Trường Phi Công Select Aviation, Ho Chi Minh City Videos

Videos by Trường Phi Công Select Aviation in Ho Chi Minh City. Học viện đào tạo bay PPL-CPL-ME-IR-ATPL đặt tại Gatineau / Ottawa, Quebec, Canada

Une journée de rencontres mémorables au Salon des formations et métiers aéronautiques au musée de l’Air et de l’Espace de Paris-Le Bourget. Viens nous rencontrer aujourd'hui et demain (kiosque 13) pour discuter de ton rêve d’apprendre à piloter au Canada !
A memorable day of meeting great people at the Aeronautical Training and Careers Fair, at the Museum of Air and Space at Paris-Le Bourget. Come and meet us today or tomorrow (booth 13) to discuss your dream of learning to fly in Canada!

Other Trường Phi Công Select Aviation videos

Une journée de rencontres mémorables au Salon des formations et métiers aéronautiques au musée de l’Air et de l’Espace de Paris-Le Bourget. Viens nous rencontrer aujourd'hui et demain (kiosque 13) pour discuter de ton rêve d’apprendre à piloter au Canada ! ----------------- A memorable day of meeting great people at the Aeronautical Training and Careers Fair, at the Museum of Air and Space at Paris-Le Bourget. Come and meet us today or tomorrow (booth 13) to discuss your dream of learning to fly in Canada!

Good morning!
Day in The life as a pilot student - CANADA Select Aviation College welcomes over 80 international students each year. These men and women from over 30 different countries come to Canada to become airline pilots at one of the best aviation colleges in the world. Follow Jake, originally from India, during a typical day at the college. Thanks to L'Aviateur restaurant, Oddtokens store, Jake and all the students and instructors who participated in the video. .. Le collège Select Aviation accueille plus de 80 étudiants internationaux chaque année. Ces hommes et ses femmes provenant de plus de

As technology continues to evolve in a rapid pace, electronics and GPS navigation systems are taking a bigger role not only in airline and charter operations but also in flight schools as well. Initially, students learn to navigate the aircraft by use of paper maps, ground calculations, and use of landmarks on the surface of the earth to go from one point to the next. This is style of navigation is known as dead reckoning and pilotage and is what is ultimately tested in the Private and Commercial flight test. The use of electronics such as iPads and GPS become more apparent during Multi-engine and IFR training where students have to retrieve constantly changing departure and approach charts used in IFR and MCC training. Electronics also act as a backup in the unlikely event of disorientation in the aircraft which further increases the level of safety by offering students a back door when things don’t go as planned. As with all electronics, failure or a simple loss of battery is always possible. For this reason, two electronic devices are required on board if the hand held device is the principal means for navigation. Above all, electronics reduce the amount of paper used in our environment and as a result reduce the amount of waste created. As a matter of fact, all students joining the college will require to have an iPad where learning material will be transferred electronically to further encourage a sustainable space for everyone. Do you support the use of electronics devices during your training? Comment below what you think!

La saison de vol d'hiver bat son plein et nous sommes ravis de voir nos élèves acquérir de l'expérience par temps froid. ❄️ Alors que les vols se poursuivent, voici quelques procédures opérationnelles hivernales à garder à l'esprit : ✈️ N'utilisez que le matériel fourni par le collège pour dégivrer les avions en cas de givrage. ✈️ Si le vol est réservé en fin de journée, une installation complète du kit d'hiver est requise après le vol. Cela comprend : ✅ les couvertures d'ailes et du moteur ✅ brancher le chauffe moteur ✈️ Installez toujours la couverture du moteur après chaque vol. ✈️ Évitez de freiner avec des réglages de puissance élevés. ✈️ Profitez de la vue et du vol !

In order to produce competitive and industry ready pilots, Select Aviation College has made it its mission to provide students with high quality equipment ranging from IFR multi-engine trainers to state of the art flight simulators. Our simulator fleet, for example, is composed of 1 Alsim ALX and 2 Alsim Al250s strategically included in our programs to further sharpen students in all stages of their training! Our 2 Alsim Al250s are primarily used for private and commercial level instrument training while our ALX, equipped with a generic Piper Seminole and King Air 200 cockpit, is used for our multi-engine and instrument (IFR) training as well as our airline oriented Multi-Crew Coordination (MCC) training. In addition to reducing the cost of training, our simulators allow our students to train for emergencies that would otherwise be too risky to perform in real flight without damaging the aircraft or causing a real in flight emergency. Select Aviation College is gearing up and looking to further expand its simulator fleet as a need for airline oriented pilots rises in a post pandemic environment. Will you be among the pilots settling the strong demand ?

