West Wichita Young Life, Wichita, KS Videos

Videos by West Wichita Young Life in Wichita. Everyone is welcome in Young Life! Young Life doesn’t start with a program. It starts with adults con

Calling all west side freshman!!! This Monday, August 22nd, we invite you to the annual West Wichita Young Life Freshman Kickoff! Come join us for games, prizes, and fun while connecting with other incoming freshman and leaders in our area. It’s all going down @7:28 at 401 Khedive Street. You won’t want to miss it!

Other West Wichita Young Life videos

Calling all west side freshman!!! This Monday, August 22nd, we invite you to the annual West Wichita Young Life Freshman Kickoff! Come join us for games, prizes, and fun while connecting with other incoming freshman and leaders in our area. It’s all going down @7:28 at 401 Khedive Street. You won’t want to miss it!