic” or “funnel stack” because that’s not the type of thinking I saw from the marketing greats that I worked with like Gene Schwartz, Gary Bencivenga, Joe Sugarman and many more.

But what I see from many of the newer marketers I interact with today is they put so much emphasis on building promotion after promotion, that they forget to build an actual business.

💡HINT: a successful promotion is NOT a business.

To build a business using direct response marketing you have to start with the fundamentals.

I documented those fundamentals for you in Overdeliver.


Since releasing Overdeliver, I’ve had a growing desire to personally teach what I outlined in the book.

The fundamentals I used to build a 9 figure business are the same ones you can use to build whatever size business you want.

Maybe you just want a simple 7 figure business. Very doable when you have the right principles and fundamentals in place.

🗓️ So starting on July 16 - 30, I’m going to be leading a small cohort through my book Overdeliver in something I’m calling The Overdeliver Bootcamp.

We’ll meet over Zoom for a total of SIX live calls and TWO BONUS calls.

I will lead every one of them.

For your two BONUS calls I’m inviting all bootcampers to our two Titans Xcelerator calls that will be meeting during the bootcamp.

Titans Xcelerator is my $2,000/year private mastermind for the next generation of direct marketers.

We’d love to welcome you to one or both of our member calls on July 18 and 25.

Here’s what we’ll cover on each call:

✅Call 1: July 16 at 11am U.S. ET - A deep dive into the nine (9) Overdeliver marketing principles…the things that every entrepreneur, business owner, line employee needs to know (whether marketing is your “thing” or not). “Marketing isn’t everything, it’s the only thing”...and I will prove this to you at the outset of the Bootcamp.

✅Call 2: July 17 at 11am U.S. ET - How to build the right list for your business and continually monetize using the Recency, Frequency and Monetary value system (RFM). "Lists are people too"...which will be apparent after this call (including the paramount importance of "lists" over "offers" and "creative").

✅Call 3: July 18 at 1:30pm U.S. ET - Creating your suite of offers. PLUS A BONUS CALL THE SAME DAY...SEE BELOW.

✅Call 4: July 23 at 11am U.S. ET - How to access the very best in copy and creative.

✅Call 5: July 25 at 1:30pm U.S. ET - Multichannel Marketing: What does it look like today when "advertising opportunities are now infinite? A guide through the maze of those opportunities and choosing the right ones for you. PLUS A BONUS CALL THE SAME DAY...SEE BELOW.

✅Call 6: July 30 at 11am U.S. ET - Knowing the numbers that matter...and playing the long a world of instant gratification.

💥BONUS CALL #1: July 18 at 11am U.S. ET: Attend A LIVE Titans Xcelerator call at no charge as part of your bootcamp experience. Titans Xcelerator is my $2,000/year private mastermind group for the next generation of Direct Response Marketers.

💥BONUS CALL #2: July 25 at 11am EST: Attend a second Titans Xcelerator call as part of your bootcamp experience!

And if you know me, you know I always overdeliver…so there will definitely be a few nice surprises for you during our two weeks together.


If you’ve read my book…

If you know some of my story…

And if you want to grow a real business...

I’d love to have you join the small two week cohort I’m putting together.

It’s only $197 for two weeks with me in the Overdeliver Bootcamp.

Let’s work together for two weeks and let me help you personally build a business for a lifetime.

Sign up at the link below and I’ll see you on July 16!


Overdeliver Bootcamp | Titans Marketing


Ever leave an event feeling like it was the absolute best?

That's exactly how I felt after our most recent *Titans Xcelerator* *Mastermind* meeting.

It was hands down the best one yet, and that’s saying a lot. 🌟

After nearly five years and over 100 meetings with the legends of direct marketing, this one truly stood out.


It’s simple:

We were all fully present, embracing the wisdom that yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.

And…***next week’s meeting will then become the absolute best one ever too.***

This isn’t a new concept for me.

