League 42, Wichita, KS Videos

Videos by League 42 in Wichita. League 42’s mission is to introduce baseball to the youth of Wichita who may not have had a chance to

Zane Maknojia

Zane Maknojia is a Rudd Scholar who just finished his first day with us in our Bright Lights Education Enhancement Program at the Rudd Center helping middle schoolers with their math skills. He’s a sophomore at Wichita State, hails from Halstead, and is majoring in accounting and finance. He’s going to be a great asset to our program.

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Other League 42 videos

Zane Maknojia
Zane Maknojia is a Rudd Scholar who just finished his first day with us in our Bright Lights Education Enhancement Program at the Rudd Center helping middle schoolers with their math skills. He’s a sophomore at Wichita State, hails from Halstead, and is majoring in accounting and finance. He’s going to be a great asset to our program.

This is Rafael Guereque, a Rudd Scholar from Hugoton and part of our Bright Lights after-school initiative. He attends Wichita State and is majoring in forensic science. We are very thankful for his service.

Bright Lights
This is Madi McClain, a Rudd Scholar who is helping us with our Bright Lights Education Enrichment Program at the Leslie Rudd Learning Center. She's here to help our kids with reading and math after their school day ends. We're making it fun and beneficial to be in this program and we look forward to it growing and development under the amazing leadership of Chitra Harris and Nathan Anderson. We will be enrolling returning families for baseball this Saturday, the 23rd, at the Leslie Rudd Learning Center at 1212 E. 17th. We'll also be enrolling kids for the winter session of our learning initiative that begins on Dec. 4 and runs for 12 weeks.

Jesten, 14 and a player with the Redbirds in League 42 (that blue you’re seeing is really red), is finishing his final season with us. And we’re going to hate to see him go. He has worked hard to become a remarkable baseball player. But he’s an even more remarkable young man.

Hiko, a T-Baller who plays in our Lancer Division for the Strikers, has personality to spare. Everyone involved with League 42 loves watching these T-Ball kids play. They have such energy. They’re so cute. And you can never be quite sure what they might do.

Mario plays for the Yankees in our 7-8 Bruin Division. And he likes the Yankees, the New York Yankees. It’s a pretty good time to be a New York Yankees fan and it’s always a good time to be a League 42 player. Mario is a good player and a good fan.

Corbin is a player for the Tigers in our 11-12 Dodger Division and he and his family have been very active in our league for a number of years. We love having Gavin with us and he’s an improving player. And, of course, a fantastic young man.

Archer is a T-Baller in League 42. And that, unto itself, makes him special. But he’s special for a lot of other reasons, too, and we’re so happy that he’s playing for the Raptors this season.

Dakota, a member of the River Bandits in the 9-10 Monarch Division, has been with League 42 for a few years now. His growth as a baseball player has been remarkable and it’s been fun watching his development. Great job, Dakota!

All of us who are at the fields at McAdams Park frequently became familiar with Julian last year. He was there often, supporting his younger brother. Now, as a 14-year-old, he plays for the Storm Chasers in the Veterans Division. Julian is a fantastic young man and is on his way to becoming fantastic in every aspect of his life. We’re proud of him.

Gio is, like so many of our kids in League 42 and in youth baseball leagues across the planet, a work in progress. And that’s one of the great things about League 42, working on helping kids progress. In baseball, in school, in life. Gio is headed for good things.