Limitless Sound

Limitless Sound is where the vocal ministry of Alvin J Mason is featured. Alvin grew up in a singing family and church community.

Since the age of five he has been groomed to use his voice to create an atmosphere where God dwells and worship becomes easy.


Mark your calendars. I'll see you there.


The rivers of life are flowing. Come & Drink and you'll see change. I look forward to seeing you there.


Understanding The Law Of God




Feb. 1st all day join in for prayer. As Wednesday transitions to Thursday I'll be starting the first hour of the 24 hours of prayer.


If your God has called you to defend the faith, what qualifies them to be a God?! Why does a God need a human defense plan? 🤔


Mark your calendar and purchase your tickets. There will be glory in the house. July 8th 2023


Happy Genesis [Day 97] 2023
In this place (space, territory, realm) called Genesis you not only feel love and loved, and you not only know love, you are LOVE. It's impossible to have or feel fear in this realm because true unconditional divine love expels fear from our very DNA (1 Jn 4:18). The scriptures teach that God is love therefore, true love is the evidence of God. When God is the object of our affection, we are changed into the same image, the same molecular structure (2 Cor. 3:18). Our personality is affected and our personal reality is changed. ALL creation responds to us based on the energy we emit. I've been challenged to understand that any area of my life where fear appears is an indicator that love is either lacking or not perfected. ALL creation recognizes God [LOVE] as its creator. As we BE the same image ALL creation obeys and bows its knee, respects and honors our manifested sonship of divine nature. It's time to stop running from what I'm created to have dominion over and love it.
Welcome to Genesis ✨️✨️✨️


Happy Genesis [Day 68] 2023
This simple life lesson was inspired by one of my best friends (HDF).
The scriptures say,
"And hath made us KINGS and PRIESTS unto God and his Father;"
"But ye are a chosen generation, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, an holy nation, a peculiar people;"
"And hast made us unto our God KINGS and PRIESTS: and we shall reign on the earth."
In Genesis, we are challenged to no longer do adulting. Adulting is conforming to a lower kingdom; a world system that rules your thoughts, emotions, and life with fear. Today is Thursday, the 5th day of the week. Intentionally rule over 5 things in your life that will affect and effect your future. Adults, conform. KINGS, rule. Listen, listen, listen,👂🏾 You are a king in God's kingdom. Make some KING moves today.
Welcome to Genesis✨️✨️✨️


Help me spread the word! Like & share.


Happy Genesis [Day 52] 2023
Praise what you want rather than condemn what you don't want! What you focus on the longest becomes the strongest in your life. Let me say it another way, where your focus goes, your energy flows. Whatever you give attention to, you are giving energy to its existence. Remember, death and life are in the power of your own tongue. Many of us have given life to things that even God killed! As a co-laborer with God, what are you using the resurrection power that is invested in you, to keep alive in your life and in this world? How did a person get called to a ministry of pointing out the wrong that's in society, the church world, government, or families? Operating from a sin conscience gives clear pictures of the thing Christ defeated as if it has current power. That perspective gives it an operational license to do whatever you are saying, teaching, or preaching it does in the world. The sin conscience perspective does not and can not give light or freedom. You can't focus on Jesus (who is the light) while pointing out darkness. That is call two or di-vision. If your eye be single, then your whole body will, without fail, unapologetically be FULL of light. Our conversations reveal what we are full of (pun intended). In Genesis, darkness is not created, ONLY dispelled. The entrance of light makes darkness flee. The challenge is to no longer make contributions to the lifespan of darkness in our lives, in our daily activity, in our families, or in our world. What a challenge this will be for many, BUT if you remember that you are the light of the world, you will succeed and overcome the darkness. In Genesis, we arise and shine because our light has come, and it comes with great glory. SHINE, because the whole earth will be filled with His glory. Which is, Christ in you. In Genesis, we speak Christ and not the problem or our opinions.
Welcome to Genesis ✨️✨️✨️

