Freedom Kits of Yakima, Yakima, WA Videos

Videos by Freedom Kits of Yakima in Yakima. We make & donate washable feminine hygiene kits to girls around the world to help them stay in school

Glass Flower Artist Joan Farr at 610 S 96th Ave Yakima Fundraiser Freedom Kits of Yakima #eraseperiodpoverty

Other Freedom Kits of Yakima videos

Glass Flower Artist Joan Farr at 610 S 96th Ave Yakima Fundraiser Freedom Kits of Yakima #eraseperiodpoverty

Video from our Freedom Kits that went to Uganda school girls with Mercy Rains charity ❤️

Working hard on Freedom Kits today 😀

Happy day!

Women learning to use their Freedom Kits in Malawi

Opening doors of opportunity in Pokot, Kenya one girl at a time.

More video from Pokot, Kenya presenting Freedom Kits to the girls