I first learned it while hosting over 150 of the legendary “Boardroom Dinners.”

These monthly gatherings (i.e. “intentional dinners”) brought together top experts from various fields—medicine, finance, marketing, and more…everyone involved in making our company successful.

Each dinner was unique, and I always declared it the best ever, not out of hype, but because each one was a one-of-a-kind event.

At the start, I’d say, *“This will be the best Boardroom Dinner ever,”* and at the end, I’d explain why it was true:

***Because we were living it right then, with those specific people and conversations, never to be assembled or repeated again.***

I’d also remind them not to get too cozy with the idea that this would be the best dinner forever…since the next one will be better. 😊

Now, every *Titans Xcelerator* meeting carries this same spirit.

From intentional discussions to spontaneous insights, each gathering is the best because we live in the moment.

My mastermind members echo this sentiment, helping everyone stay grounded and engaged.

This philosophy isn’t just for masterminds or dinners.

It applies to family gatherings, lunches with friends, or any event.

Even if things don’t go perfectly, those imperfections often make for the best stories later.

Am I always in the moment?


But when I catch myself drifting, I remind myself to see the present as "the best ever."

Maybe it’s a bit Pollyannaish, but it makes every meeting, every dinner, and every experience richer and more meaningful.

So, whether it’s at a *Titans Xcelerator* meeting or a family reunion, let’s make each moment the best ever.

And if you’re interested in learning more about *Titans Xcelerator* and possibly joining us, be sure to take a look at everything you get for only $2,000/year:

It’s all about the power of intentional gatherings and making the most of every moment.

Stay present, stay engaged, and here’s to the best ever moments, now and always. 🌟


Can you be grateful for a flat tire…or not having enough hot water?

How about being happy with a deflated soccer ball and having any clean water at all?

My trip to Kenya to help open a school taught me real gratitude & the power of mentorship. 🌍

In 2018, I embarked on a journey to Africa that left an indelible mark on my heart and mind.

Though this story didn't make it into the *Overdeliver* book, I’m compelled to share the profound lessons I learned.

Inspired by my wife’s work with "Book Buddies" in the inner city of Bridgeport, Connecticut, we set out to open a school in Kenya.

What I saw at *The Sanimarco School* was nothing short of a miracle.

When water and electricity are luxuries and a “dead” soccer ball is a prized possession among the children, pettiness and jealousy fade away very quickly.

The children embrace their limited possessions and truly understand what it means to be appreciative, offering us a masterclass in gratitude and mentorship.

**On Gratitude 🙏**

You know the saying:

***Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day.***

***Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.***

Building a school transforms a community exponentially, and it's a cause worth supporting whenever possible.

In Kenya, students cherished the school we built far more than the "free pencil cases" we handed out, valuing long-term education and stability.

Their gratitude reminds us: it's about "presence over presents" and "learning to fish."

They are true Titans…and naming the classroom we donated, “Titans of Kenya,” was appropriate.

**On Mentorship 🌱**

The young students take on immense responsibilities, often caring for siblings and supporting family businesses.

Their natural mentorship is inspiring, as high school students return to primary schools to teach and encourage the next generation.

This caring spirit shows a deep understanding of mentoring from an early age.

It's incredible to see such wisdom and dedication without formal instruction.

Thanks to *Titans Marketing* and your support, we donated a classroom through *Village Impact*, an organization led by two results leaders, Amy and Stu McLaren.

Reflecting on this experience, I’m reminded that our contributions, whether local or global, create ripples of learning and gratitude.

Whether in Kenya or down the road in Bridgeport, CT, the impact of education is immeasurable.

Next time life throws you a curveball, remember the “Titans of Kenya.”

Their resilience and gratitude are powerful reminders of what truly matters.

Let’s continue to make a difference, one classroom at a time.😊

🌱 Share and follow **Brian Kurtz** for more marketing insights for you and your network.


What’s the next big move you're thinking about for your marketing? 🤔

The marketing world is changing fast.

