Dr. Brittney Doll

Dr. Brittney Doll

Help for emotional and spiritual healing after trauma The individuals that I work with in therapy are my heroes. Truly. I believe that trauma can be healed.

I believe that you are the expert of your own journey and that recovery is possible. My philosophy is one of hope. I look forward to working with you.


Ole Marcus had it right! Remember your ABC model 😊

Embracing Hopelessness: Pema Chodron and Bilbo Baggins 11/08/2024

Embracing Hopelessness: Pema Chodron and Bilbo Baggins Lost in a forest, like little Bilbo Baggins in the lonely caves. What does it mean to do as Pema Chodron suggests and embrace hopelessness so that we can invent new paths forward?

Equilibrium Wellness Community 03/08/2024

Just a reminder that the community is open!

Equilibrium Wellness Community A place for socializing, offering great resources, and contemplative ponderings.


When I turned 40, my body immediately began to rebel. I had arthritis in my knee for the first time, I had to get bifocals, and I was suddenly allergic to cold air, which blown on my skin would give me hives (it's crazy! Chronic Urticaria-- look it up!).

Aging is so strange. I feel that I no longer have any control over my body. I recognize that this is privilege, as there are so many people that do not ever have control over their bodies. Yet, this was a new experience for me.

Women, in particular, are socialized to resist aging. We are meant to have tight skin, perky b***s, flat stomachs. And more than that, we are meant to hyper-focus on our bodies for the rest of our lives. Get surgery, get botox, get skinny. Our society does such a poor job at honoring age. We are in death denial.

But in contrast, there is the Sage archetype. She is the Wise Woman/Man. She embraces the gathering years, honors her dying body, recognizes that life is fleeting, looks forward to rest. She says:

"Growing older either reveals or hides
the mysteries of existence.
If you are becoming a sage
you will grow in trust and contentment.
You will discover the light
of life's deepest truths.
If you are merely growing older,
you will become trapped by fears and frustrations.
You will see only the darkness
of infirmity and death.
The great task of the sage
is learning to see in the darkness
and not be afraid." -The Sage's Tao Te Ching

How are you embracing age today? How are you living the Sage archetype? How are you learning to see in the darkness of life?


If therapy is too difficult… you can always try whatever this is 😂😂😂


In the last few days, I saw or heard about four people being stung by a bee. 🐝🐝🐝

When things cluster together like this, I pay attention. What could this mean for me? Is the universe trying to teach me something? What do I need to contemplate?

Here’s what I learned:

I thought about all the times I’ve been stung. Each time, I was minding my own business—walking through grass or sand, playing too close to a hive, etc. I never intended to attack the hive community, kill the queen, or steal the honey. I was never a threat, yet the bees always saw me as one.

In recent months, I’ve been "stung" by people who viewed me as a threat to their community (religion, beliefs, lifestyle, etc.), even though I was no threat and never intended to be. I seek to live in peace, yet sometimes others still see me as a threat.

When have you been "stung" by others? Were you a serious threat or not? In this time of high tension, how can you walk in peace even if others are trying to "sting" you?


No one ever told me how lonely healing and awakening would be.

No one told me that healing inter-generational trauma meant my family would rage against me breaking toxic family patterns.

No one told me that setting boundaries sometimes meant I would be sitting alone behind my fence. Safe, but alone.

No one told me that when I learned emotional regulation the rest of the world would still be disregulated. And conversation is impossibly one-sided.

Thich Nhat Hanh said, "No mud, no lotus"

So tell me. Is it worth it? The lonely path. The road less traveled. Learning to practice peace.

Why are you walking this path?


Cultivating a mindset of enough is what brings peace.
My clothing keeps me warm and protected--and that is enough. My food fills me and nourishes my health--and that is enough.
My home keeps me warm and safe--and that is enough.

This brings to mind the "Prayer of Jabez" for me. When this was a craze in the Christian community, so many people were praying for an "increased territory," which to them meant MORE money, BIGGER houses, more land, private jets, jewels, etc.

