Wilkes Health

Wilkes Health is a trusted source for your health care needs!


Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity for a fun-filled free day for the whole family! Mark your calendars and bring your friends for a truckload of fun! 🚛✨


As summer comes to an end and back-to-school preparations kick in, it’s crucial to prioritize your health with preventative screenings. Before the fall season arrives, make time to schedule important health screenings to safeguard your well-being. Whether it’s routine check-ups or specific screenings based on your age and risk factors, early detection can play a vital role in preventing and managing health conditions.

Stay proactive and make your health a top priority as you transition into the new season.


📚 Back-to-school season is here! Start the conversation with your kids about peer pressure and saying no to alcohol and other substances.
🔗 Make sure they have the tools they need by checking out the “How to Help Kids Say No to Peer Pressure” fact sheet from the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign:
📧Share the “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign’s “Back to School: Peer Pressure” resource:https://store.samhsa.gov/sites/default/files/pep23-03-01-006.pdf


We want to hear from you! Community serving organizations in Wilkes County are requesting your thoughts and opinions on the state of substance use and addiction in our community. Your answers will be anonymous and confidential, with no personal identifying information collected. The results of the survey will be shared with the community and our serving partners. Your thoughts and opinions are very valuable, and your input is greatly appreciated.
English survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PJD6MSS
En español: https://es.surveymonkey.com/r/7JVRVBR


Don't forget to come join us this Saturday, August 17th for National Track Trails Day!!


There is flash flood warning from until 6:30pm on Thursday, August 8. A flash flood watch until August 10 12:00am. Never drive through flooded roadways or around barricades.
People often underestimate the power of flowing water. A mere 6 inches of fast-moving flood water can knock an adult off their feet. Most vehicles begin to lose contact with the road in six inches of water. They can be swept away in 12-18 inches of flowing water. This includes pickups and SUVs. When approaching a flooded roadway remember, Turn Around Don’t Drown!


National Breastfeeding Month is about promoting awareness, understanding, and support. Every mother’s journey is unique and deserves our respect. Let’s support all moms in their journey, honoring their dedication, strength, and love.

Here’s to creating a more inclusive world for breastfeeding moms.


August 4th-10th is National Health Center Week! Sponsored by the National Association of Community Health Centers , this week celebrates America’s 1,400 Community Health Centers. National Health Center Week is an opportunity to highlight the commitment and passion of Community Health Center staff, board members, and supporters who make it possible to provide quality, comprehensive healthcare services to more than 31.5 million patients across nearly 15,000 communities annually. Wilkes Health is proud to be among this group, providing support and healthcare services to our Wilkes County community.

Learn more at https://healthcenterweek.org/about-nhcw/


Come join us for some outdoor fun on August 17th as we celebrate National Track Trails Day!

Where will you hike on ? Join Kids in Parks and celebrate getting outdoors on TRACK Trails!

On August 17th, get your family outdoors at Smoot Park in North Wilkesboro or Rivers Edge YMCA Trailhead in Wilkesboro to celebrate National TRACK Trails Day. Can't wait to see you!


🌍 “Anyone with lungs can get lung cancer.” On August 1, let’s unite for LCFA’s social media takeover. Learn, share, and support the fight against lung cancer. Together, we make a difference. 💙

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 07/22/2024

Here are the Safe Sleep Schedules for July-Dec 2024. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at (336) 651-7468


Just a reminder that the MESH unit will be at the schools this week for Sports Physicals. Appointments are require but you can call the MESH number to schedule an appointment.

MESH number is (336) 957-7043

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 07/17/2024

Dengue fever is a vector-borne illness. Mosquitos spread the disease by biting someone who is infected with dengue, then biting and infecting someone else.

Most people with dengue have no symptoms, but some develop a severe case of the virus that can turn deadly. Symptoms of Dengue include flu-like symptoms like high fever, joint pain, fatigue, headaches, and nausea.

Doctors advise avoiding being outside at dusk and dawn, when mosquitos are most prevalent, and wearing long sleeves and pants to avoid mosquito bites.

The virus is most commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions, including Central and South America, Africa, parts of Asia and the Pacific Islands.

Dengue isn’t contagious from person to person except when passed from a pregnant person to their child. Symptoms are usually mild with your first infection, but if you get another infection with a different version of DENV, your risk of severe complications goes up.

As of July 8, 2024 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said South Carolina currently has 8 cases while North Carolina and Georgia have 16.

The vast majority of U.S. cases are travel-associated, according to the CDC.