The Robinson R44 Helicopter is one of the world's most popular general aviation helicopters if not the most. The R44 is a cost efficient and fun machine to fly for most pilots. With a range of about 300 nautical miles/ 500 kilometers and a cruising speed of 202km/h (or 109 knots) in maximum gross weight conditions, the R44 is an all rounded machine that gives our helicopter students excellent training experience. A strong demand for commercial helicopter pilots paired with an ever growing private helicopter sector led to Select Aviation placing orders for two more Robinson R44s to the already sizable fleet. Take a look at our website for more information about our fleet, courses and operations!

On this weeks episode of the Meet Our Team Series, we introduce you to Jacob Cote from Quebec, Canada 🇨🇦 ! Joining Select Aviation in January 2018, Jacob's journey at the college has been successful and filled with many great stories. Within 1 year of being at the college, Jacob completed his Intensive Commercial Program and began his Instructor Rating course in early 2019 which he completed and began his aviation career with us as a class IV Instructor at the college. In addition to having good academic and flight progression, Jacob was heavily involved in other projects throughout the college. Starting off as a junior dispatcher, Jacob rose through the ranks and become the head of dispatch where he developed procedures that are still in use to date. In addition to this, Jacob was and still is a crucial player in the care and wellbeing of students at the college. Known for his very social and outgoing personality, Jacob ensures that all students at the college are well cared for. Currently flying in our Gatineau base as a supervising Class II Flight Instructor as well as managing the student care team, Jacob has come a long way and we are excited to see his progression over the coming years! The whole team is proud of you and wishes you the best! . . . Dans l'épisode de cette semaine de la série " Rencontrez notre équipe ", nous vous présentons Jacob Cote, originaire du Québec, au Canada 🇨🇦 ! Rejoignant Select Aviation en janvier 2018, le parcours de Jacob au collège a été couronné de succès et rempli de nombreuses belles histoires. Moins d'un an après son arrivée au collège, Jacob a terminé son programme commercial intensif et a commencé son cours de qualification d'instructeur au début de 2019. Il réalisa donc son rêve de travailler dans le domaine de l'aviation dans sa ville natale à Drummondville en tant qu'instructeur de classe IV au collège. En plus d'avoir été un très bon étudiant, Jacob a été fortement impliqué dans d'

On this weeks episode of the Meet Our Team series, we introduce you to Laurie Marin from Canada! Laurie joined Select Aviation in September 2018 as part of the Bombardier group and was among the first students to undertake our fully integrated college program. Laurie, however, was not an ordinary student. After multiple interviews and a rigorous selection process of over 100 candidates, Laurie Marin won the Philippe Landes Scholarship (value of 90,000$) that was a tribute to the late Philippe Landes, our Helicopter Chief Flight Instructor (CFI) at the time. Since then, her journey at the college has been a success to say the least. Throughout her time at Select Aviation, Laurie excelled in her academics where she broke the school record for the highest PPL Transport Canada Written Exam score and was among the top 3 in her group for the entirety of the course. Her flying levelled her academic superiority, where she not only passed all her flight tests on the first try but also with very high scores. In addition to a good academic and flight record, Laurie also proved herself to be very resourceful in our administrative and academic departments. Starting off with smaller projects, Laurie worked diligently and rose up through the ranks to become the Registrar of the college and is also heavily involved in the college's academic department to date. Laurie also took part in raising awareness about Sexual Violence as well as taking initiatives to educate people on the LGBTQ+ Community to make sure the college is a safe space for everyone. Laurie Marin is currently a practicing Class IV instructor and soon to be class III Instructor at our Gatineau base and she has no signs of slowing down! Laurie is greatly appreciated by everyone at the college and we wish her the best as she continues to grow in all aspects of her life! Dans l'épisode de cette semaine de la série " Rencontrez notre équipe ", nous vous présentons Laurie Marin du Canada ! Laurie a rejoint Select Aviat

Bonne journée de l'aviation civile internationale ! Aujourd'hui, le 7 décembre, marque la Journée internationale de l'aviation civile. Cette commémoration spéciale nous permet d'apprécier à sa juste valeur le rôle essentiel que joue l'aviation civile dans nos vies. Qu'il s'agisse de prendre l'avion pour aller voir ses proches pendant les vacances ou de livrer des vaccins dans le monde entier, l'aviation est devenue une partie intégrante de notre société. Alors que nos étudiants continuent de voler et que le secteur de l'aviation se redresse lentement, nous vous souhaitons bon vol et de belles vacances ! Email : [email protected] Mobile/Zalo/WhatsApp: 1 (819) 995-5008

