Precious Works LLC

Precious Works LLC

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Precious Works LLC offers life coaching focusing on Divorce Recovery for Women!


There is still time to sign up for the 2-hour working on Healing. This is an in-person workshop in Hamburg, NY on Saturday, June 22nd at 10:00am. Bring a friend! 🦋🦋🦋

If you want to learn the skills on how to move on from any painful experience and rewrite your story to attract more abundance and positivity in your life, then this workshop is for you. ❤

Whether you are healing from loss, or divorce or a breakup or any painful experience, or maybe you are just feeling stuck in your life and things just aren't going your way, this workshop may be able to help. 🙌

To sign up, go to The class is only $20! There will be prizes as well!

Comment below if you want more information! Can't wait to see you there!



This is not something I easily share and if you didn't grow up with me or know my history, this is something you problem would never know about me, but I struggled for years after my divorce.

Life was hard for me as a single parent, raising 2 kids and working full time. I struggled to cope with the abuse I endured in my marriage, so instead of dealing with my emotions, I pushed them away, pretending I was fine.

The thing with emotions though, they will show up, no matter how much you try to ignore the pain, in other ways. I went through bouts of depression and "ate" my feelings instead of feeling them. I did the best I could with what I knew at the time.

That is why I'm so passionate about helping women who may be dealing with trauma or just a painful experience that they are struggling to move past.

I spent the last 3 years learning the skills to finally cope with what happened to me and I want to share what I've learned with anyone who needs it. I learned that life doesn't have to be so hard. There are tools and skills you can learn that will help you move through difficult challenges quickly.

If you are interested in attending my workshop on Saturday, June 22nd, go to

The workshop is called, Healing WIthin.
It will be held at Fire & Ice Wellness in Hamburg, Ny at 10:00am.

If you have any questions or just want to chat about this class or my other offerings, please comment below.

Feel free to share this with anyone who you think may benefit.

The cost is only $20 and I also have free prizes!

Love and Happiness Always! 💙💙💙

Cheryl xo


If you want to join my Face Book Group, click this link:


January’s Topic is all about Finding Happiness! Read on for Tips to Finding Happiness!

✔Are you struggling to find things that make you happy anymore?
✔Do you start your daily routine, dreading your day?
✔Do you even know what is in your control anymore?
✔Is everything that is happening in the world affecting your internal happiness?

That is why I picked Finding Happiness as this month’s topic.

💕For today’s tip, I’d like to talk about FOCUS and I also want to dedicate this post to Damar Hamlin who was struggling for his life just a few days ago and how the power of focus may have saved his life.

If you are a football fan or even watch the news, you may have heard of the incident that just happened to this young man. What a remarkable and amazing show of humanity that this country showed during the crucial days of not knowing if this man was going to survive or not.

💕The world focused their thoughts, prayers and energy into him and his family for his survival. Did all that energy help him survive? One may never know, but I believe it didn’t hurt!

I believe that when you focus on the positive, the positive is what you get. The key to your happiness may lie in what you are spending and focusing your energy on.

Are you constantly wrapped up in what is negatively happening in the world or are you focusing on what you can control and how you can affect your surrounding relationships with your own energy and attitude.

From the words of Tony Robbins, “We don’t experience life, we experience the life we focus on. What’s wrong is always available and so is what’s right.”

What if you spend just one day this week, only focusing on the positive.

Focus on what you have and not what you don’t have. Show gratitude for all your blessings. Write them down. Tell someone you love why they mean the world to you. Spend one day not judging or making assumptions about others and just appreciate everything you have.

Once you are able to change your FOCUS on the good, the positive, the grace in your life, you will start attracting more of the same. You’ll realize that focusing on the bad, only brings you more of the same.

Below, comment on something you want to change your focus or something you are grateful for so we can all support you!

And…. Of course, Go Buffalo Bills!
Love, One of your many fans!!!


How to have an AMAZING 2023 and release all the "bad" from 2022!

✔Do you want to leave behind the bad junk from 2022 and go into the new year refreshed, excited and renewed.

✔Do you want to learn how to start 2023 off on the right foot?

✔Do you want to be at the end of 2023 and realize you are finally living your best life? You got the job you wanted or the relationship you wanted or just more peace and happiness in your life.

If you said YES to any of the above, then join me live on December 28th at 6:00pm for my session on getting rid of all the junk from 2022 and starting 2023 with new energy, excitement and focus.

I can’t wait! The New Year is always a time to start over! Don’t just go into Jan 1st letting life happen to you. Live your life on your terms! Let me show you how to start the new year right!

See you December, 28th at 6:00pm Eastern!!!


The Holidays can be a wonderful time to enjoy family, friends and loved ones, but also can be stressful in many ways!

It is also a time when you may reflect on the year and have feelings of loneliness or loss or questioning where your life is going.

