
PROtesters is a community for professional growth of QA specialists


Suparna Khamaru is a MTS 1, Software Engineer, Quality at PayPal💎

Suparna will talk about "Continuous Shift Left Automation Testing on Mobile"🗣️

💥Primary focus of testing is always to find most of the bugs at the earliest possible stage in SDLC. 

💥Continuous Shift Left Testing helps in finding maximum bugs in the earliest development cycle, thus saving tonnes of time & money to business in testing & bug-fixing, while increasing confidence on the quality of the app with increasing code and test coverage.

💥Today, most companies not only run UI Tests & Unit tests, but also visual/snapshot tests, performance tests, SDK integration tests on Shift Left Testing strategy.

💥This reduces repetitive manual testing efforts and time to a huge extent by directly reaching the market faster every week with the latest developed feature, beating the competitors in mobile apps market on both android and iOS platforms.

💥We can also optimise Shift Left Testing with Distributed Parallel Ex*****on and reduce the test ex*****on time in CI from several hours to few handful minutes at almost no extra cost.

💥We will also see how several cloud device platforms can be integrated to suit and meet Shift Left Automation on Mobile apps.

Join us - less than 1 week left❗️


Saif Siddiqui will present gis talk called “Incident Postmortem and QA's role - Achieving excellence together"🙌

🔥An incident postmortem brings people together to discuss the details of an incident.

🔥In this talk, Saif will be letting the cat out of the bag in and around these topics to our fellow Engineers by sharing how big product-based companies takes postmortem seriously, optimizing their customer experience and creating a happy team.



Gunesh Patil is gonna talk about "Get Your Test Coverage Groove On with Model Based Testing"💎

📍What if, you could auto generate your test cases just from a model of the system and execute you automation at back of it, right away? This can be achieved while maximizing your test coverage using industry proven algorithms.

📍In this talk, Gunesh Patil is going to talk about one of rarely discussed but very effective method that focuses on the use of models to define, design, and execute tests.

📍We will also look at the qualities and ways needed to build the model based mindset. The models used in MBT aka model-based testing can be represented using various notations such as state machines, flowcharts, or data flow diagrams.

📍This testing method offers several advantages over traditional testing approaches, including building a strong testing mindset, enhanced collaboration, improved test lifecycle management, and more time to explore.

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Join Maaret Pyhäjärvi during her talk “Coaching Teams to Modern Test Management"💥

⚡️One year of building a product, from quarterly to monthly releases. From 27 days to 19 minutes release lead time. 13 reusable test charters, 1851 programmatic tests executed in pipelines frequent enough to produce 50 000 test results a day. No bug reports written and zero bugs policy for releasing. This describes my current team in a nutshell. Modern test management relies on frequent, moving up to continuous releases. Working from a known good baseline taking small steps following the change allows for a new way of managing testing.

⚡️And while numbers of programmatic tests are impressive, the bugs they miss that exploratory testing - also using automation - finds are more impressive. We say that the large numbers of programmatic tests do 10% of the testing the team does. 90% of the work is keeping test systems up to par with the latest scope of system we deliver and attending to results gap programmatic tests inherently include. In this talk, we learn to manage testing maintaining agency - the capacity of individuals to act independently and make their own free choices. This is not a story about managing testing based on sessions.

⚡️This is a story of working with product owners to identify gaps and assign responsibilities, working with teams to make the right skills available for different kinds of testing tasks across roles, identifying testing roadblocks with data deep dives and creating space where test design and test ex*****on always come together while navigating corporate documentation requirements. Practices to this are frequent deliveries, following change, whole-team test automation, bug reports as conversations, pair and ensemble testing,  and feature checklists. We need to ensure we pay attention to both testing of today and testing of the future.

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Michał Ślęzak is a Test Architect from Sii💫

"Playwright - is it an alternative for Selenium?" is the name of Michał’s topic 🚀

👾For some time now I have been using one of the best developing tools for UI test automation (but not only), which is Playwright. 