SHINE, until you see yourself the way God sees you. 👀
SHINE, until the glory energy reflected through you clears minds from all telepathic and psychic intrusions.
SHINE, until the light in you becomes the path out of darkness to others.
SHINE, and your children will come from afar and be nursed at your side (restoration of relationships).
SHINE, and wealth and riches will be in your house.
SHINE, until the light of this kingdom gospel brings forth immortality in our body's.
Make a decision to do more than walk in the light. Let's be the light!
SHINE! ☀️☀️🌞🌞🔥🔥🔥🌟🌟


Happy Genesis [Day 44] 2023
Y'all, I found AA in my Genesis. 😂😂
I Am so in love with this dimension called Genesis. Everything is new! Everything is clearer. Everything is brighter. Everything is revolutionizing. Everything is transforming. Everything is transcending. In Genesis, there's no regret or dred. In Genesis, there is no magnification or mental rehearsing of past memories. In Genesis, we learn to be addicted to the finished work of Christ. In Genesis, we learn how to apropiate and appreciate grace that brings salvation and teaches us to say no to all ungodliness and sinful pleasures. Apropiate & Appreciate is an AA class in Genesis. In Genesis, we learn to appreciate that God so loved the world that He gave his son and we apropiate it into our belief system until we are intoxicated with a love that we extend to those who reject or judge us. Accept and Activate is an AA class in Genesis. In Genesis, we learn to accept that God has given us every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ and we ask Holy Spirit to activate it and no longer live our lives as if we are waiting on God to do what He's already accomplished. In Genesis, He has given us all things (and all means all and that's all all means) that pertain to life and godliness. The challenge is to accept that I have it all! In Genesis, we learn that this new wine will not store in the old wineskins. The revelation of 'all things new' will not manifest the promises through old understandings. In Genesis, we get so drunk in the Spirit that we stager not at the promises of God and live from our divine nature and not our human nature.
Classes are in session.
AA Meetings in Genesis
Welcome to Genesis✨️✨️✨️


Happy Genesis [Day 40] 2023
"And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." This is the day the Lord made humanity. And everything He made on this day, he saw it as very good. God sees me as very good. God sees you as very good. That was His original intent, and nothing has changed His mind. It is in the nature of humanity to be very good. What or who have you allowed to influence you to see yourself as anything other than very good? It's pretty common for our environment, society, or our religious affiliation to define humanity (us) from a sin consciousness. Some tend to have a constant mindset of the fall of man, which by default magnifies the serpent/satan as the dominating force in the human life (in their minds). However, when God created man, evil, bad, wicked, and sinner were not the words He used to genetically or spiritually construct us together in the loins of first Adam or our mothers womb. Those things are not a part of the original design nor of the first manifestation of man. The last Adam (aka Jesus Christ) came and restored, renewed, reconciled, and gave us restitution, and the fallen state is no longer our condition. Please, let's not be discouraged or allow our conversation to be influenced by what we see happening in this current world order.
QUESTION. How many of us saw, actually witnessed, Jesus being crucified and was there to testify of his resurrection? I'll answer that. NONE OF US! And yet, because we believe in what we did not see, we have been saved by grace through faith. If we can appropriate change by believing what we did not see, why limit ourselves to what we can see? We walk by faith and not by sight. This realm called Genesis is the realm of faith. In this realm, I'M VERY GOOD. YOU'RE VERY GOOD! What Christ accomplished can not be undone by constantly remembering what used to be. Satan used to have power, but Christ rose with ALL POWER. Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil, which are sin, sickness, death, and powerlessness. In the mind of God, He sees you from what Christ accomplished. From the mind of religion, you'll never be any good as long as you're in this body. I want to remind us to let the mind of Christ be in us. It is natural to be good and unnatural to be evil. What would happen in this life if all believers had this new mindset?
Welcome to Genesis✨️✨️✨️

The Apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 5 that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting men's sins against them. Thanks to Christ, God is not in the sin counting business. Our reconciliation is complete. If you're among people who feel that it's their duty to count or point out your sin instead of reminding you that you've been redeemed. It might be time to understand the place called Genesis.