For more information, please visit https://www.cdc.gov/dengue/data-research/facts-stats/current-data.html

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 07/17/2024

Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) are on the rise. Vectors, like mosquitoes and ticks, can spread germs through bites that cause diseases like Dengue Fever, West Nile and Lyme disease. Ranges of ticks are expanding, putting more people at risk for tick bites. Mosquito-borne disease are also an ongoing concern.
Tick exposure can occur year-round, but ticks are most active from April to September in the United States. Everyone is at risk of being bitten by mosquitoes and ticks and getting sick from the germs they can spread. Certain groups of people are at higher risk for disease than others.

Fight the Bite:
•Avoid areas where tick live, wooded, grassy, or brushy areas.
•Emptying standing water from flowerpots, gutters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, discarded tires and birdbaths at least once a week.
•Mosquito-proof your home by installing or repairing screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes outside, and use air conditioning if you have it.
•Use an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)-registered insect repellents.
•Wear loose-fitting, long clothing to protect yourself from mosquito and tick bites.
•After coming inside check your body for ticks after being outdoors.

Reduce exposure and preventive measures for babies and children:
•Dress your child in clothing that covers arms and legs.
•Cover strollers and baby carriers with mosquito netting.
•When using insect repellent on your child always follow label instructions.
•Do not apply repellent to a child's hands, eyes, mouth, cuts, or irritated skin. Instead apply repellent onto your hands and then apply to a child's face.

Learn more on how to protect yourself and loved ones from mosquito and tick bites at https://www.cdc.gov/vector-borne-diseases/fight-the-bite/index.html

Investigation of Illness 07/15/2024

The FDA is warning consumers and retailers not to eat, sell or serve any flavors of Diamond ShruumzTM brand chocolate bars, cones, or gummies. These products, known as microdose products, have been linked to severe acute illnesses and hospitalizations among consumers.
For more information please see https://www.fda.gov/food/outbreaks-foodborne-illness/investigation-illnesses-diamond-shruumz-brand-chocolate-bars-cones-gummies-june-2024?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR315cdcHPhR_E-Ca41aV7qkHKI1NnfKV5cBDrRzsm2nSIcUn_SueNG5GoQ_aem_IRVutgdWjLxffn6EX-Mqtg

Investigation of Illness Do not eat, sell, or serve any flavor of Diamond Shruumz- Brand Chocolate Bars, Cones, and Gummies. FDA’s investigation is ongoing.

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 07/12/2024

The best place to dispose of your unwanted or expired medications is at a local Medication Drop Box. If you cannot access a Drop Box here is the next best way to dispose of your medications.

Help "Be the Solution" to the opioid crisis and be smart when disposing of your medications!

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 07/03/2024


As we prepare to celebrate this Independence Day with our loved ones, it's important to keep in mind these firework safety tips. Fireworks can be lots of fun, but can also cause harm if not handled with care.

Here are some firework safety stats, along with some safety tips to follow!

Wilkes Health wishes everyone a fun and safe 4th of July!

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 07/03/2024

As you prepare for all of the 4th of July fun and festivities, remember to stay safe in the summer heat. Here are some signs/symptoms of Heat-Related Illness and some ways you and your family can keep it cool this Independence Day!

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 06/26/2024

⚠️Heat Alert: The National Weather Service has issued a Hazardous Weather Outlook for our region due to high temperatures.⚠️

Remember to:
Hydrate. Whether you feel thirsty or not, drink plenty of water to avoid becoming dehydrated, especially when you're working or exercising outside.

Educate yourself. Keep up with the latest temperature and heat index forecasts and current readings (take actions to stay cool and safe when the temperatures hits 85 degrees or the heat index hits 90 degrees). Know the warning signs of a heat illness, and how you can stay cool.

Act quickly when a heat illness is suspected. Seek medical attention immediately for any of these warning signs: cramping, rapid pulse, heavy sweating, hot red skin, dizziness, confusion, nausea, vomiting.