Join me on live, Wednesay, Dec. 14th at 6:00pm Eastern to learn my Self Love Holiday Tips for finding PEACE ✌ and HAPPINESS 😉 during this time of the year! Join at my Free Face Book Group,

See you then!!!!!!! 💖💖💖


“Getting Unstuck” is the topic for my next LIVE training. It will be Wednesday, June 1st at 6:00pm Eastern.

🦋 Whether you feel stuck with your feelings, your job, your money, or just your life in general. I will show you the best ways to become unstuck.

🦋 Also, I will let you in on a little secret of what the most successful people do every day to keep themselves moving forward. You won't want to miss it!!!

join at

See more


👍 Join me this week for my live training on "Making Friends With Fear." Understand the scientific reason behind fear and what you need to do to break through and keep moving forward.

🦋 It's hard to get everything in life if you stop doing things because of fear. Maybe you don't want to get hurt again, so you won't date, or you are afraid to go for your dream job because you don't want to be rejected.

💕 Fear comes up in our lives daily. We can decide to either move through it or let it control what actions we take. Let me help make moving forward, inspite of fear , easier for you!

✨ Join me Tomorrow, May 11th, at 5:30pm Eastern, to learn how. If you can't make the training, comment and I'll send you a link.


💖You have a choice in how you react or respond to everything in life.

😁You can choose to have a bad attitude, or you can choose to look a person in the eye and smile.

✌You can choose to talk about or judge others, or you can choose acceptance.

🌹You can choose to be a victim, or you can choose to be a survivor!

💕You can choose to hate, or you can choose to love!

😊You can also choose Happiness!

What do you choose?

works llc


Have you ever NOT had all your basic needs met?

We spend so much of our lives in fear of the future and the unknowns in our life, but it’s all just in our thoughts.

It causes stress, anxiety and can affect our physical health and well-being.

Trust that no matter what, you will be okay, even if things don’t always go perfectly in your life.

Let go of the fear and just have Faith. God or the Universe or whatever you believe in, has your back. Try it- It’s freeing!


It’s difficult to reclaim your life again after divorce. Everything in your life has changed and even though you may be happy that it is over, having to do things on your own comes with a whole new set of struggles.

That is exactly what happened to me after my toxic marriage ended. I had feelings of unworthiness and failure even though I didn’t feel like I was at fault. I no longer knew who I was or what I stood for anymore. I struggled with depression and tried my best to keep it together for my kids.

I tried therapy, anti-depressants and a lot of self-help reading, but none of it helped. It took me a very long time to heal from what had happened and I had to find the answers that helped me on my own.

That is why I came up with this 4-step process to reclaim your life quickly after divorce. I want you to learn the main processes that helped me reclaim and absolutely love my life!

I’ll be sharing those steps to help you heal and understand what needs to be done to put the divorce behind you once and for all and never look back again!

Join my group: where I go live every Tuesday at 6:30pm EST. Or if you can’t make it live, we can send you a link for the replay. Just comment replay below.

Join me Tuesday, April 19 at 6:30pm Est! See you then!

Cheryl x

, , , ,


Open your heart again and see what surprises are out there for you! Trust and You’ll be okay!


Take the time to think about what you need to learn when the same bad things keep happening.

If you end up with the same bad boyfriend, or always have problems with your boss no matter where you work or you always have money problems, there is something you are not addressing.

Maybe you need to learn patience, acceptance, self love or just a shift in perspective. Just know, it won’t change until you do!


I'm on a mission to help 3 more divorced women move from anger and loneliness to peace and acceptance in 60 days.
Who's IN?


New Year Intentions—- As we start a new year, if you are like most people, you re-evaluate your life. Some may even make New Year’s resolutions. You ask yourself what you want to be different this year. How do you want your life to change. In the mist of a pandemic, it makes those intentions even harder to keep.
Here are my 5 tips to keeping your intentions for the new year and living your best life ever:

1. Write your intentions down and place them somewhere you can see often throughout the day.

2. Take time to imagine what your life will look like once you’ve accomplished your goals. For example, you want to lose 20 pounds. Picture yourself on vacation in that bathing suit you’ve been wanting to wear or in your favorite jeans you haven’t been able to fit in. Really imagine and feel what it would be like.

3. Every morning before you get out of bed, set your intention to keep your intention and remember what you imagined on 2.

4. If for any reason you slip and don’t keep your intention, don’t beat yourself up. Remember tomorrow is a new day and a new opportunity to try again.

5. If your change is big, don’t go it alone. Find an accountability partner, life coach or friend to help. There are so many people in this world that are here to help!


Precious Works LLC at 10295 Main Street in Clarence is offering $20 off a 60-minute Reiki session with a gift of a free healing crystal for $45.