Happy Genesis [Day 38] 2023
The EXODUS continues!
What's really amazing to me is how the more I see things that this paradigm of Genesis brings me into, I also see things that it is taking me out of. There are a lot of words and practices that I have said, preached, counseled, decreed, declared, prayed, and believed from which I am joyfully repenting. Now, don't get it twisted. When I say repent, I'm not speaking of giving an apology to anyone. I'm not sorry for anything up to this point in my life because all those things have led me to this Dimension called Genesis. The word "repent" means to change your mind about how you think, how you believe, and how you feel.
Question. Has anyone, besides me, notice that when you attend funerals, you hear statements or beliefs that are biblically inaccurate? For example, they have gone on to glory. Or, they have entered the Kingdom of God. Or even statements that make death a part of God's plan as if Jesus never defeated death, but he made death a part of the kingdom team (SMH). Jesus taught us that the kingdom of God is within you. So I made a decision to have a mighty Exodus from a belief and thought system that a person has to die before they enter the kingdom. The kingdom is already inside of me, and in the Kingdom, there is life and life more abundantly. The previous way of thinking and believing causes people to look forward to something they could be enjoying right now, in this life. Vacation Bible School introduced the ABCs of salvation. Pulpits across America and around the world (including mine) began to teach from that flawed premise. A= Admit that you are a sinner. I can not find any New Covenant scriptures that require admitting to being a sinner as part of the process for salvation or entering into the kingdom and the kingdom entering into us. Romans 10 even says, "If you confess with your mouth, the Lord Jesus." It never encourages to confess sin as a way to Salvation. Admitting sin is not a part of the process! But, it does lead to believing that you are a sinner saved by grace. Is it possible that many people struggle with sin because we teach them to say that's who they are? Paul teaches in 2nd Corinthians that if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away, and all things are become new. If you're new in Christ, why would you agree with the flawed premise of still being the old sinner? EXODUS! What I will admit to is that Jesus blood redeemed the world from sin, therefore, I Am redeemed. What I will admit to is that I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. What I will admit to is the same glory that raised Jesus from the dead has quickened my mortal body. What I will admit to is that I am a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a peculiar people filled with the Holy Ghost, and He shows me what's coming before it comes. In Genesis, the challenge is to not oppose what Christ has accomplished for us just because we can't see it on us. (That can be defined as the spirit of anti- Christ). We agree with Christ until it manifests in our lives. We call things that do not exist into existence.
Welcome to Genesis✨️✨️✨️

There is more to the new you than what you've been told.
Our New Covenant truth will supersede and overtake our religious indoctrination.


Happy Genesis [Day 32] 2023
New Definitions! New Destination!
The Rev. Al Sharpton has never been one of my favorite orators and yet I've been a student to many of his life's lessons. He made a statement in 2007 on a TV program that will never leave me. He said, "Never lose the power of self definition. Because who you let de-fine you has the power to con-fine you."
Genesis is a realm where we are more than creative, we are co-creators. Psalms 45:1 speaks of the tongue being as the pen of a skillful writer. In the Genesis realm our tongue creates (writes) the script for today's life scenes and it prepares the setup for tomorrow's experiences and the next day and the next day until the future that we speak becomes the 'days of our lives' (pun intended). As a co-laborer with God, I'm challenged to do what He gave Adam dominion to do. He gave Adam authority to call a thing and that is what it's name would be. Even after the garden Adam used his authority and renamed woman to Eve. I have not seen anywhere in history where mankind is upset with Adam for changing her name. It's time to redefine some things and with our tongue we will set a new destination. James (3:6) said that the tongue sets the course of nature. Create the nature of your desires instead of what family, environment, society or religion has told us. Today I declare that self-love and self-care are not selfish. Today I declare that Jesus did not die for you for you to feel obligated to die for him. He died so that we could live and live more abundantly. SO LIVE! I'm no longer of the flawed premise of thought that I'll die for Jesus. I AM going to live. I'll live through rejection, childhood disease, car wrecks, multiple marriages, stupid decisions, failures, accidental mistakes and intentional ones. I will live through and past traditions, religiosity, bad doctrine, false doctrine, no doctrine. I will live through prejudice, racism, polarization, dehumanization and every form of disenfranchisement that family, society, and the church holds to as a belief. I AM redefined. I AM life. I AM Love. It's impossible to be In Christ (or in Genesis) and Christ (or Genesis) be In ME and not know, that as He is, so AM I. REDEFINE! I'm not only human. Why? Because I'm In Christ/Genesis and my New Beginning is not defined by my old nature, thoughts, habits, environment, or connections. ALL THINGS ARE NEW IN HERE.
Welcome to Genesis✨️✨️✨️