People are moving away from owning tons of "stuff" and are looking for experiences and real value instead.

And that may include both digital products, physical products…or just the experience itself.

It’s getting more complicated every day.

Regardless, most folks would rather “**lease”** rather than “**buy”…and always** **be part of something bigger than themselves.**

Have you heard about the forever sneaker?

There’s a Swiss brand, *On*, that’s come up with a running shoe you don’t buy—you lease it for $29.99 a month.

When your shoes wear out, you just send them back and get a fresh pair.

Pretty cool, right?

This idea isn’t just about shoes; it’s showing us some major trends in marketing that we should all pay attention to.

**Here’s What I’m Seeing:**

**👉 Less Stuff:** The digital age has really made life easier. We don’t need as much physical storage because so much is digital now.

But, there’s still something special about physical items like books and newsletters. 😊

They can add real value to the customer experience.

It’s not about creating “junk”—some things just work better in physical form.

**👉 Leasing Over Buying:** Leasing is becoming more popular because it takes away the hassle of dealing with stuff once you’re done with it. No more clutter or worrying about disposal.

For marketing, leasing your knowledge can mean more ongoing engagement with your audience.

It’s about keeping people connected for longer and at a lower cost.

**👉 Creating a Barrier to Switch:** Keeping your audience loyal is key. You need to offer something they can’t easily find elsewhere.

It’s like making sure they feel the “pain of disconnect” if they think about leaving you. 😊

This can be through continuous improvements and unique benefits.

**👉 Always Thinking About Renewals and Continuity:** Turning a Subscription into a Membership can really boost your impact. People love feeling like they’re part of an exclusive group.

Direct mail guru Dick Benson once said:

“*Memberships renew better than plain subscriptions by at least 10%.”*

That was from the 1980’s before email and the Internet.

It’s even more true today.

If you can package your offer with compelling benefits, you’ll likely see better responses from new customers too.

In today’s competitive market, if you’re not thinking about creating subscriptions or memberships—or an ongoing relationship—you’re missing out.

It's about building long-term connections rather than just selling one-off products.

So, whether you’re offering a subscription and/or membership, always keep the end goal in mind.

Focus on renewals to ensure long-term success.

Building these lasting relationships is way more effective and profitable than constantly chasing new one-time sales.


When I share about the passing of legends like Mel Martin, Dave Florence, and my parents, it is always to celebrate their lives, not mourn them.

Attending funerals of those who touched my life allows me to discover what I missed while they were alive, turning sadness into a deeper understanding and appreciation of their lives.

A member of my online family sent me this parable on this topic:

***A person stood at a pier, watching a ship about to embark on a long journey.***

***There was music, a parade, and a festive mood as people waved to the passengers.***

***On the other side of the pier, a ship returned from a long journey with no one there to greet them.***

***The passengers disembarked quietly and left.***

***The observer wondered why the ship heading out, facing unknown perils, was celebrated, while the one that safely returned was not.***

***Shouldn’t we celebrate those who’ve weathered life’s storms and returned unscathed instead?***

***This is a reflection of life.***

***We celebrate a child's birth with joy despite the unknown future.***

***When a loved one with a righteous and accomplished life passes, finding happiness in their legacy brings more comfort than sorrow in their loss.***

And as an additional reminder to all of us to celebrate age, wisdom and yes, death… are quotes from one of the most beloved and accomplished sportscasters, the late Vin Scully:

***“Some people die twice: once when they retire, and again when they actually pass away. Fear of the first one is a big incentive for me to keep working.”***

Scully reminds us to stay productive and engaged, focusing on meaningful experiences no matter how we define retirement.

I resonate with Dan Sullivan‘s (the world’s top coach for entrepreneurs) take on retirement:

*“I retire from things I don’t like doing, from things I don’t do well, and from people I don’t want to be around anymore.”*

And again, from Vin Scully:

***“Statistics are used much like a drunk uses a lamppost: for support, not illumination.”***

While I agree with Dick Benson's quote, *“You have to believe your numbers since they are all you’ve got until you get new numbers,”* numbers aren’t everything.