Contact Cheryl at 716-268-3180 to purchase a voucher. You can also visit to book an appointment or for more information. Use coupon code CPN1 during the booking process.

Wishing all of you a SAFE, HAPPY and RELAXING Holiday Season! Hoping all your wishes come true!


Are you feeling a lack of self-worth or self-esteem since your marriage failed? It is normal to feel this way.

You put everything into your relationship, and it still didn’t work out.


Would you believe me if I told you, it’s all in your head?

Your thoughts about what happened are creating your feelings about your worth. No matter what your ex may have said or did!

The first thing you can do to help with your thoughts about your self-worth is stop looking at your relationship as a failure.

You can take time to think about what you’ve learned or gained from it.

Some examples:
🦋Your beautiful children
🦋You can’t change someone, no matter how much you love them
🦋The relationship ran its course, and you are now ready for your next adventure
🦋Something better is out there
🦋You are strong, courageous, and resilient
🦋Your broken heart will heal
🦋You don’t need someone to define your worth

If you aren’t there yet…it’s okay to grieve your relationship.

Set aside time to feel all your emotions. Feel them in your body and describe to yourself what it feels like. Don’t give them thoughts or opinions.

Lastly, forgive yourself! No one is perfect and all relationships take two people to be successful and to also fail. Forgive yourself for the part you played in the end of your relationship.

Don’t dwell on guilt. Guilt has absolutely no purpose! Forgive yourself and just keep going.

Visit if you want more information or click the link in my bio.


Abuse is not just physical; it can be emotional as well.

If you or anyone you know is being abused, Call the National Hotline, they can help!
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

The first step is talking to someone, you are not alone.

If you suspect a friend or family member is being abused, it’s better to risk your friendship than risk losing that person forever!

Emotion Signs of Abuse:
Scares easily, jumpy
Changes in Sleep
Extremely apologetic or meek
Loss of interest in daily activities
Low self-esteem
Seeming fearful

Behavioral Changes:
Becomes reserved or distant
Isolates themselves from friends or family
Cancels appointments last minute
Drops out of activities they enjoy
Won’t talk about personal life
Is often late to work or appointments

What Controlling Behavior Looks Like:
They need to ask permission to do anything.
They get constant texts or calls checking up on them.
Having little or no money or no access to credit cards or
Having to account for every penny.
Referring to their partner as “jealous” or “possessive” or
Always being accused of having an affair.


One of the factors why people get divorced is expectations that are set and not met. If your partner is not doing what you expect, it leads to disappointment. If you don’t tell your partner what it is you want, then disappointment can lead to resentment. Once resentment runs deep, it’s hard to recover from it.

As far as I know, mind reading is still not a thing. Communication is the key.

In addition, have you ever heard of the 80-20 rule? When it comes to relationships, 80% of your happiness should come from within and the things in your life that fill you up. The other 20% comes from the people in your life or your relationships.

If that number is higher than 20%, you are setting expectations on your partner that most likely will not be met. They are not responsible for your happiness, you are!

Just something to think about…


Some of the hardest things for women after divorce are worrying about the kids, loneliness, not knowing if things will get better, your relationship with your ex, and feelings of guilt or failure.

The best thing you can do to help start the healing process is to find a support system. Be around people who love you and will help you move forward. It is a process, and it takes time, but you are stronger than you know and braver than you think and can get through it!


Mastery of Self-Love Class created by Janet Bray Attwood, 9/23 and 9/30 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm Eastern Time Zone via Zoom. Introductory price of $47/person. Go to for more info or to book. Bring a friend and be eligible to win Amazon gift card.


When you love yourself and do what’s best for you, you become your authentic self!


Come join a Free workshop with plenty of giveaways on June 3rd in Clarence, NY and rediscover your passions! This worksop is to introduce Precious Works LLC coaching and Reiki to Clarence. Giveaways include free Reiki, free Massage and a variety of gift bags. Sponsors include Cuppa Culture tea emporium and Balance Whole Life Therapy Center. Reserve your seat today at or call 716-268-3180. Seats ate limited.


Always look at yourself first before passing judgement.


Precious works LLC offering Reiki and Life Coaching.


When you’re having one of those days and having a hard time being grateful, just be thankful for the air you breathe and being alive and take a deep breath in and out slowly 3 times. It will raise your vibration and put you back in a state of gratitude.


Comment Yes if this describes you.


For years I believed I was not suppose to express anything negative. If I showed negative emotion, I was bad and would be unlikeable.

I grew up judging women who I considered “bitches”, but secretly envied them for being able to speak their mind and stand up for themselves.

I finally gave myself permission to feel every emotion I had,good or bad, and stop trying to fight it.

The sooner you embrace your negative emotions the sooner they will pass.

Comment if you can relate or share some if your own.

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Williamsville, NY

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 9am - 6pm

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