You-Turn Recovery Docket, Wilmington, OH Videos

Videos by You-Turn Recovery Docket in Wilmington. The "You-Turn" Recovery Docket is a specialized docket within the framework of the Clinton County Court of Common Pleas which serves a target population

Starting August on positive notes! Michelle was a triple hitter today: she shared an inspiring closing, received the one-year subsance free coin, and phased!!! Chad was awarded with the Excellence award. Cindy & Skylare also phased. Derek received a terrific treatment report!

Other You-Turn Recovery Docket videos

Starting August on positive notes! Michelle was a triple hitter today: she shared an inspiring closing, received the one-year subsance free coin, and phased!!! Chad was awarded with the Excellence award. Cindy & Skylare also phased. Derek received a terrific treatment report!

Judge and Robert spread Christmas joy leading Jingle Bells!

Doug gave the closing today. He will join 3 others as graduates on November 14th, 7pm, at Sabina Church of Christ

Casey gave his closing Oct 6th. We are proud of your progress Casey!

Claudia successfully completed Drug Court and will come back for the graduation ceremony in February!! We're so proud of all of your accomplishments and hard work, Claudia!!