Numbers in a marketer's hands differ from a mathematician's and need to be considered with instinct, heart, and experience.

Ignore them at your own risk, but remember they aren’t everything when showcasing a new product or promotion.

Again, Vin has another quote to support this thesis:

***“It’s a mere moment in a man’s life between an All-Star Game [played during the prime of their career] and an Old-Timers Game [played after their “retirement”].”***

And from Eleanor Roosevelt:

*“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That’s why it’s called “the present.””*

Combining Vin with Eleanor:

Smile because it happened…will happen…and is currently happening.

Let's celebrate life, learn from every goodbye, and keep smiling for all the moments we've had.🌈

Photos from Brian Kurtz's post 06/28/2024

Are these your top business priorities? 🧐

- Keeping clients happy
- Acquiring new customers
- Innovating new products or services
- Ensuring positive cash flow
- Fulfilling your mission

But what if I told you the top priority in your business should encompass all of these—and more?

It's simpler than you might think:

*The overall umbrella over all of these priorities is consistently communicating with your business family. 🚀*

Now, let’s distinguish between your personal family (those you love because you are related by blood)…and your business family (your followers, readers, and viewers who you are related to through common interests…a different kind of “blood”). 🙂

Prioritizing your business family can seem secondary to immediate goals like making money or gaining new customers.

But I maintain that these goals are simply derivatives of consistent communication with your list (remember, lists are people too!). 😊

Consistent communication is key.

Each email, blog, or video may not bring immediate big bucks, but there’s a cumulative effect.

Over time, this engagement is transformative.

Think of your list as real people, not just names on paper.

When I call you my "online family," it's not a gimmick or something insincere.

I truly mean it.

It's a reminder that everyone who opens my emails is like a relative to me.

That's why producing *Timeless Marketing Podcasts* weekly and writing emails, blogs, and posts from my experiences are my top priorities in business.

It's not just about the monetary rewards, although those come too.

It's about the connections, the feedback, the shared growth.

When you start treating your list as real people—an extension of your family—your business will flourish.

For example, a long-time reader recently joined my program because my consistent messages finally hit the right chord.

Another reader, inspired by my blog, bought my book, creating a new connection.

These instances weren’t direct sales pitches but outcomes of nurturing relationships.

So, make communicating with your online family a priority.

Here's how (inspired by Titans Xcelerator member, Michael Roderick):

👍 Prioritize: Set dedicated time for it.

👍 Process: Use each communication as market research.

👍 Permission to Suck: Accept imperfection; consistency is key.

Remember, to engage genuinely, and you'll see the results.

Let’s make nurturing our business families the priority they deserve.

Everything in life (and business) is not a revenue event; but everything is a relationship event.


Let’s look beyond a simple, "Thanks, Dad".

What are the unspoken lessons your dad taught you?👔

I recently shared some post about my Mom on her 97th birthday and then on her passing a month later...and I want to thank everyone who reached out with your own stories about your parents.🤗

During a recent Titans Xcelerator call, I was asked about my dad (who passed away in 2005).

With Father's Day recently passed, I wanted to share a bit about the lessons I learned from my dad and how they resonate today.

His lessons were filled with actions, not lectures.

Learning by Teaching: My dad, a lifelong learner, showed me that true teaching means being a lifelong learner.

As a direct marketing educator, I embrace both roles—teacher and student.

There's so much to gain from staying open to new ideas, even when you think you're the expert.

At the Titans Master Class in 2018, with 15 “hot seats” and direct marketing legend Dan Kennedy giving advice, I witnessed the powerful dynamic of everyone both teaching and learning.

Watching 80 participants engage, share, and grow together was truly inspiring.

I thank Dad for making me appreciate this phenomenon.

Reflex Generosity: Generosity is meaningful when it's shown through actions and is spontaneous rather than planned.