Happy Genesis [day 30] 2023
New Commitment!
Now that I understand that Genesis is a whole 'nother realm; a dimensional existence, I'm being challenged to abide and grow. I'm committed to staying in this place called Genesis and learning how to operate in this realm where all things are new, now, and good. I'm committed to maintaining the Genesis mindset and focus because what I focus on the longest becomes the strongest in my life. The big challenge is to focus on the new life. The Genesis mindset is the Christ mind. The writer of Hebrews tells us that Christ has made all things new. Second Corinthians tells us that being in Christ guarantees that all things have become new. Therefore, I chose to focus on I AM the righteousness of God because there's no sin in Christ. I chose to focus on I AM healed because there's no sickness in Christ. I chose to focus on I HAVE divine life and life more abundantly because in Christ there is no death. I'm committed to the focus of light because in Christ, there's no darkness at all. The reason it becomes so easy to stay in a cycle of sin is because we have been taught to keep count of, and focus on what we do that's wrong instead of what he did that makes us right. I encourage you to no longer tell yourself you're a sinner saved by grace because wherever your focus goes that's where your energy flows. It's a flawed premise and an oxymoron to be a sinner and saved at the same time. Take sin out of the focus and be filled with light because that's who Jesus said you are. Be committed to be the light of the world and a city that radiates from the highest plane of existence (on a hill).
Welcome To Genesis


Happy Genesis [day 21] 2023
NEW REVELATION (apokalupsis)!
21 is 3 cycles of 7. Day 21 represents divine perfection. In this place called Genesis all things are NEW and all things are GOOD. In the first chapter of the first book of Moses everything God said, God saw and it was good. Nothing God said was followed by him seeing evil, bad, chaos, or death. Is it possible that all the evil, bad, chaos, and death that we see is the result of what we say? I think it's time to use our words to redefine Revelation or apocalypse. Revelation(apokalupsis) means to uncover, reveal, the act of making known something that was secret. So now I'm wondering where did we get this concept of apocalypse or revelations being some type of global catastrophe? The challenge is to have a New Revelation that comes through the function of Holy Spirit being in dominion, control, and influence over our whole being especially our tongue. Jesus said in John's gospel that Holy Spirit will show us things to come. Then Apostle Paul tells the church in Thessalonica, But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. SOMEBODY, get a New Revelation! We are empowered with the person that knows all things before they come. Being enlightened we are not in darkness and we see what the day brings. If your Revelation does not see you as good, GET A NEW ONE! If your Revelation does not show you that you are the world's light, GET A NEW ONE! If your Revelation does not tell you that you are always triumphant and always victorious, GET A NEW ONE! If your Revelation does not know and reveal to you that you already have everything that pertains to life and godliness, GET A NEW ONE! If your Revelation does not agree that Christ was manifested to destroy the works of the devil therefore, his works ARE destroyed, GET A NEW ONE!
Day 21 is apocalypse day, a day that you see with sight beyond sight and a function that is spiritual and not physical. Let it become your new norm.
Welcome to Genesis

ARMOURAIRES QUARTET (Alvin) - Great is thy faithfulness 01/17/2023

I hear the sound.