Begin your journey, ignite your flame 🔥! Email : [email protected] Mobile/Zalo/WhatsApp: 1 (819) 995-5008

The International Day of the Air Traffic Controller, celebrated on October 20th each year, not only marks the anniversary of the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA), but also reminds the vision of the founding members; it also celebrates the men and women who 24/7 help make air travel the safest possible mode of transport. From all the Select Aviation Crew, thank you for your important work! Email : [email protected] Mobile/Zalo/WhatsApp: 1 (819) 995-5008

Promotion automne 2021 Offrez-vous un tour d’hélicoptère ou d’avion! Seulement les 1-2-3 octobre et 8-9-10 octobre 2021 à Gatineau. Réservez dès maintenant! Email : [email protected] Mobile/Zalo/WhatsApp: 1 (819) 995-5008

This past weekend, The Gatineau-Ottawa Executive airport held the 4th series of the Aero 150 air show. The air show was special in its own right as it happened in ‘post’ pandemic conditions which meant that the overall capacity was less but the show, nevertheless, exceeded most expectations. Part of the Gatineau Select Aviation crew, mostly from the Concorde and Falcon group, took part in the air show as volunteers who helped in the overall coordination of the event. The event was an overwhelming success with the F/A-18 Hornet and the snowbirds stealing the show on both days and most certainly winning the hearts of most aviators. Interesting fact : - During the show, the F/A-18 Hornet flew at a mind boggling 1200 kph (a fraction of its maximum capacity) and made what seemed to be a rocket climb that exceeded 15,000 feet per minute to an altitude of 10,000 ft! This caused the pilot to experience 7Gs (7 times his weight) while doing this one of a kind maneuver. We are proud and thankful to our team of dedicated students who volunteered in making this show one to be remembered for a long time to come and also hope that everyone who watched truly enjoyed their time! Safe skies! Le week-end dernier, l'aéroport exécutif de Gatineau-Ottawa a organisé la 4e série du spectacle aérien Aero 150. Le spectacle aérien était spécial en soi car il s'est déroulé dans des conditions "post" pandémie, ce qui signifie que la capacité globale était moindre, mais le spectacle a néanmoins dépassé la plupart des attentes. Une partie de l'équipe de Select Aviation, principalement du groupe Concorde et Falcon, a pris part au spectacle aérien en tant que bénévoles qui ont aidé à la coordination générale de l'événement. L'événement a connu un succès retentissant. Le F/A-18 Hornet et les snowbirds ont volé la vedette les deux jours et ont certainement conquis le cœur de la plupart des aviateurs. Fait intéressant : - Pendant le spectacle, le F/A-18 Hornet a v

Le collège Select Aviation déploie ses ailes à l’aéroport exécutive de Gatineau/Ottawa. ✈️ Le Collège Select Aviation recevait, aujourd’hui au campus de Gatineau, Monsieur Steven MacKinnon, Député de Gatineau et Secrétaire parlementaire de la Ministre des Services publics et de l’Approvisionnement. Notre nouveau campus situé sur le site de l’aéroport de Gatineau/Ottawa est au centre d’un projet d’investissement majeur pour revitaliser l’aéroport. En effet, un investissement de près de 11,7M$ a été annoncé la semaine dernière pour construire une nouvelle voie de circulation parallèle à la piste, facilitant grandement la circulation des appareils. À ces travaux s’ajoutera aussi la construction de nouveaux bâtiments et d’un nouveau hangar qui seront nos futurs locaux! Les plans seront dévoilés dans les prochaines semaines. 🙌 __ Select Aviation College spreads its wings at the Gatineau/Ottawa Executive Airport. ✈ Select Aviation College received today at the Gatineau campus, Mr. Steven Mackinnon, Member of Parliament for Gatineau and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Services and Procurement. Our new campus located on the Gatineau/Ottawa airport site is at the center of a major investment project to revitalize the airport. Indeed, an investment of nearly $11.7M was announced last week to build a new taxiway parallel to the runway, greatly facilitating the flow of aircraft. In addition to this work, new buildings and a new hangar will be built, which will be our future premises! The plans will be unveiled in the coming weeks. 🙌

The seaplane season is starting soon! Call us for more information. 18198500909 La saison de l’hydravion débute très bientôt! Appelez-nous pour plus d’information. 18198500909 Email : [email protected] Mobile/Zalo/WhatsApp: 1 (819) 995-5008

Beau vol sur GAHE avec Mathieu de Les Primitifs et son fils. N’importe quand la gang! Email : [email protected] Mobile/Zalo/WhatsApp: 1 (819) 995-5008