While I usually don't “give anonymously,” I don’t give for selfish reasons either.

It's not about bragging but showing love and support.

Reflecting on my dad’s generosity has influenced me to give more anonymously over the years.

It’s a balance you have to find by following your heart.

The Pink Tie: In 2009, I attended a fundraiser for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) on my nephew Zachary's 21st birthday.

I wanted to support the cause and find a special gift for Zach, who idolized his late grandfather (i.e. my dad).

At the silent auction, I won a signed Penn State football helmet—perfect for Zach, a huge Penn State fan, just like my dad.

When I picked up the helmet, the man handing it to me wore a pink Burberry tie, identical to the one I bought for my dad to wear for my daughter’s Bat Mitzvah, in early 2005, just months before he died.

I also wore that same tie at his funeral and actually threw it in the grave on top of his coffin as a special tribute.

And when that gentleman was wearing the same tie, it felt like it was my dad visiting me through him, reminding me of the importance of generosity.

And I guess he was giving his approval for the awesome gift for Zach.🙂

I think my father wanted me to remember all the lessons he taught, often hidden in plain sight.

Regardless of your beliefs, those who have passed on leave their energy and lessons with us.

These lessons are available if we stay attentive and open to them, and believe in a bit of magic.

Remember to cherish those still with us too.

Happy belated Father’s Day to all the fathers, teachers, and mentors, alive or departed, who continue to guide us through their teachings and examples.💛🌈

Photos from Brian Kurtz's post 06/26/2024

The key to marketing success might be right under your nose.😯

During my first decade at Boardroom, we had a goldmine of content from newsletters like Boardroom Reports, Bottom Line/Personal and more.

And we turned the "greatest hits" from these newsletters into massive, indexed books that people loved, resulting in millions of sales of those books.

Our secret? Create valuable content, collaborate with the best copywriters, and charge premium prices for unmatched value.

But in the late 1980s, our “greatest hits” volumes started running out of content.

As we said at the time, there are only so many ways we could “slice the salami.🙂

Around this time, I hired Gordon Grossman as a consultant. He's an architect of The Reader’s Digest (a direct marketing powerhouse at the time).

And one of the first things he said to me upon analyzing our “content problem” was short, sweet and pointed:

“Brian, what makes you think that all of the content for your books has to be your own?”

That simple line changed our book operation forever.

It made me realize that I could buy, not just make, our new books.

Many of you probably would have figured this out on your own without a high priced consultant telling you.

I was a little slow.

But I was quick to act.

My light bulb idea?

I headed to "Barnes and Noble" (that’s a bookstore for those of you who are unfamiliar), grabbed a hand truck, and the rest is direct marketing history.

Armed with that trusty hand truck, I hit every aisle of books with titles relevant to our audience (9 million strong!).

My plan was to secure the direct marketing rights for those titles which could get through a series of self-imposed gauntlets and then show some lucky publishers how many books we could sell through direct mail of books that were gathering dust on the shelves of Barnes and Noble.

I purchased upwards of 50 books, went through a selection process of “credibility checking” (with my editors) and “marketing viability” (using my top copywriters as judge and jury).

It was a matchmaking operation like others.

We mastered "Boardroomizing" by transforming books into hardcover editions with valuable bonuses, creating higher perceived value and irresistible offers for our audience.

From paperbacks selling…actually NOT selling…at under $20 at the bookstore… to selling the new “package” at $40 plus shipping and handling.

And it worked, with multiple outside titles each selling in the hundreds of thousands—some even over a million copies.🚀

We created a $50 million profit center selling books…some our own content and some outside content…all with our personal stamp of approval.

So marketers, take note (online & offline):

The power of your brand and great sales copy can transform any product into a bestseller. Keep an eye out for those hidden gems in your field.

And remember, don't underestimate the power of unconventional strategies. Even in the digital age, "old school" tactics can still work wonders.✨

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