Wholistic ED Consulting, LLC
Intentional Focus on the Whole: People. Processes. Systems.
Educational Philosophy.....
Wholistic ED Consulting, LLC
Slow and steady wins the race! You may now visit my website at www.wholisticedconsulting.org.
STEAM Identity! !
As a staunch advocate for STEAM Education, I wish to communicate that it is imperative that we make it a priority! The impact is global! It's a win-win!
I started teaching with a Biology degree and lacking pedagogical knowledge and skills. 12 years later, I became a Presidential Awardee for Science teaching. Teachers, this can be you!
Teaching is an art that requires will, creativity, innovation, and deferred judgment!
Teachers, are you ready to elevate your professional self, the profession, and teaching and learning? If so, let's talk!
Friendly reminder!
GetLaunchED Consulting™ Virtual Conference the educator who has been on the front lines with our children FOR YEARS. You’re a badass and have the receipts to prove it!
Let’s Share!!
STE(A)M Educators, what strategies do you implement to raise STEAM education awareness and interest in STEAM careers?
2023 is flying by and I’m wondering…
Is this year going to be the year you make your education consulting business idea a reality? 👀
If you’re ready to make 2023 the year that say YES to yourself and your business, then you NEED to be at the Get LaunchED Consulting™️ Live Virtual Conference!
Will you join me?
GetLaunchED Consulting™ Virtual Conference the educator who has been on the front lines with our children FOR YEARS. You’re a badass and have the receipts to prove it!
Wholistic ED Consulting bridges the gap between STEAM educator self-efficacy and 1. professional commitment, 2. inter- and intrapersonal functions of emotions, and 3. student outcomes. Through a Wholistic framework, educators will receive access to high quality professional support and development that encompasses learners and learning, holistic education, diversity, inclusion, equity, identity, and culture, as well as opportunities to engage in authentic self-awareness and identity development.