All Nations Campaign for Christ

All Nations Campaign for Christ

The global evangelistic and non-denominational ministry which is established to release the saving grace, love and power of God to the nations of the earth

The global evangelistic ministry of Lloyd Bentil Baiden. Known for the historic mass Gospel Crusades primarily on the continent of Africa. All Nations Campaign for Christ has seen over thousands of people make a decision for the Lord Jesus Christ, fill out the follow up book, and ushered into the local churches for their spiritual and physical growth.


God values a soul above all else. A soul is more precious to Him than anything else. Instead of seeking things like marriage and wealth, we should do well to prioritise what God treasures most: a soul!!!


We at All Nations Campaign For christ believe in plundering hell to populate heaven. A soul is a soul and its precious to the Lord.


Finally the month of REVELATION is here! I can’t wait to have some crusades. We burn within 🙏


Great testimony of stomach pain being healed to the glory of God


Great testimony of pain in the heart leaving after prayer. Glory to God. Ehiamankyene Crusade day 1

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 16/02/2024

Preached on OH LORD CHANGE MY STORY from 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. May we not have the name of honor and our life has no honor. May we see the tangible blessings over our life in Jesus name.May the God of Jabez change your story in Jesus name! Day 1

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 04/02/2024

Day 2 of our Gospel Miracle Crusade at Sekesua in the Upper Manya Krobo, Eastern Region. God is doing great wonders in the land. Salvation, healing and deliverance all over in the land of Sekesua. Jesus be praised!

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 16/01/2024

This is the day 1 of our Christfest 2023 December. Words aren't enough to express grateful we're to God despite the challenges we faced on this trip. God bless all our partners too. Enjoy soon to top up


This is the place where Cassava Flakes popularly known as Gari is made. This is Akumersu in the Eastern Region. In the 3rd poorest district in Ghana. Together let's send the gospel there and share the love of God with them! You can donate items like clean clothes, shoes, bags, Stationary, Sanitary items, foodstuff, cash, and etc, that you may have! Impact begins with just 1 personality. Don't assume others will do it it starts with you! Together, let's bring joy to the hearts of these underprivileged souls. God bless you🙏


Isaiah 58:10: “If you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.”

May we come together to make a change and impact on lives this December.
You can buy as many plates as possible. Sacrifice to make others happy, and you'll be blessed.


CHRISTFEST 2023 will be great! Join the move!


A home of residence at Akumersu in the Eastern Region. These people are in such depravity and we need to extend our support to them. Kindly join us this December as we go to extend a helping hand. You can donate good clothes, shoes, bags, food items, Stationary, toiletries etc or cash.
To support 0552981917 or 0558211800

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 21/10/2023

Upon all the challenges we went through to the point some said we should postpone the crusade but lo and behold God showed up.

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 16/10/2023

Touching lives…. Winning the lost

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 13/10/2023

Great message on Luke 13...God moved greatly last night.🙏

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 13/10/2023

A new revival

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 13/10/2023

Work for the Lord all day long……

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 13/10/2023

Everywhere was jammed. God greatly moved last night in ASIRI.


Something glorious is about happening! Jesus is coming to Bono East region of Ghana. Together let's lift His name High. 11th to 13th October and 20th to 22nd October 2023.


Give it or Lose it!

Mat 10:39 KJV
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Wisdom is when you willingly give it before you lose it. Sacrificial power is when you give it before you lose it. Blessed are you when you give it before you lose it. You are more cherished and loved the more when you willingly give it.

*What must you give?* Your self, your time, your resources, your strength, your money, your gifting and callings, the anointing and many others as God through His Spirit would require you give unto Him and or unto others. It becomes a curse and a problem when you lose it. There's more pain in losing it. It's more costly to lose it.
May you make a wise and the best decision to give it irrespective of what the Lord requires or demands of you.

Have a blessed week.
*Rev Lloyd Bentil Baiden*



Act 8:5-7 KJV
Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria and preached Christ unto them.
And the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits, crying with loud voice came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed.