Happy Genesis [day 17] 2023
In this realm I call Genesis I'm facing daily challenges. In this realm there are no limitations or boundaries except the ones I set for myself. I'm so accustomed to the Georgian calendar and familiar with the Jewish calendar but however, in Genesis we are manifesting things that existed before the foundations of the world; before time. Before any calendar existed. The method in which I operate in time will not allow me full access to the abilities of timelessness. That time method will cause me to be looking to the future for what God has declared is already mine in this present moment. So in order to have different results it requires a different method. I think we continue certain ways because they came from our parents or someone we honor. I use to think it was disrespectful or dishonorable to change from those familiar ways. But I realize now that the most dishonorable thing is to not grow beyond what they taught me.
[Let's talk about the Genesis method]
In the book of Genesis God told first Adam to dress and keep his garden. However, he did not provide him with a shovel, a rake, water hose or any modern gardening tool. He had equipped Adam before he was created and after creation he taught him how to use his words to manifest the dressing and keeping. Since everything in creation is voice activated the challenge is to use the power of life and death as my most valued method of developing an atmosphere of beauty with a sweet smelling aroma (or you can manifest hell on earth). In Genesis we know that by our words we are justified or condemned. In Genesis, instead of our intellect speaking, our faith speaks. In this realm called Genesis we call things that be not as though they were and we call to nought some things that we already manifested in our ignorance.
Welcome to Genesis✨️✨️✨️


Happy Genesis [day 13] 2023
Now Listen! It's Friday the 13th and I'm telling you it's been an awesome day in the realm I call Genesis. Where all things are NEW. Although Friday the 13th has been deemed by our society as a day to be unlucky. There is a growing number of believers whose perception is not influenced or manipulated by the status quo! The challenge is to understand that God's original intent, as seen in the Genesis, is that he made us a duplicate of himself. The Genesis perception is not generated from our ethinicity, political affiliation, or any other western social norms that divide and defines us in contradiction to who we are in Christ. My perception and senses are infused with being fruitful, multiplying, replenishing, subduing, and having dominion. WE ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD! We are being elevated to a new covenant kingdom Christ mindedness. We function from a superseding kingdom that is in control of all lower kingdoms of the world. COME UP HERE! Into your NEW PERCEPTION!
Welcome to Genesis✨️✨️✨️


Happy Genesis [day 9] 2023 a day late but right on time.
There was a commercial in the 80's for higher education who's motto was, "A MIND IS A TERRIBLE THING TO WASTE". The scriptures teach us that the mind is so powerful that it has the ability to change our whole life if we give it new programming. Maybe that didn't sound familiar to you but apostle Paul said that we are changed (metamorphosized) by renewing our minds. For example; as long as you believe God can do anything but He probably won't do it for me cause I'm only human, I make mistakes and I'm not worthy then it's definite that your life will be filled with unanswered prayers and wondering why. If we would reprogram our minds to agree with the word according to Psalms 32:2, Romans 4:8, 2 Corinthians 5:19 that plainly states that because of what God accomplished through Jesus He's not counting sins. Give your mind an assignment that leaves the sin counting business and focuses on how to demonstrate the LOVE of God and walking in the spirit. There is a strategy and an awareness to having a new mindset.
Welcome to Genesis. ✨️✨️✨️