Is this what it meant? Or maybe the "territory" was the increase of our impact on the world. Increase my ability to spread more love and peace. Increase my ability to help spread healing and compassion to a chaotic world.

What do you have as "territory"? Is it the stuff that you have to manage and protect from others that creates anxiety and insecurity?

How can you cultivate a mindset of enough today? If you are wanting increase, how can you shift your mind and intention to a territory that actually matters?

Brittney Doll Community 15/07/2024

I now have a new community page for sharing ideas and topics, blogs, courses, and more.
Check it out, join, and let's continue building community!

Brittney Doll Community

Healing your Inner Child-ren 14/07/2024

I now have a new course for parts and Inner Child-ren work. This course offers 8 Modules with quizzes and worksheets for deeper healing.

Healing your Inner Child-ren In this lesson, we will explore the concept of inner children and beginning healing of our "littles." Worksheets for deeper work is provided.


My clients know. Sorry, not sorry. 😅


This is a visual representation of C-PTSD. Are the lemons killing me? No. But the hit after hit after hit after hit...
It is toxic stress that creates trauma. It is exhausting.

"BUt loOK oN tHe bRiGHtSiDe! LoOk At hOW StroNg iT hAs MaDE yOU! You can sell or donate that lemonade! Practice your affirmations! Think positively!"

Ugh. Nice idea.. but.. trauma makes positive thinking almost impossible. Deeper trauma healing is needed. Sometimes that means just validating the exhaustion. It means giving your traumatized "littles" some safety and time to rest.

If you or someone you know is looking for this kind of healing, I'd love to journey with you.


Danggggg this stuff is good! No caffeine headache, no midday slump, and less sugar cravings. Love me some Solle!


I use and advocate for Solle Naturals. These supplements are created for body and mental health. Each product contains adaptogenic herbs that adjust to your specific needs.

Want to try it out? Check out this link:


Want more information? Check out this link:


Understanding history of Juneteenth; federal holiday since 2021 | FOX6 News Milwaukee 19/06/2024

No human should ever be enslaved. Today, we celebrate the freedom of our brothers and sisters.

Understanding history of Juneteenth; federal holiday since 2021 | FOX6 News Milwaukee FOX6's Kim Murphy breaks down the history of the federal holiday Juneteenth, which will be celebrated on June 19. The holiday observes the date "the people o...


American White Nationalist "Christianity" is really just "conservativanity" with Jesus as its mascot.


"America First" and "Family First" comes from our white-American wagon train roots. It is a trauma response that comes from "circling the wagons" to keep out the dangerous outsiders and predators.
The problem with that is that for many people, the danger comes from within the clan. They find safety by dis-banning the wagon to find new tribes. To bring them back, we need to work together for more mental health and psychological safety.


"Gifted" children often grow up being told that they will DO GREAT THINGS and that they are BETTER THAN others, which often leaves them with a crippling sense of failure in adulthood.
Healing looks like redefining success for self and embracing self-compassion and enoughness.




Yikes! Run!

by Clementine & Madman


Your daily reminder to be nicer to your "littles" 😅


Borrowed from a client.
Also... me practicing boundaries LMAO!!!




Things That Can Be Equally True:

I am resilient & need a break.
I gave my all & need to back out.
I am independent & still need others.
I was sure & then things changed.
I am kind & I have boundaries.
Others have it worse & my pain is valid.
I did my best & now I know better.


Morning reminder.




No one should walk alone.

I am here to walk with you.

When I became a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, my goal was to establish a practice that was relaxed, compassionate, trauma-informed, and client-led. I am motivated by your wellness, your health, and your success (whatever that looks like for you). This means that a session with me is pretty laid back. We can talk or try guided imagery or EMDR (trauma therapy), coloring or playing with sand. You are in charge. My life experiences and education are available to enhance your wellness.

I primarily work with teens, young adults and women. I specialize in trauma recovery, particularly spiritual trauma, which can include religious trauma. I specialize in women and women’s issues. Together, we will work on boundaries, assertiveness, and your own spiritual wellness.

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Cinnamate each morning!
#mentalhealth #religioustrauma #exvangelical #traumahealing #traumainformed #traumarecovery