Philip was a deacon who attended to common things in the house of God. And yet did great things for God.
Dear Christian Despise not thyself. Greater is He that is in you than he in the world.
You're anointed for higher dimensions and exploits. Only step out! Until you move, God can not move with you.
A time and a generation is arising where deacons and normal church members, common floor members, will pick up and catch an anointing for greater works.
May you be one in Jesus' name!

Have a blessed week.
*Rev Lloyd Bentil Baiden*


Happy Birthday to Mr Isaac Kuuku Paintsil. A beloved brother and a great partner to this ministry. Today we Celebrate you and we ask for the Lord's goodness and favor to rest over you in Jesus name. Soar higher. Isaac Kuuku Paintsil


Luk 5:12-13 KJV
And it came to pass, when he was in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy: who seeing Jesus fell on his face, and besought him, saying, Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. 13 And he put forth his hand, and touched him, saying, *I will*: be thou clean. And immediately, the leprosy departed from him.

Beloved, we're in a dispensation where God is far more than willing to help us than we're willing to ask Him to. He is willing to do even that which we think about. Wow! What a good God we serve.
Begin to cast your cares and burden unto Him, and He shall give you rest.
Jesus cares! Jesus is willing! Come to Him now and find peace!

Have a blessed week!
*Rev Lloyd Bentil Baiden*


*Eph 4:14* EasyEnglish
So then we will not be children any more. Clever people may try to make us believe things that are not true. They may teach different kinds of ideas, to confuse us. But we will not be like children, who are easy to confuse. We will not let those different ideas change what we believe.

Knowledge, understanding and wisdom are the hallmarks of maturity.
When someone is becoming a matured Christian, he moves quickly from the state of ignorance and naivety.
He knows why, he knows what, he knows where and he knows when things have to be done.
There's a lot of deception and frustration in many leaders of churches and for that reason we need to know God personally not just through others. Search the scriptures daily if the very things you hear are so and you'll be amazed and blessed.

Have a blessed week!
*Rev Lloyd Bentil Baiden*



*Mal 2:5*
My covenant was with him of life and peace; and I gave them to him for the fear wherewith he feared me, and was afraid before my name.

There's no one who ever feared the Lord and never received a reward for his or her reverence to God. Some blessings come upon us just by fearing God. No matter your sacrifice you offer, you can not attract it except you fear the Lord.
One of them is the covenant of life and peace. When you fear God, you live long. You are satisfied with your days on earth. Not only that, but life in your mortal body. Sickness will be far from you. Diseases will be far from you. You also have peace in this life. Peace in the midst of chaos around. You are not afraid of anything.
From today, as you fear God may the rewards of it be your portion in Jesus' name. Receive life and peace on all sides of your life.

Have a blessed week.
Rev Lloyd Bentil Baiden

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 23/04/2023

To all our partners, we say thank you! For helping us reach these precious souls! The second crusade for the year is through by God's grace and your support.

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 21/04/2023

Glory be to God we had a great and successful night today. Awesome move of God. The enemy tried to makes us loose focus and touch but God still came through for his people.

Photos from All Nations Campaign for Christ's post 12/04/2023

Ready moving to Tanoso. Please keep us in prayer…..



Col 2:14
Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

Wow! Receive the word of God just as you read it. It's clearly stated He blotted out every handwriting against us and nailed it to HIS cross, not your cross. What a privilege! Just believe it! You're a free man or woman and a victorious person. His cross made it possible. Be grateful to God for sending his son to take everything that was contrary to you out of the way. It tells how precious you are to God. You just won in this season of resurrection.
Begin to receive and count your testimonies in Jesus' name, Hallelujah!!!

Have a blessed week.
Rev Lloyd Bentil Baiden

Videos (show all)

Great testimony of stomach pain being healed to the glory of God
Great testimony of pain in the heart leaving after prayer. Glory to God. Ehiamankyene Crusade day 1
Hmmm may we come together to support such families.
This lady is hotter than hot. Wow! Super praises and worship
I made a special Altar Call last night for people who do not attend church and here they are running to the cross. Jesus...
Something glorious is about happening! Jesus is coming to Bono East region of Ghana. Together let's lift His name High. ...
A must watch! Please say a word of prayer for us!#lloydbentilbaiden
Shocking video of Boto City
Midnight Travailing Prayer!
Midnight Travailing Prayer!



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