👾In this presentation he wants to answer some questions:

-How to get started and what does playwright have to offer?
-Why is it worth using this tool?
-What does Playwright's automated testing look like in practice?
-Playwright vs. Selenium - what is better and why?

👾The presentation will both be for less experienced and more experienced people who have not yet used Playwright.

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Moataz Nabil is a Developer Advocate at Bitrise💎

🏔️In today's fast-paced world, mobile applications are becoming an essential part of our daily routine.

🏔️However, ensuring the quality of mobile applications can be challenging, particularly when there are multiple devices, operating systems, and versions to consider.

🏔️Continuous testing enables developers and QA engineers to identify issues early in the development process and deliver high-quality mobile applications at scale.

🏔️In this talk, I will delve into the best practices for mobile continuous testing.

🏔️We will also discuss the challenges organizations face when implementing mobile continuous testing and how they can overcome them to improve their application development process.

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Aziza Hasan ia a Senior Automation tester at CR2💥

She will speak on “Test management and How we made it work"🗣

🔹Aziza’s talk will be going on how we can have successful Quality assurance departments, will go in details on what we have learned and how we have build the quality department in more than one company, what we changed by experience and how monitoring can change the life for QA department.

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Filip Hric is an Independent Educator from📌

Filip will talk about "Test like a developer, develop like a tester"📍

📝Developers and testers can learn a lot from each other. In well-functioning teams, both aim for the same goal: high quality software. 

📝They both work slightly differently to achieve this goal and come up with many ingenious solutions that they could share.

📝In my talk, I will show how development and testing can learn top-notch practices from each other.

📝We will talk about how to take your code to the next level as a tester applying knowledge from developers. 

📝You’ll find out how developers can apply a testing mindset to write better code.

📝You’ll learn how development and testing are two sides of the same coin!



Federico Toledo is a Co-founder and CQO (Chief Quality Officer) from Abstracta🙌🏻

🔋Federico will talk about "Is there a modern approach to performance testing?"

🔋Do you think anything has changed in the performance testing profession in the last 15 years? 

🔋Federico’d like to explore what’s changed and what remains the same since he started working on performance testing back in 2005. 

🔋Typical questions he hears are how performance testing is different when working with Scrum, CI/CD, AI&ML, Blockchain, Kubernetes, and many other buzzwords. 

🔋Federico wants to share his perspective on what’s important to consider in order to do performance testing right, taking into account what’s new in our field to be sure to be up to date in terms of skills, tools and methodologies.



Meet Eberhard Wolff and his talk "Why You Might Fail with DDD"💫

🍀Almost 20 years after the start of Domain-driven Design (DDD), the approach is widely used - but that is no guarantee that DDD projects will be successful.

🍀This talk will highlight typical mistakes, misunderstandings, and problems that occur with Domain-driven Design and in particular with Strategic Design.

🍀Of course, the presentation also discusses how to solve such problems , not just to avoid failure, but even to score a true success…



Meet Tara Walton - a Community Builder, Quality Advocate, Leader, Speaker, Solution Creator🔥

🌙Does the extent of your test automation practice start and end with UI testing?
🌙As QA leaders, if you only focus on UI automation, it might bring some peace of mind, but you’re missing out on everything under the surface of your products.
🌙As an avid fan of API testing and Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), I will take attendees on a quest to gain new insights into attacking test plans and practical solutions to avoid the front-end/back-end blame game.
🌙In addition, we will explore how leveraging D&D concepts can help you overcome your own API implementation roadblocks.
🌙Everyone deserves a holistic testing strategy that meets your business logic, while increasing coverage for all, and that includes those stuck only testing the UI.
🌙When you set out to slay the dragon it’s a good idea to use more than one approach, and the same is true for testing your products. So grab those dice and join the battle for API testing.

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Meet Vipin Jain💥

⛩️Every software have limits and multiple points of possible failure. By injecting a system with variables that have a likelihood of causing disruption, the vulnerable and weak areas of the system can be exposed by the disaster recovery teams.