Take it easy. Anyone working or exercising outdoors should avoid overexertion, especially between the hours of 11 am and 6 pm. Take hourly breaks in the shade or in air conditioning.
For more information visit https://www.weather.gov/rah/heat

Statewide key messages from the weekly Heat-Related Illness Surveillance Report:
• There were 226 HRI ED visits
• The rate was highest among males
aged 20-24 years
• The most frequent heat related diagnosis code was heat exhaustion


Today, June 20th is the official first day of Summer. What’s your plan for this summer? Enjoying the water? Going camping? Firing up the grill? Whatever you prefer, check out these Summer Safety Tips to have fun and stay safe as you enjoy the great outdoors this summer. Safety tips from how to stay safe in and around the water, picnic safety, grilling safety and how to keep you pets safe. • • • • For more info visit https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/summer-safety.html


Protect yourself and others when it’s hot outside by staying cool, staying hydrated, and knowing the symptoms. Hot days can affect anyone. If you are pregnant, are a child or teen with asthma, or have a heart condition or other chronic health conditions, heat can make your health worse. If you are outside, especially for a long time, and the HeatRisk is red or above, you can:
•Stay in the shade as much as possible
•Take breaks when you can
•Do outdoor activities during the coolest parts of the day or evening, if possible.
•Work with your doctor to create a Heat Action Plan

When you are indoors, you can:
•Use fans, but only if indoor temperatures are less than 90°F. In temperatures above 90°F, a fan can increase body temperature.
•Use air conditioning or find a location that has one.
•Check on your family, friends, and neighbors, especially if they have chronic medical problems or live alone. Check on pets.
•Stay Hydrated, drink plenty of fluids. Carry a water bottle. Drink and refill it throughout the day. Consider limiting beverages high in sugars and sodium, caffeine, and alcohol, if possible.

For more information on HeatRisk, or to find what the HeatRisk in your zipcode, please go to https://ephtracking.cdc.gov/Applications/HeatRisk/


Happy National Nursing Assistant Week to these awesome ladies! Not all nursing assistants are pictured but, the WCHD family appreciates each one of you. These ladies dedicate a lot of time and energy to ensure our Wilkes Community stays healthy and safe!


June is Men's Health Month!

June 10th-16th we celebrate Men's Health week. The purpose of Men’s Health Week is to heighten the awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys.

This week gives health care providers, public policy makers, the media, and individuals an opportunity to encourage men and boys to seek regular medical advice and early treatment for disease and injury. The response has been overwhelming with hundreds of awareness activities in the USA and around the globe.

For more information visit

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 06/08/2024

Thank you to everyone who came out today to Safe Kids Wilkes County's Bicycle Rodeo and Safety Day. Thank you to Sheriff Shew and his Deputies for providing lunch and being good sports in the dunking booth. Thank you to the Wilkes County Partnership for Children for allowing us to join in your Pathfider Rally.
Big shout out to Toad's Garage for donating two bicycles and helping sponsor the Bicycle Rodeo and Safety Day.

Photos from Wilkes Health's post 06/08/2024

Come join Safe Kids Wilkes County, the Wilkes County Sheriff's Office, Wilkes Health, the Wilkes County Partnership for Children , and other community partners at the Pathfinders Rally and Safe Kids Bicycle Rodeo and Safety Day today from 9am-11am. We'll have resources for children entering Kindergarten as well as Bicycle Safety Tips, Bicycle Helmets, Prizes, and the Sheriff's Office is serving hotdogs.


June is National Safety Month. It’s important to prioritize to help . According to , preventable workplace deaths totaled 4,695 in 2022 and an additional 791 workplace homicide and su***de deaths occurred.

We offer free resources throughout June to help you stay safe on and off the job: https://bit.ly/NSCNSMresources2024.


Bike Rodeo & Safety Day is rescheduled! We’ll be at West Park in North Wilkesboro on June 8th with Wilkes Community Partnership for Children for their Pathfinder Rally! 🎉🎉🎉


During the week of May 19-25, 2024
•There were 118 Emergency Department Visits with Heat Related Illnesses.
•The rate was highest was among men, 65 years old and older.
•The most frequent heat related diagnosis was heat exhaustion
•The heat index ranged from 74 to 94.1°F at Raleigh-Durham International Airport.
•There were 0 days when the minimum temperature did not drop below 70°F.

Take care of yourself and loved ones. Drink two to four glasses of cool, non-alcoholic fluids every hour. Seek shade as much as possible between 10am and 4pm, which are peak times for sunlight. Rest often in shady areas. Wear light clothing and protect yourself from the sun with a wide brimmed hat, sunglasses and sunscreen – SPF 15 or higher.
For more info please visit https://epi.dph.ncdhhs.gov/oee/climate/heat.html

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306 College Street
Wilkesboro, NC

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm

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Wilkesboro, 28697

Start Your Health Journey Here: https://form.jotform.com/230796680025156

iHeRQles - Pray and Spray iHeRQles - Pray and Spray

Resources and information about the revolutionary botanical spray called iHeRQles.