Happy Genesis [day 8] 2023
I'm really loving my daily Genesis. It's causing a redefining of words, things, concepts, and myself. I'm finding new strength as my paradigm shifts with new meanings. During my workout days I gained strength and was able to bench press 310lbs. I know what it is to have physical or muscular strength. I remember being the spiritual leader of 7 churches at the age of 30 and I know what it is to have authoritative strength/power. I could list many more experiences that would demonstrate mental strength, influential strength, moral strength, financial strength or even religious or political strength and yet they all pale in comparison to true divine power and supernatural strength. The apostle Paul said it like this,"...and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength." I'm being challenged to discover or uncover this divine energy, the supernatural strength of The Holy Ghost in my daily life. Paul told the church in Ephesus that his prayer for them was to be strengthened with power by the Holy Ghost in the inner-man. This strength has dominion over death, hell, and the grave. This new strength will not let your dream or vision die and it bypasses all human limitations and restrictions. This strength will openly declare I'm no longer human but a new creation. This strength will speak life and divine health and kill cancer and lower high blood pressure. It's a new strength from a new covenant with new and better promises. This strength will empower you to experience and engage the heavens that you have been raised up and seated together with Christ in.
Welcome to Genesis.


Happy Genesis [day 7] 2023
The preacher in the book of Lamentations said that, "The faithful love of the LORD never ends! His mercies never ceases.
Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin brand new and fresh each morning."
Because we are partakers of his eternal nature his love has no limits and no end. There's nothing you can do that will separate you from his love. Every morning you wake up... it's your new opportunity to live, love, pursue your dreams, bless someone with your smile or any of your resources, open that business, go to school, restore a broken relationship, make new friends, kiss your children, treat yourself like royalty, sing your favorite song, stand against injustice, walk in the power of God and work some miracles... Lift up your heads oh ye gates and take advantage of or create a new opportunity. It's your Genesis.


Happy Genesis 2023!
My motives, my reason and the force that's guiding my behavior to move forward is me. I was told growing up that you can't focus on yourself because that's selfish. I've learned through life that those instructions were ignorant of divine truth. Self maintenance is not selfish. A battery has to maintain a certain level of charge to give a boost. When it's on the charger it sits alone. I'm motivated to value my alone time to be a time of personal increase, affirmations and strengthening. That makes my time in the community effective for the community. NEW MOTIVATION!


Happy Genesis!
This season we are birthing a new sound due to the new frequency from within. When your inner-man grows your environment changes and things become new for you and those who are connected. In this NEW BEGINNING chose connections wisely and not from emotions. New births require new ways of living, loving, leaving, leisure, and laughter.

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Videos (show all)

The rivers of life are flowing. Come & Drink and you'll see change. I look forward to seeing you there.
Understanding The Law Of God
Feb. 1st all day join in for prayer. As Wednesday transitions to Thursday I'll be starting the first hour of the 24 hour...
This was in Lincoln Oregon. I love the Pacific Northwest. If you focus how many different sounds do you hear? The water ...
Please come and pack the house and celebrate with us. This Sunday at 6PM in Augusta Kansas. Bring someone with you.
Friday @ 2:30 (That's tomorrow Nov. 26th) Come have a good time.
Water is one of my favorite sounds that teleports me into a spiritual atmosphere. Jesus voice is described in The book o...



Wichita, KS

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Century 2 Exhibition Hall
Wichita, 67203

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Wichita, 67202

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Kiss My Axe Throwing Kiss My Axe Throwing
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Wichita, 67214

Kiss My Axe is open for business! We have 10 lanes for your axe throwing fun! Call now!! 316-272-5931



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We are a beautiful new venue right here in Wichita. Located south of Kellogg near Pawnee and Seneca.

Chill Venue Chill Venue
1768 E George Washington Drive
Wichita, 67220

Welcome to Chill Venue! Let us create a Safe Clean Intimate environment for you to host your Event 🖤

Level Up ICT Con presented by Collector's Maze Level Up ICT Con presented by Collector's Maze
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The Washington Venue The Washington Venue
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Wichita, 67211

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The Hudson St. Francis The Hudson St. Francis
427 S. Street Francis
Wichita, 67202

The Hudson St. Francis is a unique mid-century modern style event venue in downtown Wichita, KS. Inquire within for details and upcoming public events!