⛩️Necessary step-by-step solutions and protocols can be implemented which will eventually allow the software to become even more resilient and fault tolerant. Many companies still fail to understand that how will they adapt and modify their existing disaster recovery plans (DRP) to create space for these newly discovered cause-and-effect strategies.

⛩️In fact, they may be surprised to learn that effective and well-tested chaos engineering principles can essentially streamline the entire DRP exercise process. As a direct result, customer receives better services and business profits grow.

⛩️In my presentation, I will begin by explaining how chaos testing is different than regular testing. My next few slides will take us through a well defined Chaos testing strategy that caters small in-house systems to large distributed systems. I will explain how to Chaos test at Unit levels, Integration levels and system levels.

⛩️This will also help teams to convince upper management about "inserting" a chaos in system and then see "what happens". I will end my presentation with a real life use case so audience can see "Chaos testing" in practicality.

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"Well, THAT’s Random – Automated Fuzzy Browser Clicking" is a topic of Paul Grizzaffi🪐

💥Roughly speaking, ‘fuzzing’ is testing without an oracle, i.e. testing without knowing what a specific outcome should be. When fuzzing, we don’t necessarily know what should happen, but we have a good idea of some things that shouldn’t happen, such as 404 errors and server or application crashes.

💥We generally apply fuzzing to help uncover these kinds of errors when we’re testing text boxes, but why should textboxes have all the fun? Websites created today are highly interconnected, multi-server applications that include connections to non-local servers that are controlled by neither the applications nor the team. 

💥This situation makes it difficult to both enumerate and control all the possible combinations of paths through our system. Even if we could identify all the possible paths, most organizations would not have the time to test all these scenarios, regardless of whether they apply automation to help with that testing.

💥During this session, we explore how expanding our automation approach by using randomization can help mitigate the risks associated with hard-to-enumerate application scenarios. By using random clicking, we can provide testers with additional information via exploring paths through the application which are not intuitive, but which are still valid. 

💥We’ll discuss why creating a random clicker doesn’t have to take a lot of effort, how this approach is rooted in the facets of High Volume Automated Testing (HiVAT), and some considerations of which to be mindful when using randomization.



Craig Risi will present his talk called "Building Automated Quality Gates into your CI pipelines"☀️

🍀How do you know when your code is ready for production? At what point in time can you trust your automated tests enough to eventually deploy into production?

🍀Companies make use of CI pipelines to help drive quicker ex*****on of automated tests and ensure that code is of sufficient quality before deployment. Or at least that is what they are supposed to do.

🍀Too often, companies end up using CI pipelines to try and drive better software delivery but end up still delivering poor quality software into test environments and lose trust in the effectiveness of the pipeline process.

🍀In this talk we will have a look at the ideal structure of a CI pipeline and how to build the different quality gates into the pipeline to ensure that things like code coverage, security, automated test results and performance standards are all achieved before code is deployed to the different environments it is required.

🍀We will look at the structure of a CI pipeline, what the different stages mean and importantly how to enforce different metrics and targets automatically in the pipeline.



Julio de Lima will join us🙀

🤖The evolution of the adoption of agile methods in companies that develop software products is clear. It is also very clear the evolution of software testing professionals to adapt to a new context and still be able to actively contribute to their teams.

🤖Traditional test cases give way to more experience-oriented approaches, such as exploratory testing, for example. Automation, gains space to be able to contribute with the support to regression tests of iterations of past cycles.

🤖Roles and responsibilities also change, from test analyst to QA analyst, a professional who, in addition to testing, contributes to quality from the beginning. But after all, is it really possible to contribute from the beginning?

🤖For example, while the code is still in development? Yes, it is possible, and in this talk I want to show you an approach in which QAs can actively contribute to the quality of the source code, called Functional Code Review, that really shifts testing to the left.

