Yutang Lin 林語堂

Yutang Lin 林語堂

Versed with both oriental and western culture, concentrated in reviewing writings of the world.

兩腳踏東西文化,一心評宇宙文章,摯愛故國不泥古,樂享生活不流俗 P.

Works in Chinese or published in China to 1935
(1928) Jian Fu Collection (Shangha: Bei Hsin Book Company)
(1930) Letters of a Chinese Amazon and Wartime Essays (Shanghai: Kaiming
(1930) Kaiming English Books (Three Volumes) (Shanghai: Kaiming)
(1930) English Literature Reader (Two Volumes) (Shanghai: Kaiming)
(1930) Kaiming English Grammar (Two Volumes) (Shanghai: Kaiming)
(1931) Reading in Modern

林如斯:林語堂長女的哀婉人生 07/08/2021


林如斯:林語堂長女的哀婉人生 她依然眷戀著中華文化,以她超凡脫俗的筆觸,把優秀的中國古典文學精華——唐詩,準確地介紹到國外。縱使飲盡歐風美雨,依然是一顆中國心1923年春末夏初,林語堂在德國萊比錫大學將應博士試,然後結束他的留學生涯。

林語堂故居旅遊攻略指南-林語堂故居評價-林語堂故居附近推薦-Trip.com 20/12/2020


林語堂故居旅遊攻略指南-林語堂故居評價-林語堂故居附近推薦-Trip.com 林語堂故居旅遊景點,鼓浪嶼好去處2020,看看關於林語堂故居最新景點評論、營業時間、簡介、開放時間,鼓浪嶼附近人氣酒店、餐廳2020。

Lin Yutang, the Man Who Brought China to the West 22/02/2020


Lin Yutang, the Man Who Brought China to the West Anyone who speaks Mandarin Chinese will end up using at least one of the words invented by cultural giant Lin Yutang. Lin Yutang’s mountain home gives a sometimes playful revelation to the inner life of the man who is said…


The Chinese inventor and author, Lin Yutang, on focus:

"Besides the noble art of getting things done, there is the noble art of leaving things undone. The wisdom of life consists in the elimination of non-essentials."

Source: The Importance of Living