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Anton Angelov is a CTO at Automate The Planet🌎

🌠In the talk Anton Angelov will explain in detail how such custom web components work using Shadow DOM.

🌠Why we need such custom components.

🌠Later you will learn how to automate them with WebDriver!

🌠You will also learn how we can automate native advanced controls such as video player even when the shadow DOM is closed.

🌠Just a hint we will use java script within our selenium tests!



"Picking a team role that best fits you and the team" is the topic of Vojin Popović🌊

🍀Most companies are either transitioning or have already transition to a team structure that is self-organized and this applies to testers as well who find themselves in cross functional teams rather than test teams.

🍀Often the role of a tester is also blurred and it common for testers to do development work such as bug fixes or implementation /of small feature or find themselves analyzing the requirements or even suggesting new product feature, work traditionally done by product owners.

🍀But how to know what role fits you the best?

🍀In this talk we will cover personality types and team roles, matching your personality with testing needs in the team, how to learn to see multiple perspetives from team members and other roles and a few tips how to fit in better in a new team.

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Meet our first speaker Andres Sacco🫧

Andres will talk about "Houston, we have problems with the queries"

🔥Most developers create some queries on the applications without checking if the performance is correct or not.

🔥Sometimes problems appear in production with many requests that affect the database or the application.

🔥The solution is to create some unit test that detects these problems.

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Get your perfect access for QA Global Summit’23:

Full Access 🔥 for Middle and Senior specialists

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💡Live Q&A panels
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💡Senior Track Q&A Sessions
💡Slack membership
💡Certificate of attendance

Junior Track for Junior specialists

💥Junior Track Access
💥Live Q&A panels from a Junior Track

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Before we begin to present our speakers, here’s another insight to the QA Global Summit’23:

💭Fundamentals of Testing
💭Test Techniques
💭Test Tool Selection and Metrics
💭Pros and Cons of Implementing Testing
💭Business Value of Testing
💭Assessing Process Capability with Defect Report Information

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Here is a little sneak peek to our summit topics🙌🏻

💎Test Planning, Monitoring and Control
💎Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting
💎Test Closure Activities
💎Risk-Based Testing and Other Approaches for Test Prioritization and Effort Allocation
💎Test Documentation and Other Work Products
💎Test Estimation

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💥QA Global Summit'23💥
Online Summit for QA Engineers
April 25-26, 2023

What to expect?
🔹5 000+ Registrations expected
🔹25+ Speakers expected
🔹20+ Hours of Deep Tech Content

What event is about
🔥Test Planning, Monitoring and Control
🔥Evaluating Exit Criteria and Reporting
🔥Risk-Based Testing and Other Approaches for Test Prioritization and Effort Allocation
🔥Test Management in Context
🔥Defining and Using Test Metrics
And more!

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Meet our next speaker Minja Marčetić, a Head of Quality Assurance at🪐

💥In times when remote becomes a new normal, it's necessary to improve and adapt leadership style and to maintain quality of teamwork on a high level. New skills are necessary to adapt and change way how we communicate, manage and lead remote teams.

💥What are the things one leader needs to possess nowadays, and how to organize a team and a process when people are distributed in different cities, countries even continents? How to track progress and quality of teamwork? Is it necessary to change our leadership style all the times and to adjust, or there is some guideline to follow?

💥In this talk, we gonna go through starter pack or set of recommended rules in order to successfully lead remote teams. Minja will show you want was success and what was totall fail during my remote leadership.

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Meet Steve Upton✅

His working experience is fully reflected in his speech titled “The Affordances of Quality”⚡️

💥We hear the phrase “build quality in” all the time, but how do we actually do that? This talk looks at human-centered design and the design of doors and other everyday things to explore how subtle aspects of design can help us build in quality much more effectively.

💥This talk builds on 10+ years of experience transitioning from a software tester and “quality gatekeeper” to someone who supports teams building in quality. We will explore stories, perspectives and practical advice from that journey.

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Meet our next speaker Jenna Charlton, who is a Product Owner at Functionize 📍

🖍We've come a long way from the days of brittle inflexible tests created using Selenium record and playback.

🖍New tools are appearing every day in the low code/no code test automation space, but how do you identify the differences between these tools and identify the right one for your team.

🖍Join Jenna as they share where we started and where we're going in the world of low code/no code test automation and what these tools can do to enhance your teams test efforts.

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Meet Johannes Dienst and his talk "Challenges in UI Automation and How to Solve Them"💎

💡It is impossible to imagine software development without UI tests. Despite technological progress, the automation of UI tests is still considered too complex to function completely without manual intervention. Especially when automating canvas elements, embedded maps or shadow DOM elements, many approaches reach their limits. That is why more and more image-based approaches are being pursued, in addition to classical ones such as Selenium.

💡This talk will cover modern UI automation approaches with an overview of tools and techniques. In particular, current problems and future developments will be addressed. We show exemplarily how several tools like Taiko and SikuliX can be used and how AI will help to approach such challenges in the future.

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Welcome Eran Kinsbruner – a DevOps Chief Evangelist, Author – and his topic "Mastering Cross - Browser Testing with Selenium, Cypress, and Playwright"💠

🌀Agile mandates continuous testing processes. Within Agile there are various personas trying to accomplish exactly that, however, they bring different constrains including time lines, skillsets, and testing objectives.

🌀With the growing adoption of Cypress and Playwright test frameworks that appeals to front-end developers, how does Cypress & Playwright from Microsoft plays within a single pipeline together with Selenium? Do they compete or complement each other?

🌀In this session, Eran Kinsbruner, DevOps chief Evangelist, Author and Sr. Director at Perfecto and BlazeMeter by Perforce will uncover the main benefits and consideration for using the 3 frameworks and provide some real life demos and examples to back up his recommendations.

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Meet Brijesh Deb and his topic “IoT performance – Should we care?”☄️

🌙We live in a world A connected world is something that we have wished for and it is turning into a reality with more and more devices and systems getting connected to the internet. However, as more and more systems get connected to the internet and the usage increases, do we still get the systems working at their optimum speed?

🌙IoT systems comprise of multiple layers and testing IoT is a challenge in itself. Add to it the scalability factor. IoT devices need to be high performing. always available, with minimum latency and high efficiency. In order to ascertain these you need to be able to continuously test the performance of the system and monitor it throughout.

🌙This talk focuses on the performance testing in the IoT ecosystem. Through this talk Brijesh will also share his experience with testing such systems and how he got around them. We will also look at the tools and latest trends.

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"The Curious Case of Mobile App Performance Testing" is the topic of Nithin SS, an Engineering Manager, QA from Fare🔊

🔹In mobile app spaces, with all these evolving technologies and competitors, performance plays an important role in terms of delivering a seamless end-user experience.
🔹Improving performance has become the top priority for all global mobile app companies, as it directly impacts user experience, retention rates, conversions, and ultimately revenue.
🔹Even if we deliver a brilliant feature, if there are performance issues people will eventually stop using those apps.
🔹As high-performing apps are user favorites, we testers should also adopt performance-centric strategies while testing mobile apps.

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Vojin Popović will talk about "How to transform your test process and automation to support multiple daily releases?"📤

💌In today’s IT landscape it is becoming more important to be reactive to market changes, be flexible in planning and open to change and to deliver business value to production as fast as possible. This poses a new challenge on the tester and the entire team to be able to prove fast and frequently that the value being delivered matches the business need and the target quality. But how to achieve this?

💌In this talk we are going to cover goals of testing in a continuous integration and delivery environment, how to organize the test code, branching strategies, how to reorganize your existing automated tests and parallelise the ex*****on and how to create a team roadmap for this process of change.


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Videos (show all)

Bots testing Bots: From manual to automated testing for conversational AI by Christoph Börner
Enabling reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps by Sergio Riveros from Adidas


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